Mouse: overview of species, food and life, way of life of mice (93 photos)
Scientists have been able to identify a lot of different rodents; they live in different parts of the planet. Their
How to make a brooder (cage) for chickens with your own hands - drawing and instructions
Chicken farming begins with hatching and raising chicks. The chicken does an excellent job of hatching
sounds of pet rats
What sounds does a decorative rat make? Learning to understand “rat language”
What sounds do domestic and wild rats make? In natural conditions, rodents live in colonies and
Description of the brant
Goose bird. Description, features, species, lifestyle and habitat of the goose
Latin name Branta bernicla English name Brant goose Order Anseriformes Family Anatidae Body length,
How rats see in the dark and in the light, behavioral features
Visual orientation The vision of a rat has its own characteristics, complemented by the characteristics of the brain and thinking. Animal
What do earthworms eat?
What and how do earthworms feed in their natural environment?
In this article we will find out where the name “earthworms” comes from, what they eat and
solar-powered mole repellers reviews
Solar-powered mole repellers: reviews (photos)
Moles that settle in a summer cottage can cause significant harm and cause a lot of problems for the owners.
How to get rid of slugs in a greenhouse: the best methods and life hacks
Slugs are gastropods and snails that have lost their shells. They are all unwelcome guests at any
By what signs can you distinguish a mouse from a rat?
How to distinguish a mouse from a rat: by appearance, behavior and nutrition
Many people living in private homes are interested in the difference between a mouse and a rat. It's even
Bacon: beneficial properties and harm to the body. What more?
Many people consider bacon to be a type of lard, but this is not true. This is the meat
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