How to get rid of feather mites in pillows, causes and symptoms

A person does not think about being close to microscopic mites until an allergic reaction occurs. These synanthropic organisms have long settled in our homes. Here they found favorable conditions and food in the form of particles of human epidermis. Mites in pillows, blankets, and upholstered furniture are not visible to the naked eye, but for sensitive people their presence results in a bouquet of various diseases from dermatitis to bronchial asthma.

Microscopic inhabitants of pillows

Mites that live in feather pillows are not related to the parasites that live on birds. This is a separate species - Dermatophagoides or house dust mites. Their sizes are 0.1-0.3 mm, so we don’t even notice the presence of millions of arthropod creatures. When viewed through a microscope, an oval, convex body covered with bristles and four pairs of legs are visible. There are suction cups on the limbs with which the tick clings to the surface. At high magnification, you can see powerful chelicerae - claw-like appendages with which dust mites gnaw particles of skin.

Attention. According to scientists, colonies of arachnids make up about 80% of the dust in an apartment.

Dust mites belong to the class of arachnids, the order of acarimorphic mites. The peculiarity of this group is the ability to feed on hair, feathers, skin secretions and particles. 150 species of mites have been found in house dust. Dermatophagoides pferohysimmus and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinys play a major role in the formation of an allergic reaction in humans.

A large number of mites live not just in dust, but in bedding. There are several reasons for this choice:

  • During sleep, we heat the pillow and bed to a comfortable temperature of +25-300, which is preferred by arachnids.
  • Skin secretions cause increased humidity.
  • A large amount of human epidermis remains in the bed, on which ticks feed.

Information. Arthropods that live in dust and bedding do not bite humans or suck their blood. They are not carriers of dangerous diseases like the Ixodid species.

How do ticks get into the house? They can be carried on clothing, when pillow filling is not properly treated, or on pet fur. The lifespan of parasites is 65-80 days. During this time, the female manages to lay 60-200 eggs. Arthropods spend most of their lives feeding on human remains. They defecate up to 20 times per day. Excrement is the main cause of allergic reactions in humans. If you consider that millions of individuals live in bed, then it is clear what kind of load is placed on the immune system.

Attention. Without washing, a feather pillow over a period of 5 years consists of 50% of its weight from dust, skin secretions, mites and their waste products.

Signs of dust mites

These small pests love to hide in sofas, pillows and bedding. It is impossible to see a bed parasite without magnifying devices, but an increased number of animals can reveal their presence by the appearance of various ailments in household members, for no apparent reason, namely:

  • Rash and itching;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Allergic cough or runny nose;
  • Constant nervousness and fatigue;
  • Increased body temperature.

In most cases, victims do not even suspect that all painful ailments are associated with bed or dust mites, so the colony can greatly increase in size before the parasites are discovered.

Danger of House Dust Mites

Small particles of Dermatophagoides mites and their feces are strong allergens. The excrement contains the proteins Der f1 and Der p1. They have a particularly detrimental effect on children living in urban areas. In rural areas, where a child comes into contact with animals and various microorganisms, he develops a strong immune system. Urban children are more susceptible to diseases; in 70% of cases of bronchial asthma, the source of the problem was an allergy to dust mites. Particles and secretions of arachnids enter the human body through the respiratory tract. Contact with them causes immune reactions on the skin. In areas of irritation, arthropod protein easily penetrates the skin, aggravating the problem.

Symptoms of an allergy to mites in pillows:

  • sneezing and a feeling of nasal congestion without a cold;
  • obsessive, incessant cough;
  • loss of appetite;
  • shortness of breath and difficulty breathing during exercise;
  • swelling of the eyelids, itching;
  • red rashes on the face.

When performing diagnostics, the presence of an allergen to house dust mites is detected. In addition to an allergic reaction, they cause other serious illnesses:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis.

Information. In many countries, feather and down filled pillows are prohibited for use in hotels, childcare centers and hospitals.

Danger to humans

There are several types of ticks living in nature. The most dangerous mites are those that parasitize human skin. These are the so-called ixodid ticks.

