6 types of powder against bedbugs, which one is better to choose?

The first chemical preparations created to combat bedbugs were represented by powder (dust). Previously, we published an article about the effectiveness of dust in the fight against bedbugs - we also recommend reading it!

Later, other forms appeared - concentrated emulsions, aerosols. But bedbug powder is still a very popular remedy. Let's figure out how to choose the best option for independently combating bed bloodsuckers.

Use of powder disinfectants

It is not possible to completely protect your home from parasites. When insects appear, you need to choose the right method to combat them. Among the huge selection of insecticides, one can note an effective, but less toxic remedy - powder against bedbugs. Such preparations are scattered in a thin layer into the habitats of pests. If the room is heavily infested, treatment is carried out at least twice with a break of a week. Powder preparations are not fast-acting, but by sticking to the paws of pests, the chemical goes directly into the nest and destroys it from the inside.

To enhance the effectiveness of the drug, you can treat the room with a liquid dust solution, and then pour in the dry powder. With this use, the bedbugs will die within 2 days. Insecticidal powders are used in non-residential premises, gardens and greenhouses. It must be remembered that insects get used to chemical components, so it is necessary to change the brand of the drug each time.

“Powder insecticide is a toxic substance of contact action. It penetrates the pest's body through the chitinous coating. To die, an insect only needs to run along a paved path.”

You can purchase the chemical at any non-food store. Let's figure out why, in a huge selection of pesticides, it is necessary to buy powder against bedbugs.

Features of the fight against bedbugs

Bed bugs are blood-sucking parasites. Therefore, when trying to get rid of insects, it makes no sense to use intestinal poisons.


Bedbugs feed only on blood; they have no desire to “taste” the powder. To destroy bed bloodsuckers, only contact poisons are used.

The anti-bedbug powder will begin to work when the insect gets dirty in it. Particles of powder, once on the paws and body, begin their toxic effect.

Bedbugs live in crowds, so one individual, having become soiled with powder, can infect several more of its fellows!

Read on the topic - Clean house from bedbugs - what to choose: aerosol or powder?

Benefits of dry insecticide

  1. Low cost. Of most toxic agents, powder is the most readily available means of controlling insects. On average, the price of such a product is from 100 to 200 rubles.
  2. The powder can be used either dry or dissolved in water. This option helps to treat the most secret corners in the apartment.
  3. The granules of the drug are so small that they easily cling to the insect’s body and spread throughout the room.
  4. The powder acts slowly, but is much more effective than many sprays. The infected insect, on its body, spreads the poisonous drug to the shelters of its fellows.
  5. This drug has a prolonged effect. Immediately after treating the premises, adult individuals die. After 10–12 days, insect larvae emerge from the eggs. While going in search of food, they will also stumble upon powder trails and die.

The most popular brands of dusts

Manufacturers offer a variety of brands of powdered products; here are descriptions of the most popular dusts.


Popular type of dust. Ideal for disinfecting upholstered furniture as it does not leave marks on the upholstery. The drug remains active for a long time; it is recommended to leave it for three weeks. Such a long period of activity makes it possible to destroy the entire population of parasites in one treatment.


A drug created for the needs of the army. Klopoveron is a powerful synthetic insecticide that instantly destroys parasites. Its disadvantage is the high price.


Bifenthrin is a powder against bedbugs from the group of pyrethroids and is an insecticide with enteric contact action.

Can be used against:

  • bedbugs;
  • fleas;
  • cockroaches

Bifenthrin affects the insect's nervous system, causing agitation, paralysis and death. The product has low toxicity for warm-blooded creatures.



A popular drug is bedbug powder Phenaxin. Dust is approved for use in apartments, hotels, kindergartens, sanatoriums, canteens and other public places. The product contains fenvalerate and boric acid. It is recommended to use dust to combat flightless synanthropic insects. This bedbug powder is odorless, so its use does not cause discomfort to residents.



One of the most famous means for combating bedbugs is Karbofos. This is an effective insecticide that is not addictive to insects. Destroys larvae and adults, does not damage egg laying. Therefore, several treatments are required.

The product is sold in the form of:

  • ready solution;
  • powder, which is diluted with water before application.

The last option is good because the dry preparation has a longer shelf life than the ready-made solution.

It should be noted that Karbofos bedbug powder has mixed reviews; consumers note that the drug effectively destroys insects, but has an extremely unpleasant, persistent odor and does not dissipate for several days after treatment.


Pyrethrum is a powder against bed bugs of plant origin. The raw materials for it are the inflorescences of Dalmatian chamomile. This product is absolutely safe for warm-blooded organisms, including humans. Therefore, you can even sprinkle the powder on bed linen.

The disadvantage of the product is its instability. The active substances that cause the death of insects last only a few hours. Therefore, treatment must be carried out every 1-2 days.

The drug is recommended to be used in combination with other insecticides, using Pyrethrum to treat sleeping furniture, clothing, or for preventive treatment.


Typhoon is an anti-bedbug powder based on imidacloprid. This is a pesticide with enteric contact action, used to combat synanthropic insects.

The dust remains active for 5 days after application, then the treatment will need to be repeated.


