Ultrasonic tick repeller for people and animals: reviews, reviews of the most popular models

Outdoor recreation is a pleasant and favorite activity for many. Breathing fresh air is good for your health, but you need to remember that in nature you can encounter various dangers, in particular ticks.

A tick bite can have serious consequences for both people and pets. The danger is that such a blood-sucking arachnid can be a source of serious diseases, including typhus, Lyme disease, encephalitis, etc.

For this reason, it is important to use special protective equipment. The simplest and most common are various sprays that have a repellent effect. But their main disadvantage is the unpleasant odor; in addition, the products have a limited validity period, so they need to be reapplied periodically.

Today there is a more modern and innovative tool for combating ticks - an ultrasonic tick repeller.

Ultrasonic tick and flea repeller Skudo Pet Cat

How do you repel ticks?

Unpleasant volume and frequency of ultrasound . The combination of these two factors has a strong irritating effect on pests. They hear that there is an annoying noise nearby the device and this prevents them from jumping on the victim to commit a bite. The principle of operation is somewhat similar to chemical agents, but there is no negative effect on the human or animal body. Your pet will hear the ultrasonic tick repeller for dogs, but it will not hurt him too much - the frequency and volume were experimentally selected to eliminate pests, not four-legged animals.

Operating principle of the repeller

The device operates at a specific sound frequency, selected in such a way that humans and animals cannot distinguish it.

Our ear does not react to the inclusion of a repeller, but insects sensitively detect ultrasound and stop attacking their victims.

Tick ​​reaction

The tick has no vision or sense of smell. On the front limbs of the insect there are hairs that recognize the approach of a warm-blooded object: a person or an animal. The tick climbs onto its victim and begins to look for the most delicate areas of the skin to make it easier to bite into. Selecting a location may take up to three days. The armpits, groin, back of the head, and neck are the most vulnerable places on the human body. The tick can bite animals on the neck, the area around the ears, and crawl under the tail.

Ultrasound acts as an irritant to the sensitive hairs on the tick's legs. As a result, he loses the ability to recognize prey, does not try to attack and tries to leave the territory that is unpleasant for him.

Safety and convenience of the device

The repeller works constantly, its range of action is from one to three meters, depending on the brand. Sometimes ticks that have lost their bearings climb onto a person or animal, but do not try to bite. You just need to shake them off.

It will be more effective to use combined methods of fighting ticks in case you have to go beyond the range of the device. The use of creams and sprays will be an additional element of repelling insects.

Everyone is equal before insects. The tick does not care who it bites: a dog, a cat, an adult or a child. Several improved models of tick repellers have been created. A device is produced for children that takes into account the specific behavior of children - it is small and does not interfere with the child’s movements.

Outdoor recreation will become safe with an ultrasonic tick repeller

The device is small in size, it fits in the palm of your hand. It can be attached to a dog's collar, to a child's stroller, to a belt, or simply put in a pocket.

Dog repeller reviews

Quite popular models of dog repellers today, according to consumer reviews, in our country are LS-300, Cobra, Dazer II.

Quite recently, Tornado 112 devices entered the market for such devices and have proven themselves quite well. This high-quality device is safe for humans. There are quite a lot of positive reviews about such a device to talk about its effectiveness.

Effective, from the point of view of consumers of the presented equipment, are LS-300 and Dazer II.

The Cobra dog repeller is of high quality. Reviews found on various sources indicate decent efficiency and usefulness of the device. It has good signal strength over a long distance. The downside of the device is the insufficient operating capacity at low temperatures (down to -5˚C).

What are the benefits?

It is beneficial to purchase a tick repeller for dogs in the otzverey.ru store for the following reasons:

  • does not affect the four-legged body in any way - ultrasound does not “interfere” with the metabolic processes of any living creature;
  • long-term effect of the absence of pests - repellers will provide constant protection against ticks throughout the entire frost-free period of the year, when there is a possibility of a pest bite;
  • All you have to do is attach the device to the collar - you don’t need to spray anything on the pet’s fur or give pills to your pet;
  • affects all types of ticks - the device signals are rearranged in such a way as to repel all possible types of pests living in the climatic conditions of the Russian Federation.