Parasites are not picky when choosing a food source. They feed on the blood of forest animals and some species of birds. The virus of tick-borne encephalitis, a dangerous disease, develops in the tissues of animals without causing them harm. Humans have no immunity to this infection. In addition to encephalitis, ticks carry borreliosis, typhus, tularemia, etc. You should beware of a tick bite infected with a dangerous pathogen. Infection occurs when the bloodsucker pierces the skin. Microorganisms are contained in the parasite's saliva, which enters the blood.


To avoid potential danger, you need to know that the tick prefers small forests, where the rays of the sun rarely shine. Most often, ticks wait for victims in the following places:

  • In clearings next to the undergrowth;
  • In ravines and bushes;
  • In lake thickets;
  • In the bushes next to the trails.

A common false claim is that ticks live on trees. This is far from true. Parasites wait for the victim, hiding in the grass and on the branches of bushes. A potential threat could be a dacha plot located near a forest area. On warm days, a tick can wait for a gardener in the weeds near the site.

How to get rid of ticks in the house

There are several ways to get rid of ticks in pillows. It is worth considering that the effect of the majority is temporary. Maintaining cleanliness and caring for bedding are the basic rules that help reduce the number of synanthropic parasites.

Impact of temperature

Parasites have always lived in feather pillows, and low temperatures have traditionally been used to combat them. On a cold winter day, it is recommended to take the pillows outside and leave them for several hours. The longer they stay in the cold, the better. More ticks will die during this time.

In summer, bedding is placed in direct sunlight. This is both heating and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The internal filling dries well, and parasites do not like dryness. Exposure to UV rays neutralizes tick waste products. Another opportunity to influence uninvited residents is treatment with a steam cleaner. The disadvantage of this method is that it only affects adults. Eggs are not sensitive to cold and heat. This means that after some time a new generation of dust mites will grow up.

Information. To treat bedding in hospitals and hotels, special chambers are used, where not only adult ticks are destroyed, but also their eggs.

Preventative measures to prevent the spread of dust mites

To prevent house dust mites from causing harm to human health, you need to follow some rules. This will help stop the reproduction of parasites.

It is very important to carry out regular wet cleaning of all premises, paying special attention to the accumulation of dust in hard-to-reach places. Regularly ventilate the room and clean the air. Keep carpets, blankets, and pillows clean. In winter it is advisable to freeze them and dry them in the sun in summer. Clean decorative items and household appliances from dust. Monitor the condition of the skin and fur of your pets. Try to avoid over-humidification of the air in living areas.

Acaricidal preparations for use in the home

Regular washing of bedding and ironing helps to effectively cope with parasites. But not all fabrics can be washed at high temperatures and ironed. To neutralize allergens and cope with mites at any temperature, a special Acaril liquid is added to the washing machine. The same product, released in powder form, can be used to clean carpets.

Wet cleaning is the main weapon in the fight against dust and its inhabitants. Its effect can be enhanced by adding special All-Rug shampoo to the water. The product is sold as a concentrate and can be used to clean natural and synthetic pile of furniture and carpets. It is used in a washing vacuum cleaner and for manual cleaning. The drug is diluted 1:30 in the first month, then a solution of 1:60 is sufficient. The product removes dirt, allergens and mold well, and has a pleasant aroma.

The Allergoff line of products is an acaricidal additive for washing bed linen and a spray. One sachet of Allergoff rids laundry of mites and their waste products. It also works against fleas and can be used to wash pet bedding.

Allergoff spray is capable of destroying parasites at any stage of development. The aerosol form makes it easy to treat mattresses, blankets, carpets and upholstered furniture. The action of the acaricidal drug causes the death of mites in down pillows 1 hour after spraying. Bedding must be treated from all sides. The product is safe for people; objects can be used 1 hour after its application. The active components of the drug are placed in special capsules, their effectiveness is 6 months. The spray is odorless and does not leave stains after use.

