Earth rat - how to deal with pests in the garden
Why is a parasitic rodent dangerous? The animal feeds mainly on plant foods. Its diet includes seeds,
Mole cricket and eggshells: 2 ways to use fertilizer against pests
Not a single summer resident is safe from a mole cricket invasion. This harmful insect usually lives underground
Dumbo rat on a walk
The rat is panting (opening its mouth, wheezing or grunting when breathing)
Lifespan of decorative rats Veterinarians say that these rodents live 2-3 years. Such indicators
How to plant dill: practical tips that work
Dill is an affordable and healthy spicy seasoning for dishes and preserves. Unpretentious annual plant
What to do if a child or adult is bitten by a mouse
Mouse bite Mice, like other rodents, are dangerous to humans - they are carriers of infectious diseases.
Raising mulards - proper feeding and breeding of birds
Mulards are an unusual breed of duck that is not capable of producing offspring. It is grown for
interesting facts about cockroaches
Interesting facts about cockroaches: what do we know about these insects
Insects of the order cockroaches appeared on Earth hundreds of millions of years before humans. In progress
How to get rid of weasels in the chicken coop and in the country: simple ways to fight
Predators are different. Many believe that this order of mammals is limited to tigers, brown bears, and wolves
Effective methods of controlling mice in a private home using traditional methods
The appearance of mice in a summer cottage is always very troublesome and unpleasant. Small rodents are capable
How to deal with rats and mice in the house on your own
bats, rats, mice, rodents 06/17/2020 The rat is an omnivorous mammal that adapts well
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