Is it possible to boil goat milk: proper processing of the product, features of its storage

Goat's milk is rarely found on sale. More often it is bought from farmers and animal owners. It is healthy, well absorbed, and rarely causes allergies. Many people are interested in whether goat milk needs to be boiled before drinking. Let us consider in more detail whether such processing is required.

Benefits of goat milk

The usefulness of goat milk lies in its nutritional value.

Goat's milk can be used in feeding infants, because... its composition is similar to breast milk

The product is valued for its high content:

  • vitamins (A, C, D, PP, group B);
  • minerals (calcium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, copper, potassium, zinc, etc.);
  • amino acids;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Milk also contains casein protein. It is rarely found in other foods. Casein has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, and also normalizes the digestion process and the state of the intestinal microflora.

Goat's milk contains a lot of fatty acids, so it is considered fattier than cow's milk. But these acids are quickly broken down and easily absorbed by the body.

At the same time, the product is dietary and practically does not contain allergens. That is why it is useful to give it to young children and people with lactase deficiency.

Goat's milk is a dietary product and contains virtually no allergens.

Indications for consumption of goat milk:

  • indigestion;
  • anemia;
  • calcium deficiency or bone fractures;
  • stressful situations or nervous tension;
  • recovery period after childbirth, surgery or serious illness;
  • breast-feeding.

Dairy products are widely used in cosmetology. It is included in many masks for the face, body and hair. Such products help moisturize the skin and saturate it with nutrients.

Dairy raw materials are no less popular in cooking. Cheeses, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products are prepared from it.

Why might this be needed?

Of course, unboiled milk, both goat's and cow's, is extremely useful from the point of view of nutritionists. It contains protein, fat, calcium, carotene, capric and linoleic acids. It is no coincidence, according to legend, that a special state farm was created near Moscow, where goats of the Saanen breed were brought to supply the product to the party elite. By the way, raw milk contains a lot of ionized calcium, which is not resistant to boiling. It is indispensable for the treatment of peptic ulcers, for the removal of heavy metals (for example, in case of poisoning or radiation), in the process of rehabilitation of cancer patients. Goat milk is a source of raw materials for the production of brine cheeses and feta cheese.

But before drinking milk bought at the market or from a “familiar grandmother”, it is better to boil it. Since such a measure will get rid of many intestinal infections and a set of microorganisms. Especially if the product is intended for a child. By analogy with boiling raw water, everyone knows the benefits of life-giving forest sources and springs. But for some reason, people continue to methodically boil water, thereby saving themselves from the “delights” of meeting alien bacteria. Therefore, the choice is small. If you know that the steamed product will not harm you (the child), drink it raw.

If you are not sure, if you doubt the cleanliness of the goat owners, boil it. This procedure will not significantly deteriorate the quality of milk.

Why is boiling important?

The entire value of the product is preserved when used fresh. But high quality milk can only be guaranteed on your own farm.

In a big city it is difficult to find a fresh product of good quality; when you buy it, at least it has been standing for several hours after milking the goat.

In such cases, it is necessary to take care of food safety. Boiling is carried out to destroy harmful microbes and bacteria in the product.

But at the same time as disinfection, heat treatment also destroys some of the beneficial substances. First of all, when processing milk, vitamins of group B, as well as A and C, are destroyed.

Calcium and phosphorus are converted into an insoluble structure and are not absorbed in the human body.

Important! The decision about whether to boil the product or not is up to the person himself. If fresh milk is purchased from a trusted supplier and is of high quality, then it is healthier to consume it raw. If you purchase a product of questionable freshness and quality, it is better to protect yourself and boil it.

What diseases of goats are dangerous for humans?

Domestic goats rarely suffer from diseases.

The decision about whether to boil the product or not is made by the person himself.

The risk of a person contracting any disease from a goat is minimal, but not completely excluded. Therefore, followers of the theory of mandatory boiling call for processing the product before use.

What diseases can a person get infected from a goat?

  • Encephalitis. This disease is the most dangerous. At the same time, goats do not suffer from this disease: animals become carriers of the infection as a result of eating a tick in food or an insect bite. The disease can be detected through careful laboratory testing.
  • Brucellosis. A common infectious disease. It is asymptomatic and affects mainly females. It infects the entire body of the animal, so not only milk, but also meat poses a danger to humans.
  • Foot and mouth disease and necrobacteriosis. These diseases are viral and can affect all types of cattle. Characteristic manifestations of the disease are ulcers on the hooves, oral and vaginal mucosa. They are contagious and lead to the death of animals.

Important! The only human protection against such diseases is heat treatment.

Boiling rules

Boiling milk helps to destroy harmful microorganisms that enter the product from the outside or are formed in it. But if processed incorrectly, the risk of loss of nutritional value increases.

When boiling the product, the following rules should be followed:

  1. For boiling, select enamel cookware or cookware with a non-stick coating.
  2. Pour a few tablespoons of water into the bottom of the container: it will protect the liquid from burning.
  3. After the water boils, pour in the milk. It shouldn't boil. The maximum heating temperature is not higher than +75 degrees.
  4. After heating the milk to maximum temperature, remove it from the stove and place it in cold water.

