Ways to get rid of furniture bugs, useful tips

  • “Portrait” of a furniture bug
  • Who can he be confused with?
  • Features of development and life activity
  • Where do parasites come from?
  • Where to look for furniture bugs?
  • What furniture doesn't harbor bedbugs?
  • How to deal with furniture bugs?
  • Professional pest control
  • What are the best remedies for furniture bugs?

Human parasites of the order Cimex lectularius have several names. These are bed, linen or furniture bugs. The last definition reflects the habitats of blood-sucking insects: they can live in pieces of furniture, beds, sofas, and wardrobes. The difference in names does not change the essence of insects. Furniture interests them only as an object of residence. The gastronomic inclinations of all members of the family are the same: they feed on human blood.

Infestation of an apartment with bed bugs is an unpleasant event from a sanitary, hygienic and ethical point of view. Many people believe that they do not need to know what furniture bugs look like, why they are dangerous, or where they come from. They believe that such an event cannot happen to them. Unfortunately, the position is wrong. Parasites appear in apartments and houses that are impeccable in hygiene and cleanliness, in fashionable hotels, and appear where they find a favorable environment and food. Immediately after detecting them, you need to understand how to get rid of furniture bugs.

“Portrait” of a furniture bug

Different types of parasites can live in houses and apartments. How to understand that it is a bug in front of you? The insect is small, 7-9 mm in size; there are individuals 4 mm long. The body is flattened, rounded, segmented. The flat shape of the body is a kind of protection. The insect is not crushed under the weight of the human body. A proboscis is visible on the head, with the help of which the bloodsucker bites through the body of the victim. The proboscis is divided into two channels. One is designed for injecting anesthetic saliva into the human body, the second is for sucking blood.

There are short thick antennae. These are olfactory organs adapted to quickly determine a person’s location. There are three pairs of limbs on the body. Color – dark brown. A desaturated shade of brown indicates that the bug is hungry. After saturation, the body increases in size and the color becomes brown.

Anatomical details such as legs, whiskers and proboscis can only be seen under a magnifying glass, so the main reference points are color and size.

What does it look like

These insects are small in size; nymphs have a body size of about 1-3 mm, and adults grow to 4-5 mm. They have a wide and round body that is brown in color.

They do not have wings, they have short antennae and 3 pairs of legs. When the bug is saturated with blood, the body acquires a rich burgundy color, the abdomen swells and increases significantly in size.

These parasites do not have the ability to fly or jump, but they move quickly enough, which allows them to find a food source and attack the victim. In the photo you can see what the insects look like.

Who can he be confused with?

Carpet beetles, which resemble bedbugs, often live in furniture. Similar external features are size and color, but furniture beetles have orange scales on their bodies. Carpet beetles feed on the remains of organic debris, but can also eat glue, fabric, cardboard, and carpet pile.

Sometimes bedbugs are confused with ticks. The main difference between insects is the number of legs. Ticks have eight of them.

You can make sure that there are furniture bugs in your apartment, and not other insects, by two more important signs:

  • by smell. In the habitats of parasites, the characteristic “aroma” of fermented raspberries and low-quality cognac, which is associated with bedbugs, is clearly felt;
  • by the presence of small bites in the form of tracks along the blood vessels on the hosts’ body.

Everyone's reaction to bites is different. For some, the small red spots itch and cause allergic reactions. Others do not react to bites in any way, they simply do not notice them. Blood-sucking parasites bite where the skin is thinnest: on the ankles, at the wrists, on the stomach, so women and children most often become their victims.

The smell of bed bugs is not the most obvious sign

Sometimes a smell in the room is indicated as a sign of the presence of bedbugs. They say that bedbugs smell like raspberries or cognac, and you can smell this smell.

In reality this is not the case. In practice, the smell of bedbugs themselves is not felt at all in apartments. Most likely, for there to be a smell of bedbugs here, there must be an incredibly large number of them.

In normal numbers, bedbugs do not smell much; their aroma is clogged with other odors in the apartment and sometimes does not even extend beyond their shelter. Therefore, this sign should not be considered significant.

