Aerosol against bed bugs: how to use, which one is more effective?

Updated: 04/22/2021 17:10:25

Expert: Anna Maslova

*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Many people believe that bedbugs are insects that lived in their great-grandmother’s sofas and that they simply cannot exist in modern homes. But as statistics show, this is not the case. Bed bugs can appear in dormitories, communal apartments, new buildings, and luxury housing. No one is immune from this. Such a neighborhood is not just unpleasant, it causes tangible problems: bedbug bites are very painful, they can cause itching, irritation and even swelling.

To exterminate them, some turn to a specialized service that carries out pest control at home. Many people choose a cheaper option: products that are commercially available. These are all kinds of gels, liquids, crayons, aerosols, sprays, traps.

Our rating presents the 15 best insecticides, according to professionals, that will help neutralize bed bugs and their larvae and rid your home of harmful insects.

How and what to choose

There is a huge range of means for removing bedbugs. They are based on various chemicals that poison insects or repel them. The release form does not play a functional role - it rather determines the ease of use of the product in a specific situation.

First of all, when choosing a remedy for bedbugs, study the composition. It must include one or more working substances:

  1. Pyrethrin
    is a natural insecticide extracted from the flowers of the perennial aster; its synthetic analogues, pyrethroids, stronger than the plant prototype, can be designated as permethrin, tetramethrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin.
  2. Carbamate
    is a proposcur, a chemical agent.
  3. Phenylpyrazole
    is a fipronil found in many insecticides.
  4. A group of neonicotinoids
    - imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, acetamiprid, paralyzing insects.
  5. Malatoin and chlorpyrifos
    are organophosphorus compounds that are the only ones capable of neutralizing bedbug eggs.

First on the list, peritrin and its chemical derivatives are the most common components of remedies for bedbugs and other parasites. However, insects get used to these poisons over time, hence the search and use of ever new poisons, which can either complement the composition or be independent active agents in individual products.

The well-known Soviet "Dichlorvos"

- also a type of poison, but today it is only a trade name. The active substance itself is no longer used due to excessive toxicity, including for humans and animals. Today, Dichlorvos is an aerosol with other poisons.

Bedbugs in an apartment or house do not appear out of nowhere; they come from other homes, where, perhaps, they have already tried to get rid of the insects by some means. Parasites that interact with an insecticide but survive acquire immunity to this substance, so it is not always possible to predict which drug will help eradicate them the first time. That is, the same product can help in one house and be useless in another apartment.

Fortunately, there are no bedbugs resistant to all insecticides, and some drug will still be effective. However, when choosing each subsequent product, you need to read the composition in order to change the group of active substances. In order not to go through an endless number of options, it is advisable to immediately purchase a complex formula with several active poisons - one of them will definitely work.

Release form

In addition to the composition, anti-bedbug products differ in the form of release - these are liquid solutions and gels (concentrates), aerosols, dry powders and crayons. The same active substance can be in a dozen sprays and powders. To determine which type of product to choose, let's look at the comparison table of these products:

Product type Advantages Flaws Application specifics
Aerosol + Distributed evenly over the surface by spraying;

+ Ready-to-use product;

A large area is processed at once;

+ Convenient to process vertical areas;

+ Modern sprays have virtually no smell.

— May require surface drying if applied heavily. Sprays can have different concentrations of the active substance; when used, most do not require the evacuation of people and animals from the house.

The price of a can is from 270 rubles (the most expensive form of funds).

Liquid concentrates + Affordable price (cheaper than aerosols);

+ Many concentrates kill insect eggs;

+ Economical consumption, especially when dilution is necessary.

— Concentrates must be diluted;

— For some products you need to buy a spray bottle, which determines the cost-effectiveness of the product when applied.

Liquid concentrates for bedbugs contain an increased dose of poisons, which are mostly safe for humans.
Powders, crayons + Maximum concentrated product;

+ Convenient to store;

+ High efficiency.

— Powders need to be dissolved and applied by spraying;

- Crayons only work locally - you need to know the “route” of bedbugs so that they have contact with the poison.

Powders are good for preparing a solution. They are optimally used for the systematic removal of bedbugs.

If you use the products according to the instructions, they will all be equally effective, except for crayons - they are advisable to use only for places where insects exit their habitats. They are not suitable for processing furniture.