At a temperature of +75 degrees, harmful microorganisms die. If you bring milk to a boil, the beneficial substances in it will be destroyed and the casein will curdle. Rapid cooling helps protect the product from souring.

Boiling milk helps destroy harmful microorganisms that enter the product from outside

Another way in which goat milk can be thermally processed is simmering in the oven. The method is more complicated, but it helps preserve maximum benefits and gives a pleasant creamy taste.

How to simmer milk:

  1. Pour the product into a clay dish.
  2. Pour water into the bottom of the baking sheet and place the bowl with milk.
  3. Preheat the oven to +75 degrees (to do this, use a kitchen thermometer).
  4. After heating, cool quickly in cold water.

Doctors' recommendations

In addition to following the rules for boiling goat milk, experts give recommendations that will help preserve the beneficial properties and freshness for a long time:

  • Store in a sealed container. It is not recommended to use metal, preferably glass or ceramic.
  • Do not reheat the product.
  • Heat treatment should be carried out on a gas or electric stove; a microwave oven destroys beneficial substances.
  • The maximum processing time should not exceed 5 minutes.

The main recommendation of doctors and nutritionists is the use of fresh goat milk . But if the quality of the product is in doubt, it must be processed. However, processing should be minimal.

The main recommendation of doctors and nutritionists is the use of fresh goat milk

Goat milk is not recommended for making porridge. The addition of cereals, fruits and other ingredients, as well as high processing temperatures, lead to a significant reduction in the benefits of the product.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is known to be a natural healing agent and also fights acid reflux in addition. This remedy is available as a live plant, but sometimes the leaves and liquid form of Aloe Vera are sold separately in grocery and health food stores. Aloe vera is used in formulations as a thickener or as a means to set liquids.

How to boil?

Before you decide to drink fresh milk, it is better to think a hundred times. Heat treatment is a great way to protect yourself and your loved ones from problems, but it should be done correctly. If you do everything correctly, you can not only protect yourself from various diseases, but also preserve the beneficial properties of milk necessary for the body.

It is best to use glass-ceramic or enamel dishes and heat the milk to 75 degrees, that is, do not bring to a boil. Already at this temperature, pathogenic bacteria die, but beneficial compounds remain. The pan is removed from the heat and placed in cold water so that the drink cools faster and does not turn sour.


No matter how healthy goat's milk is, you should not regard it as a source of complete nutrition for a child if he is not yet one year old. Yes, milk contains a lot of useful substances, it is much preferable to cow's milk, but it lacks many important components. Therefore, it should be used only as a supplement, diluting it with water in the required doses and gradually increasing the portions.

After two years, children can be fed goat milk without fear, their nutrition will no longer be limited only to it, children will receive everything they need with other products. And their immunity at this age is much higher.

Folk wisdom

Goat's milk long traditional medicine recipes in which goat's milk is the main component are still preserved

  • When you have a runny nose, it is recommended to instill a few drops of milk with garlic juice into each nostril.
  • If you are tired and you have to go to the theater or visit, you can refresh your complexion in 10 minutes. To do this, just apply a napkin soaked in goat’s milk to clean facial skin, then rinse everything off with cool water. Additional nutrition will give your facial skin shine, elasticity, and a healthy color.
  • After getting sunburn, you can make lotions from milk, this will relieve pain and redness of the skin.
  • If you dissolve a spoonful of honey in goat's milk, you will get an excellent nourishing bath for rough skin on your hands. To get a good effect, a 15-minute session 2 times a week is enough.

Goat milk for children and newborns

Despite the high value of goat's milk, it should be introduced into the baby's diet with great caution.

The immune system of a small organism is still weak, so in addition to the benefits, consuming such milk can cause serious damage to the child’s health.

Goat milk contains a lot of fats that a child’s body cannot cope with. The result is intestinal upset. In addition, stomach pain may occur and metabolism may be disrupted.

It is not recommended to administer goat's milk to a child under 9 months of age.

Even if the mother has problems with lactation, at an early age it is better to use adapted infant formula based on goat milk. After the child reaches 1 year old, it is worth introducing him to boiled milk.

Doctors' recommendations

The product also has its contraindications. This product should not be consumed by people with high cholesterol. It is also worth giving it up to those suffering from excess weight caused by problems with the endocrine system and diseases of the pancreas. Rarely, but still, allergic reactions to the components that make up goat's milk occur, which is also a contraindication to its use. If you have any doubts about your own health, consult your doctor.

There are also cases when doctors, on the contrary, strongly recommend introducing this dairy product into your diet. Most often this is due to large-scale energy consumption of the body. This menu component replenishes not only actively consumed vitamins and minerals, but also the body’s ability to synthesize its own organic compounds. It is recommended during the postpartum period and during breastfeeding as a source of macro- and microelements. For lactose deficiency and intestinal microflora disorders, goat's milk is also an essential nutritional element. It will also help replenish calcium deficiency, which will increase the strength of bone tissue and serve as a prevention of rickets in newborns.

Boil correctly

Now about the boiling rules. First, choose the dishes. To prevent the milk from burning, it is better to take an aluminum container, glass, ceramic or stainless steel.