This is an odorless bedbug powder recommended for preventive use. The product is not very effective, since it retains its toxic properties for only a few hours.

Clean house

Under the “Clean House” brand, a whole line of products for the destruction of parasitic insects is produced.

One of the options is Clean House - powder for bedbugs, reviews of this drug are mostly good. Consumers note its effectiveness and the absence of a pungent odor.

Hector against bedbugs

One of the few effective powder against bedbugs without chemicals and odor. This product is based on diatomite and works by contact method, that is, after the bug comes into contact with this powder, it begins to draw moisture from the insect’s body. For more information about Hector’s action, watch the video

Disadvantages of powders

  1. Dust repellents for bedbugs are of average effectiveness. Parasites die only in case of direct contact with the insecticide. If pests do not touch the powder, they will live quietly in the vicinity of the treated area.
  2. There is an unpleasant smell.
  3. The powder is not safe for children and animals. When leaving the product indoors, you must ensure that the child cannot come into contact with it. During treatment, it is important not to inhale insecticide dust.
  4. The drug is not able to cope with a large number of pests. To completely destroy parasites, it is advisable to combine chemical agents.

How to use dust?

The rules for working with all dusts are the same, you must:

  1. put on protective gloves, a respirator (gauze bandage);
  2. Sprinkle the powder in “paths” without breaks in places where bedbugs are most likely to appear. Bedroom furniture, baseboards, cracks above window and door openings, back stacks of furniture are subject to treatment;
  3. Treatment of small cracks is carried out by introducing dust there with a medical syringe with a thin tip. Second use option: prepare a solution and pour it into the cracks;
  4. do not clean for at least five days after using the dust;
  5. Having completed the work, you need to take a shower and change clothes.

"Super Fas"

This is the most universal powder that destroys any type of insect. “Super Fas” is available in the form of granules packaged in 10 grams or in soluble plates. The contents of one sachet are dissolved in 1 liter of water and sprayed over all surfaces in the apartment. After the time specified in the instructions, a thorough cleaning is carried out.

In the article we discussed the effectiveness of powdered preparations for bedbugs. It is much easier to choose the right product if you know the features of their action. Also don't forget:

  1. When choosing a high-quality and safe drug, carefully read the composition.
  2. Be prepared for repeated pest control.
  3. Do not allow children and animals to enter treated areas of rooms.

Instructions for use

When using a powdered remedy for bedbugs, it is recommended to do the following:

  • manipulations must be carried out using gloves, as well as other personal protective equipment;
  • before starting to treat the premises with an insecticide, all food products, personal hygiene products, and cutlery are hermetically packaged and removed;
  • remove indoor plants from the apartment, remove all pets, including fish;
  • all people leave the premises, with the exception of the family member who will be involved in the processing;
  • All furniture is moved away from the walls, and treatment is carried out from the far wall of the room towards the exit;
  • scatter the powdered product or treat it thoroughly with the prepared solution in all places where parasites accumulate.

At the end of the manipulation, close the room and leave it for 3-4 hours for more complete disinfection. At the end of the manipulation, thoroughly ventilate the living space for 30-40 minutes.

Places that people touch are washed with soap and soda solution, and the rest of the area is not washed for 3-4 days. The premises are re-treated after 7 days.

Some people prefer to deal with bedbugs on their own, while others prefer professional treatment of the premises by specialized services. The company's employees will give the right recommendations and help you get rid of bedbugs as soon as possible.

And when treating premises yourself, special care and attention is required so as not to harm yourself, your children or pets.

Fumigators for killing bedbugs

A person who decides to independently treat a room for bedbugs carefully chooses a product.

For example, the action of a fumigator is not effective. This is not a 100% option to get rid of pests. The only significant advantage of this product is repelling insects.

During the action of the fumigator, insecticides are released in a minimum concentration.

Top 2. Typhoon

Rating (2021): 4.76

185 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozone, Otzovik

The most popular bedbug powder “Typhoon” enjoys well-deserved popularity. This is confirmed by the largest number of reviews. In addition, information about this powder is searched for most often, as statistics from the Yandex search engine show.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 100 rub.

  • Country: China
  • Active ingredient: imidacloprid 10%
  • Validity period: up to 2 months
  • Smell: no
  • Weight: 10 g
  • Toxicity to humans and animals: low

“Typhoon” is a bed bug powder that is highly effective. The product is based on imidacloprid; its concentration is quite high (10%), which allows you to quickly destroy adult insects. The principle of action is based on the influence of neonicotinoids, the latter systemically affect the parasite, causing paralysis and further death. The main advantage of the Typhoon insecticide is that it is not addictive, insects do not adapt to the poison, which allows you to use it as often as you like. The product is poorly presented in stores; it is often ordered online. If safety precautions are observed, it is practically harmless to humans and animals.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Very high efficiency (95-97%)
  • Does not cause addiction and adaptation of insects to poison
  • Easy to use, affordable price
  • There is residual activity (up to 2 years)
  • Poorly presented in stores, must be ordered

See also:

  • 18 best cockroach repellents

Top 9. Clean house

Rating (2021): 4.02

151 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozone, Otzovik, IRecommend

