10 most effective folk methods of fighting cockroaches

cockroaches, insects


Cockroaches that appear in an apartment not only cause disgust, but can also harm human health. You can find many special insecticides on store shelves, but not everyone agrees to use chemicals when fighting parasites. Such people can be recommended to choose one of the folk remedies for cockroaches in the apartment - the most effective for their case.

When cockroaches appear in an apartment, it is necessary to immediately take measures to destroy them.

Danger of cockroaches for humans and pets

Many people do not attach much importance to the appearance of cockroaches in their apartment, believing that insects are not capable of causing significant harm. In fact, they can cause a lot of trouble to a person.

To understand why you need to immediately take measures to destroy the population, information that cockroaches:

  1. They carry life-threatening microorganisms. The body of the insect is small and very smooth, thanks to which the pest is able to easily crawl into small crevices. First, they crawl through sewers and basements, feeding there on human excrement, bird or rat droppings. Then they make their way into a person’s home, bringing on their paws and body those harmful microorganisms and bacteria that were present in the waste. There are more than 10 diseases that cockroaches can transfer to food and household items. These include:
  • tuberculosis;
  • tetanus;
  • meningitis;
  • rubella;
  • leprosy;
  • diphtheria;
  • hepatitis;
  • polio.
  1. Infected with helminths. On its legs and body, a cockroach is capable of carrying not only bacteria, but also worm eggs, which will certainly get into food if the insect comes into contact with them.
  2. "Living foreign body syndrome." This is the medical name for cases when an insect makes its way into small openings in the body. A special type of cockroaches, the Prussians, are capable of such pseudoparasitism. Their body is small in size and they are predominantly nocturnal, which means they are able to get close to you when you are sleeping. Having climbed into the ear canal or nostrils of a person, they cannot get out in the opposite direction, which causes pain and irritation of the nasal coverings or the walls of the inner ear. In this case, you should not remove the insect yourself. It’s better to immediately call an ambulance or run to the nearest emergency room.
  3. Allergens are tolerated. By excreting excrement and shedding their chitinous cover, cockroaches are able to infect humans with dangerous allergens that enter the respiratory tract along with dust. They are especially dangerous for young children. To minimize the risk of infection, be sure to wet clean at least once a week.
  4. The black type of cockroaches, with a large population, has a smell of rot and dampness, which permeates the entire apartment.
  5. They might bite. Cockroaches are not considered parasites that feed on human blood. However, if insects lack food or water, they are able to feed on the outer epithelium of a person, eating the skin around the lips, eyes or ears. In addition to severe mechanical damage from bites, harmful bacteria on the pest’s body can enter the human bloodstream and infect with dangerous diseases.

Pets can also be harmed by cockroaches. If you fought a pest with the help of chemical reagents, after eating an infected individual, the animal may become poisoned. Cats are especially susceptible to such poisons. You should not leave pets in the apartment if you decide to use toxic substances in the fight against insects.

How to prevent a second wave

To prevent cockroaches from returning, appropriate preventive measures must be taken:

  1. Cover the ventilation shafts with fine mesh grilles.
  2. Seal all cracks in the floor.
  3. Monitor the serviceability of plumbing fixtures and repair leaks in a timely manner.
  4. Avoid dampness.
  5. Eat food in one place.
  6. Do not leave leftover food on the table.
  7. Always wash dishes and do not store plates and cutlery in the sink.
  8. Store baked goods in plastic bags.
  9. Make sure that there are no spilled sugar, cookie crumbs, etc. in the kitchen furniture drawers.
  10. Ventilate the premises and keep them clean.
  11. Carry out wet cleaning in the apartment more often; once a week, for preventive purposes, use a 1% vinegar solution to treat kitchen surfaces and floors.
  12. If possible, get house plants whose smell cockroaches do not like.

Houseplants with a strong scent will help get rid of harmful insects.
As an alternative to the last resort, you can purchase a special repeller that will prevent pests from returning back to the apartment.

Using the Hawk MT repeller

Yastreb MT devices cannot kill cockroaches; their action is based on the propagation of electromagnetic waves, which, propagating through electrical wiring, even penetrate the walls along which it is laid. They cause discomfort in insects and force pests to leave the apartment or house.

The device operates from an electrical network and is capable of protecting premises up to 150 square meters from pest attacks. m. One of the undeniable advantages of the device is the presence of 3 modes. The changing frequency of the waves does not allow cockroaches to get used to the action of the device, thanks to which the Hawk MT repeller reliably protects the home from invasion of parasites.

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Advantages and disadvantages of traditional methods

There are many effective folk methods of fighting cockroaches. They are all good in their own way and have a number of advantages:

  • preparing poison or traps does not require special skills;
  • unlike chemical repellents, they are not dangerous to humans and pets;
  • many methods can be used by allergy sufferers;
  • are affordable and sold at any pharmacy or hardware store.

However, each of them has distinctive features that may make the method ineffective or not suitable for you.

  • Basically, all folk remedies are aimed at repelling, and not at destroying cockroaches.
  • Borax and boric acid do an excellent job of killing pests, but can cause poisoning if they enter the body of a person or pet.
  • The freezing method is only good in the cold season. In the summer, you will not be able to lower the room temperature to the level necessary to kill pests. In addition, the method is not considered fully effective, since cockroaches can return in the warm season.
  • Strong-smelling products such as geranium, essential oils, kerosene or ammonia will not cost much. However, their effect is limited only by the time they emit an odor. Once it wears off, the cockroaches may return.
  • Alabaster and gypsum work well at killing insects, but require your constant monitoring, since if the trap gets wet, it will become ineffective.

What are the disadvantages of non-professional products?

There are a large number of folk methods of fighting cockroaches. Some of them are useless, and some, for example, freezing, are not always possible to apply. There are also effective ways to help get rid of pests.

