Professional extermination of cockroaches - how to prepare an apartment for disinfestation

  • Preparing the apartment before disinfection
  • Rooms
  • Kitchen and bathroom, common areas
  • Actions upon completion of processing
  • How does destruction occur?
  • What should not be done when treating a room against cockroaches?
  • Why is professional pest control effective?

Cockroaches are infesting our houses and apartments. Some people tolerate such a neighborhood, periodically using slippers, some actively fight whiskered insects, some turn to companies that treat with insecticides. The last option allows you to solve the problem quickly and efficiently. It is important to know how to prepare your home for disinfestation against cockroaches. Correct actions will make the work of specialists easier, increase the efficiency of destruction and ensure your comfort after processing.

Preparing the apartment before disinfection

Professional extermination of cockroaches assumes that specialists will come to your apartment at a convenient time for you with a set of pre-selected means and tools for disinfestation. Preparation of the premises by the owners is required:

  • to provide specialists with access to hard-to-reach places;
  • protection of your property, plants, pets, food;
  • to improve destruction efficiency.

The more carefully you prepare the apartment, the less time the processing will take.

Professional fighting methods

Modern processing is classified into several types. The preparations used are odorless and colorless and harmless to humans.

Hot fog

A special gaseous glycerin-based product is sprayed onto surfaces at a temperature of about 60 degrees with a strong and thin stream of steam, which is able to reach the most inaccessible places. The composition used destroys both adult insects and their larvae.

Cold fog

Using a special device, an effective poison against cockroaches is sprayed into the room. Destroys insects not only during spraying, but also after it. The poison remains on the upper layers of surfaces and affects new individuals.

Barrier protection

Intended as an addition to the main method of control for disinfecting cracks, outlets or ventilation. Works as a repellent barrier for new cockroaches that want to get to you from neighbors or basements.


The first stage of preparation for disinsection of living rooms from cockroaches is wet cleaning. It is necessary to remove dust from the floor, walls, furniture surfaces, and curtains. This is important because if disinsection is carried out using the cold fog method, the dust will mix with the active substance and spread throughout the apartment. After collecting dust, you need to wash the floors.

Other activities in living rooms:

  • move cabinets and other furniture away from the walls;
  • remove blankets and personal items or put them in sealed plastic bags;
  • remove indoor plants and remove pets from the apartment during the disinfestation of cockroaches;
  • if you have a lot of books, empty the bookshelves;
  • remove children's toys;
  • arrange upholstered furniture;
  • cover the aquarium with plastic and turn off the oxygen supply if it is not possible to remove the tank with fish;
  • Disconnect household appliances from the power supply and cover electrical appliances with polyethylene to prevent liquid chemicals from getting inside.

Advantages and disadvantages of professional pest control for cockroaches

You will need to involve professional exterminators if all the methods you used turned out to be ineffective and you do not have the strength to fight cockroaches. Professional processing has a number of advantages:

  • high efficiency of the method;
  • additional guarantees in the form of re-processing when new individuals appear;
  • fights both adults and larvae;
  • no harm to family members and pets;
  • use of professional more aggressive drugs.

However, calling a SES officer also has negative sides:

  • disinfecting the area will cost much more than folk remedies or household chemical insecticides;
  • it is necessary to invite only verified services, since scammers may pose as exterminators;
  • the choice of truly high-quality processing is a little difficult, since all companies promise a 100% result, but in reality do not provide it;
  • To carry out disinfestation, preliminary preparation of the apartment is required.

Before calling a pest control service employee, consult with friends or read reviews on the Internet about a particular company.

Kitchen and bathroom, common areas

The kitchen and bathroom are favorite locations for cockroaches. In these rooms, preparation for processing should be done with special care. Here's what to do:

  • empty cabinets;
  • remove kitchen utensils from open areas;
  • remove decorative items and textiles or raise curtains;
  • Place food items that cannot be refrigerated in sealed bags. If for any reason you decide not to remove the food, after disinfection it will have to be thrown away and it will become unfit for consumption;
  • clear the area under the sink as much as possible, remove the trash can and other items that are there;
  • Cover the countertop and other surfaces with polyethylene to make your work easier after processing.

In the bathroom you should remove hygiene products, cosmetics, bath textiles, in the hallway, storage rooms - provide access to hard-to-reach places, give the opportunity to treat walls and baseboards. If processing is carried out during the daytime, it is advisable to turn off the power to the apartment so that specialists have the opportunity to process sockets and switches, and the back panels of household appliances.