The best composition of “Clean House” is a powder that includes three insecticides from different groups. This approach allows you to more effectively combat bedbugs and influence even those insects that have adapted to the main poisons.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 54 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredients: cypermethrin, malathion, tetramethrin
  • Validity period: up to 2 weeks
  • Smell: no
  • Weight: 50 g
  • Toxicity to humans and animals: low toxic (class 4)

Dust “Clean House” is an effective multifunctional insecticidal agent with multidirectional action. The powder includes three active components at once, which have a comprehensive nutritional and contact effect on insects. The drug is easy to use and convenient to deliver to hard-to-reach places. Does not require special conditions and is safe for people and animals. However, it is recommended to leave the premises on the day of treatment. In the future, ventilation is necessary. Like most of the products presented, it does not exterminate bedbugs the first time; repeated treatment is required after 1.5-2 weeks. Otherwise, the powder is quite effective and affordable.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Combined food and contact effects
  • Can be used as a powder or prepared as a solution
  • Several effective ingredients in one product
  • Practical and easy to use, effective in any temperature conditions
  • Requires several processing steps
  • You must leave the premises on the first day

Pros and cons of powder products

Advantages of using anti-bedbug drugs in powder form:

  1. Low cost of the product. In the store you will pay no more than 200 rubles for it, and the result will please you.
  2. Several application options. When disinfestation is carried out in several stages, solutions of various concentrations are prepared from powders, which are selected depending on the number of parasites and the area of ​​the room.
  3. Bed bugs carry a substance that is dangerous to them and infect each other.
  4. They retain the poisonous effect for a long time.
  5. Availability of funds. You can buy powder preparations in specialized stores, on the Internet, supermarkets and even on the market.

In addition to the advantages, powder insecticides also have some disadvantages:

  1. A sharp, unpleasant aroma. But remember that they now produce odorless powders.
  2. Toxicity of the product for people and pets.
  3. The effectiveness of the drug is at an average level, because of this it is recommended to use powders in combination with other products.

How do anti-bedbug treatments differ from each other?

The products that people choose differ in their effectiveness in killing insects.

The rating was compiled based on the following parameters:

  • Product quality;
  • Harmless to the environment and living organisms;
  • Harshness of smell;
  • Periods during which it is prohibited to stay in the premises;
  • Form of use of the drug;
  • The speed of odor evaporation;
  • Elements that are present in the composition;
  • Availability of effectiveness against other insects;
  • Ease of use;
  • Time of action;
  • Preparatory stage for use;
  • The ratio of quality and cost.

All of the above parameters were compared with each other.

Protection and safety measures

To use powders and other disinfestation agents, the following precautions must be observed:

  1. Protective clothing - overalls, raincoats or suits that insulate the skin from harmful influences.
  2. Bandage or respirator to protect the respiratory tract.
  3. Safety glasses (screens) – will protect the organ of vision.
  4. Rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

If the powder gets on your skin, wash the affected areas with soap. If during treatment you feel dizzy, have a feeling of weakness, vomiting or nausea, or your pulse quickens, you must stop contact with the drug and call an ambulance.

If self-use of the product causes a deterioration in your health, it is better to contact professional experts in the disinfestation of premises. Even though the cost of the company’s services will be more expensive than purchasing the product, this will protect the residents and bring greater results.

How to use powders against bedbugs

Powder insecticides are available in different packaging - from 10 to 200 grams. Instructions for use are usually written in detail on the packaging of the drug.

Powders are used in their pure form - scattered over surfaces in the house. There is another application option - a concentrated solution. The powder dissolves in water in the concentration indicated on the package. The proportions vary depending on the degree of infection. After dissolving, the liquid is poured into a spray bottle and the area is sprayed.

Raptor for killing bedbugs

Raptor is a professional tool that has modern technology. The composition contains neopine and alpha-cypermethrin. Thus, the use of raptor makes it possible to have a neurotropic effect on bedbugs. About 15 minutes after spraying, complete elimination of insects is observed.

After use, small drops remain on the surface, which continue to act for a long time. Before using the Raptor, you must clean the surface from dust with a vacuum cleaner.

Particular attention should be paid to holes in upholstered furniture and joints in walls. When using, be sure to purchase rubber gloves.

Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  • One hundred percent efficiency;
  • Lack of immunity in insects;
  • Ease of use;
  • Small price.

The downside is a strong aroma that floats around the room for 15 minutes. It is recommended to ventilate the room. Be sure to use gloves. The smell may not disappear from the room for several days.

How dangerous is Karbofos for people and pets?

For warm-blooded creatures, including humans, Karbofos can be very poisonous, and the level of toxicity depends on the purity of the drug.

In animal cells, this compound is quickly metabolized to form less dangerous breakdown products, which are quickly eliminated from the body.

Karbofos has cumulative properties, and with prolonged exposure it can accumulate in the body, but this happens over a very long period of time. The symptoms that develop in the initial stages of Karbofos intoxication mainly consist of excessive activation of nerve impulse transmission, as well as direct toxic effects on cells of various organs. As a result of such activity, dysfunction of various organs develops.

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