But, despite the availability and “naturalness”, non-professional products have a number of disadvantages:

  1. Using substances with a scent that repels cockroaches will not help get rid of them. This measure is good only when it is necessary to scare away “guests” who have wandered in, for example, from neighbors. If the apartment already has a colony of pests, the method is suitable only as an auxiliary option.
  2. Remedies prepared according to folk recipes act slowly. If you need quick results, it is not recommended to rely on them.
  3. Homemade traps and sticky tapes will have to be constantly updated; in addition, their use will only reduce the number of parasites, but will not get rid of them.
  4. Cockroaches quickly develop “immunity” to poison baits made using traditional methods, so you will have to constantly change them to achieve results.
  5. Some unprofessional substances, such as borax or boric acid, are unsafe for the health of apartment residents, especially children and pets. If accidentally ingested, they can cause severe poisoning or even death.


Ammonia has a pronounced pungent odor, which irritates the respiratory system of cockroaches, disorients orientation by disrupting the sense of smell, and can also cause chemical burns if it gets on the insect’s cover. Advantages of using ammonia:

  • is not an insecticide;
  • the pungent odor quickly disappears;
  • it is cheap and sold in every pharmacy;
  • a low concentration solution is not harmful to humans;
  • there is no need to remove dead individuals, since ammonia simply scares them away and does not kill them;
  • does not require much effort to process;
  • can be used in conjunction with other methods.

The product repels cockroaches with a smell and does not kill them, so it may not be effective against a large population. Also, the effect of ammonia is limited to 30–40 minutes, so be patient, as the weed will last a long time. There are several options for using ammonia against cockroaches.

Wet cleaning

Carry out wet cleaning in places where cockroaches accumulate using a rag soaked in ammonia solution. When cleaning, follow these steps:

  1. Dissolve 1 hour. spoon of ammonia in 1 liter of warm water.
  2. Soak a rag in the solution and wipe all possible and hard-to-reach surfaces.
  3. Leave the room for a while.
  4. Do the same cleaning every day for several weeks.

Impregnation with repellent

For a more effective effect, place a soft cloth soaked in ammonia in hard-to-reach places, under the sink, behind the stove and furniture. If possible, plug up the cracks in the walls with the same rags.

Repellent containers

The method assumes that after installing the traps you will leave the apartment. Taking safety precautions, pour a small amount of ammonia into wide, open containers and place them around the perimeter of the entire room. Then be sure to leave the apartment for a while. You can also pour the poison into the sink drain so that the pipes and sewers become saturated with the pungent odor.

Syringe for inaccessible places

Use a syringe or spray bottle to get into nooks and crannies.

Increased concentration for non-residential premises

A room where you may not be for a long time can be treated with a concentrated solution of ammonia. Just change the dosage of alcohol when diluting the solution from 1 teaspoon to 200 ml. You can enhance the smell of ammonia by adding 200 ml of vinegar to the finished poison.

Popular household products

There are many methods that are considered popular and allow you to get cockroaches out of your apartment. But, firstly, not all of them work, and secondly, each of them cannot be called universal, suitable for any owner of an apartment infested with cockroaches. Therefore, you need to select an effective option for your case or even combine several methods to achieve the best effect.

Freezing the premises in winter

An old method that people have been using for decades. The principle of its operation is to lower the temperature in the apartment to -5 ° C and below.

To get rid of pests, in winter they open all the windows in the apartment and keep them in this state until all the rooms have cooled down to the specified parameters.

Cockroaches cannot tolerate the cold, so they begin to die.

Freezing a room, despite its “naturalness” and low cost, has many disadvantages:

  1. Suitable only for those regions where winter is cold and the outside temperature is low.
  2. Freezing can lead to damage to the heating system, so you must first protect all radiators, heating and water supply pipes, which is not so easy to do.
  3. If there is at least one warm place left in the apartment, cockroaches will run there and appear again after a certain period of time.
  4. Sudden temperature fluctuations can adversely affect the condition of furniture and doors.

Freezing the apartment is a guarantee that cockroaches will leave the room.
Therefore, complete freezing of a living space is impractical and not always possible. But the method is suitable as a comprehensive measure in pest control if the process of getting rid of them occurs in winter. In this case, all bags, suitcases, boxes in the house, i.e., all suspicious objects in the corners or pockets of which parasites may be hiding, should be placed on the balcony.

Essential oils with a strong odor

Cockroaches go to sources of food and water along the once found path, which they mark with their own pheromones. The pungent odor takes away their sense of smell.

Parasites become disoriented in space and are forced to look for other places to feed and quench their thirst.

Cockroaches cannot tolerate the smell of essential oil:

  • eucalyptus;
  • geraniums;
  • lemongrass;
  • lemon balm;
  • cedar;
  • mint.

There are several options for treating rooms using essential oils:

  1. Add 15 drops of the selected oil to 1 liter of warm water, then wipe the baseboards, floor, areas under the sink, and near the trash can with the solution. Cleaning should be done every 3 days.
  2. Dissolve 10 drops of oil and 2 tbsp in 0.5 liters of warm water. l. vinegar, pour the composition into a bottle with a sprayer and spray it daily in secluded places in all rooms, including in the toilet and bathroom.
  3. Use a cotton pad soaked in essential oil to treat the trash can, ventilation grilles, drains under the sink and in the bathroom (if accessible).
  4. Place oil-soaked cotton balls in all corners, on the top drawers of the kitchen, behind the gas stove, and behind the refrigerator.

When choosing essential oil as a means to fight insects, you must remember that it does not kill them, but only repels them. In addition, the substance can cause allergies in humans, so before using it, you need to make sure that none of the inhabitants of the apartment are hypersensitive to it.

Cockroaches really don't like the smell of essential oils.

Washing floors with water and ammonia

Ammonia acts on cockroaches in the same way as essential oil - disrupting their sense of smell and disorienting them in space.

Unlike aromatic oils, ammonia quickly dissipates, so its smell is not felt in the apartment.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of warm water. ammonia.
  2. Use a rag soaked in the mixture to treat the baseboards, the area under the sink and near the trash can, and thoroughly wash the floor.
  3. Close the door to the room and do not enter it for 30-60 minutes.
  4. Carry out wet cleaning daily for several weeks.

Ammonia is also a repellent and does not help get rid of cockroaches forever. But it can be used in combination with other folk methods.

Cockroaches cannot tolerate the smell of ammonia.

Scented indoor plants

Another method from the category of repellents. Cockroaches cannot tolerate the smell of some plants, so growing them in pots at home can be one of the options for combating parasites.

