Destruction of bedbugs in Moscow - treatment of apartments and houses for bedbugs

If you get out of bed in the morning and find itchy wounds on your skin from insect bites, it is possible that there are bed bugs in the house. These are quite dangerous blood-sucking parasites that serve as carriers of many infectious diseases. Getting rid of them using home remedies is not easy. As a rule, in this case, residents of the capital call the Moscow City Disinfection Service to exterminate bedbugs in Moscow with a guarantee of a 100% reliable result. But first, let’s figure out what kind of insects these are, why they are dangerous, and what methods professional disinfectors use to combat them.

Price for extermination of bedbugs with guarantee:

  • Apartments
  • Houses and cottages
  • Travel outside the Moscow Ring Road
Your premisesPrice
1 room apartment from 1800 rub
2 rooms apartment from 2000 rub
3 rooms apartment from 2300 rub
4 rooms apartment from 2600 rub.
MOP bathroom, kitchen, corridorfrom 1500 rub
*The guarantee is provided when the entire apartment is processed.
House area (m²)Price (RUB/m²)
up to 100from 3500 rub.
100 — 200from 35 rub./m²
200 — 300from 30 rub./m²
300 — 400from 25 rub./m²
400 — 500from 20 rub./m²
more than 500negotiable
DistanceDeparture cost (RUB)
up to 20 km.500
from 20 to 50 km.750
from 50 to 80 km.1000
from 80 to 100 km.1300
from 100 km.1500

Price list for apartments

An objectStandard Cold fog 1 year warrantyStandard+ Cold fog + barrier protection 1.5 year warrantyComfort Hot mist 2 year warrantyPremium Comprehensive treatment: cold and hot fog + barrier protection 3 year warranty
1 room + MOP1900 rub.2500 rub.4400 rub.5800 rub.
2 room + MOP2200 rub.2900 rub.4600 rub.6300 rub.
3 room + MOP2400 rub.3100 rub.4800 rub.6700 rub.
4 room + MOP2600 rub.3300 rub.5000 rub.7000 rub.
MOP (kitchen, etc.)1600 rub.*2300 rub.*RUB 3,400*

Bedbugs and ways of their appearance in the apartment

For many centuries, bedbugs, along with other blood-sucking parasites, lived in almost every human home. Modern means of sanitary treatment against bedbugs have allowed the vast majority of Russians to firmly forget about the existence of harmful insects, but from time to time they still penetrate into our cozy, clean homes. It is not difficult to identify them: they are small insects of a brownish-brown color, with an oval-shaped abdomen, not exceeding 3-4 mm in length. When crushed, a characteristic odor is felt, somewhat reminiscent of the aroma of cognac.

Bed bugs enter apartments in several ways:

  • through ventilation ducts or utility channels;
  • with used furniture, books, household appliances, in a suitcase with things after a trip;
  • on the clothes or shoes of people entering from the entrance or from the street;
  • along the outer wall of the house through an open window.

In any case, if parasites are detected, you should immediately warn your neighbors. Successful destruction of bedbugs is possible only if all apartments in the entrance are treated, or better yet, the entire house at once, including basements, attics and other utility rooms.

The Moscow City Disinfection Service will professionally carry out the extermination of bedbugs in Moscow and the Moscow region - in residential, office, warehouse, industrial premises, hostels, change houses, hotels, hostels.

  • We will ensure complete elimination of the parasite population and long-term barrier protection against re-infection.
  • To work in apartments with small children, allergy sufferers, and especially sensitive people, we use premium-class drugs.
  • The price for exterminating bedbugs is from 1,800 rubles for a 1-room apartment.

A kit for self-treatment against bedbugs for 1190 rubles!

Benefits of turning to professionals

Bedbugs are very tenacious and quickly develop immunity to household pesticides. Homeowners can destroy adult parasites with the help of drugs, but parasite larvae will hatch from the laid eggs in 2-4 days. It is impossible to effectively treat colony sites on your own without skills and special equipment.

