Flea treatment for an apartment, house or other premises

The fight against fleas in an apartment is complicated by the fact that it is almost impossible to remove them on your own. They do not have centralized nests, do not lay eggs in strictly designated places, do not depend on their relatives and move very quickly, covering gigantic distances relative to their size in one jump. All this makes fleas extremely unpleasant neighbors in a living space, but their actual presence is far from the only inconvenience that they can cause to humans and pets.

  • They are carriers of dangerous viral and infectious diseases transmitted through blood.
  • They bite painfully because they do not inject the victim with an anesthetic at the time of the bite.
  • The bites itch severely for a long time.
  • Allergies may occur to bites.
  • Reddening bite marks are very noticeable, so many people prefer to carefully hide them and are ashamed of the problem.
  • Constant numerous bites and the desire to scratch put you into a state of stress and make you forget about sound, healthy sleep.

Often treating an apartment for fleas with the help of professionals remains the only way out of this situation. You can contact the SES at any stage of your fight against parasites.

Treating an apartment against fleas with folk remedies

When fleas appear in an apartment, many people prefer to do it on their own and try to get rid of the annoying parasites on their own. A rational and effective way is to use insecticidal preparations, which are sold in specialized stores. Treating your apartment against fleas with folk remedies will help you get rid of isolated individuals. This strategy is suitable for people who seek to minimize the use of chemical components.

Popular folk remedies for flea control:

  1. Dry and fresh herbs with a pungent aroma - tansy, wormwood, pine, eucalyptus, sage. Plants are laid out around the apartment, changing them periodically.
  2. Plants can be replaced with essential oils and infusions. Water with the addition of an aromatic concentrate is applied with a spray bottle to all surfaces of the room and furniture. The frequency of the procedure is 1 time per week.
  3. Exposure to low temperature. Pillows, blankets, mattresses and other items that cannot be washed are taken out onto the balcony or into the courtyard of a private house. On a frosty winter day, ectoparasites will die within a few hours.
  4. Exposure to high temperature and ultraviolet rays. In summer, pillows, blankets, and mattress can be left in direct sunlight. A few hours will be enough for bed fleas to die. To rid bed linen of pests, it should be washed at a temperature of 60-90 degrees.
  5. Homemade traps will be effective in combination with other traditional methods. The simplest designs are cardboard with glue or a deep bowl with soap solution.

Folk remedies make it possible to create an effective protective barrier and destroy individual individuals. But they will not help in the fight against bed fleas, which have already managed to lay eggs and significantly increase the population.

What to do after the master leaves

Once the process is completed and the sanitation worker has left, you do not need to remain in the room for 3 hours. Then you should carefully check the property. To achieve maximum treatment results, it is not recommended to carry out general cleaning within a week, so as not to wash off the active substance. It is enough to wipe the central part of the floor and the working surfaces of the furniture.

To effectively combat fleas in Moscow and get rid of the infestation for a long time, you do not need to make only your own efforts and rely on purchased products of dubious quality. For new hordes of bloodsuckers to appear, a laying of eggs from one surviving female is sufficient.

When fleas are found in the entrance, not everyone knows where to go. If a problem occurs, do not expect serious consequences and do not delay seeking sanitary treatment. Know that while you are thinking, your unpleasant roommates are multiplying, and your delay is making the situation worse.

Monitor your pets' behavior carefully. Check your own body and that of your children regularly. The characteristic bite marks are clearly visible and difficult to confuse with anything else.

Follow sanitary standards and regulations. Simple precautions will keep you calm and healthy, and ensure comfortable living in your own home.

Why treat your apartment for fleas?

Cat, dog, earthen and rat fleas, in addition to discomfort, pose a more serious danger. After bites, red or pale spots remain on the victim’s body, reporting appears, allergic reactions, pustules, burning and constant severe itching. A serious threat is posed by bed fleas, which carry helminths, infectious agents (brucellosis, rickettsiosis, typhoid, plague) and fungal diseases. Ectoparasites can cause exhaustion, anemia and even death of weak animals and newborn kittens. These are the key reasons why you should treat your apartment for fleas as soon as they are discovered.

What do bed fleas look like?

The very concept of “bed fleas” is for the most part a collective image, since there is no mention of such a subspecies in scientific reference books. Under this name we have the widespread dog, rat, cat and grass fleas. They quickly adapt to the conditions of the apartment and feel confident on the floor, interior items, including sofas/beds.

The mentioned individuals are practically no different from each other, and only a specialist with the appropriate equipment can determine who is who. The bed flea is a tiny (2-3 mm) insect with a chitinous shell and six limbs, where the hind ones are jumping limbs.

Bed fleas

For reference! Fleas choose any warm-blooded animal as a carrier, without regard to the subspecies. For example, cat parasites can feed on the blood of both dogs and humans.

How is the processing carried out?

Treating an apartment for fleas is an event, the price of which depends on the area of ​​the room, the chosen method and insecticidal preparation, and individual characteristics. You can find out the cost of the procedure from a consultant at SES “Des Group”.