Smelling indoor pest repellents include:

  1. Orange or lemon tree. Their pungent odor affects insects no worse than aromatic oil.
  2. Thuja. The esters contained in its leaves and bark will help get rid of parasites.
  3. Cypress. It is also able to repel insects with its aroma.
  4. Tomatoes. If you don’t want to care for your house plants, you can plant tomatoes in pots or boxes. The odor they emit also effectively fights pests.

Copes well with cockroaches and oleander. But since this is a poisonous plant, it is recommended to grow it for those who do not have small children or pets.

Borax instead of boric acid

Borax is suitable for killing pests that crawl around the room in search of food. It is a poison with a nerve-paralytic effect. Cockroaches eat it with pleasure, so it is easy to use it as a poison. We must first identify the “paths” along which pests crawl out to hunt, or the location of their shelters. Then scatter borax there in the form of thin paths.

Borax is an effective remedy in the fight against parasites.

At the same time, you can leave borax powder in places where parasites are most likely to appear: near the trash can, behind kitchen cabinets, stove, refrigerator. To improve the taste of the product, you can add a small amount of powdered sugar.

In this case, two points must be taken into account:

  1. The toxic effect of borax is neutralized by water. Therefore, the main condition is to block access to it and remove all possible sources from the premises.
  2. The poison acts directly on the individual into whose body it has entered. It is impossible to get rid of the remaining inhabitants of the nest, unless they have tried borax. Therefore, this method is suitable for cleaning premises from a small group of cockroaches. It can be used in combination with other methods and as a prophylactic agent.

Ammonia containers

To combat cockroaches, you can also use open containers with ammonia. To do this, you need to take wide but shallow containers, pour ammonia into the bottom and place them around the entire perimeter of the living space. After this, you need to leave the apartment for 2-3 hours.

Hot air treatment

Cockroaches are afraid of high temperatures. Hot steam destroys them instantly. To use this method, you must have a steam cleaner, which is often used to clean surfaces from grease and stubborn dirt.

Hot steam treatment not only destroys the entire population, but also prevents re-infection of the apartment.

The unit has several attachments, thanks to which you can treat even the most inaccessible places:

  • gaps between the wall and baseboards;
  • gaps in tiles;
  • back walls of furniture;
  • places under the bathtub and sinks;
  • air ducts

Hot steam treatment is an effective method that allows you to quickly get rid of adult individuals. After 10 days, it is recommended to repeat the procedure in order to destroy the young animals that have grown during this time.

After each exposure, dead cockroaches should be swept up and the floors treated with a disinfectant.

Poison from food with the addition of boric acid

Edible baits with boric acid also help get rid of cockroaches. They are effective even in cases where there is a whole colony of pests in the apartment.

There are many bait recipes, the most common of which are:

  1. With yolk. To prepare the poison, you need to take boiled yolk and 40 g of boric acid. Mix the ingredients together, make small cakes and place them in places where parasites accumulate.
  2. Dough made from flour. Take sugar, flour and acid in equal quantities, mix, add water to form a stiff dough. Next, proceed similarly to the option with yolks.
  3. Starch dough. Mix 200 g of boric acid with 65 g of starch and 70 g of powdered sugar. Add 25 g of vanillin and water, knead into a tight dough.

Boron balls with eggs are an effective means of killing cockroaches.
When using such a poison, we must remember that acid, like borax, is neutralized by water. Therefore, access to sources of liquid should be excluded. But at the same time, you can make special drinking bowls for parasites - place small containers with an aqueous solution of boric acid in the sink itself and under it, next to the garbage bin, in the corners of the room.

Cockroaches will quench their thirst with the poisoned liquid, which will speed up the process of their destruction.

Lures made of plaster or cement

Gypsum, cement or alabaster powder is mixed with flavoring additives - vanillin, powdered sugar - and scattered in the corners and along the walls, near the baseboards. After a pest eats such bait, it will become soggy in its intestines and harden, which will kill the individual.

Surface treatment with vinegar

It belongs to the category of deterrents.

There are several processing options:

  1. Use a rag soaked in pure vinegar to wipe all surfaces in the kitchen, toilet and bathroom.
  2. A solution of 200 ml water and 1 tbsp. l. Spray the areas where cockroaches gather with vinegar.
  3. Wash the floors with a mixture of 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.

Carry out the treatment 3 times a week until the cockroaches leave the apartment.

Vinegar is a strong-smelling acid, so it repels cockroaches well.

Sticky traps near sinks and food storage areas

The principle of operation of such traps is the same: the bottom of the box or just a sheet of cardboard is covered with double-sided tape, food bait is placed in the corners and in the middle - egg yolk, pieces of dough with vanilla, etc., after which the traps are placed next to sinks, near the trash can and food storage areas . Pests will follow the smell of food and stick to the tape. Traps are updated as needed.

Using bleach

Cockroaches cannot tolerate the smell of bleach. It must be used in combination: first wash the floors with a 2% solution, and then scatter the dry substance in places where parasites accumulate.

Dry herbs

A repellent, for the production of which dried leaves of mint, wormwood, tansy, wild rosemary, and bay leaves are suitable. One type of grass or a combination (any one, if desired) is crushed and the mixture is sprinkled on the places where cockroaches hide. Canvas bags with herbs can be placed in corners on the floor or in kitchen cabinets.

Other homemade traps

The simplest option is a trap made from a glass jar. The top of the vessel is coated with vanilla, and beer or honey is poured inside. Cockroaches crawl for a treat, but have no way to get back out.

You can make a cockroach trap from a glass jar with your own hands.

Using the same principle, a trap is made from a plastic bottle. You can also put the bait at your discretion; it doesn’t have to be honey or beer.

Pyrethrum powder

Made from chamomile, it is considered a good natural substitute for borax and boric acid, as it also has a paralytic effect. It can be used in the same way: either scattered dry, or used as part of baits.

Branches of living plants in problem areas

The repellent smell of some plants can be used to get rid of a small number of pests. Flowers or herbs do not have to be grown in pots; you can simply place them in corners or suspected locations of parasites. Branches of geranium, wormwood, honeysuckle, and elderberry are best suited for such purposes.