Disinfestation specialists select the type and concentration of chemicals depending on the area of ​​the room, its area of ​​use and air humidity. With the help of steam generators, anti-bedbug products are evenly distributed and penetrate deep into the working surfaces. A professional approach allows us to guarantee the quality of services provided and the death of the parasite population after one visit of disinfectors.

Types of bedbugs

Entomologists count more than 40 thousand species of bedbugs living on all continents of our planet. Some of them feed on plant sap, pollen or plant seeds, others are predators and destroy small insects, as well as their eggs and larvae. But there are also parasitic species of these insects that require human or animal blood to maintain life. We are talking about the so-called bedbugs that live in human homes and attack at night when people are sleeping in bed. Another species - kissing bugs - lives in the equatorial and subequatorial zones and is practically never found in our country.

General terms and definitions

  • Disinsection is the destruction of harmful insects that have epidemiological and sanitary-hygienic qualities in order to prevent their reappearance, reduce their numbers and prevent them. For example, disinfestation of bedbugs, cockroaches, ticks, mosquitoes.
  • Disinfection is the destruction of microbes, fungi, viruses, as well as their carriers, for example, cockroaches and rats.
  • Disinfectant is a product or component of a drug that has the necessary spectrum of activity against a specific type of microorganism, providing disinfection (sterilization).
  • Disinfectant (sterilizing) agent is a special agent (physical or chemical) that includes a disinfecting (sterilizing) agent.
  • Deratization is the destruction or repelling of rodent pests , such as rats, mice, moles and shrews, which are parasitic pests, as well as distributors of dangerous diseases of epidemiological and sanitary-hygienic importance, in order to reduce their number and prevent their reappearance.
  • Herbicide treatment is the chemical destruction of plants and shrubs with special preparations of general or selective action aimed at a specific type of weed.
  • Insecticide is a drug used to kill insects.
  • Rodenticide is a chemical preparation for killing rodents.
  • A sanitary passport is a document issued by specialized authorities that confirms that all necessary sanitary work has been carried out at a given facility. The passport indicates the frequency, as well as the date of the last inspection.
  • TsGSEN - state an institution that monitors the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.

Why are bedbugs dangerous?

Bedbug bites are almost imperceptible, since the insects, when they pierce the skin, inject a little saliva, which contains a strong anesthetic. Red dots appear on any part of the body - on the legs, arms, back, neck, sides, etc. The consequences of bites are:

  • poorly healing, unbearably itchy wounds surrounded by inflamed, swollen tissue;
  • allergic reactions to components of saliva - itchy rash, runny nose, dizziness and arrhythmias;
  • infection of wounds with pathogenic bacteria with the formation of purulent inflammations;
  • anemia, decrease in hemoglobin level in the blood (most typical for children).

The causative agents of dangerous diseases - hepatitis B, typhus, anthrax, tularemia, brucellosis, smallpox and tuberculosis - remain in the body of the bug for a long time. Scientists say that the transmission of these infections through bedbug bites has not been reliably proven, but the risk of infection still exists.

Video: disinfection against bedbugs

Rats and mice

What if a rat or mouse eats poison - will it die somewhere in the house and then there will be an unpleasant smell?

This should not happen, since in our work we use only drugs with a mummifying effect - this is when only a shell remains of the pests, or drugs that contain a special substance that increases their pressure and lack of oxygen, which makes rodents want to run out of the room into the air and are already dying on the street.

We have pets in our house. What happens if a pet eats poison for rats or mice and gets poisoned too?

Do not worry! All baits are placed in places that are as inaccessible to pets as possible. In addition, the certified preparations used include a special substance that tastes unbearably bitter (rodents do not have taste buds), so pets will not be able to swallow it. The poison in the preparations is also calculated based on the mass of pests, and domestic pets, for example, dogs and cats, are much larger than rats and mice, which means that for poisoning they need a significantly larger dose of the drug, which excludes the first sentences of the answer to the question.