Spray "Akarosan" when sprayed, penetrates into the body of dust mites when feeding and through the chitinous shell. The main active ingredient of the drug is benzyl benzoate. The spray enlarges arthropod excrement, allowing it to be collected with a vacuum cleaner. Particles of the drug remain in the structure of the treated surface for a long time. They have a detrimental effect on subsequent generations of ticks. The protective effect of Akarosan is 6-9 months.

Folk recipe

Table salt will help reduce the number of parasites. It is necessary to prepare a solution from it: 200 g of the product is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. This composition wipes the areas of greatest accumulation of dust mites - baseboards, window sills, shelves. After moistening a napkin in this solution, wipe upholstered furniture, toys, and mattresses. The main advantages of the solution are affordable cost and effectiveness. The apartment is treated 2-3 times a month.

Ways to fight

Arachnids do not like sunlight and fresh air, so scientists recommend not making the bed immediately after sleep, but leaving it to “breathe” for several hours.

Read more ► How to remove a tick from a person at home correctly

Thus, the number of harmful insects in the bed will be significantly reduced. The best results in the fight against parasites are obtained by using methods in combination.


Frosty air is harmful to dust mites. In winter, carpets, blankets, pillows and a mattress are left for several hours on the street or balcony. Small items (for example, soft toys) are placed in the freezer. The carpets are taken out into the snow and beaten out.

The temperature at which insects die as quickly as possible is no higher than -20C. However, a decrease in the activity of arachnids occurs already at +10C and a humidity of 40%. Insects under such conditions die after 14 days.

Note! Parasite eggs are not affected by heat treatment.


Bed linen and pillows should be washed at a temperature of 60C with the addition of anti-tick medications. Large items are dry cleaned. A steamer, iron, and steam cleaner are used to treat surfaces (including carpets). Carpets are cleaned with the addition of chemicals that destroy parasites.

In summer, bedding and carpets are taken outside, under ultraviolet rays, and left for several hours. Parasites cannot tolerate sun exposure.


Treatment is carried out with sprays, aerosols, products with benzyl benzoate, tannin and borate for cleaning carpets and for adding to the washing machine. You can contact a pest control service.

Purchased anti-mite and fungal medications:

  1. Allersearch ACARIL is a product that is added to the machine during washing. Non-toxic, does not discolor fabric.
  2. Easy Air is a detergent or surface treatment product made from organic ingredients.
  3. Bedlam Plus is an aerosol against ticks, their eggs, bedbugs, moths, flies, beetles.
  4. Ortho Home Defense Dual-Action Bed Bug Killer is a spray whose results last up to 14 days. In addition, it does not leave marks on treated surfaces.
  5. Milbiol - aerosol. The production is based on vegetable oil from the seeds of a tropical tree.
  6. Allergoff is a low-toxic spray that retains its effect for up to 6 months.
  7. Oreck Allergen Control Carpet Cleaner is a leave-in cleaner for carpet surfaces. Apply to the surface and leave until completely dry.

Read more ► Dust mites: how to get rid of them at home, why they are dangerous, elimination in 4 steps

Folk remedies

with a salt solution gives excellent results . Add 200 g of table salt to a bucket of water, you can dissolve a little baking soda. The product is used to wipe floors and other surfaces. Use preparations with bleach. The room is cleaned with a washing vacuum cleaner or a vacuum cleaner with a special filter.

Such a filter does not allow dust microparticles and, along with them, mites back into the room. The dust collector is regularly emptied. Fabric is treated with boiling water. Carpets are regularly not only vacuumed, but also beaten.

When cleaning and washing, use essential oils of lavender and lemon . For 10 liters of water take 5 drops of oil. Surfaces are washed with the solution.

A few drops are also added to the washing machine: the essential oil disinfects and gives things a pleasant aroma. In addition, unlike fabric softener, it has no side effects.

Carpets and upholstery are treated with a solution of laundry soap and ammonia . The prepared solution is poured into a spray bottle, sprayed onto carpets and upholstery, and vacuumed after drying.

Note! Before treatment, children and pets are removed from the premises. Use personal protective equipment – ​​mask and gloves. Be sure to open the windows - ammonia has a pungent odor.