How it works

Some insects communicate using ultrasound, or at least are able to perceive it. The developers and manufacturers of this device decided to play on this feature of the body.

The repeller is designed in such a way that it constantly emits a sound at frequencies inaccessible to either human or dog hearing, but perfectly audible to various bloodsuckers. The signal transmitted by the system indicates danger and scares away parasites, preventing them from approaching the animal.

It is worth remembering that ultrasonic systems can only scare away, but not kill or stop the bite. Therefore, the wok is useless if the dog is already infected.

Advantages and disadvantages of an ultrasonic tick repeller

As a rule, classic tick repellents have a chemical composition that is not always safe for humans and animals, so they can cause an allergic reaction, especially in children. The ultrasonic repeller, in turn, is completely safe for people and animals.

The ultrasonic repeller is safe even for pregnant women, babies, kittens and puppies.

If we compare the ultrasonic repeller with sprays, gels, ointments, then its important advantage is ease of use. The device does not need to be rubbed into the skin, applied to open areas of the body, just attach it, turn it on and that’s it.

The repeller works continuously while it is turned on; its range of action can be from 1 to 4 meters, depending on the brand.

The ultrasonic tick repeller is completely undetectable by people and pets. When applying a spray, people feel an unpleasant chemical odor, a cream or ointment can leave a feeling of stickiness, but there are no such problems with an ultrasonic repeller.

If we talk about the disadvantages, then here comes the cost of the device. The price of an ultrasonic tick repeller may vary, but the average cost is 2,000 rubles and more.

The most important and significant drawback is that the ultrasonic repeller does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against ticks.

It is important to use such a device in conjunction with other means of protection, then you and your pets will be reliably protected from parasites. This point is important to remember, because when viewing reviews on the Internet, you can come across a large number of negative comments. Often, poor experience with using devices is due precisely to the fact that people completely rely only on the ultrasonic repeller, although even the instructions for the devices indicate that they need to use sprays, collars, ointments, etc. in parallel with them.

Choosing the right repeller

The most convenient device is the one that has removable batteries and, therefore, a long service life. In addition, the greater the range of the repeller, the more reliable the protection. For an active child who cannot sit in one place, this type of device is suitable.

A modern ultrasonic tick repeller does not contain toxic substances and is absolutely harmless. This has been proven by many years of use.

The device is safe even for infants, pregnant women, as well as puppies and kittens.

Why are they bad?

Any ultrasonic tick repeller for dogs has the following disadvantages:

1.Powered by batteries. Because of this, you need to periodically purchase new batteries. Note that in the TickLess Pet model the manufacturer did not provide for the possibility of replacing a dead battery, arguing that the device can already operate for 12 months around the clock. However, for real craftsmen it will not be difficult to disassemble the body of this product and replace the battery, rather than buying a new device.

2.Helps only one animal. The coverage area of ​​ultrasonic signals is not measured in tens of meters. One repeller will only protect one dog.

3. They cost quite a bit. The price may seem too high to some, and he will be partially right. Paying 2-3 thousand rubles once for an inconspicuous collar is not such a small waste. However, dog lovers know that in 3-4 years you can easily spend a much larger amount on chemical anti-tick products. Therefore, the cost of repellers is significant for most buyers, but it is important to consider these costs in the long term.

What should you know before purchasing?

Having studied user reviews regarding the experience of using ultrasonic tick repellers for dogs, we have identified the following most important information:

  • the products are protected from water jets - however, they do not need to be completely immersed in water, as this may damage the electronic filling;
  • the devices weigh at least 80 grams - a husky or German shepherd will definitely not notice them on a collar, but for representatives of tame dog breeds, the repeller can become an uncomfortable burden on the neck;
  • the devices can also be used for cats - repellers are designed specifically to protect dogs, but ticks don’t care whether there is a cat in front of them or a dog

Why do you need a dog repeller?

Many people believe that a dog, being a person’s friend, does not pose any danger to him. This statement is true for animals that are fully provided with food and attention.