Extermination of rats Extermination of mice

Methods for killing bedbugs at home

Over many centuries of fighting against domestic bloodsuckers, people have used many methods to kill bed bugs. The most popular of them are:

  • freezing - leaving the house in severe frosts without heating for several days;
  • scalding - pouring boiling water onto hard-to-reach cracks in the floor, walls, furniture, in which insects hide during the day and lay eggs;
  • round-the-clock lighting of rooms - it is known that bloodsuckers do not like to be in the light and are reluctant to crawl out of cracks;
  • the use of various plants with a strong odor that repels insects - wormwood, lavender, tea tree.

With the development of household chemicals, all kinds of insecticidal preparations were added to them, from dichlorvos to Mashenka chalk. However, even with careful daily treatment of the apartment, there is no guarantee that home remedies will help destroy bedbugs. There is always a risk of their penetration from neighbors who do not fight insects and allow them to reproduce.

List of insecticidal and insectoacaricidal preparations for the control of arthropods that are not registered in the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure.


Where do ticks live?

Most often this is soil, fallen leaves, grass, bushes and a vegetable garden. Ticks often fall on people from trees.

When is the best time to treat an area for ticks?

As soon as the soil temperature rises to +3-5 degrees, mites begin to become active. To obtain the desired result, anti-tick treatment must be carried out in the spring; our company begins acaricidal treatments in mid-April as soon as the snow cover melts. In hot summers, outbreaks of tick activity may occur in August - in this case, repeated treatment is recommended.

How dangerous are tick bites?

Ticks carry more than 80 infectious diseases, 20 of which humans are most susceptible to: encephalitis, Lyme disease (Lyme borelliosis), tick-borne typhus, hemorrhagic fever and many others. The destruction of ticks in a summer cottage at the beginning of the tick season is the basis for peace of mind for people and pets.

Treatment of tick-borne diseases, even with the use of modern equipment and medications, is a very expensive undertaking.

How to get rid of ticks and prevent further occurrence of parasites?

The most effective method is acaricidal treatment with a fog generator . In addition, you can treat your area yourself using professional disinfectants. Trees, shrubs, grass, as well as fences, other fences and other adjacent elements of the territory are subject to treatment. Work to destroy ticks using this method must be carried out in warm and dry weather, since it is under such conditions that the drug solution properly crystallizes on foliage, grass and other surfaces. As crystals, insecticides remain for a long time in the places where ticks are mainly located, causing their mass death.

Destruction of ticks

Professional methods of disinfection against bedbugs

By contacting the Moscow City Disinfection Service, you have the right to count on the complete destruction of bedbugs with a guarantee of a positive result. However, we can guarantee the absence of relapses only in the case of total disinfestation of the entire house from top to bottom. In their work, a team of exterminators use cold or hot fog methods. The choice of the optimal method depends on the specific conditions of the object.

Disinfection using cold fog method

In most cases, excellent results in bedbug disinfestation are achieved by using a cold fog generator. The principle of its operation is to spray a solution toxic to insects using a jet of compressed air. The liquid is broken into small particles under the influence of the air flow, turning into an aerosol.

The particle diameter varies between 30-70 microns, so the fog particles do not settle for 2-3 hours. During this time, the insecticide manages to penetrate into the smallest crevices, including furniture gaps, cavities under baseboards and switches, the interior of household appliances, etc. As a result, all insects in the room come under the influence of the insecticidal drug.

The choice of active ingredient is an important factor in the successful treatment of an apartment against bedbugs when treated with cold fog. There are significant requirements for the drug: it must be guaranteed to infect parasites, but at the same time not pose a danger to people and pets after its effect ends. The absence of a persistent unpleasant odor is a prerequisite, because no one will agree with the need to make repairs and change furniture after disinfection against bedbugs. In addition, the substance must be soluble in water.

After spraying, the toxic composition settles on all surfaces without exception, and even if some insects managed to avoid direct contact with the fog, they will be forced to come into contact with the insecticide later, when they go “hunting”. As a result, the bulk of bedbugs will be destroyed immediately, and the rest – after a few days.