Calculate the cost of exterminating insects in the house

Number of rooms:
(Cold fog)

(Cold Fog + Barrier Defense)

(Hot fog + Premium drugs + Barrier protection)

(Hot fog + VIP drugs + Barrier protection)

Total cost: 01

Order processing

The strategy for dealing with bed fleas on your own is very different from how a professional room is treated. Experienced specialists develop an action plan depending on the size of the population, the time of the first appearance of ectoparasites in the apartment, and the characteristics of their life cycle.

Particular attention is paid to the treatment of hidden places - folds, crevices in the floor, cracks, space under the baseboard. To destroy bed fleas, a modern, proven insecticide with a prolonged action is used. The toxic substance has a detrimental effect on the body of pests for two months. A fog generator is used to spray the insecticide. The smallest particles of the toxic component settle on all surfaces of the room, penetrate into all cracks and hard-to-reach places.

The nuances of fighting earth fleas

Fleas are usually found in the basements of residential buildings, and the fight against them has its own characteristics. The body length of insects varies from 1 to 5 millimeters, sometimes they cannot be detected the first time. They live in the upper layer of the earth, on the very surface, which is why they like to settle down in basements. But from there they can easily move to an apartment if they find it suitable.

Therefore, the fight against earthen fleas in the house must be comprehensive. What does it mean?

  • You should inspect the house for the presence of insects - basement, entrances, attic, garbage chute;
  • Ask your neighbors if they have noticed fleas in their home?
  • Carry out treatment wherever insect nests are found, even if this means holding a meeting of residents and contacting the management company.

Preparing the premises

Proper preparation of the premises for flea treatment significantly increases the effectiveness of the event and reduces the time required to carry out all procedures. Basic recommendations:

  1. During treatment by SES specialists, household members and their pets must leave the apartment. Spraying the insecticide and airing takes 3-5 hours.
  2. Wash pet bedding and clothing, curtains, bedspreads, bed linen and other textiles at a temperature of 60-90 degrees.
  3. Cover the aquarium with a damp towel or film, turn off the compressor until the room is ventilated.
  4. Vacuum the carpet, upholstered furniture, linoleum, paying special attention to hard-to-reach places.
  5. Treat folds of upholstered furniture with detergent.
  6. Clear the floor of toys, chairs, small furniture and other items.
  7. Pack food products in sealed bags or containers and put them in a closet.

Depending on the method and insecticidal preparation, a few days after the event, you will need to carry out a general cleaning of the apartment. If the first procedure does not bring the expected result, SES specialists re-treat the room.

How to recognize a pest

The size of fleas is 0.1-0.2 cm, so the parasites can only be seen in detail under a microscope.

Main characteristics:

  • flattened body (the specific shape does not allow the insect to be easily crushed; this can only be done with fingernails);
  • durable chitinous cover;
  • have no wings;
  • color – from black to brown (due to the color of the parasites it is difficult to notice on the animal’s body);
  • long legs for making impressive jumps (taking into account the ratio of insect and jump);
  • the hind pair of legs is the most developed.
  • It is difficult to see the parasite: it quickly disappears from view. If you notice a similar insect in your apartment, immediately begin disinfection.

Treating apartments against fleas in Moscow

The procedure for exterminating fleas in an apartment is as follows:

  • The apartment must be prepared for flea treatment. You can find out how to do this from a service consultant when ordering the procedure or read here
  • On the appointed day and time, specialists will come to you and carry out the treatment. At this moment there should be no people or animals in the apartment. If for some reason you do not want to leave the apartment, notify the exterminators about this in advance - you will be provided with a protective suit and ammunition so that you can be present during the work.
  • After finishing the treatment, it is necessary to leave the room mothballed for some time so that the sprayed preparation settles and saturates all surfaces.
  • After a certain time (which one depends on how and with what preparation the apartment was treated), the house is ventilated.
  • Superficial cleaning is being carried out so that the apartment can be used and lived in again.
  • After 3 weeks, the entire apartment is thoroughly cleaned on its own or with the help of cleaning services that provide cleaning services for apartments after disinfestation.

Treating apartments for fleas in the city of Moscow is a fairly popular procedure, although the vast majority of people want to keep the fact of seeking help on this issue confidential. Despite the availability of information about why insects appear in apartments, many still classify such troubles as “shameful.” If you do not want to advertise to your neighbors that you have encountered fleas, inform the SES specialists in advance and the procedure will be carried out accordingly.

If there is a furry friend living in the house

Most often, fleas enter an apartment on the fur of pets. Therefore, first of all, you need to think about how you can remove fleas from a cat or dog. This is important because there is a high probability that, after treating all the lower surfaces, fleas will continue to multiply, parasitizing the animal, and then spreading more and more throughout the apartment. It is advisable to treat the apartment and the animal at the same time, this way there is a greater chance of success. After all, the period of residual activity of the drug applied to floors and walls will not have time to end, and will be active against fleas all that time.

There are several ways to treat an animal for fleas:

  • going to the vet;
  • special drops (“Bars”, “Frontline”, “Advantage”);
  • flea collars;
  • anti-flea shampoos;
  • sprays - insecticides;
  • folk remedies;
  • injections and tablets.