Once outside and surviving on their own, dogs form packs. This increases their chances of survival. And from cute pets, such animals turn into formidable predators defending their territory and clan. Dog repellers, reviews of which will help you decide when choosing a suitable device, can sometimes save a person’s life.

There are known cases when packs of stray dogs mauled people to death. Even one dog can pose a serious danger to humans, being a carrier of various diseases, the most famous of which is rabies. According to reviews, dog repellers are a humane means of preventing such situations.

Instructions for use

Woks are most often made in the form of small keychains that are attached to the collar. It is important not just to hang them, but to place them on the right part with the right side down.

The anti-tick device is attached to the collar from above, with the tick image facing down. In this case, the picture should look towards the tail, and the button present on this side should be located closer to the neck. If the position is incorrect, the efficiency of the device drops sharply, since the most delicious parts remain unprotected.

After placing the keychain, press the button. The press must be long. Typically, repellers emit a characteristic sound, indicating that they are turned on and configured to protect, then after a certain break, soft clicks will sound, indicating that the device is working properly.

Turn off the UOC when you are at home, this will help extend the service life, since the batteries will discharge more slowly.

For additional protection, you can put a second anti-tick keychain in the place where the dog sleeps.

If you live in an area where there are a lot of parasites and cases of infection due to them are not uncommon, then it is worth combining various anti-parasitic methods, not relying only on an ultrasound device. A good addition for it would be drops or spray.

The best tick repellers

Small devices are easy to use, safe, and quite effective. Devices are manufactured for adults, children, and animals. The principle of operation is no different, the difference is in the shape, materials of manufacture, and size. Among all available brands, the following models occupy leading positions in sales.

Ultrasonic tick repeller GreenFort iTicker

Universal repeller of ticks, mosquitoes and fleas for cats and dogs of all breeds from scientific and production. The device does not contain hazardous chemicals and is completely safe for kittens, puppies, pregnant and sick animals.

The repeller is presented in the form of a compact and lightweight keychain for a collar. The operating range of the device is up to 1.5 m. The device operates in automatic mode. The battery is designed for 10-12 months and cannot be replaced. The average price of the device is 800-1100 rubles.


Initially, the products were produced in Italy, now production has been established in China. Sold in several versions - for adults, children, animals.

Ultrasonic tick repellers Tickless

  • Tickless for adults is a small red device. The ultrasonic repeller is convenient to put in your pocket. It does not reveal its presence in any way, does not interfere, and repels ticks within a radius of 3 m.
  • Sititek Tickless Baby for children is recommended for use from 3 years old. The reason for the age limit is not the danger of the ultrasonic repeller, but the ability of babies to put everything in their mouth. You are allowed to hang the device on the stroller while walking. The range is 1.5 m. This is the only ultrasonic tick repeller for children in our country that deserves attention. Available in different colors, especially for girls and boys.
  • TickLess Pet is an ultrasonic tick repeller for dogs in the form of a keychain. Hung from the collar. The small size of the device does not disturb the animal, but reliably protects the pet from ticks within a radius of 1 m.

On a note!

The average price of an ultrasonic tick repeller from the Tickless brand is RUB 2,800. Manufacturer's warranty – 12 months. Batteries need to be changed during active use.

Tickless Baby

The line of the same brand includes a children's modification, Tickless Baby, which will reliably protect a child over 3 years old. The age limit was introduced for the same reason that it is not recommended for a child under 3 years old to buy toys with small parts, because the baby puts everything in his mouth.

A lithium battery can keep the device working throughout the spring-summer period; its service life is about 10–12 months. A smooth change in ultrasound frequencies affects not only the ixodid tick, but also other types of blood-sucking insects: fleas, mosquitoes.

Tickless BABY repeller is safe and effective against ticks, mosquitoes and fleas

The Tickless Baby tick repeller for children looks like a keychain with a steel ring that attaches the device to clothing. It is compact and will not interfere with the child's play.

The tick will not be able to crawl closer than 1.5 m to the baby. A waterproof and durable case will protect the device from moisture and damage.

TickLess Pet for animals

For dogs and cats, their own modification has also been developed - TickLess Pet. During walks and trips to the country, such devices, attached to the collar, protect pets from mortal danger.