Destruction of bedbugs using the hot fog method

A hot fog (dry fog) generator also uses a pressurized stream of air to spray the insecticide. The difference lies in its temperature: the air is not only compressed by the compressor, but also heated to approximately 60°C. As a result, suspended particles are formed so small that they easily penetrate even deep into the fabric upholstery of upholstered furniture, not to mention cracks and gaps. Within a few hours after spraying, the drug destroys not only adult and growing insects, but also laid eggs.

In addition to the toxic effect of the drug, an effective factor in killing bedbugs in an apartment is the increased temperature of the spray jet. Insects cannot withstand heating above 45°C and die very quickly. The suspension remains in the air for about 2 hours in a row, and during this time the insecticide in combination with hot fog manages to destroy parasites even in the most inaccessible places.

Professional expensive generators are used to generate hot fog. It should be noted that only this method ensures the destruction of bedbugs in Moscow with a guarantee. The cost of the service is the highest of all sanitary treatment options, but only it ensures complete disposal of blood-sucking “neighbors” in one treatment.

Barrier protection against bedbugs

It is easier to prevent an attack by blood-sucking insects by not giving them a chance to get into your apartment. Barrier protection will help with this - a set of measures that will prevent them from entering residential premises. It consists of different methods, including:

  • mechanical barriers - mosquito nets, traps, protective canopies, canopies installed on windows, ventilation grilles and other possible routes of insect penetration;
  • repellers - all kinds of repellents, fumigators, etc.;
  • destroying barriers - insecticidal crayons, gels and liquid preparations.

The most reliable protection is a multi-layer barrier that includes all of the above measures.

Protection may also be needed in cases where the location of the parasites is quickly localized and they have not yet had time to spread throughout the apartment. A classic example is purchasing an infected piece of furniture. If insects are found as soon as the product enters the house, then it is necessary to immediately surround it with a barrier that not a single bug can overcome without coming into contact with the insecticidal preparation. After some time, all insects will be destroyed.

Cimex lectularius bites on the human body

Our work is effective and guaranteed

Medical staff

The specialists of the DEUS SERVICES Center have a medical education. This will ensure the safety of your children, loved ones and your pets.

Cold fog

A solution for exterminating bedbugs in open and indoor areas. The effectiveness of the method is in the optimal distribution of the insecticide over the entire area of ​​the treated object.

Official agreement

The mandatory conclusion of an official Agreement guarantees you the quality of work and legal protection. You will never see bedbugs in your home again.

Hot fog

Solution for killing bedbugs in enclosed spaces. Due to the high degree of penetration into surrounding objects (walls, baseboards), the maximum effect is achieved.

100% safety

Rest assured, professionals use only high-quality products from BAYER and BASF. This guarantees safety and reliability.

Barrier protection

A protective measure accompanying hot and cold fog treatment. It consists of detecting places where bedbugs have entered from neighbors and applying a special gel.

How to prepare an apartment for a visit from exterminators

If you called our SES service to exterminate bedbugs, then by the appointed time of the specialists’ visit, the apartment should be prepared for treatment with an insecticidal preparation. You'll have to:

  • thoroughly clean the apartment, wipe the dust, vacuum the carpets;
  • wash clothes and linen at a temperature not lower than 60°C, after drying, put them in plastic bags and tie them tightly;
  • remove the curtains from the windows, wash and iron them;
  • pack dishes and other kitchen utensils into bags;
  • put food in the refrigerator or take it away from home;
  • wash and pack children's toys;
  • remove cosmetics and hygiene items from the bathroom and bedroom;
  • disconnect internal electrical wiring from the network;
  • move furniture away from the walls, unfold folding furniture, open all cabinets, cabinets and drawers;
  • dismantle baseboards and door frames;
  • close the windows tightly.

It is advisable to remove from the house (after pre-treatment - washing, ironing, washing) all things that may interfere with the exterminators. There is no need to remove books, especially if you suspect that insects may be hiding in them - on the contrary, ask specialists to pay more attention to the library.