A good effect is achieved by using a quartz lamp . After 20 minutes, mites, microorganisms and mold die. However, you should not be indoors during treatment - the light from the lamp is dangerous for the retina. Another disadvantage of the application: some fabrics change color when exposed to radiation.

Getting rid of ticks in pillows

Pillows must be replaced periodically - at least once every 5 years . It is better to use not feather and down ones, but with synthetic filler. If it is not possible to wash pillows at home, they are dry cleaned twice a year.

Instructions for cleaning in a washing machine:

  1. Only pillows with synthetic filling are washed. Before cleaning, study the instructions - the label on the product.
  2. Pillowcases are removed from pillows and washed separately.
  3. It is better to load 2 pillows into the machine to maintain balance while the machine is running.
  4. Add washing powder, anti-mite preparation, bleach (if necessary).
  5. Carry out 2 rinsing cycles to remove chemical residues.

Caring for feather pillows

You don't have to give up your favorite feather pillows because of mites. They need to be looked after properly. In addition to seasonal drying and freezing, feather washing is recommended. Once every 2 years, pillows are taken to dry cleaning, where appropriate treatment is carried out. You can wash your feathers at home. To do this, you will need a canvas bag the size of a pillow, soap, and ammonia.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • The feather is poured into a prepared bag, which is tied tightly.
  • A special soap solution is prepared in a basin or other container with a volume of 10 liters. You will need 100 g of laundry soap and 100 g of ammonia. After mixing all the ingredients, a bag of feathers is lowered into the container.
  • Soaking takes place for 4 hours, periodically the bag is turned over, and the contents are kneaded with your hands.
  • Next is rinsing, you will need to change the water several times until all the soap and dirt disappears.
  • Fabric with wet feathers is hung in a draft. Washing is done on a sunny day so that everything dries quickly. You will need to wait until it dries completely. In order for the pen to dry evenly, you need to periodically shake it and knead it.

At the same time, the diaper is washed with the addition of an acaricidal drug. Dry fabric is ironed.


The pests live and breed on birds' feathers, causing them to fall out over time. In residential buildings, feather mites are most often found in pillows (photo below), upholstered furniture, carpeting and places where dust accumulates. However, down and feather pillows are considered the most favorable habitat for the parasite.

Feather base and human sweat combine to create the optimal temperature and humidity necessary for insect reproduction. Most people ventilate the room before going to bed, thereby improving the living conditions of the insect, since fresh air is one of the main components of its life support.

If not properly cared for, any down or feather product will gain weight after a few years due to the accumulation of dust and mites. On average, there are up to 200 individuals for every centimeter of feather pillow. As a rule, parasites get onto human skin from down or feather products, causing clearly noticeable discomfort.

Since it is extremely difficult to completely get rid of feather mites, down and feather filling of bedding is prohibited in most developed countries. This mainly concerns municipal children's institutions, hospitals, sanatoriums, hotels, barracks and student dormitories.

Modern manufacturers give preference to synthetic fillers such as padding polyester and holofiber. It is much easier to care for such products; in addition, the existence of parasites in them is almost impossible. For people who prefer natural materials, bedding with bamboo or coconut fiber, buckwheat, pine needles and even purified meadow hay is recommended. It is advisable to update pillows once a year.

Replacement of down and feather

The times when down pillows were considered the best are in the past. Today there are many fillers in which parasites do not like to settle.

Herbal options include:

  • buckwheat husk – elastic, hypoallergenic, with a pleasant aroma;
  • bamboo fiber – antibacterial, elastic, breathable;
  • latex is elastic, easy to clean, eliminates the appearance of mites and other microorganisms.

Synthetic polyester fillers allow for more frequent hygienic treatment:

  • holofiber – non-woven material;
  • comfort - elastic polyester balls;
  • Sintepon is an inexpensive material, but quickly loses its shape.

When choosing a filler, consider the age and individual needs of the person. For children, it is better to choose natural fibers that do not cause allergies. Ticks that live in pillows do not grow in buckwheat and bamboo.