Apartment flea treatment: price

How much it costs to treat an apartment for fleas depends on:

  • Apartment area.
  • Number of rooms.
  • The drug used.
  • Processing method.
  • Departure distances (for orders outside the Moscow Ring Road).

When ordering flea treatment for an apartment, the price is calculated after all the circumstances of the upcoming work have been clarified. At Dez Group you will find out the exact cost already at the stage of the first telephone conversation if you provide comprehensive information on the five points described above. The minimum cost of processing an apartment starts from 1.5 thousand rubles. If you order the treatment of an entire apartment, you receive a free official guarantee for the procedure specified in the contract. Its duration depends on the method used for processing.

How to disinfect with aerosols

One of the most popular methods of treating an apartment is the use of aerosols. Their popularity is due to the wide selection on the market, low cost and good efficiency. They are special sprayed compositions that contain substances that can destroy the parasite.

The main disadvantage of this treatment is the need to leave the room being treated. This is due to the harmful effects on both the human and animal body.

In general, aerosol treatment is also carried out in stages:

  • Carrying out preparatory procedures (wet cleaning, removal of debris accumulations). This is necessary in order to prevent the appearance of new flea larvae, as well as the development of already mature insects.
  • Removing all carpets, moving furniture away from the wall. At the same time, carpets must be kept in severe frost so that parasites cannot continue their development and reproduction.
  • Leaving the premises by other residents.
  • Carrying out processing.

It is worth understanding that you need to follow safety precautions and use protective respiratory masks. Also, you need to select only high-quality products. Choose brands:

  • FLEE.
  • RAID.
  • NEO.

Treating an apartment for fleas: calling the SES

To completely get rid of fleas in an apartment:

  • Leave a request on the Dez Group website or call the service by contact numbers yourself.
  • Tell SES consultants about your problem.
  • Answer the specialist’s clarifying questions.
  • Agree on a convenient day and time for the exterminator to visit.
  • Prepare the apartment for processing.
  • On the appointed day and time, meet the exterminators at your home.

Treating your apartment for fleas using SES is the fastest and most effective way to solve the problem with blood-sucking insects. You can read reviews about the work of “Des Group” in the corresponding section

on the website or on third-party platforms for collecting reviews. Below we present just a few of them.


On the 2nd floor of the house, in the apartment where I live, fleas apparently came from the basement. It’s impossible to live in such conditions - you can’t sleep or work, you’re constantly bitten, you’re constantly on edge. At first I tried to get rid of it myself, but it lasted me for 3 days. I issued an urgent call, the very next day they arrived from Dez Group and did everything. I spent the night with friends for 3 nights, so that everyone would probably be mowed down, when I returned the bites stopped, the guarantee is still valid (5 months have passed since the treatment somewhere), but I hope it won’t be necessary, as long as I’m completely satisfied.

Ekaterina Shkolyaeva

Dez Group called immediately on the first day when they realized that there were fleas in the house. We cooperate with the company on sanitary issues in business, so I knew where to turn. Fortunately, the problem was solved immediately, plus I didn’t notice any side effects, I felt good after the treatment and there was no effect on my pets either.

Fighting basement fleas is dangerous!

Do not forget that basement fleas and the fight against them are quite dangerous things. You risk not only catching some kind of infection yourself, but also bringing insects into your home. What if you have children or pets?..

Fact . Fleas most often parasitize rats, stray animals and strays. Is it any wonder that they spread:

  • Helminths and salmonella;
  • Typhoid fever;
  • Encephalitis;
  • Plague;
  • Fungal infections;
  • And even anthrax.

Today, some of these diseases are so rare that they are difficult to immediately identify. And at the same time they can lead to death.

That is why the fight against basement fleas must be carried out quickly, comprehensively and without delay - the health and well-being of everyone who lives in an apartment building or works in an enterprise depends on this.

Treatment with other types of insecticides

The solutions are diluted with water according to the instructions, then sprayed or rubbed into surfaces. The most popular drugs:

  • “Get” (100 ml per 1 liter of water) one bottle is enough for a large room, including furniture;
  • “Cucaracha” is a strong remedy: treat 100 m2 with one bottle;
  • “Butox 50” (30 ml per 10 liters of water) is sprayed in the apartment for disinfection.
  • Important! Use as much substance as indicated in the instructions. It is impossible to increase the amount due to the risk of poisoning the inhabitants of the apartment; it is not recommended to decrease it so that the product does not lose its effectiveness.

    Powder products and microencapsulated insecticides are scattered in places where parasites live. 3-4 days after disinfection, wet cleaning is carried out.

    Actions after disinfestation

    After the pests disappear, care must be taken to ensure that they do not reappear. Selective sanitation against fleas with aerosols is proposed as a preventive measure. Skirting boards and doorways are sprayed.

    Pest control

    It is also recommended to clean the premises every week, during which you should vacuum the carpets and wash the floors with a solution of vinegar or ammonia. If there is an increased risk of infection, essential oils of tansy, wormwood, and chamomile are dripped in the corners of the rooms. Parasites do not like strong odors. Pets are treated with special products, bedding is regularly washed, and the house is cleaned.

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