During processing, there should be no one in the apartment except specialists - neither adults, nor children, nor pets. If you have an aquarium that is difficult to move, cover it with a tight lid.

Call for a free consultation on bedbug disinfection issues

Remember that books cannot be disinfected!

How to prepare for the arrival of the masters?

Herbicide treatment. Weed control

Are herbicide treatments safe for humans and pets?

Weeds are destroyed by spraying special certified herbicides that are officially approved for use in Russia, so the drugs do not have a harmful effect on humans, but it is not recommended to be on the site during treatment.

When is the best time to treat a site for weeds?

Treatment against weeds can be carried out as soon as they appear on the site, that is, in early May, until the site is overgrown with impenetrable weeds. However, weed control is possible throughout the entire season, that is, treatments are carried out throughout the summer period. Moreover, to combat Sosnowski's hogweed, to completely get rid of this herculean herb, several treatments per season are required for 2-3 years!

How dangerous is Sosnovsky's hogweed?

Hogweed is a poisonous plant - both the weed juice itself, especially in sunny weather, and its pollen pose a danger.

In sunny weather, hogweed juice getting on the skin causes severe burns. Hogweed pollen during flowering can cause allergies and burns of the respiratory tract. Getting hogweed juice or pollen into your eyes can cause blindness! Therefore, this plant must be avoided!

What is the fine for hogweed on the site?

Since November 2022, the Law on the destruction of hogweed on the territory and sites of legal entities and ordinary citizens has come into force. Therefore, for an area overgrown with hogweed, you can receive a real administrative fine, the amount of which is determined separately for legal entities and individuals. Read more: fine for hogweed .

How to get rid of hogweed?

Sosnovsky's hogweed is such a tenacious and prolific weed that it is very difficult to get rid of it quickly and forever from a plot, especially when everything is neglected and the area has been occupied by weeds for many years.

You can mow the hogweed regularly, however, in a couple of weeks in good weather everything will grow back even more widely. You can mow endlessly. The most effective herbicide treatment of Sosnovsky's hogweed . For this purpose, special preparations are used to destroy plants, which literally kill all weeds within 2-3 weeks. However, to completely get rid of hogweed on a site, you may need several treatments per season, and repeat treatments for up to 3 years to completely remove hogweed from the site .

Destruction of weedsDestruction of hogweed

What to do after sanitizing your apartment for bedbugs

After completing the treatment against bedbugs, you must wait until the end of the period specified by the specialist. Exposure to hot fog requires 8-10 hours, cold fog - from 3 to 4 hours. After this, you can go into the apartment, open the windows and ventilate everything thoroughly, removing any remaining insecticide, then walk around the apartment with a vacuum cleaner, removing dead insects.

Next, you can begin cleaning, which consists of washing all contact surfaces (countertops, door handles, window sills, cabinets, etc.). First, you need to wash them with a solution of baking soda (2 teaspoons per glass of water), then again with a soap solution or regular cleaning product. When washing, you should wear household gloves and avoid skin contact with untreated objects. All textiles remaining in the house during disinfestation must be washed, woolen blankets and carpets must be thoroughly vacuumed.

If possible, it is better to leave the apartment empty for at least a week. During this time, the accidentally surviving bedbugs will get out of the cracks, come into contact with the insecticide residues on things and die. In any case, children and pets should not be allowed into the apartment until general cleaning with washing of floors, walls and windows, which can be started after one or two weeks.

Total processing time

In general, it takes from 1 to 2 hours to process one apartment; on average, according to our statistics, it takes 1 hour and 15 minutes. A two-room apartment has been processed for 1.5-2.5 hours, a three-room apartment – ​​1.5-3 hours.

Hostels located in apartments require even more time for processing - up to 3-4 hours due to the large number of beds in them.

The total amount of time required for processing, “infusion” of the room and cleaning is from 5 to 12 hours. Practice shows that the longer an apartment remains closed, the greater the likelihood that all the bedbugs will die immediately. Therefore, it is advisable to either plan the treatment in the morning so that everything is done by the evening, or, if possible, “infuse” the apartment at night and return to it the next day.