Domestic product. You can buy it at any hardware store, household chemicals department in a supermarket, or at a veterinary pharmacy. The active substance of Carbozol is the insecticide malathion. The substance has a nerve-paralytic effect. Penetrates into the body of insects mainly through the chitinous cover. Like other aerosols, it has a low residual effect. Shows effectiveness 2 hours after treatment. Malathion rapidly loses its properties under the influence of light. But in a room where there are small children and animals, it is better to use Carbozol than cypermethrin-based products. The drug does not affect bedbug eggs. Repeat the treatment after 7 days, despite the instructions in the instructions - after 14 days. Ineffective in case of severe contamination of the premises. The drug contains a flavoring agent, which masks the pungent odor of the insecticide. Treats the surface with care - does not damage fabric, wood, plastic, and does not corrode varnish. Packaged in 300 ml cans. The average price of the drug is 100 rubles. In general, an affordable product with a different composition can become very effective in case of preliminary unsuccessful disinfestation of bedbugs with preparations based on cypermethrin and tetramethrin. Malathion will put the final finishing touch on the bedbug population.

How to properly remove bedbugs

  1. Just spraying poison is not enough.
    After finding eggs or bedbugs themselves, vacuum all surfaces where insects can live: carpets, folds of furniture, curtains, bed linens. Use a stiff brush to help remove insect eggs. Immediately after cleaning, collect the contents of the bag in a plastic bag, tie it tightly and throw it away.
  2. Turn up the heat
    . Insects cannot tolerate high temperatures above 50 degrees, so immediately after detecting parasites, collect bed linen, curtains and other textiles and put them in the washing machine for a hot wash. If you have a dryer, treat items on the highest setting.
  3. Send things out into the cold.
    This method is applicable if it is winter outside. Place textiles in which bedbugs live outside or on the balcony, where the temperature is below 0 degrees. It is also better to freeze the mattress and upholstered furniture for a couple of hours - this is how our ancestors removed bedbugs.
  4. Close the routes from the shelters
    : seal the cracks around the sockets with sealants or masking tape, glue the baseboards, loose seams between sheets of wallpaper, and ventilation hatches around the perimeter.
  5. Move upholstered furniture away from the walls
    - this way bedbugs will not be able to get on it, especially on the bed, from possible uncovered shelters.
  6. Treat contact surfaces with chemicals
    - sprays or prepared solutions, when the bedding has already been collected and the shelters have been vacuumed and insulated. Carry out processing in accordance with the instructions on the packaging. If the manufacturer warns about the need to use gloves, goggles and a respirator, do not neglect them. The exit points from the lair can be drawn with chalk. The processing may need to be repeated after some time. After the first use of the poison, the adults will die; repeated application will be required to eradicate the hatched larvae.

To prevent bedbugs from returning

After chemically treating surfaces, do not rush to return the textiles to their place.

  1. First
    , check to see if the bedbugs have become active after the first treatment. If the situation has not changed, it means that the colony is resistant to a specific poison. Insecticides should be used in the following order: neonicotinoids, organophosphorus compounds, pyrethroids, carbamates.
  2. Secondly
    , when the sheets are laid out and the curtains are hung in place, keep them clean and wash them regularly, do not neglect thorough cleaning.
  3. Thirdly
    , be careful when visiting or in hotels - bedbugs or their eggs can be brought home on clothes or luggage without noticing it.

Precautionary measures

Combat line drugs received the third category of danger, that is, they can be called moderately toxic

They are practically harmless to people and animals, but killing bedbugs with these insecticides requires taking precautions

Since the active substances are dangerous for fish and reptiles, the aquarium should be covered with thick fabric. After the procedure, it is necessary to ensure that pets do not lick insecticide residues from furniture and other surfaces.

The room is processed using a respirator, gloves and a protective suit. If the substance does get on the skin, wash it well with soap and water. If the product gets into the respiratory tract, rinse your mouth with plenty of water.

There should be no strangers in the apartment during the bullying process. It’s good if the family has the opportunity to live in another place for a couple of days after treatment.

Rating of the best bed bug remedies

The best aerosols for bedbugs1Aerosol Raptor from bedbugs239 ₽
2Aerosol COMBAT (Combat) SuperSpray against cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas330 ₽
3Aerosol against bedbugs "Napoval" odorless137 ₽
4Super aerosol against cockroaches and bedbugs CLEAN HOUSE549 ₽
The best sprays for bedbugs1Insecticidal spray against bedbugs and fleas HELP 200 ml149 ₽
2Spray Clean home against bedbugs, fleas and cockroaches, chamomile scent250 ₽
3Spray Vigilant guard against bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, ants, skin beetles, insecticidal84 ₽
4MEDILIS Antiklop spray, 250ml530 ₽
The best gels for bedbugs1Syringe gel COMBAT300 ₽
2Cucaracha gel against cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and rat mites53 ₽
3Gel Forsyth against bedbugs350 ₽
The best powders for bedbugs1Insect repellent, bedbug powder NoName, 5g82 ₽
2Bedbug powder “NoGuest!”119 ₽
3Powder against bed bugs Gektor648 ₽
4Biological powder against bedbugs, fleas, ticks, cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, ants PYRETHRUM275 ₽
The best pencils for bedbugs1Chalk Mashenka Agrovit14 ₽

The best aerosols for bedbugs

Aerosol is considered one of the most convenient means for killing bedbugs. It is suitable for treating hard-to-reach places, penetrating deeply behind baseboards, cabinets, and into crevices. But it also has its downsides. The main one is the price. It is an order of magnitude higher than other remedies for bedbugs. It is also not recommended to use many aerosols in homes with small children, animals and allergy sufferers.