Features of development and life activity

Blood-sucking furniture parasites are active night hunters. They hide during the day, and after midnight they come out of hiding to find prey and drink blood. Features of development and habits:

  • normal development at air temperature 22-29
  • five stages of “growing up” of individuals after emerging from the egg, growth after each molt. In order for molting to occur, the insect must receive a portion of food;
  • influence of feeding intensity on insect size. The ability of the digestive system to accept a large single volume of food;
  • eggs are formations with an impenetrable shell through which moisture and chemicals do not penetrate. Eggs are resistant to negative factors; it is for this reason that the larvae can be killed only at the stage of emerging from the shell.

Insects cannot jump or fly, but they run very quickly and attack, usually at night.

How to find out if there are bedbugs in your sofa

Having received a theoretical answer to the question of where furniture bugs come from, proceed to a practical search for their traces.

You can detect the presence of parasites by the following signs:

  • painful bites, usually at night;
  • To find bedbugs on your couch, you need to check them regularly for empty skins that come off the skin, numerous black spots, or the bugs themselves.

Dangerous insects enter the house in different ways:

  • they arrive with a new sofa or furniture;
  • after frequent excursions and staying in cheap hotels;
  • with stale sheets or blankets on trains;
  • after purchasing expensive antiques (paintings, upholstered furniture, antique lamps with soft lampshades, books);
  • when you moved into an old house;
  • bought clothes secondhand;
  • after a visit to the owners who have unpleasant “neighbors” in their upholstered furniture.

Many people talk about the appearance of furniture bugs:

  • after waking up, strange bites are visible on the person’s body. Many people think they are mosquitoes, but a bug attack can be easily recognized by its characteristic pattern: the insect bites form a “path.” The distance between adjacent red dots is several centimeters. Thus, bloodsuckers move at night, gradually feeding in different places;
  • bites do not happen every day: an adult parasite hunts once a week. In the center of the swollen area there is a red dot: here the beetle pierces the skin and drinks blood;
  • after sleep, a blanket, pillow, and strange red-brown spots are visible on the sheet. This sign also indicates the appearance of blood-sucking parasites;
  • a stale, musty smell from the bed indicates a large concentration of dangerous bloodsuckers.
  • There are wooden excrement on the back of the sofa, walls, floor, black stains on the baseboard. Feces spoil the appearance of products and premises, directly indicating the presence of dangerous “neighbors”.

Early in the morning, after “eating,” well-fed, slow-moving bedbugs can be found in the bed, under the upholstery of the sofa, in the corners. Hungry insects are small - only 3 mm long; a well-fed parasite swells to 8 mm and hardly moves. At such a moment it is quite easy to destroy him.

Where do parasites come from?

There are several sources of penetration of furniture bugs into a person’s home. Most likely:

  • mattresses, sofas, beds, cabinets, bookcases and other pieces of furniture purchased in antique stores and spontaneous markets. New furniture that was stored in warehouses in improper conditions may also be infected;
  • from neighboring apartments. If neighbors start poisoning parasites, they will migrate to safe places through ventilation openings, through loose door frames, and wall ceilings. Developed limbs allow adult individuals to easily overcome distances between floors;
  • with luggage from travel, business trips;
  • on pet fur.

A potential cause of the appearance of parasites may be the clothing a person wore when visiting an infected apartment.

Furniture bugs quickly inhabit the territory into which they have penetrated and multiply exponentially. It is very difficult to breed them yourself in large numbers. The struggle requires money, time, and patience. The cleanliness of the home does not affect the reproduction process in any way. Insects can live in sterile clean and unsanitary conditions.

On animals

Owners of dogs and other animals who go outside do not have to guess where bedbugs in the apartment come from - uninvited guests can arrive on the fur of your pets. To reduce such risks, do not let the animal run around the yard without your supervision and do not allow it close to garbage cans where there may be things with bedbugs. Unfortunately, this still does not guarantee complete protection against insects, but at least it reduces the likelihood of their occurrence.

Remember that, unlike fleas, bedbugs do not stay on pets, but tend to leave them as quickly as possible in order to find a place closer to their favorite treat - humans!

Where to look for furniture bugs?

Parasites prefer to settle close to humans. Most often it is a sofa or bed, the owner’s sleeping place. They find secluded corners for nests: folds of upholstery, seams, decorative details, space near legs, armrests. Any piece of furniture with textile upholstery can become an “apartment” for bloodsuckers. You need to start your search with a thorough inspection of the sleeping places.

For insects, the design, type of upholstery fabric, or condition of the furniture does not matter. The main factor of choice is the presence of secluded places and proximity to the victim.