Preventing the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment

To avoid ordering a bedbug extermination service, the price of which, although not too high, still burdens the family budget, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Seal all the cracks and cavities in the apartment through which insects can get to you from neighboring apartments. Regularly re-glue the wallpaper, as harmful insects often settle under them.
  2. Check every piece of furniture that comes into your home. There are known cases when bedbugs were found in a new sofa brought from the salon.
  3. When staying at a hotel, guest house or other temporary accommodation, immediately check the premises for bedbugs. Inspect baseboards, mattresses, sofas and armchairs, cabinets and other furniture.
  4. Treat ventilation grilles and other possible entry points for parasites with long-acting barrier preparations, and do not forget to renew them regularly.

If you still need qualified services for the destruction of bedbugs with a guarantee of success, then contact the professionals - the Moscow City Disinfection Service.

General inspection of the apartment and assessment of the “scale of the disaster”

Duration of this stage: 10-15 minutes

This stage usually takes the least time: the exterminator inspects the apartment in general, assesses the amount of furniture and things, the general condition of the walls and floors. At the same time, he finds out from the customer the cause of concern, the number of bedbugs and the frequency with which they are found in the room.

For example, the video below shows the treatment of an apartment in which bedbugs were literally everywhere, even under the parquet:

For an experienced professional, the first glance at a room is usually enough to accurately assess the degree of infestation and the difficulty of removing bedbugs. This assessment is influenced by many nuances, the main of which are:

  1. A very large amount of trash and things in the apartment usually indicate a large number of bedbugs, which have somewhere to hide. On the contrary, a small amount of furniture and things at least limits the number of convenient places for bedbugs to hide;
  2. Old renovations, peeling wallpaper, dirty moldy corners are a sign that the apartment is rarely cleaned, which means bedbug nests are rarely opened and they can multiply in large quantities. Fresh renovations, high-quality finishing materials, and general cleanliness in the room suggest that even if there are bedbugs in the apartment, there are not many of them here, because they do not have a large number of hiding places, and people detect them at an early stage of infection and take timely measures;
  3. The number of sleeping places exceeding sanitary standards is usually a circumstance that contributes to the rapid reproduction of bedbugs. This is especially true for rented apartments, where a large number of visitors live and sleep. We came across rooms where 8-9 people sleep on mattresses on the floor in each room. Of course, these are heavenly conditions for bedbugs.

The exterminator also receives a lot of important information from the client himself. If he reports that bedbugs have been poisoned for a long time and without success, they use mainly folk remedies, and in general, the neighbors have a lot of bedbugs, then the apartment is almost certainly very heavily infested, the bedbugs have been here for a long time and have managed to colonize the most inaccessible places.

If, on the contrary, a person reports that there have never been bedbugs, but literally just noticed them, then there is a high probability that there are very few parasites in the house.

A typical example is shown in the video - we were told that there are not many bedbugs in general, but we need to get them all out. And this is what we actually saw:

However, this initial estimate is very approximate and can be significantly modified after careful examination.

For example, we have had cases where, in a seemingly clean apartment, long-term nests of bedbugs were discovered in sofas and behind cabinets, in which thousands of skins from molted larvae had already been compressed. And vice versa, in old Khrushchev apartments we sometimes got infected at an early stage, when bedbugs had just entered the apartment with things, there were few of them here and it was generally not difficult to destroy them.

According to our statistics, approximately 52% of treatments take place in apartments with a general condition that can be described as “average” - there is nothing terribly terrible about them, but they cannot be called fashionable either.

Approximately 27% of treatments take place in “bedbug infestations” - these are the most difficult, but also the most significant cases. Here we encounter either the terrible condition of the apartments themselves, or a neglected situation with bedbugs, or a huge number of people living (or simply spending the night), or several of these factors at the same time.