Aerosol Raptor from bedbugs

Rating: 4.9

A well-known manufacturer has created a reliable product to combat bed bugs. Aerosol "Raptor" is in first place in the rating. Three active ingredients help to effectively cope with the problem without resorting to the services of pest control services. The powerful formula is similar to professional room treatment products.

"Raptor" does not contain substances that have a negative impact on the ozone layer. Its action begins 15 minutes after spraying. The drug has a neurotropic effect. Drops falling on an insect quickly penetrate the body and destroy it. The treated surface is lethal to bedbugs that come into contact with it. Therefore, their complete neutralization is guaranteed.

One 225 ml cylinder is enough to treat a room of 20 square meters. m. The aerosol sprays well without forming droplets. The dispenser is easy to press. After treatment, there is no unpleasant odor, which many users considered a definite plus.


  • prolonged action;
  • without a sharp, unpleasant odor;
  • similar to professional products;
  • without ozone-depleting substances;
  • affordable price.


  • not detected.


The insecticidal preparation in the form of an aerosol has not received much recognition from buyers. Today it is very difficult to buy it, if desired. There is no complete information about this product on the Internet. You can order the aerosol from the manufacturers on the official website. One of the disadvantages is the inaccessibility of the product. In terms of effectiveness, Prima-U is classified as a drug of average quality. However, this is dictated by the form of release itself. It is active only 2 hours after treatment. Destroys adults, larvae of different generations except eggs. Repeated treatment is required after 2 weeks, and if the room is heavily infested, it is better to use a different drug altogether. Regarding the price, it is also difficult to answer this question. Within 300 rubles for 1 bottle.

The best gels for bedbugs

Gel is a convenient and familiar form of insect repellent for many. It is safe for the health of people and pets, is easily applied to cracks and any hard-to-reach places, has a long residual effect, and has no unpleasant odor.

Syringe gel COMBAT

Rating: 4.9

The first place in the ranking of the best gels is deservedly occupied by the popular brand COMBAT. It neutralizes large concentrations of insects and has a persistent, prolonged effect for several months. The product can be used in apartments, houses, offices, hotels, hospitals. It does not have a negative impact on the health of adults, children and animals. The poison acts exclusively on insects, causing paralysis and death.

The product is available in the form of a syringe. Using a piston, the required amount of the drug for treatment is squeezed out, and the long spout allows you to apply it even into the narrowest, hard-to-reach crevices. It is economical to use, only a small thin layer is required.

According to experts and user reviews, the Combat gel is exactly the option when the area of ​​infection is large and what is required is not instant destruction, but long-term exposure over a long period of time. The convenient release form and low consumption were especially highlighted.


  • long action;
  • safe for children and animals;
  • minimum consumption;
  • no pungent odor;
  • convenient application.


  • not detected.

Cucaracha gel against cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and rat mites

Rating: 4.8

The rating includes a gel-like product that neutralizes several types of insects. These are bedbugs, cockroaches, flies, ants, silverfish, and woodlice. It effectively fights both larvae and adults, completely destroying insect colonies.

The drug does not have an unpleasant odor. It has an immediate effect and, thanks to long-term protection (up to 5 weeks), prevents the appearance of new parasites. The gel is available in a tube. When pressed, the amount of drug required for treatment is released.

Buyers spoke positively about the product, which can be used in apartments with children and pets. During processing it is not necessary to leave the room, which is another undoubted advantage. Everyone confirmed that the residual effect lasts for a long time and protects against the appearance and further reproduction of bedbugs and other insects.


  • safe drug;
  • universal remedy for many insects;
  • prolonged action;
  • has no smell;
  • budget cost.


  • Not a very convenient release form for treating hard-to-reach places.

Delicia Contra Insect Universal

A German-made product designed to kill a wide majority of known arthropod species. It remains active for several weeks after use, killing pests as they walk across treated surfaces. In addition to adults, it kills larvae, which makes it possible to treat garbage bins with the help of Delicium.

The composition does not include aggressive substances, so the sprayed surfaces are not damaged during treatment. One bottle is enough to treat an area of ​​25 square meters. Each container is equipped with a lever that prevents children from using it and thereby harming themselves. The drug is extremely toxic to aquatic organisms, so before treatment it is necessary to remove or reliably protect the aquariums in the room.