When examining, you need to look for the parasites themselves or traces of their presence and vital activity: black dots - excrement, scales - remnants of the chitinous cover. To be sure to detect blood-sucking insects, the furniture must be disassembled to gain access to all the hidden places where they lay eggs. It is wise to use a flashlight when inspecting.

The nest is an unpleasant sight. This is an irregularly shaped spot with eggs, husks, feces, nymphs, and sometimes adults can be found there too. The larger the colony size, the larger the nest location.

Signs of parasites

You can be guided by a number of factors that will help you detect blood-sucking pests. How to find bedbugs in your home? The first sign is the presence of bites. A person often experiences an allergic reaction to the secretory fluid of bedbugs: the skin becomes swollen, the bite turns red, enlarges, and itches. Other signs of bed bugs living in a home/apartment: traces of vital activity (husks, excrement); unpleasant smell.

Insect bites

Pest contact points are often easily confused with mosquito bites. But there are a number of obvious differences:

  • Bites appear on non-hairy parts of the body (arms, back, stomach, neck, legs). Moreover, they are found even in areas that were covered with a blanket. Typically, mosquitoes only bite exposed parts of the body.
  • The bites are located next to each other, often forming a kind of path. This is because bed bugs eat in groups on the bed/couch;
  • If bites often appear immediately after a night's sleep, it means there are bedbugs at home.

Additional signs to detect: the contact area itches, increases in size, turns red. Antihistamines do not always relieve these reactions. You can only remove the symptoms if you recognize where the parasites are hiding.

The bites are located in the form of a small path, marking the route of movement of the parasite.

Specific smell

The more bed bugs there are in an apartment, the more intense the aroma will be. By this sign it is easy to find out whether there are pests. The smell also allows you to find their nest. The entire colony, including the young, usually gathers there. This is where the parasites defecate. The smell is quite unusual, associated with spoiled cognac.

Inspect the upholstered furniture or mattress, look in the folds of the seams, insect colonies often form there.

Traces of life activity

One of the first signs is the presence of bedbug excrement on the bed, next to the bed. Externally, the waste of parasites resembles poppy seeds: small, round, black. If you come across such grains on the sofa in the bed, you can say with confidence that there are bedbugs in the apartment. More droppings can be found in nesting areas where the entire colony of insects lives.

If you come across black dots that look like small poppy seeds, then this is already an alarming signal.

With intensive infection, traces of vital activity appear more often. In addition to excrement, husks are found in the apartment - multiple shells that are shed by the larvae at the stage of development from egg to adult. In total, bed pests molt up to 5 times. The shells that the larvae shed can be found both in the bed and on the floor in the apartment.

If there are bloodsuckers in the apartment, in these places you can find chitinous shells, dead, and sometimes live insects.

What furniture doesn't harbor bedbugs?

Parasites prefer comfortable environmental conditions. They are adapted to increases or decreases in ambient temperature, but such changes affect their livelihoods. Metal pieces of furniture have the properties of metals: they heat up quickly and cool down quickly, so bloodsucking furniture does not settle on beds with armored mesh, in metal shelving, whatnots.

Will bedbugs disappear if you throw out the sofa?

When the first parasites appear inside the sofa, owners often eliminate the problem by removing the infected piece of furniture from the apartment. However, it is not advisable to do this, since other individuals will remain at home. This means that you need to fight insects in your apartment in other ways.

It is recommended to take the sofa to a landfill only when the room is heavily infested with pests. Under the upholstery, many nests are discovered.

When infected, the sofa deteriorates if parasites live in its body, on the upholstery and under it: the materials change color, dark spots remain on the surface (traces of waste products of pests). The product can only be restored by changing the upholstery and filling, which leads to increased costs.

The main places for bedbugs to be found.

How to deal with furniture bugs?

Let's look at how you can poison furniture bloodsuckers. There are folk remedies, preparations for self-disinfestation, and physical methods of extermination. It is important to understand that parasites can be found not only in furniture. With a high probability, if you found them there, you will find them in the pantry, and in cracks, and behind old paintings, on the back panels of household appliances, under the frames of sockets, near heating radiators. It is very important to treat not only furniture, but all surfaces of the apartment, textiles, things, bed linen.