Here is the same apartment from Balashikha with thousands of bedbugs, but 22 days after the first treatment:

And approximately 21% of the premises being treated at first glance give the impression of being very well-groomed and clean, often elite. We had cases of calls to rich houses in VIP villages near Moscow, or to exclusive apartments in the very center of the city - bedbugs managed to infest here too.

But how contaminated the room that the exterminator looked at at first becomes clear only at the next stage.

Advantages of ordering professional extermination of bedbugs at the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station

Safe disinfection against bedbugs

We use certified products that are safe for humans, do not leave marks on surfaces and do not have an unpleasant odor.

Great experience

The destruction of bedbugs by a specialized service is carried out on the basis of a concluded contract. Within the framework of which a guarantee is provided. If the insects appear again, the departure will be free.


Our masters arrive without any special signs. Neighbors won’t know that you have bedbugs.

If insects bother you, don't get involved in a long, expensive, and futile fight against them. Order pest control from specialists and enjoy a happy life in an apartment without bedbugs.

Call right now and get a free consultation!


What are the guarantees that cockroaches will not appear?

Any SES service cannot vouch for the impossibility of cockroaches appearing in the future, since this directly depends on you and on objective factors (sanitary conditions in the room, the presence of cockroaches in your neighbors’ house, etc.)

The only thing that can be guaranteed is their destruction . And our Service copes with this.

But we always try to accommodate our clients and if the problem arises again, we only pay for consumables, the visit and work of a specialist is free.

Why are competitors cheaper?

Not cheaper! This is a simple and, unfortunately, common marketing ploy. Remember - cheap is never good!

Considering the current cost of consumables and the harmful work of a specialist - less than 2000 rubles. Treatment for cockroaches cannot cost! Most likely they will hype you up on the spot : “...let’s add this and that, here’s a stronger drug, but more expensive...”, etc. And clients often fall for such deception. If you refuse to pay “extra,” they will simply treat your apartment with water or cheap toxic and poorly ventilated chemicals, which can bring you not only discomfort, but also a potential health hazard.

They set our saber on fire, why didn’t it help?

Bingo, and you have fallen for the scammers! This is a banal scam. The checkers are designed to repel flying insects (mosquitoes, moths, flies) and nothing more! This has no effect on cockroaches and especially bedbugs. Setting a fire and putting a bomb in your apartment is both cheap and requires no labor - you don’t need to walk around with equipment, move furniture, turn over beds, etc. You can just as easily burn incense sticks - you will save money and rid yourself of the long-lasting suffocating smell.

There are a lot of cockroaches in our neighbors, what should we do?

Ideally, such disadvantaged neighbors are ready for dialogue and a joint fight against parasites. This is not always possible in practice, so at least secure your home and carry out the treatment. If you don't make any efforts, cockroaches will multiply very quickly. Additional protection will be “barrier treatment” with the addition of a special microencapsulated product, which will serve as an additional prevention of the reappearance of insects

Why do more cockroaches appear after treatment?

In fact, the number of cockroaches in the treated apartment cannot possibly increase; it’s just that the poison that penetrated into all the secluded places affected the cockroaches that did not catch your eye. After treatment, not all poisoned cockroaches die immediately, but continue to go crazy for some time - the instincts of cockroaches are suppressed, so they run out to the surface and behave fearlessly. Many people mistake this effect for an increase in the number of cockroaches.

Destruction of cockroaches

Is repeated disinfestation necessary?

Companies that deal with the destruction of bedbugs are always required to provide a guarantee for the work performed.
However, it is better for apartment owners to protect themselves from the reappearance of bedbugs. This is done by following all preventive measures. It is better, of course, not to carry out general cleaning of the house within 30 days from the date of disinsection treatment. After all, the larvae that remain die only after they reach maturity. Therefore, it is so important not to wash off the toxic chemical composition from the walls, ceiling and baseboards. The visible effect of the treatment can be noticed already a week after disinfestation: the activity of bedbugs gradually decreases, and in the end not a trace remains of them. If, despite observing all preventive measures, pests reappear in your home, it is recommended to contact the same service that carried out the first treatment. Usually, companies give a discount on repeated disinfestation or even carry it out free of charge.