Description of ticks and their harm

According to research, bed mites are able to survive in any conditions and spread very quickly. Although parasites are not capable of biting humans, they often cause allergies and are extremely dangerous. Bed mites are very small, the diameter of their bodies does not exceed a few fractions of a millimeter (from 0.1 to 0.23). These parasites belong to the type of saprophages, that is, dust mites. Sometimes the parasites are called linen mites, but they mean the same insect.

The most comfortable conditions for the rapid reproduction of parasites are temperatures from 18 to 25°C, as well as high humidity levels. The life cycle of an individual individual does not exceed 65–80 days. However, this time is enough for the female to lay eggs. Females can lay hundreds of eggs per cycle. Baby parasites quickly emerge from the eggs and replenish thousands of tick colonies. If individuals are not prevented from reproducing, it will soon become impossible to live indoors.

Their small size allows insects to live in people's homes. Most often they settle in bed. Here the insect finds the most comfortable conditions for itself: dust, particles of dead human skin, warmth. In such conditions, insects not only live comfortably, but also reproduce quickly.

Most often, insects choose natural materials as their home. Parasites often settle in feather and down duvets, mattresses, and wool or cotton bedspreads. However, parasites can also live in synthetic materials, especially if the product has not been washed for a long time.

Insects can move through space by clinging to things. You can become infected with parasites through contact with contaminated things when traveling on public transport, using someone else's chair or armchair, or bed in a hotel.

Sweat and skin particles from people and their pets become food for bed mites.

Therefore, it is extremely important to care for the fur of domestic cats or dogs. It is important to bathe animals and brush them on time

Wet cleaning of the premises also needs to be done regularly.

Bed parasites can be found in any country. Where there is a person, there the insect can find food. Thanks to this, parasites can easily live in any climatic conditions. Only extreme cold and heat are destructive to insects.

Over the course of a week, about 1 g of human epidermis remains on bed linen. Dead microscopic particles of human skin are a delicacy for parasites. This amount is quite enough for an entire colony of ticks. After intensive feeding, pillow mites begin to defecate. Protein compounds in insect excrement cause allergies in humans. When there is too much bowel movement, a person becomes ill. Itchy boils, rashes, and red growths may appear on the skin. These are not bite sites as one might think. This is an allergic reaction to parasite waste.

If a person has allergies, they may experience more severe symptoms, even anaphylaxis. Common allergy symptoms in people include:

  • dermatitis;
  • severe irritation and redness;
  • nasal congestion;
  • asthmatic reactions.

Although symptoms are most common in people prone to allergic reactions, even a healthy person can develop an allergy when there is a build-up of mite excrement. In fact, when inhaled with air, a certain amount of insect feces also enters the lungs of a person. The waste produced by parasites has a diameter of 10–40 microns and is practically invisible to the naked eye. On the human mucosa, these particles begin to dissolve, and an allergy quickly appears.

Preventive actions

To protect your loved ones from allergic reactions and reduce the negative impact of dust mites to a minimum, following simple rules:

  1. Change pillows and mattresses every 5-6 years. Without proper care, they accumulate a huge amount of mites and mold.
  2. All bedding, as well as bedspreads, pajamas, and dressing gowns should be washed and shaken out as often as possible. It is recommended to dry these items in the sun.
  3. Use acaricidal sprays to treat the surface of upholstered furniture, toys, and carpets.
  4. Regularly carry out wet cleaning of the premises, do not allow dust to accumulate under the bed and in the corners of the room.
  5. If one of the family members is prone to allergies, it is necessary to remove items from the house that accumulate dust - carpets, drapes.
  6. Ventilate rooms frequently and maintain humidity at 40%.
  7. Refuse to store old pillows and mattresses in your apartment and immediately get rid of unnecessary things.

It is impossible to completely destroy dust mites; their population is regularly replenished. But everyone can reduce their numbers and make their home safe.

Knock out the tick!

If a tick has become lodged in the sofa or in things that you do not want to throw away, the following methods of dealing with it are suitable:

  • Maintain the room temperature no higher than 21°C;
  • Humidity should be low, 40-45%;
  • Ventilate rooms regularly;
  • Wash towels and pajamas at least once a week, at a temperature not lower than 65°C;
  • The bed should be changed at least once every two weeks;
  • Clean upholstered furniture with a special electric attachment of a separating vacuum cleaner (brush-beater).