A mixture of kerosene and turpentine

The method is considered effective, but an extreme option, since the smell of these substances has a negative effect on humans, especially on people with hypertension and heart disease. Therefore, before killing cockroaches, you need to prepare to move out of your apartment for several days or even a week.

When all its inhabitants move out, you need to coat all corners, baseboards, problem areas under the sink, in the bathroom and toilet with a mixture of turpentine and kerosene, taken in equal parts. After a few days, the treatment should be repeated, and before the residents return, a general cleaning should be done.

To get rid of cockroaches, you should treat the room with a mixture of kerosene and turpentine.

Borax for cockroaches

Borax has proven itself to be an effective and cheap remedy in the fight against cockroaches. Sold in hardware stores and intended for soldering metals. The sodium salt of boric acid, once in the intestines of the insect, has a paralytic effect, as a result of which the individual dies.

The essence of the method

For the bait to work, it is not enough to simply scatter the powder in the habitats of the pests. To ensure that the poison gets into the insect's intestines, borax is usually mixed with aromatic products. Roll into balls from the pre-prepared mixture. Prepare the mixture from borax powder with the addition of:

  • boiled or raw yolk;
  • potatoes;
  • sugar with flour.

Place the made balls in secluded places, behind cabinets and under the sink. The main thing in the method is to block the insects’ access to water, since if an individual eats the poison and drinks it, the effect of the borax will be weak.

Factor six: chemicals

For a long time, many scientists have been busy trying to create drugs that can effectively fight cockroaches. Today, many drugs are known that can quickly cope with the invasion of such insects. The most popular insecticidal agents are sprays, gels, aerosols, pencils, crayons and simply poisonous powders or liquids. Some of them are designed for use at the household level, and some of them are designed for use by special services. As a rule, these drugs are the most effective.


The crayons contain components that have a nerve-paralytic effect on cockroaches. Due to their simplicity and ease of use, they are very popular among customers. This is an ideal remedy if there are not many cockroaches in the house yet. Crayons have a number of advantages compared to other means of struggle, since lines can be drawn on both horizontal and vertical surfaces.


Insecticides presented in this form are also very popular, as they are easy to use and act on insects quite quickly. Unfortunately, using aerosols has its downsides. Aerosols affect insects during the spraying process and for a short time after. In addition, microparticles spread in the air quite quickly, which can harm the health of both people and animals. Therefore, their use is associated with a certain scheme, which does not allow the presence of people in the room during use, and also requires the availability of personal protective equipment, especially for the respiratory system.

Nowadays, aerosols have appeared not based on insecticides, but on the basis of pyrethroids. They are not so poisonous and practically safe for humans.


Gels, although they are made on the basis of insecticides, are more practical, since they contain a fatty base, which contributes to a longer action of the substance, as well as food flavorings to attract insects.

Gel-based preparations are not highly toxic to humans, since they have a contact effect and insects die due to the fact that the poison enters the digestive tract or chitinous cover.

Special traps for cockroaches are used based on gels.

Boric acid

Boric acid does not differ in action from borax. You can buy it at every pharmacy. You can fill containers with acid and place them around the perimeter of the kitchen. Just like with borax, boric acid can be used to make ball traps by mixing the substance with yolk, potatoes or vanilla. If desired, you can add strong-smelling products to the mixture, for example, minced meat or sunflower oil.


These are toxic substances that have a poisonous effect. The principle of action is that the poison penetrates the digestive system of cockroaches by eating it along with the bait or acts upon contact with it by the paws, shell and other parts of the body.

The main advantage is that insects are destroyed forever. Folk remedies are considered safe for people and animals, but only if they are not eaten.

Boric acid

This is an organic substance to which cockroaches do not get used. The product is sold in pharmacies and specialized stores in the form of powder and liquid solution. To combat household pests, the first option is used.


  • when using small dosages, intoxication occurs;
  • if large doses are used, cockroaches are paralyzed due to damage to the central nervous system;
  • It makes no sense to use food without bait;
  • upon contact with the body, the poison has no effect (only when eaten).

There are many variations on how to influence the digestive system of a cockroach using boric acid:

  • In liquid form. Dilute 1 sachet (10 g) of boric acid powder in 300-400 ml of water, pour into a container, and place in accessible places. Cockroaches will drink, thinking it is regular water.
  • With boiled egg. Mash 1 yolk and 1 boiled small potato with a fork, add 20 g of powder, 1 tsp. homemade sunflower oil, form into balls and place around the room.
  • With raw egg. For 10 g of boric acid, take 1 raw egg and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. If the mixture turns out liquid, add a little flour. Make circles.
  • Mix with water. Mix flour, boric acid and sugar in equal proportions, add water. You should have a dough-like mass.

To attract cockroaches, you can add any odorous ingredients to the “dough” - vanillin, cinnamon, honey, jam, jam.

To completely get rid of pests, it takes at least 1 month, since the procedure is repeated every 2 weeks or as the “barbels” eat the raw materials. The period depends on the number of eggs laid and the actual number of cockroaches.

During baiting, do not leave water in cups, sinks, or on surfaces; be sure to close the toilet, that is, exclude sources of liquid, otherwise, after drinking water, the cockroaches will decrease the level of concentration of the active substance.

Sodium salt

The substance is made from boric acid (called borax). It works the same way. The same balls are made from sodium salt. The period of persecution is the same as in the previous case, but the recipes for the “test” are different:

  • a simple option - take 1 part borax, 2 parts boiled potatoes;
  • complicated variation - powdered sugar (60 g), vanilla sugar (30 g), potato starch (60 g), borax (200 g).


This substance is used to bait rats and mice. It also kills cockroaches very well. Be sure to wear gloves.

How to prepare the product:

  1. Make a backing out of paper - cut out a piece of cardboard with scissors or take any paper.
  2. Add vanillin and arsenic in equal proportions.
  3. Place the poison under the table, near the back wall of the refrigerator, near other household appliances, under the sink.

Denatured alcohol

Denatured alcohol is a technical ethyl alcohol, which has a powerful unpleasant odor and strong volatility. This is what determines its effectiveness (if insects inhale fumes, fatal poisoning occurs).

Recipe for preparing the mixture and further use:

  1. Mix in a disposable container (which you will then throw away) 5 g of naphthalene and 5 tbsp. l. denatured alcohol
  2. Mix well until smooth.
  3. Apply to the floor and surfaces using a medical syringe (5 ml) in a targeted manner.
  4. Update the layer every 2 weeks.