Directly during processing, all doors, windows, and ventilation openings must be closed. Guaranteed elimination of cockroaches is possible if comprehensive preparation of the premises is carried out. If you have any difficulties with the preliminary preparation of the premises, you can call the selected company and get additional advice.

How long after disinfestation will cockroaches disappear?

Many people mistakenly believe that cockroaches will disappear immediately after baiting. Actually this is not true. The poison begins to act on the Prussians immediately, disrupting their life cycle. The remedy disorients them, they crawl out of their habitats even during the daytime, so you see more individuals and think that the population has increased. Every day you will see fewer and fewer insects and soon you will not see them at all. The average period during which the entire population is exterminated is approximately 2–3 weeks.

Actions upon completion of processing

The necessary recommendations that need to be followed after treating an apartment for cockroaches are given by a team of exterminators. They may differ depending on the type of means used, but in general they boil down to the following measures:

  • carrying out ventilation, time - from half an hour to two hours;
  • wet cleaning of floors and contact surfaces. Wet cleaning should be carried out after the exposure time to the active substances of insecticides has expired. Work surfaces should be wiped with a solution of baking soda and soap. Children's toys should also be treated;
  • high-temperature washing and ironing of bed linen, if it has not been removed in advance.

Full general cleaning is carried out two weeks after disinfection. This time is enough for the complete death of the colony, adults and eggs. It is better not to wash baseboards and areas where cockroaches may move on the day of treatment, especially if barrier protection is installed.


  1. Immediately after treatment, you must leave the room for at least 3-5 hours, tightly closing all windows and doors, turning off the ventilation.
  2. After 3-5 hours, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room for approximately 30 minutes. It is advisable to open all windows and doors to increase the air exchange rate.
  3. After ventilation, if possible, with the windows open, using gloves, you need to wipe with a soap-soda solution all surfaces that are in direct contact with food or exposed areas of human skin - kitchen countertops, surfaces of tables, chairs, armrests, door handles, etc. The dishes, if they were not removed from the room during processing, should be washed.
  4. Until the end of cleaning, persons who are not directly related to it should not be in the treated premises.

What should not be done when treating a room against cockroaches?

During disinfection, owners and pets should not be in the apartment. It is necessary to take care in advance about the temporary stay of animals. In some cases, the presence of people is allowed if they have protective equipment. Equipment can be rented.

It makes sense to take care of collective pest control. You cannot hide from your neighbors that you have ordered pest control measures. Alarmed cockroaches will begin to migrate, so the fact of baiting will still become known. The civilized option is to agree on joint actions.

Cockroach repellents for professional pest control

Professional exterminators work with aerosol insecticides, which are sprayed indoors using a professional sprayer or generator. Basically, special concentrated agents are used for disinsection, from which disinfecting solutions are prepared. These include:

  • Sinuzan;

  • Avicin;

  • Averfos;

  • Xulat;

  • Tetrix;

  • Solfak;

  • Forssyth.

Most of the concentrates are sold in large quantities and are available only to companies involved in baiting insects in residential premises.

Ways cockroaches get into a person’s home.

In many cases, cockroaches enter a person’s home through various means known to society. Let's list the most common ones.

Method one:

with food - this applies mainly to establishments such as cafes, restaurants, bars, and shops. This list includes, among other things, other establishments in whose numerous buildings there is a constant supply of food products from farms. In such places, the destruction of cockroaches is carried out constantly, due to the conclusion of large production agreements with specialized organizations for killing cockroaches.

Method two:

The second is the method of penetration of cockroaches from neighbors - this applies mainly to apartments. If neighbors do not exclude living together with pests, calmly dividing the common territory and do not carry out disinfestation in the fight against cockroaches, having reached a critical mass, cockroaches will begin to migrate. When there are excessive numbers of cockroaches and a critical limit is reached, the cockroaches will begin migrating in search of food and new territory. Arthropods will begin to migrate from a neighboring apartment to your uninhabited home, or vice versa. Friendly neighbors will begin to carry out pest control, exterminating cockroaches with the help of drugs that are freely available in the store. Or perhaps they will be called by incompetent organizations collaborating with unprofessional disinfectors. It is possible that they will be employees who do not know the most basic things, with a lack of knowledge about what and against which target insects to work. Unfortunately, customers, including those, have no idea about the process, dear customers, therefore, in most cases, you consider excess stench to be the reason for the destruction of cockroaches.

Being unaware and having no idea about the active substances, the client considers it appropriate to demand a free repetition of the procedure. We understand that the absence of such a guarantee may push disinfectors to perform poor quality work the first time. Agree that a specialist, with the goal of deceiving and carrying out poor-quality disinfestation against cockroaches and any parasitic insects, is quite capable of doing this. And there is no guarantee that the order will not arrive with “free chemicals” a second time. You continue to demand a free guarantee.