Whether you need to get rid of dust mites if you are not allergic to them is a purely individual question. But remember, leaving everything to chance is not an option. Not only your health, but also the health of your loved ones and children depends on your actions

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Which pillows do ticks not live in?

Fortunately, nowadays there are many other fillings for blankets, mattresses and pillows that are completely unsuitable for dust mites. The website "Who's Over 30" will tell you about the best of them.

Bio-pillows filled with buckwheat husks

This type of filler is very hygienic; it does not become clogged with dust or parasites.

Such bedding is absolutely not inhabited by insects; dust mites do not live in pillows filled with buckwheat husks, since there is no food for them.

In addition, such bedding is hypoallergenic and has an orthopedic effect.

Hypoallergenic pillows

These are accessories for sleeping and relaxation that are made from 100% natural materials - allergen-repellent wool and 100% cotton.

Such pillows are absolutely airtight, due to which neither dust nor parasites can get into their middle. The service life of such products is up to 10 years!

Caring for them is quite simple - you just need to change the pillowcases every two weeks, wash in lukewarm water, without using aggressive detergents, bleaches or conditioners.

Bamboo pillows

The fiber of this plant has unique natural properties, namely, bactericidal, antistatic, and deodorizing.

Dust mites do not live in such pillows. Bamboo fibers contain a natural antiseptic that prevents bacteria and parasites from multiplying.

About 70% of bacteria that land on a pillow die. It should be noted that over time, the antibacterial properties of bamboo pillows do not weaken, remaining even after numerous washes.

What to do

If you suspect the presence of bedbugs in your pillow, you must first take measures aimed at identifying the parasites.

The following signs may indicate an intrusion by uninvited guests:

  • Traces of the vital activity of parasites, that is, their excrement, remain on bed linen and home textiles. You can see them with the naked eye; in appearance they resemble dark pellets or dots.
  • After sleep, so-called “tracks” may appear on the skin, that is, reddish spots located sequentially. They often itch and there is a possibility of tissue swelling.
  • Bed linen may become saturated with the unpleasant smell of fermented raspberries.

Recommended by topic

Eco-friendly pillows made of eucalyptus fiber. The beige cover is decorated with an image of eucalyptus leaves and has an olive-colored piping around the perimeter. Eucalyptus creates a feeling of coolness and does not give the slightest reason for allergies.

The filler conducts air well and does not retain moisture. Thanks to essential oils, it has a healing effect.

The model holds its shape well, but by the end of its service life it may decrease in volume.

Hefel Pure Silk

4.9 Rating

Type: classic Size: 50 × 70 cm Case filler: Tussa silk 100% Core filler: holofiber

Cover material: TENCEL Cover fabric: satin Level of support: medium

The pillow is made of Tussa silk. The premium model is decorated with a pillowcase made of TENCEL satin fabric, which is highly breathable. It contains holofiber inside, which gives the pillow elasticity. TENCEL silk and eucalyptus fabrics are great for people with sensitive skin. The case is equipped with a zipper, the filling can be adjusted. The disadvantage of the pillow is its high price.

Magic night Len

4.6 Rating

Type: classic Size: 70 × 70 cm Filling: polyester 100%

Cover material: linen 70%, polyester 30% Cover fabric: cotton 100% Support level: medium

The hypoallergenic pillow does not accumulate static electricity. Characterized by a high level of breathability. Manufacturers have used TwinZone technology: two layers have different structures and compositions. The external filler contains a large amount of flax, which has bactericidal properties. The fabric of the cover has a beautiful pattern. Gradually the inner filler rolls off.

Primavelle Cotton

4.4 Rating

Type: classic Size: 50 × 72 cm External filling: cotton 80%, polyester 20%

Core filler: holofiber Fabric material: 100% cotton Support level: medium

The model is decorated with a delicate case with a floral pattern. The top layer of the product contains a large amount of cotton, which allows air to circulate freely. Hollow fiber helps maintain volume and prevents the accumulation of dust and odors. Cotton retains water, so the pillow needs to be dried regularly.