Traditional methods

Folk recipes against the invasion of bloodsuckers are based on the reaction of insects to foreign odors. Their olfactory system is tuned to search for prey. Other aggressive aromas prevent them from accurately determining the location of a person.

To fight and scare away you can use:

  • essential oils of wormwood, lavender tansy, tea tree oil;
  • dry or fresh bunches of pungently smelling herbs: chamomile, wild rosemary.

Aqueous solutions are prepared from essential oil, which are used to spray furniture and other objects and surfaces in an infected apartment.

Direct contact with aggressive liquids can kill furniture parasites. The positive practice of using vinegar, turpentine, ethyl alcohol, and ammonia was noted. Surfaces should be treated with solutions at home with caution, since liquids are flammable, leave marks on furniture upholstery, and their pungent odor can disturb not only bloodsuckers, but also home owners.

Aggressive liquids and sharp-smelling solutions will not destroy egg laying, so to completely get rid of parasites, you need to use chemicals.

Destruction by chemical means at home

The most effective insecticides are pyrethroids, organophosphorus compounds, and neonicotinoids. Manufacturers of chemical poisons offer drugs with one active ingredient that kills bedbugs, or a combination of them. The action is enteric-contact, nerve-paralytic. The advantage of using such drugs is the possibility of simultaneously destroying cockroaches and other domestic parasites.

All home pest control products are potent poisons in the form of liquids, powders, and suspensions. They should be used only in accordance with the instructions, after preparing the room. For some people, insecticides are unacceptable due to small children in the house or residents with allergies. In such cases, combined techniques are used.

Combined protection

Since ancient times, such methods of getting rid of bloodsuckers as scalding or freezing have been known. The first method is based on high temperature exposure. At home, you can use a steam generator, a hair dryer, an iron, and machine wash at high temperature. If you are not afraid of damaging the surface, the colony locations can be scalded with boiling water.

With such a heat attack, adult males and females, eggs, and nymphs have no chance. The entire population, along with its offspring, dies from high temperatures.

A strong disadvantage is that it is also an effective technique, but in practice it is difficult to implement. In severe frost (from minus 30 degrees Celsius) the affected furniture can be taken out into the courtyard of a private house and left for several hours. Residents of city apartments can carry out partial freezing: place textiles in hermetically sealed bags, souvenir items, toys with traces of pests in the freezer. At a temperature of minus 17 ℃ (standard for most freezers), a four-hour hold should be allowed.

To successfully fight a colony on your own, it is important to build and follow a sequence of actions:

  • prepare the premises;
  • select suitable chemicals;
  • After treatment, use barrier protection. It is at this stage that repellent folk remedies work well;
  • Correctly calculate the period of repeated disinfestation. It should be carried out when larvae emerge from the eggs that remain intact. Under favorable conditions, this occurs within 7-10 days. Repeated disinfection is acceptable within two weeks after the first treatment.

When choosing special chemicals, you should not use word of mouth. What worked for your neighbor may not be useful in your apartment.

It is considered good form to inform your neighbors about the upcoming bullying, and, if possible, agree on joint actions. Otherwise, bloodsuckers simply migrate to better conditions.

Ways to fight

After discovering blood-sucking parasites in an apartment, the question inevitably arises: “How now to get rid of furniture bugs?” The following methods are used to destroy them:

  • repellents - strong concentrated odors of wormwood, tansy, vinegar, turpentine, acetone compete with the signal smell of bedbugs (that is, a sweetish aroma). They can only temporarily disorient insects, slightly reducing the rate of reproduction. They will not have a serious impact on the population;
  • treatment of the apartment with high temperature using a steam generator or fan heater. The air in the apartment must be brought to +60 Celsius and kept at this level for up to 3 hours. Complex, cost-effective method;
  • freezing an apartment or individual items. A safe method for humans is to maintain a temperature of -20 Celsius for 5 days. Applicable for a private house, but not for an apartment. You can take furniture and bedding out into the cold;
  • adhesive tape for flies - people temporarily sleep on the floor (on an air mattress, for example), the new sleeping place is covered around the perimeter with regular adhesive tape for flies. At night, bedbugs, in search of food, follow the scent of a human body and stick to the trap. You need to catch parasites for at least a week;
  • insecticides are the most effective means of control. They produce ready-made aerosols or concentrates for preparing a solution. There are powders (dusts) and crayons. For bedbugs, it is better to use aerosol treatment or combine dusts with aerosols.