Few people know about this name, but everyone is familiar with the plant. Pyrethrum is a common medicinal chamomile, but only the inflorescences are included. The drug is sold in crushed form in the pharmacy. The main advantage is that it is natural and no harm to humans, although the product acts as a natural insecticide.

Use in different ways:

  • hang in woven bags;
  • place it under the carpet, baseboards, sink;
  • mix with bait (sugar, jam).

Change the grass every week until all the cockroach eggs hatch and the entire family is poisoned.

Onions and soda

When soda comes into contact with the gastric juice of a cockroach, carbon dioxide is actively released (hissing begins), resulting in poisoning, leading to death.

Onions, despite their pungent odor, attract insects, but on the other hand, they keep soda from unwanted premature reactions.

Optimal recipe:

  1. Mix finely chopped onions and soda in equal proportions.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. mixture 1 tsp. flour, powdered sugar and vegetable oil.
  3. Mix and place in areas where pests are concentrated.

Any components are added to onion or soda. The main thing is that the overall composition contains a sweet ingredient. Renew the onion-soda mixture every week. The duration of bullying is at least 1-2 months.

Plaster or alabaster

Construction alabaster itself is not poisonous, but it quickly leads to the death of cockroaches. This happens due to the fact that when a pest enters the body, the bulk material combines with a moist environment, after which it begins to harden. This stone leads to death.

Gypsum is allowed to be mixed only with dry ingredients - granulated sugar, vanilla sugar, bread crumbs, cinnamon, etc.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures prevent spontaneous invasion of cockroaches. They are quite simple:

  • keep clean;
  • wash the floor with bleach more often;
  • install a mosquito net for ventilation;
  • promptly repair leaking pipes and taps;
  • take out the trash every evening;
  • do not leave crumbs, food and water in the open;
  • store food (cereals) in airtight containers;
  • clean up leftover food/water after cats and dogs;
  • grow geraniums;
  • Use the aroma lamp periodically.

Useful tips

People who use traditional methods in the fight against cockroaches share their tricks:

  • when preparing products based on poisons and toxic fumes, wear rubber gloves and a respirator with a filter;
  • leave citrus peels in the kitchen;
  • treat the back walls of household appliances, especially the refrigerator, as cockroaches love the warmth and smell of wires;
  • To avoid bringing pests back from a store or trip, carry a bag of mint tea in your bags.

A huge number of people use folk remedies for cockroaches because they are harmless, inexpensive and effective. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, observe the dosages, otherwise the result will not be satisfactory. Don't be discouraged by the long duration of the baiting, as many store-bought remedies work similarly.

Application of essential oils

Essential oils that emit a strong aroma are good at repelling cockroaches. The pest will be disoriented by the strong smell and will not be able to find food or water by smell, as a result of which it will leave its previous habitat.

What oils scare cockroaches

Oils help get rid of “unexpected guests”:

  • vetiver;
  • citronella;

  • lemon balm;

  • geraniums;

  • eucalyptus;

  • mint;

  • cedar;

  • lemongrass.

You can buy any of the esters at a pharmacy or perfume store.

How to use oils against cockroaches

There are several options for preparing a cockroach repellent from essential oils.

  • Add 15 drops of ether to 1 liter of warm water and use the resulting solution to clean the room, paying special attention to baseboards, areas under the sink and near the trash can.
  • Add 2 tbsp to half a liter of warm water. spoons of vinegar and 10 drops of ether. Spray the resulting mixture in secluded corners and hard-to-reach places.

For the methods to work, repeat the cleaning and spraying procedure at least 3 times a week.

Factor five: smells

In addition to high and low temperatures, cockroaches are afraid of persistent, pronounced aromas. Moreover, this is typical for most insects.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus does not grow in our country, so only essential oils of this tree can be found in pharmacies. Cockroaches don't like this smell and will try to find a more comfortable place to live.

If used, be aware that essential oils can be harmful to pets, especially cats. If the oil gets into the gastrointestinal tract of a pet, quite severe poisoning is possible.

Anise oil and anise herb

Anise is a plant that has long been used by humans as an analgesic, antipyretic, expectorant and disinfectant. As for cockroaches, they cannot stand this smell and try to leave the room immediately.

You can buy anise grass, make small bouquets from it and place it in places where these insects appear. Anise essential oil is also sold in pharmacies.

Mint leaves

Mint is often used to enhance the flavor of tea. While this aroma is pleasant for humans, it is the opposite for cockroaches. It is good to use mint as a preventive measure, growing it on the windowsill. Thus, you can not only expel insects from the apartment or prevent them from entering, but also fill the apartment with this pleasant aroma. Sometimes it is enough to grow mint in flower beds, next to windows, to rid first-floor apartments of these annoying insects.


Cedar, as for humans, has a very pleasant aroma, but for cockroaches it is very unpleasant. To scare away the Prussians, just fill a vase with cedar cones and place it on a table or windowsill. A vase with cedar cones will not only decorate the apartment, but will also scare away uninvited guests, as it will fill the entire living space with a bright, lasting smell.


This is a plant that helps a person fight various types of insects and cockroaches are no exception. The plant is found in gardens, near houses, along roads, etc. Small bouquets are made from tansy inflorescences and laid out in places favored by insects. At the same time, you need to remember that this is a poisonous plant, so you need to do everything to ensure that neither children nor pets come into contact with the plant.


This plant can also be found both in the garden and in the wild. The smell of this plant has a calming effect on the human nervous system, but cockroaches cannot tolerate this aroma. Honeysuckle helps a person cope with stressful situations by calming the nervous system.

Red elderberry

Red elderberry, like black elderberry, repels not only insects, but also rodents such as mice. Elderberry is a shrub that produces large clusters of red or black berries. Many people love red elderberry for its elegant appearance, and jam is made from black elderberry berries. The inflorescences are used as an anti-influenza remedy.

Tea tree

Tea tree has many beneficial qualities for humans, but essential oils are considered dangerous for insects and pets. This tree is the most dangerous for cats. To drive insects out of your apartment, just drop a few drops of tea tree essential oils into water and wipe the floors and other surfaces.