Ascona Organic

4.4 Rating

Type: classic Size: 50 × 70 cm Filling: artificial swan down

Cover material: eucalyptus fiber 100% TENCEL Support level: medium Height: 20 cm

A pillow filled with swan down, its properties reminiscent of its natural counterpart. The pillowcase is made of eucalyptus fiber. The pillow contains Miracle Membrane - a miracle membrane, it evenly distributes heat, protects against microorganisms, and performs air exchange. Another feature of the model is the A-vent valve. Some of the filler can be removed and the height adjusted.

Ormatek Easy Soft

4.1 Rating

Type: classic Size: 50 × 70 cm Filling: holofiber

Cover material: satin, 100% cotton Support level: medium Height: 17 cm

The hypoallergenic pillow is comfortable from the first days of use. The non-removable cover is made of satin. It's easy to choose a pillowcase for your pillow. The white model is decorated with orange piping on the sides. The hollow fiber structure provides excellent ventilation. The product quickly removes moisture. Lumps gradually appear in the filler.

Fillers that do not cause allergic reactions

Bamboo. The tropical plant is grown without the use of chemicals. In the mechanical method, the stems are crushed and threads are pulled out of the resulting pulp. The resulting material is “Bamboo flax”. Products made from it are environmentally friendly, but are expensive.

With the chemical method, reagents and an alkaline solution are used, but then all toxic substances are removed. They get cheaper material - bamboo viscose. The fiber is a porous structure and resembles cotton wool. Bamboo contains a natural antibiotic, the filler is not susceptible to rotting. The material quickly absorbs and removes moisture.

Eucalyptus. The tree is grown without the use of fertilizers and chemicals. Fiber is obtained from cellulose. The raw materials are passed through a chemical composition, but no hazardous substances are used. The fiber is light, thin, strong and elastic.

To increase volume, it is mixed with other natural or artificial material. Eucalyptus fiber has increased hygroscopicity, wear resistance and excellent air retention. The filler contains essential oil, which produces a healing effect and prevents the formation of microbes.

Linen. Inside the pillow there is loose fiber, it is lightly compressed, and a layer of needle-punched flax is added to give elasticity. The cover is also made from plant material. Flax has bactericidal properties. The fiber is not treated with chemicals.

Linen filler absorbs moisture; it is not advisable to use a pillow with it for people who sweat profusely. A wet product must be dried immediately. With proper care, a flax pillow retains its beneficial properties for a long time.

Silk. The premium filler is made from silkworm cocoons. The Mulberry variety is considered to be of higher quality, and Tussa is more affordable. But despite the different quality, both types of silk retain their beneficial properties. The plant filler is environmentally friendly and harmless to health. Contains amino acids that have a beneficial effect on the skin. Sericin prevents ticks from spreading. It is better to replace a silk pillowcase with a cotton one, as the former retains traces of sweat.

Holofiber. Synthetic filler is made from polyester. The fibers are twisted into spirals and, under thermal influence, a non-woven material is obtained. The fiber is light, durable, and consists of many hollow balls. The air ventilates the filler perfectly.

Formaldehyde and other hazardous substances are not used in the production of holllofiber. The material is safe for health, conducts heat and air well, and absorbs moisture.

Swansdown. Natural raw materials have not been used for a long time. Artificial down is made from the finest synthetic threads by twisting into a spiral. The fibers are coated with silicone to make it more durable.

The porous material is well ventilated, dust does not accumulate, and moisture is quickly removed. Great as an alternative to down models. No microorganisms develop.

Cotton . Natural material does not contain artificial additives. Plant raw materials are used in their natural form and are not bleached. Cotton fiber is like cotton wool; air passes through it perfectly. The material absorbs moisture well, but retains it for a long time. The environmentally friendly filler is suitable for allergy sufferers, but requires regular drying.


Feather mites found in the human body cause a rash and redness of the skin. In most cases, this is acne or small ulcers on the forehead and nasolabial triangle. The affected areas peel, there is a feeling of tight and dry skin, perhaps a slight tingling sensation, and an oily sheen.