Tickless Pet repeller for pets attaches to a collar

Stationary ultrasonic repellers and other means of protection against ticks located on the site increase the effectiveness of protecting your pet.

Ultrasonic tick repeller Antiklesch M

A universal device of domestic production. The device is no larger than a flash drive. The kit includes a strap with which the ultrasonic repeller can be attached to a hand, a baby stroller, or a dog collar.

Ultrasonic tick repeller Antiklesch M

On a note!

The device differs from its competitors in its versatility. There are several modes to repel ticks, bedbugs, and fleas. The range of action reaches up to 4 m. The weight of the device is only 110 g. The case is shockproof and waterproof.

The cost of an ultrasonic tick repeller is 2300 rubles. Actively implemented via the Internet. The manufacturer's warranty period is 12 months. Batteries need to be replaced during use.

Domestic tick repeller UOK Mega-S

The device developed by the Russian manufacturer showed itself to be better than its foreign analogues in a number of characteristics. The Moscow State Veterinary Academy conducted field tests on insects common in our country. The effect of the device on animals showed its quality and reliability.

The Mega-C ultrasonic tick repeller weighs a little more than 35 g. The presence of a removable lithium battery allows you to use it for more than one season, but much longer. The range is small, only 1 meter. This radius is not enough for consumers, but the price of the device is lower than that of foreign manufacturers.

The Russian-made Mega-S repeller has a range of 1 meter

The body of the device is waterproof, made of plastic that can withstand strong impacts. UOK Mega-S can protect both humans and animals from tick bites. When turned on, the device beeps . The battery life is 3–4 months. If the device is not needed, it can be turned off.


Italian products. The ultrasonic tick repeller comes in the form of a keychain. Used to protect dogs and cats, attached to the collar. Sold in different colors, it is shockproof and waterproof, but it is better to remove the device before swimming.

Ultrasonic tick repeller ZeroBugs

Ultrasound from ticks spreads within a radius of 1.5 m. The cost of the device is 1,700 rubles. To start working you need to press the button. Batteries are changed during operation; shelf life is 1 year. It is actively implemented via the Internet.

Ultrasonic keychain FLEA & TICK CONTROLLER

The repeller is made in the UK. The device is used to repel not only ticks, but also fleas. Suitable for cats and dogs.

The device has the shape of a keychain with a metal ring for fastening. The device is made in the shape of a red heart. The case is not afraid of splashes.

The device is completely safe for people and animals, including kittens, puppies, pregnant, elderly and sick pets.

The repeller runs on one battery, its service life is up to a year. The price of an ultrasonic repeller is 1500 rubles.

The best means

Walks are not as common as drops or sprays, as they appeared on the veterinary market quite recently. However, we can already identify the undoubted leaders in this area in pet protection. In their reviews, the country's leading veterinarians often speak of this method as quite reliable and safe, suitable even for humans.

The most famous anti-mite keychains of this type are:

  • TickLess Pet ” is a well-proven product available in most veterinary pharmacies. It is small and light. Therefore, it is suitable even for a small dog. At the same time, the case is waterproof and made of durable plastic, which will allow you not to worry about possible breakdowns. A variety of colors and complete safety even for puppies and pregnant animals make it the most common choice among breeders. The manufacturer guarantees a range of up to 1.5 meters and a service life of 10-12 months.
  • “Antiklesch M”, made in China, also enjoys constant popularity. Because it is suitable for both animals and humans. A small device with a included strap can be worn on your hand or put on your dog as a collar. Its range is 2-4 meters, and the operating time is 3-4 months, then you will have to buy a new set of batteries and you can use the product again. The peculiarity of this model is that it has three modes of operation: against bedbugs, mosquitoes and ticks. Next to the power button there is another one. When turned on, Anti-Tick M is configured to repel bedbugs; with one click on the additional button it will switch to mosquitoes, and two clicks will activate the tick protection mode.
  • · Green Fort iTicker works against ticks, mosquitoes and fleas. Works for 12 months, repelling parasites up to 1.5 meters around. Absolutely safe for any animals and humans. It is easily attached to the collar and, due to its light weight and size, does not interfere with the dog’s movement. The main advantage is the price. Unlike products from other manufacturers, it costs a little more than 1000 rubles.