Essential oils are used by spraying, first dissolving them in water. They are also used using an aroma lamp. It is not recommended to use undiluted concentrated solutions of essential oils. This can be harmful not only to insects, but also to humans.

On a note! If, under the influence of the smell, the cockroaches left the apartment, but at the same time managed to lay eggs, then after a while young cockroaches will appear in the apartment, which can adapt to new smells.

Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of these insects once and for all using such methods. Traditional odor-based control methods do not destroy pests on a physical level, but only repel them. Over time, cockroaches can get used to any of the smells and will no longer feel afraid. Therefore, it is better to change smells regularly so that cockroaches cannot adapt.

If in a neighboring apartment they fight cockroaches with the same odors, then the insects quickly get used to it. The neighbor's cockroaches, if they appear in the apartment, already feel comfortable with such a smell. Therefore, the fight against cockroaches requires an integrated approach.


Every family has vinegar in their kitchen cabinet. If you notice signs of cockroaches in your apartment, you don’t even have to run to the store. Both essence and simple table vinegar will do.

Advantages and disadvantages

Vinegar is a strong-smelling acid, so it repels cockroaches well.


  • non-toxic to humans;
  • excellent for prevention;
  • if the recommendations are followed, it is very effective;
  • It's inexpensive.


  • the acrid smell, although not harmful, is inconvenient;
  • surfaces need to be treated as often as possible;
  • individuals do not die, but only go to their neighbors.

How to use

To scare away Prussians, the following treatment methods are used:

  • Soak a rag in undiluted vinegar and wipe all surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. Pay attention to what the surfaces being treated are made of. Some materials, such as varnish or paint, can deteriorate when exposed to acetic acid.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar with a glass of warm water and add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture. Spray the resulting solution into the cockroaches' habitats using a spray bottle, paying special attention to hard-to-reach areas.
  • Wash the floors with a non-concentrated solution, diluting 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar in 1 liter of water. Don't forget about nooks, floors behind furniture, stove or refrigerator.
  • Pour undiluted vinegar into containers and leave in suspected insect habitats. You can also pour acid down the sink or bathtub drain.

Repeat surface treatment and floor washing at least 3-4 times a week, then cockroaches will leave your apartment for a long time.

When is the best time to start fighting insects?

Cockroaches are nocturnal parasites. Therefore, most often the owner of an apartment finds out about the presence of unwanted “tenants” in it by accident, suddenly going into the kitchen and turning on the light. Just at this moment he notices cockroaches rapidly running away from the table or floor.

The fight against insects must begin immediately, immediately after their detection.

Even if only one individual was noticed, this does not mean that there is only one in the entire apartment. Quite the opposite.

Cockroaches are skilled at hiding. During the day, they sleep in places where no one ever looks: behind cabinets, under baseboards, under wallpaper that has come off the wall. And at night they go out in search of water and food. When there are few of them in the apartment, the cockroach won’t even climb onto the table; the crumbs that have rolled into the corner are enough for him. Therefore, the appearance of insects in prominent places indicates that there is already a whole colony of them. There is not enough food for everyone, so they roam around the apartment, no longer being careful.

There are other signs that allow you to suspect the presence of cockroaches in a living space:

  1. Black spots on baseboards, wallpaper, furniture, dishes. This is parasite excrement.
  2. The appearance of small black or red scales on the floor, similar to the dried wings of a cockroach. This is the chitinous covering of insects, shed by them during molting.
  3. Found in corners on the floor, on top of and inside kitchen cabinets, under the refrigerator and in other secluded places, oothecae are capsules with eggs that the female sheds before the larvae hatch.
  4. A specific musty smell that was previously absent in the room.

Signs of cockroaches in an apartment.
Cockroaches have the ability to reproduce quickly. At one time, a female can reproduce up to 40 larvae, which 1.5 months after hatching are also ready to give birth.

Cockroaches and low temperatures

It is known that cockroaches and Prussians cannot withstand very low temperatures. Their threshold is -8 degrees; in severe frosts, adults and larvae die. Just 2 minutes of ten-degree frost is enough for the insect to die. The method is really effective, but it is worth considering that in an ordinary apartment it is unlikely to be able to create “freezing conditions”. The method is more suitable for owners of private houses. If cockroaches are disturbing the lives of not only you, but also your neighbors, you can try to unite and turn off the central heating for a while and jointly destroy the cockroaches in the entire house.

First of all, choose a frosty day, with the thermometer reading below -8 degrees. Open all windows and doors and leave the room to ventilate for 3-4 hours. During this time, the frost will destroy the entire population of cockroaches in the house. If you are freezing in an apartment, take care of the safety of radiators and pipes by wrapping them in warm or heat-protective fabric.

Why you shouldn’t use all your resources at once

Since it is unlikely to be possible to get rid of cockroaches using only one method, it is necessary to use an integrated approach when fighting pests. At the same time, it is also impractical to use all the means at once. First of all, when choosing the most effective option, you need to rely on the degree of contamination of the room. There is no point in putting the same geraniums in the corners when there are already a lot of cockroaches in the apartment. As well as treating a room with kerosene in which pests have just appeared.

It is necessary to correctly combine methods with each other. It is illogical to simultaneously use repellents and baits filled with poison. And enhancing the effect of the latter with homemade traps would be the right move.


Potted plants can also repel pests. The essence of the method is to repel cockroaches with the scent of aromas that Prussians cannot stand.

What plants are cockroaches afraid of?

Some of the most effective indoor plants are:

  • Ironwood or thuja not only perfectly freshens the air, but also has a repellent effect on cockroaches with the esters contained in the bark and leaves.
  • The orange tree, with a pungent odor no worse than the peels of a fresh orange, will repel pests.
  • Cypress is evergreen and repels insects with its refreshing aroma. It is especially effective if placed near a container of water.
  • Lemon smells great to humans, but is harmful to insects.
  • Homemade oleander is a poisonous plant that is good at repelling Prussians. You need to wear gloves to care for the flower and keep it out of the reach of children.