  • rinse the pan with cold water;
  • put on fire, pour in 70-100 ml of ordinary water;
  • As soon as the water boils, pour in a little milk;
  • if the milk does not curdle after boiling, then you can add the rest;
  • Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally;
  • reduce the fire;
  • turn off after 1-2 minutes.

You should not keep it on fire for more than 2 minutes - this is enough time for pathogenic microorganisms to die. The longer we boil, the less benefits remain.

By the way, if you put an ordinary upside-down saucer on the bottom of the pan, the milk is unlikely to run away and definitely won’t burn.

There is another trick - grease the inside of the pan with oil just above the level of the milk.

And this video shows another interesting and effective way:

Boiling in the microwave

You can boil milk in the microwave, but there is no clear recipe - a lot depends on the volume of liquid and the power of the microwave oven. On average, 3 liters of milk boils in 10 minutes

But here it is important to understand that most likely the milk will run away. I simply place the cup or saucepan in a glass container with high sides

By the way, for those who believe in fairy tales about the dangers of microwaves: recent research by scientists has confirmed that cooking in a microwave oven has absolutely no effect on the molecular structure of products. That is, in terms of benefits, a microwave is no more dangerous than a regular stove.

Correcting errors

If the milk still burns during boiling, you can try to correct the situation as follows:

  • immediately pour it into another pan;
  • add regular salt at the rate of 0.5 tsp. for 2 l;
  • quickly lower into a bowl of cold water.

Of course, such milk should not be given to children, and especially not to infants. It is better to use it for pancakes and baking.

Is there anything I can do if the milk has curdled? Unfortunately no. But if you throw this mass on 2 layers of gauze and let the resulting whey drain, you will get the most delicate cottage cheese without any sour taste.

I'll take this opportunity to give you a link to mine.

I hope that all this information will help you boil your milk without having to fix anything.

Homemade cheeses

If you have the opportunity to buy good goat milk, be sure to learn how to make cottage cheese from it. It is made according to the same principle as from cow meat. Heat the yogurt in a water bath until the protein separates from the whey, place on a sieve lined with gauze and let the liquid drain.

Goat milk cheese is a product that is legendary! You can prepare it yourself from cottage cheese, adding a couple of eggs, a piece of butter, salt and spices. There are many recipes for homemade cheeses, here is one of them:

  • cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • milk – 0.5 l.;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, pour in milk, and let it cook. When the whey separates, drain it and add eggs, butter, salt and your favorite spices to the mixture. Wrap in gauze and place under a press.

How to choose goat milk

Unlike measles milk, goat milk is not as common. You can't buy it in a regular store. You need to look for such a product in special stores or markets.

It is not recommended to administer goat's milk to a child under 9 months of age.

You should purchase goat milk only from a supplier of tested and proven quality. The quality of the product must comply with sanitary standards and be confirmed by a veterinary control certificate.

When purchasing goat milk from an unfamiliar seller, you should request documents about the expiration date of the product, as well as the health status of the goats and the conditions under which they are kept. It’s worth trying the product yourself. The presence of an unpleasant taste and odor may indicate illness or poor hygiene of the animal.

Is it possible for infants

In exceptional cases, the pediatrician may recommend goat milk or fermented milk products made from it to a baby of the first year on IV as an addition to the main diet: from 7 months - cottage cheese; from 9 months - kefir or milk.

For the first time, the drink is given diluted in a ratio of 1:4 in the amount of 1-2 tsp. In the absence of a reaction from the skin and intestines, the volume is gradually increased, bringing it to 75 ml per day for children up to one year old and up to 150 ml for 3 years. The volume of water for dilution, on the contrary, is gradually reduced to a ratio of 1:3 for infants and 1:1 for up to 3 years.

Storing goat milk

Goat milk has a short shelf life and a high degree of sensitivity to environmental conditions. Violation of the rules for storing it can lead to the formation of harmful microorganisms in it, which can cause harm to health.

Basic conditions:

  • Freezing is prohibited.
  • It should be stored in glass, plastic or ceramic containers.
  • The container must be sterile.
  • It is necessary to always close the container with the product.
  • The maximum period for storing the product in the refrigerator is 24 hours.

How is the product stored and how long should it be kept in the refrigerator?

A distinctive feature of goat milk is its high sensitivity to storage and environmental conditions, coupled with a very short shelf life. Violation of the collection and storage technology 100% leads to the appearance of microbes in milk, which will undoubtedly cause great harm to human health. Therefore, you need to take into account the strictness of storage:

  1. freezing is excluded;
  2. Only containers made of plastic, glass or ceramics are suitable for storage;
  3. It is necessary to sterilize the dishes before use;
  4. the dishes must be hermetically sealed;
  5. The maximum storage time for milk in the refrigerator is 24 hours.

Before purchasing this product, you need to reliably verify its quality. In any case, heat treatment will not be unnecessary for health safety.

Before drinking goat milk, you should make sure of its quality. For your own safety, it is recommended to heat treat the product in compliance with all standards. And you can always taste a 100% safe product on a certified farm.

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