Steam generator


Duct tape

Insecticide treatment

When there is an apartment in the neighborhood that is a breeding ground for furniture bugs, the best option would be general house treatment. If you can’t come to an agreement with your neighbors, block the bedbugs’ access to your apartment. Repair cracks at the joints of wall slabs, behind baseboards, inside door frames, and window openings. Protect the vent with fine-mesh mesh. Use polyurethane foam, putty, silicone putty, rubber seals.

The next stage of preparation is to empty the room as much as possible. People and pets (cats, dogs, birds, fish) should be moved to another apartment for a day. Pack food, clothes, shoes hermetically in polyethylene, put them in boxes, and take them out to the balcony. Clear the furniture of things, move it away from the walls at a distance of 50 cm. Remove home textiles, bed linen, curtains, and wrap tightly in bags. After processing, wash all textile items at a temperature of at least 60 degrees, then iron on both sides.

Even in a one-room apartment, the aerosol consumption will be significant; a standard bottle will not be enough. Therefore, it makes sense to purchase the concentrate and prepare a working solution from it, following the instructions. Pour the prepared solution into a spray bottle. Protect yourself with protective clothing, mask, gloves, shoes. The process of how to remove bedbugs from furniture is very labor-intensive.

The toxic substance is carefully sprayed on the surface to be treated, special attention is paid to:

  • pillows and mattresses of beds, sofas, armchairs. Joints of parts, wooden or metal frames, decorative elements, folds of fabric covering, internal cavities are sprayed, sparing no effort and expense. The back walls, bottom and floor under the furniture are also good to treat;
  • external and internal surfaces of bedside tables, tables, cabinets, chests of drawers, shelves with books. Go through all the shelves, pull out the drawers, don’t forget about the door hinges, bottom and back walls. Remove and spray books;
  • parquet, linoleum, laminate at joints, at the joints with baseboards. Walk the entire length of the baseboard, carefully irrigating the cracks;
  • paintings on both sides, carpets on the wall and on the floor, peeling wallpaper, small cracks in the walls;
  • household appliances, especially refrigerators, washing machines, and computers. It is necessary to treat the back walls, bottom, remove the panel of the system unit case and spray inside, since bedbugs can also live there.

After treating the apartment, wait at least 4-5 hours. Close windows and doors tightly, turn off ventilation and exhaust hoods. After 5 hours, wet cleaning is performed. Dead furniture bugs are collected with a vacuum cleaner. Floors, doors, windows with window sills, furniture are washed with soapy water. Provide cross-ventilation of the room. Everything that can be washed is washed at the highest possible temperature. Door frames, window frames, and the insides of sofas are drawn with “Mashenka” type chalks.

Repeated treatment for bedbugs is carried out after 15-20 days. It is necessary to destroy those parasites that have not yet emerged from the eggs during the first treatment. Insecticides have no effect on furniture bug eggs.

Professional pest control

If you do not have the time and desire to understand the intricacies of controlling parasitic insects, contact a specialized team for disinfestation. This method will keep your furniture in unchanged condition and will not harm pets or owners.

Sanitary services have obvious advantages over ordinary people. They have experience, specialized equipment, accurate information about the method of exposure, the level of toxicity of the products used, and they operate on the basis of a state license.

For owners, pest control by a team means a minimum of time, safety, and a guaranteed result. On our website there is a rating of organizations that provide disinfestation services and effectively destroy bedbugs. It is formed on the basis of real reviews and may help you in choosing an exterminator.

Modern chemicals

If the decision on how to get rid of furniture bugs has already been made, take care of selecting a pest control agent. A variety of poisons are available in the form of aerosols, gels, solutions, powders, and crayons. Before choosing a product, consult a specialist, read reviews, talk to people who have successfully gotten rid of bedbugs.