Disinfectants. Preparations against insects and rodents

What remedy can you recommend for cockroaches?

Today, the most effective means for controlling cockroaches are drugs of the peritroid group based on Cypermethrin, such as Cyperthrin, Cifox, Alfacin . FOS insecticides such as Agran, Averfos and Efficient also cope well with this task. All these are emulsion concentrates, which are diluted in the required proportion with water, then the solution is applied to the surface by spraying according to the instructions.

How can you get rid of bedbugs?

Bedbugs are very tenacious insects with a strong, developed immune system. In addition, they are practically invisible to the naked eye. The best method is to spray their habitats and accumulations (upholstered furniture, joints of wallpaper, baseboards, sockets, etc.)

The best medicines for bedbugs today are Forssyth, Averfos, Agran, Blockade Antiklop, Confidant, K-Otrin and Xulat.

Do gels help in removing cockroaches?

Gels are a ready-made poison for cockroaches, which they eat, after which poisoning occurs. Along with traps and crayons, this is nothing more than a preventive measure. If cockroaches crawl, it is better to use professional chemicals in the form of emulsion concentrates.

How can you poison rats and mice yourself?

Currently, the market for disinfectants is simply huge, so there are products for rodent control . You can immediately discard ineffective mousetraps and ultrasonic repellers, this is a waste of money and time. The best method for killing rodents is poisoned bait . But there are several nuances here too. The choice of such baits is very diverse and rodents will actually eat every poison. The second problem is that a rat or mouse poisoned in your premises will emit a stench for two to three months. Therefore, it is more correct to use two types of bait: either with a mummifying effect (Rat Death, Storm), or bait that contains a special substance that increases the pressure of rodents, causing them to inevitably run into fresh air.

Is Testox safe for pets?

The product contains a special substance that tastes very bitter, which pets simply will not eat, and rodents simply do not feel bitterness due to the lack of receptors. However, to avoid any risks, all baits should be placed in places that are difficult for pets to reach.

Do you have everything you need to process it yourself?

Yes, of course, from us you can purchase not only insecticides, but also related products necessary for processing - a respirator, sprayer, goggles, gloves, protective suit, etc.

More than once they came to process it from other companies and it didn’t help. We want to process it ourselves. How to do this and is it safe?

This is possible, for this it is important to understand with what means the treatment has already been carried out in order to avoid insects becoming accustomed to the drug (bugs or cockroaches). The cost of doing it yourself will be less expensive. In order to carry out the processing correctly, we have included detailed instructions. As for disinfectants, they are all certified and approved for use in residential premises, and are absolutely safe when used correctly.

What is the essence of disinfestation?

Disinsection against bedbugs
is a set of various measures to destroy parasites, during which infected premises are subjected to special treatment using insecticidal agents. It is worth considering that all drugs used to neutralize bedbugs are completely safe for people, but have a negative effect on the body of bedbugs. Disinsection may also include the destruction of blood-sucking insects under the influence of high or low temperature (hot or cold fog technology).

Disinsection of premises from bloodsuckers differs from disinsection from ants, cockroaches and other pests. Bedbugs are parasites that feed only on the blood of animals, birds and humans. These insects will not be interested in baits poisoned with a special poison. After all, their body cannot digest anything other than blood. That is why aerosol sprays, which penetrate into cracks and all hard-to-reach places, are considered the only effective weapon against bedbugs. There are also drugs with long-term effects. They settle on the selected surface and destroy the larvae emerging from the eggs of bloodsuckers.

Professional companies involved in the fight against bedbugs most often use the following methods:

  • exposure to insecticides;
  • freezing bedbugs;
  • heating the surfaces on which insects live.

Spraying insecticides in the house is the most difficult of all procedures for exterminating bedbugs. However, at the same time, it is also the most effective procedure. As a rule, state sanitary and epidemiological services use exactly this method.

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