The best powders for bedbugs

Powder is one of the oldest means for killing bedbugs. In addition to efficiency, it has an important advantage, which is why it is very popular among buyers - it is low price. The downside is that the powder requires additional preparation before application. But today there are drugs on sale that do not need to be dissolved in water.

Insect repellent, bedbug powder NoName, 5g

Rating: 4.9

Indian-made powder tops the rating list in this category. It is a finely dispersed blue fraction, which is dissolved in water before processing. The main active ingredient is a new generation chemical that quickly destroys bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects and has a prolonged effect.

The drug will not cause any difficulties during preparation for processing. It quickly dissolves and is immediately applied to places where colonies accumulate and to the paths of movement of individuals. The liquid is odorless, so it will not cause unwanted reactions in people and pets.

According to reviews, the product acts instantly, insects die in the first minutes after treatment. Thanks to its long-lasting action, the room is protected from the appearance of new parasites. An important advantage is the complete absence of odor, which allows the drug from NoName to be used in apartments where people with allergic diseases and small children live.


  • innovative drug;
  • instant effect;
  • destroys both adults and larvae;
  • has no smell;
  • budget price.


  • not detected.

Bedbug powder “NoGuest!”

Rating: 4.8

Next in the rating is a universal powder that destroys almost all types of flying and crawling insects: bedbugs, flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes. It is effective against both adults and larvae and can be used in residential premises and industrial facilities. Thanks to the substance, which is an innovative chemical component, insects do not adapt to the liquid, which leads to their complete destruction.

The powder is fine-grained and dissolves well in water. The ratio of components can be found by reading the instructions. One package is enough to treat an area of ​​up to 10 square meters. m. It is recommended to apply the drug to all places where insects can hide. The effect is very fast, the effect of the drug lasts up to 1.5-2 months.

Users noted that preparation before application does not take much time. The liquid does not have a sharp, unpleasant odor, does not cause allergic reactions, and does not leave marks after drying. The drug acts quickly, neutralizing the main part of the colony and larvae. Subsequently, the bedbugs are completely destroyed, as it has a long-lasting effect.


  • fast 100% effect;
  • does not cause addiction to bedbugs;
  • no pungent odor;
  • rapid dissolution in water.


  • not detected.

Top 1. Forsythe

Rating (2021): 4.42

180 reviews from resources taken into account: Ozon, Yandex.Market

Longest shelf life Once opened, the bottle can be resealed and stored for up to 4.5 years.

  • Characteristics

    Price: from 260 rub.

  • Country: Poland
  • Substance: fenthion 25%
  • Action: up to 4 months

Among the best drugs for bedbugs, Foresight takes a well-deserved place: it is popular and has a lot of positive reviews. And most importantly, it costs less than many analogues, even if you buy 2-3 bottles at once. For processing 50 sq. m most often, 50 ml of diluted concentrate is sufficient. It is difficult to classify Foresight as a 100% odorless product. The aroma is most often characterized by buyers as moderate and quickly dissipates. However, sometimes there are reviews that the product smells very unpleasant. This is due to the characteristics of the batch and the concentration of the fragrance, as with some other drugs. The effectiveness of Foresight is assessed as good, but not excellent. There are opinions that it does not work at all.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Low price
  • Maximum effect in 1 week
  • Some customers report an unpleasant odor

to the beginning of the rating

The best pencils for bedbugs

Chalk Mashenka Agrovit

Rating: 4.5

The famous chalk “Mashenka” from the Agrovit company is a universal remedy for bedbugs and other insects that live in apartments and houses. The product with an affectionate name has a serious character and a hazard class of 4 - the main active ingredient in its composition is the second generation rethroid deltamethrin, a rather strong insecticide, and zeta-cypermethrin, enclosed in a gypsum-chalk base. The poisons are dangerous for insects and humans, so if there are small children in the house, as well as animals, extreme caution must be taken when using it. It is necessary to draw the places where the bugs travel from the lair to the victim - the source of blood: baseboards, doorways, ventilation holes, the drawings must be continuous so that the bugs cannot bypass the contour untouched. For the remedy to work, one contact of the parasite's legs and the poison is enough.

From Mashenka chalk you can prepare a solution for treatment and apply it to hard-to-reach surfaces. Users note that insects, in particular bedbugs, go away after 1-4 treatments, but one piece of chalk is unlikely to be enough. The remainder of the product can be used to fight ants, cockroaches, and aphids.


  • A universal remedy for bedbugs and other insects;
  • Can be used by drawing or to prepare a solution;
  • Chalk can be easily removed from surfaces with a damp cloth;
  • Strong poisons in the composition;
  • Low price.


  • The poisons in the composition require strict adherence to the instructions for application and protection from children and animals.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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