A drugRelease formEfficiencyActive substanceToxicitySmellPrice
GetConcentrate for dilution with waterHighChlorpyrifosHighNo800 rubles per 100 ml
TetrixConcentrate for dilution with waterHighCypermethrin metaphosHighCutting2000 rubles for 250 ml
CucarachaConcentrate for dilution with waterHighCypermethrin malathionAverageStrong1500 rubles per liter
Imported analogue


Powder or concentrate for dilution with waterHighMalathionHighStrong resistant150 rubles per liter
CarbosolReady aerosolAverageMalathionAverageCoffee100 rubles per 300 ml can
ForsythConcentrate for dilution with waterAverageFentionAverageStrong unstable250 rubles for 50 ml
PyrethrumVegetable powderLowAlkadoids of the herb chamomileLowWeak600 rubles for 300 g
Delta zoneConcentrate for dilution with waterAverageDeltamethrinAverageweak700 rubles for 50 ml
RiapanPowderAveragePermethrinAverageModerate100-200 rubles per package of 125 g
RaidReady aerosolAverageCypermethrinAverageStrong200 rubles per 300 ml bottle
CombatReady aerosolAveragePermethrin tetramethrinAverageMint nice300 rubles per 300 ml bottle

As a rule, the most effective remedies are toxic. They act quickly, killing bedbugs in one application. However, the drugs are also poisonous for people and pets. After using such products, you need to rinse the apartment thoroughly and ventilate it. The strong pungent odor is absorbed by furniture for a long time, especially textiles. It can be eliminated by airing it out in the fresh air. Allergy sufferers should be extremely careful and choose an odorless bedbug repellent.

If you are not confident in your own abilities, use the services of professional exterminators. Contact only trusted organizations that have proven themselves in the market for such services. Conclude an official contract, specify the scope of work, payment terms, responsibilities of the parties, and warranty obligations. The exterminator uses equipment to generate cold and hot fog. “Fog” is a solution of a powerful toxic agent, supplied under high pressure, penetrating into the smallest cracks. If the apartment is heavily infested with bedbugs, the furniture is dismantled piece by piece for treatment.






What are the best remedies for furniture bugs?

People buy upholstered furniture for themselves, not for insects. It’s doubly offensive if there are furniture bugs in the apartment and they “share” the bed with the owners. Now you know how to kill furniture bugs and how to avoid becoming a victim of bites. Folk remedies and industrial disinfectants help quickly remove bedbugs from furniture. TOP 5 folk remedies: essential oils, pungent herbs, vinegar, turpentine, ethyl or ammonia. TOP 5 chemicals: “Get”, “Executioner”, “Karbofos”, “Cucaracha”, “Tetrix”.

Preventive measures

First, they protect the home from blood-sucking insects: they make cosmetic repairs, it is important to fill the gaps between the pipes leading into the apartment, restore the surfaces of the floor and walls in each room, and eliminate leaks in corner areas. Additionally, the ventilation ducts are covered with a fine-mesh insect net. Then the likelihood of bedbugs infesting your home is reduced.

The crumbling plaster is being restored in areas where sockets are installed - bedbugs often enter the facility through cable ducts.

To get rid of insects, purchased used items, including a sofa, are kept in the cold or washed at high temperatures. Use fresh herbs, such as wormwood.

Habitats of bedbugs in the apartment and their way of life

In order for methods of combating these insects to have maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to become familiar with their habits and lifestyle.

This useful information will help to promptly identify and destroy uninvited guests:

  1. Bedbugs prefer to live in large families. In places of their mass accumulation there are waste products of insects, their empty shells and egg shells. Over time, it all begins to emit an unpleasant odor.
  2. Pests feed at night once every 5-7 days. When bitten, adults inject a special secretion under the skin that has an anesthetic effect, and the bite is painless for the victim. The larvae do not have this feature, so their activity causes discomfort and interferes with a person’s proper rest.
  3. Temperature +24...+27 degrees is optimal for the development and functioning of bedbugs. When it drops to +15...+17 degrees, insects fall into suspended animation and remain in this state for about 1 year. When the temperature returns to normal, they return to an active lifestyle. A critical indicator for pests is a decrease in temperature to -18 degrees and an increase to +50 degrees, which causes their death.
  4. Pest activity occurs between 3 and 7 am. To detect their presence in your home, you need to set an alarm clock and turn on the lights sharply.

Bedbugs cannot tolerate sunlight and prefer to settle in secluded areas of the apartment. They look for shelters closer to victims for free access to food.

Immediately begin to fight bedbugs after discovering their habitats

Home pest habitats:

  • skirting boards;
  • door and window frames;
  • cracks in the floor, walls, wooden furniture;
  • mattresses, sofas;
  • wooden beds;
  • bookshelves;
  • dresser drawers;
  • electrical sockets, switches;
  • animal cells.
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