We use geranium branches

One of the most popular plants that can repel cockroaches is geranium. It is not necessary to put the flower in a pot. Simply place geranium branches in suspected insect habitats. The fragrant aroma of the branches will drive the population away from your apartment. Unfortunately, geranium will not cope if there are already a lot of cockroaches. In this case, it is better to use it as an additional prophylactic agent.

Tips from housewives

Before you poison cockroaches yourself with chemicals and toxic substances, you should acquire at least basic theoretical knowledge on the topic and ensure that you have the necessary protective equipment. Experienced housewives claim that mustachioed parasites cannot stand the smell of fresh lemon. By placing slices of this citrus in the kitchen, you can significantly reduce the number of Prussians.

Cockroaches are incredibly tenacious insects, which is reflected in their ability to quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions, including toxic substances. Therefore, it is not advisable to immediately use the entire arsenal of stored poisons. Control agents for mustachioed pests are introduced gradually as needed. The favorite refuge of parasites is the refrigerator. It is first subjected to disinfestation.

Homemade traps

If you don't want to use strong-smelling products or poisons, homemade traps are an excellent alternative. Unfortunately, homemade devices do not provide a 100% guarantee of the destruction of the entire population, since not all individuals will reach it. The method works great in combination with other means.

Trap options

There are several options for homemade devices for catching cockroaches. The method is based on luring the Prussians with an aromatic substance and making it impossible for the cockroach to return. You can use a deep container, the neck of which is lubricated with a fat-containing substance, as well as cardboard with double-sided tape.

How to make a cockroach trap with your own hands

To make a trap from a jar you will need: a 0.5 liter jar, beer or honey, Vaseline or vegetable oil. Pour some beer or honey into the bottom of the jar, then coat the neck and sides of the container with Vaseline. The insects will smell the fragrant product and crawl into the trap. In this case, they will no longer be able to get out.

A similar trap can be made from cardboard. You will need: a piece of cardboard, double-sided tape, honey or other aromatic product. Apply tape to the entire surface of the cardboard, and pour a little honey into the center. Cockroaches will flock to the fragrant treat and stick to the tape.

Factor three: high temperature

Cockroaches can also be controlled using high temperatures. Regular heat cannot kill a cockroach, but a stream of hot steam immediately leads to its death. Even boiling water can cause irreparable damage to the population of these insects. It is enough to pour boiling water over the areas where pests and cockroaches accumulate and this will significantly reduce them. Unfortunately, this method is unacceptable in an apartment, as it can flood your neighbors. As an option, you can use a household steam generator, with which you can treat any crevices where these insects hide.

What is pyrethrum for cockroaches?

Powder made from a special type of chamomile - pyrethrum - fights cockroaches properly. Pyrethrum is harmless to humans, but harmful to cockroaches. You can buy the substance at a pharmacy or specialized department.

Sprinkle the product indoors or prepare baits similar to borax balls. When the powder enters the body of an insect, it has a paralytic effect, resulting in the death of the individual.

Why you should give preference to the Hawk repeller

The Hawk electronic device is devoid of all the disadvantages that are inherent in non-professional devices. It not only effectively fights cockroaches, but also prevents their appearance.

The Yastreb MT repeller does not harm either the inhabitants of the apartment or the environment.

It is easy to use, affordable and does not require additional measures to combat parasites.

The electromagnetic repeller "Yastreb MT" is designed to protect premises from cockroaches.

Bleach against cockroaches

Bleach is usually used to kill fungi or disinfect rooms. However, it has been noticed that cockroaches are afraid of bleach and run away when they smell it. Simply scattering the substance is not enough. Buy a 1–2% solution and treat the room. The strong smell of bleach should repel pests. The substance may have a negative effect on some materials such as plastic or metal.

Factor one: bright light

Most of the residents are familiar with this picture: when a person enters the kitchen at night and turns on the light, he sees a huge number of cockroaches scattering in all directions to quickly hide. This is evidence that cockroaches are active at night, but during the day they sit in their shelters. Of course, they are not so much afraid of bright lighting as of the looming danger in the form of a person who is ready to destroy them at any moment. Therefore, whoever failed to hide in time gets what he deserves.

Cockroaches are creatures that can get used to light. If you leave the light on all the time, then after a couple of days these insects will get used to such conditions and will go out hunting in full light. Therefore, to say that cockroaches are afraid of bright light would be somewhat incorrect, although in certain conditions bright light frightens them and they try to hide as quickly as possible.

Cleanliness in the apartment

To prevent invasion by Prussians, always keep your apartment clean.

  • Do not leave food or drinks out in the open overnight.
  • Place food in containers or wrap it in plastic.
  • Always wash washed dishes, wipe the sink dry, and close the taps tightly.
  • Avoid leaks in the water supply system.
  • Always clean the stove and walls of dirt and grease.
  • Do not leave food in the microwave or oven.

If you notice at least one cockroach, start any method of control with general cleaning.

General measures

The habit of many people to eat while sitting on the sofa while watching TV or in front of the computer screen leads to the appearance of crumbs, food debris and moisture in all areas of the apartment. Therefore, parasites can find food for themselves not only in the kitchen, but also in living rooms. Taking into account this and the fact that pests have the ability to reproduce quickly, a one-time campaign to persecute them will not give the desired result. You can only get rid of them using comprehensive measures.

Studying the habits of insects

Changing the optimal conditions for the existence of cockroaches, coupled with the use of insecticides, will allow us to develop tactics to combat them and achieve their complete disappearance.