Dear customers, in connection with the transition to the winter season, our organization provides customers with the right to choose: either 1 free repeat visit with the chemicals available in the largest quantities available, excluding the choice of processing technique, excluding the provision of protective equipment, or we provide a guarantee valid during the summer season , that is, a 50% discount without limiting the number of visits of the disinfector to the target object during the entire warranty period of service.

In turn, you, dear customers, are obliged to give us a guarantee that your neighbors will not try to carry out pest control against cockroaches on their own. If you are the owner of a cafe, restaurant, bar, or store, then you must guarantee the safe import of products to prevent cockroaches from appearing on your premises. As soon as you can guarantee this, get a free guarantee visit from us, if not, then no. When you demand a guarantee from us, please demand a guarantee from others too.

How to prepare an apartment for treatment against bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas using the cold fog method

  1. Place food in cabinets or refrigerators to prevent exposure to toxic substances;
  2. Personal hygiene items should be hermetically sealed;
  3. If possible, dismantle the sleeping areas, providing the disinfectant with access to the nests of pests;
  4. Do a general wet cleaning, vacuum the carpets;
  5. Remove animals and children from the house;
  6. Leave the room, as it is prohibited to be present without personal protective equipment during processing!

Distinctive features of professional pest control

It happens that disinfestation does not bring the desired result, even if the treatment was carried out by a trusted company using a high-quality insecticide. In some cases, the result depends on where exactly the treatment is carried out.

In the apartment

If you ordered pest control for your apartment, but the cockroaches returned within a certain period, then the pests live nearby, for example, in the basement or garbage mine. When the insecticide has disappeared, the insects return to you again. In this case, you will either need to use the services of pest control companies from time to time, or resolve the issue with all residents or the management company.

In a private house

It happens that after treatment in a private home, cockroaches return after some time. This happens if you haven’t bothered to carry out disinfestation in non-residential premises, for example, in a barn, pantry or basement. Be careful and carry out treatment in all buildings, because cockroaches can hide anywhere.

In an apartment building

If cockroaches are running towards you from common areas of the house, such as basements, stairwells or garbage chutes, contact the management company. According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the management company is responsible for the sanitary and epidemiological conditions in the house. It is she who must ensure regular disinsection of common areas from cockroaches, mice and rats. When housing and communal services representatives carry out disinfestation of utility rooms and entrances, agree with your neighbors and treat all apartments, this way you will get rid of cockroaches forever.

What to do if there are more cockroaches after disinsection

After disinfestation, you may think that there are more pests. Indeed, sometimes it happens that processing does not bring the desired result. There may be several reasons for such consequences.

Only adults were destroyed

Females hide their eggs in strong protective capsules, the hard shell of which cannot be affected by certain means. Moreover, cockroaches lay them in the most reliable and inaccessible places. If during disinfestation substances were used that were not capable of destroying insect eggs or the specialist paid insufficient attention to hard-to-reach places, the pest will soon appear in your apartment again. Always ask a representative of the company conducting the treatment what product they are using and whether it destroys eggs.

Came out of the ambush

This happens because the insects have begun to be affected by the poison. They become disoriented and crawl out of their nests even during the daytime. If you notice that the Prussians are lethargic or inhibited, do not worry, soon the entire population will die.

Where to go for professional pest control?

One of the most difficult moments is choosing a trusted company that deals with the disinfestation of premises. To avoid falling for the services of scammers, follow these recommendations:

  1. Contact large sanitary treatment networks that have long been known in the market and have branches in other cities. Most often, the prices of such companies are not the most expensive.
  2. Take an interest in reviews on the forums about the chosen company.
  3. Ask your representative about the appropriate licenses for the insecticide being used.
  4. Check whether the contract is signed between you and the company and whether it is certified by a seal.
  5. To identify a fake company, ask if they have a “cold fog” processing method; small, unserious companies do not have the funds for such expensive equipment.
  6. If a company representative assures that there may be people in the room during treatment, disinfestation will not live up to expectations.
  7. Pay for pest control services only upon completion of the work.
  8. When the specialist arrives, check the presence of all the described documents, as well as the compliance of the license with the label of the product used.
  9. Reliable companies provide a free second visit if the first treatment does not bring results.
  10. Wearing protective equipment, personally monitor the progress of processing.

If all points are met and the documents are in perfect order, you can be sure that disinfestation will bring a positive result.

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