When choosing an ultrasonic repeller, take into account such important characteristics as water resistance, density, plastic and size of the device so that it does not interfere with the dog’s active rest.

Ultrasonic dust mite repeller

Traditionally, a repeller is purchased to protect against ticks in nature, but these parasites can also be encountered at home; in particular, bed ticks are found in human homes.

Of course, they do not bite people or animals, but they can also cause trouble, namely cause an allergic reaction and aggravate asthma.

Ultrasonic repellers specifically against dust mites are not as common as conventional ones, but, for example, a manufacturer from Italy offers this in two versions:

  • portable "MiteLess";
  • stationary "MiteLess Home".

The first one has the same characteristics as the repellers described above. It is also compact and easy to attach to clothing.

A stationary ultrasonic repeller is distinguished by the fact that the device does not operate on batteries, but must be plugged into an outlet. Because of this, obviously, the scope of its use is reduced, i.e., it requires electricity to use it, and such a device cannot be attached to clothing. But such a device is considered more durable.

Ultrasonic dust mite repeller “MiteLess”

The device is designed to repel dust mites of all types, it is suitable for adults and children.

It is a miniature device with a clip with which it can be attached to a waist belt and other items of clothing.

The repeller has a long range – up to 3 meters. The device constantly changes the frequency and duration of the ultrasonic signal, so it does not cause addiction among pests. The battery life is 3 thousand hours (4 months). The battery cannot be replaced. The average cost of the device is 2500-3000 rubles.

Ultrasonic dust mite repeller “MiteLess Home” stationary

The device affects all types of dust mites found in Russia. At the same time, it is completely safe for people and animals.

Just plug the product into a power outlet and it will immediately start working. The light indication will tell you whether the device is turned on or not.

The ultrasonic repeller has a huge coverage area - up to 60-80 square meters.

The device is not disposable; it does not have batteries that need to be changed. The price of the device is 3000-4000 rubles.

An ultrasonic repeller is a good means of protecting against parasites; the main thing is to choose a high-quality and reliable device. The repeller is harmless to people and animals, convenient and easy to use.

If you want to provide maximum protection against ticks, then the best option is to combine different means of protection: ultrasonic repellers, sprays, tick collars for cats and dogs.

Do-it-yourself ultrasound device

On a modern elementary basis, an ultrasonic autonomous insect repeller can be assembled by almost anyone; The main condition, according to the author, is the ability to read electronic circuits and work with a soldering iron. Among hundreds of similar solutions, it is worth paying attention to this one for the simple reason that there is no need to painstakingly study the operating principle of the entire device or its individual components, but you only need to find the necessary components, etch (cut) the tracks of the printed circuit board and solder the device. As you can see, the homemade repeller contains only thirteen elements, none of which are expensive or hard to find. You can order parts at any radio store or, for example, on the AliExpress trading platform.

The operating principle of the circuit, like most similar devices, is based on the generation of sound pulses of a certain frequency and power.

The device contains a minimum of components

The resistors used in the circuit set the operating points of the transistors and serve to limit the current and reduce the voltage. A variable (tuning) resistor is needed to set the output frequency. The sound emitter is piezoceramic: both Russian and imported analogues are suitable. Transistors in the resonant circuit can be replaced with similar parameters. The capacitors must be ceramic for the appropriate voltage with a small margin. The VD1 diode is necessary to protect against power overturning; in principle, it can be omitted. Switch S1 turns the device on and off.

All tracks are laid out taking into account the location of parts and ergonomics

If you have the appropriate skills and equipment, you can make a printed circuit board, or solder everything using a surface-mounted installation, which, of course, is faster, but not so technologically advanced and convenient. Sometimes it’s easier to even build a device on a so-called “breadboard”.

The assembled device looks quite miniature

It is recommended to use batteries or rechargeable batteries as a voltage source, but you can also use a power supply with an output of three to twelve volts. Please note that with reduced voltage the power of the device will decrease accordingly.

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