In order for your actions to be competent, you need to know what parasites love and fear:

  1. Light. It is a big misconception to believe that cockroaches can be eliminated by keeping the lights on in living areas all the time. Pests are not at all afraid of him. And the fact that they scatter at night from a sharply turned on light bulb in a dark room only indicates that the parasites are moving away from potential danger, which they sense well, and are not rushing around in search of a secluded dark place. After a week or two they will adapt to the light, and nothing else will be achieved other than an increase in the electricity bill.
  2. Microclimate. These are heat-loving insects. The temperature that is considered comfortable for them is the same as for humans: +20…+25 °C. Its drop to +5 °C leads to inhibition of vital processes - hibernation, and to -5 °C - to death. The capsule with eggs can withstand temperatures down to -2 °C. Temperatures above +50 °C are considered destructive for pests. Therefore, in the fight against them, it is advisable to use steam or boiling water.
  3. Food and water. A cockroach can live for a month without food, and a week without water.
  4. Smell. Since parasites do not disdain to live in garbage chutes, they are not particularly selective about odors. The aroma of food attracts them the most. The aromas of some plants or essential oils can repel: geranium, mint, tansy, etc. But they will not help get rid of cockroaches, they will only scare them away. Substances with a pungent odor - gasoline, turpentine - are considered more effective. They work much more effectively than natural scents.
  5. Electromagnetic radiation. Like other insects, cockroaches are sensitive to low frequency electromagnetic waves. Devices created on their basis, such as, for example, the Hawk MT repeller, will force parasites to leave the room, since the waves emitted by the device negatively affect their nervous system.
  6. Nesting. If there are indirect signs of the presence of cockroaches in the apartment or single specimens have been noticed, it means that there are nests in which the pests sleep during the day and from where they come out to hunt at night. These can be secluded places behind kitchen cabinets, under a sink or bathtub, behind a refrigerator or gas stove, etc. Without detecting nests, pest control will be ineffective.

To get rid of cockroaches, you need to find their nest.

No sources of moisture in the house

Water is the basis of life for cockroaches. Without it, they will not be able to survive for more than a week. And the first step in the fight against parasites is to remove all its sources in the house.

To do this you need:

  1. Eliminate any leaks in the faucets.
  2. Wipe sinks, bathtubs or shower trays dry, and plug drain holes. Such actions are especially important before bedtime.
  3. Keep kitchen sponges, wet washcloths and napkins in closed containers, and toothbrushes in cases.
  4. Do not leave water in pet bowls overnight.
  5. Wipe dry all work surfaces of tables and gas stove.
  6. Make sure that the refrigerator tray does not contain water.
  7. Place wet mops and floor rags on the balcony.

Daily removal of trash and scraps

First of all, you need to do a general cleaning in the kitchen, emptying the cabinets of the internal contents and washing them thoroughly. It is also necessary to clean the space behind and under cabinets, refrigerators, gas stoves and microwaves.

It would also be useful to do a general cleaning of the rest of the apartment.

After this, you must follow these rules every day:

  1. Eat food only in the kitchen.
  2. Every time after eating, carefully clear the tables and do not leave dirty dishes with leftovers or cups with unfinished liquid.
  3. Before going to bed, sweep and mop the floor and put away uneaten food in containers.
  4. Discard remaining food from pet dishes, wash and dry them.
  5. Every evening, clean the area where the trash can is and empty its contents. The container itself must be closed with a lid.

To get rid of cockroaches, you need to wash dirty dishes on time.
All these measures will block insects’ access to food and, together with measures aimed at getting rid of them, will help win the fight against cockroaches.

Precautions when using cockroach repellents

Not all of the products described are safe for humans. Be sure to take precautions when using certain substances. For example:

  1. When using ammonia, ensure air flow into the room where the treatment will be carried out. Protect your body with an apron, your hands with rubber gloves, and your respiratory system with a mask or thick gauze bandage soaked in water.
  2. Use borax baits with extreme caution. Make sure that homemade traps are not accessible to children or pets.
  3. When treating a room with vinegar, wear rubber gloves to avoid damaging your skin.
  4. When using bleach, carry out the treatment with gloves and special clothing. Residents and pets should leave the apartment for a while, as the vapors of the substance irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
  5. It is necessary to treat surfaces with kerosene or turpentine while wearing a mask and rubber gloves.

Preparing to apply measures

In order for independent measures to exterminate cockroaches to give the desired result, you need to prepare housing before carrying out them.

Not all folk remedies are as harmless as they might seem. Some of them can cause allergies and even poisoning.

Therefore, if you plan to poison cockroaches with drugs dangerous to human health and pets, then it is better to temporarily transport children and animals to another place during the period of work to exterminate pests.

Other preparation measures are considered mandatory regardless of the chosen method:

  1. Check water pipes and taps for leaks and remove defects to deprive cockroaches of a source of water.
  2. Remove personal hygiene items from the bathroom and keep sinks and the bathtub dry at all times.
  3. Conduct a general cleaning of kitchen cabinets, removing all contents, including dishes. Wipe the inside with vinegar.
  4. Move the lower cabinets, gas stove, and refrigerator away from the walls in the kitchen. Check to see if there are any traces of cockroaches or nests on their back walls.
  5. If the apartment has plastic skirting boards, they must be removed and washed. Wash wooden elements from dust and dirt.
  6. Check the wallpaper that has fallen off the walls for nests, treat the walls underneath with “Whiteness” and glue it on. In cases where repairs are planned soon, it is better to simply tear them off.
  7. Sweep and thoroughly clean floors.

When starting the fight against parasites, you should clean the room.

Preventive actions

To prevent the reappearance of “uninvited guests”, take preventive measures:

  • try to avoid the appearance of dampness and mold in the apartment;
  • ventilate rooms more often;
  • repair leaks in the water supply system in a timely manner;
  • keep clean not only in living rooms, but also in storage rooms;
  • throw away garbage promptly;
  • store food in the refrigerator or closed containers;
  • place several pots with strong-smelling plants around the apartment;
  • Make sure there are no cracks in the walls.

Cockroaches are tenacious insects that are able to adapt to various living conditions. Pests especially love warm and damp places. They can live for a long time without food, but they won’t last long without water. If you have Prussians, begin to act immediately and use several methods of destruction or scaring away at the same time. Don’t forget that the key to a successful fight is cleanliness in the apartment.

Types of household insect repellents

According to their effects, all anti-cockroach products can be divided into repellent and poisonous. They have different characteristics that must be taken into account when using.

Poisonous agentsRepellents
The toxic substance penetrates the digestive system when the cockroach eats poisoned bait, and also through the shell upon contact with the poison.Repelling occurs when inhaling odors that are unpleasant to insects, for example, the smell of kerosene, the aroma of fresh cucumber, or blooming geranium.
They act definitively for a long time.There is a risk that insects will return after some time, so preventive measures must be taken to repel them.
Examples: borax, boric acid.Examples: turpentine, ammonia, pyrethrum.

To successfully combat uninvited guests, you need to use all methods, remembering the ability of cockroaches to adapt to external conditions.

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