Allergy sufferers suffer the most from the pest. The most severe allergic reactions include:

  • redness and rash, in some cases throughout the body;
  • scratching in places of unbearable itching;
  • lacrimation, conjunctivitis.

Other symptoms of demodicosis:

  • rash, purulent inflammation, acne;
  • sallow complexion;
  • enlarged pores;
  • itching in the ear area;
  • increased hair loss;
  • weakened immune system;
  • increased work of the sebaceous glands;
  • attacks of itching at night.

Most often, ticks can be found on the wings of the nose, around the eyes, on the eyebrows and eyelashes. In the latter case, the eyelashes become thin and fall out. Parasites are extremely rare on the body. To prevent complications of the disease, it is important to consult a specialist in time and undergo a course of treatment.

Rating of the TOP 7 best hypoallergenic pillows

Bamboo Village Grass

5.0 Rating

Type: classic Size: 50 × 68 cm Filling: bamboo fiber, polyester fiber External filling: 100% BAMBOO FIBER GRASS

Cover material: satin Fabric material: cotton, bamboo fiber Support level: adjustable

The model is decorated with an original stitch in the form of diamonds. The outer filling is made of bamboo fiber. White satin with a tight weave was used for the cover. The pillow has two zippered components: a cover with outer filling and an inner chamber. Thanks to this, you can adjust the amount of fiber and set the optimal volume. There were no defects found in the pillow.

Natures Mysterious Angel 50

4.9 Rating

Type: classic Size: 50 × 68 cm Filling: eucalyptus fiber 50%, holofiber 50%

Cover material: 100% lyocell - eucalyptus fiber Support level: medium

Treatment of demodicosis

First of all, the patient needs to go on a strict diet, not eat canned and pickled foods, smoked meat and sausage, fried foods, smoked and dried fish, dishes with a large number of herbs and spices, completely eliminate alcohol, eat chocolate in moderation, drink strong tea and coffee less often, limit yourself to sweets.

It is strictly forbidden to go to the solarium and stay in the open sun for a long time in the summer.

The use of foundation and powder is prohibited; it is advisable to completely eliminate all cosmetics during treatment, and throw away old products, as they also contain mites. Makeup brushes should be thoroughly disinfected to avoid becoming infected with demodicosis again. Do not use day or night cream or nourishing masks. Instead, it is better to use cleansing foams, tonics, and gel serums.


The patient should wash with water at room temperature, not hot.

Squeezing pimples is strictly prohibited, as this promotes the spread of infection to other areas of the face.

The patient is prescribed vitamins (“Volvit” or “Vitrum”), which include group B, C and other minerals.

Prevention of demodicosis consists of following the following rules: you need to pay special attention to personal hygiene, change the pillowcase every day or iron it with an iron, do not wipe yourself with a cloth towel after washing, it is better to use disposable dry towels. Use Spregal to spray pillows to kill parasites. It is strictly forbidden to visit the sauna and swimming pool

It is strictly forbidden to visit the sauna and swimming pool.


Try to expose yourself to stress as little as possible; at first it is recommended to take sedatives, for example, Sedafiton.

Try not to overwork your body and spend no more time in fresh air. If demodicosis of the eyes is detected, then you should reduce the load on them, smear the eyelashes with a specialized gel for demodex of the eyelids. If there are animals in the house, it is necessary to clean the fur.

The most well-known drugs for the treatment of feather mites are benzyl benzoate, ichthyol ointment, tar soap and metronidazole. No less effective are sulfur-based ointments, for example, Wilkinson's sulfur-salicylic ointment. It kills germs, relieves inflammation, and has an antiseptic effect. The course of treatment with ointment lasts from five days. One of the negative aspects is the unpleasant pungent odor.

Vidal's milk is an excellent way to cope with demodicosis, as it effectively kills parasites, reduces sebum production and fights stagnant acne spots.

It is recommended to take Trichopolum or Tetracycline internally. The course will last up to 10-14 days.


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