"Raptor" against mosquitoes - operating principle and rules of use

general description

Raptor mosquito repellents have been produced in the Russian Federation for many years.
Today such goods can be found in the markets of many foreign countries. It is “Raptor” that is preferred by most consumers. Such a great demand is primarily due, of course, to the advantages of this substance over its analogues. The drug "Raptor" is characterized by the following factors.

  • Maximum level of efficiency. Absolutely all of its types that are on the market today very quickly destroy annoying mosquitoes.
  • Long shelf life - about 2 years.
  • Safe composition. It is completely safe for humans. The preparation contains substances that have a negative effect exclusively on insects.
  • Simplicity and ease of use.
  • Reasonable cost and availability. You can buy the product in any store at a low price.
  • Mobility. The assortment includes varieties of “Raptor” that can also be used outdoors. This is very convenient, as you can take them with you fishing, nature, or dacha.
  • Compactness.

It is worth noting that before entering the consumer market, the drug undergoes a number of laboratory tests that confirm the effectiveness and safety of the product.

The main substance acting on mosquitoes in the Raptor product is d-allethrin. This is a new generation poison that does not harm the health of humans and animals, of course, if its dose is insignificant. However, it has a detrimental effect on blood-sucking insects. When a mosquito inhales the aroma of a drug that contains even a small amount of poison, it is paralyzed, and after 15 minutes the pest dies.


Despite the same name, the fumigator and aerosol have completely different compositions, which determine their effectiveness against certain targets.


The main active ingredient of Raptor Aquafumigator is the pyrethroid cyphenothrin. This insecticide was synthesized in Japan in 1986. Due to its safety and low ecotoxicity, cyphenothrin is widespread in Europe and the USA. In its pure form, cyphenothrin looks like a yellowish viscous liquid. How does it work?

Initially, cyphenothrin was developed as a contact-intestinal poison - the substance entered the stomach and from there poisoned the insect’s body. As part of Raptor, it is mixed with a vapor-forming agent, which delivers poison into the respiratory tract of insects. Cyphenothrin is safe, versatile, has good penetrating ability and a long-lasting protective effect.


Unlike the universal “Aquafumigator”, the aerosol “Raptor” is designed exclusively for crawling parasites. It contains three active ingredients: cypermethrin, tetramethrin and piperonyl butoxide.

Cypermethrin is one of the most common insecticides. It was first synthesized back in the 70s, but this second-generation pyrethroid is still as effective as its more modern counterparts. Isomers of cypermethrin are used in insecticidal preparations - for example, the Raptor aerosol contains cypermethrin-alpha. This substance has a nerve paralytic effect and a long-lasting protective effect.

Tetramethrin is another old but popular insecticide. In its pure form, it presents oily white crystals with a strong odor reminiscent of chamomile. Tetramethrin is a universal insecticide that is effective against all types of insects, but its physical properties make it most effective against crawling insects.

Piperonyl butoxide itself is practically non-toxic. It is used as a synergist - a substance that enhances the toxic effect of poisons and insecticides. Penetrating into the body of insects, piperonyl butoxide neutralizes their ability to resist poisons and toxins by destroying a number of enzymes.

The composition of the aerosol makes it more effective against crawling insects - piperonyl butoxide plays an important role, which neutralizes the immunity to cypermethrin and tetramethrin that some populations have.

What you should know

When using the product, you must follow the safety rules:

  • Plug the drug into a working, working outlet that is located a meter away from the bed;
  • In an apartment with small children, it is better to use liquid or plates in a fumigator created specifically for children;
  • Do not handle the operating device with wet hands;
  • Indoors where there are pregnant women or people suffering from allergic reactions, use is not recommended;
  • Do not use in an apartment where birds or aquarium fish live, they cannot tolerate the release of toxic substances and die.

The drug must be stored in places that are difficult for children to reach, and also ensure that the product does not get wet, otherwise it will be ineffective.

Raptor is a popular mosquito repellent that provides protection indoors or outdoors. The composition contains a modern poisonous component that has a paralytic effect on bloodsuckers, after which death occurs. At low concentrations, Raptor repels mosquitoes; at high concentrations, it has a destructive effect. A special safe series is produced for apartments where small children live.

Bedbug treatment areas

Since the bug mainly leads a sedentary nocturnal lifestyle and feeds on blood, we will look for it not far from our vacation spots. Beds, sofas and all bedside furniture. We process:

  • Mattresses seams, labels, zippers.
  • Sofa cushions, furniture frames, joints of elements.
  • Back side of carpets, paintings.
  • Bedside tables, chests of drawers (bottom, pull-out shelves, back wall), poufs.
  • Gaps in the floor and baseboards.
  • Bedside electrical appliances, sockets and switches (disconnect power in advance).
  • Places under the window sill and heating panels.
  • Joints and places where wallpaper does not fit tightly.

For prevention, we will treat ventilation shafts, entrance door frames and window frames. Carry out the cleaning after 2 - 3 days, the presence of corpses will indicate the effectiveness of the treatment, if you need to repeat disinsection, do it in a week. Raptor spray can be used in the initial stages of infection or as a preventive measure. If the premises are severely infested, resort to the use of more powerful drugs, such as Confidant, Averfos, Cypermethrin, Agran, Fufanon, Alatar, Get, Medilis, etc.

-Doctor. My head itches! - Darling, you got bitten by bugs. - Is it possible to take them out? - Certainly. It's $10 from you. - Well, we have free medicine! - Hm-yes. It looks like the bugs have already reached the convolutions.

Raptor provides reliable protection

  • From mosquitoes

A large selection of remedies for blood-sucking insect bites for adults and children, intended for outdoor and indoor use. If you are planning to go to the countryside or on a picnic, use products to protect against mosquitoes outdoors: coils, aerosols, lanterns, rods.

Insect repellents for home use will ensure a sound and restful sleep, even with the windows open. For this purpose, Raptor offers odorless liquids and plates, as well as kits with an electric fumigator for home use.

  • From flies, midges and wasps

Raptor offers a wide range of products against flying insects: bait traps, tapes and fumigator plates. Modern effective insecticides do not contain toxic components and do not affect the quality of food products. Designed for use at home and outdoors.

  • From moths

Raptor takes care of your belongings and offers the best protection against flying insects: gel sections with floral and fruit scents, sachets, aerosols and universal covers for clothes. Food moth traps will help save your food from pests.

  • From crawling insects

A large assortment of universal products for fighting cockroaches and ants will allow you to eliminate insects in your home, country house or any other room. Our assortment includes traps, aerosols, gels and other modern broad-spectrum preparations for eliminating crawling insects.

Instructions for use

Correct use of funds is an important point. If you do not follow the instructions, the composition will be ineffective or harmful to health.


It would seem that there is nothing complicated there - spray it and rejoice in the absence of “neighbors”. But all products contain poisons or toxic substances, so safety is paramount here. Do not start processing the room without wearing rubber gloves and a respirator, especially if you are prone to allergic reactions.

  • From bedbugs. Check the room temperature: it should not be lower than +10°C. Spray the composition from a distance of 15 cm from the surface. Spray all the furniture in the room, baseboards, wallpaper joints, and the space under the window sill. Leave the room. After a quarter of an hour, open the window. Ventilate for at least half an hour. Dilute 50 g of grated household soap and 50 g of soda ash in 5 liters of water. Rinse treated surfaces with this solution.
  • From crawling insects, from 17 types of insects. Shake the bottle vigorously several times. Apply the composition to where you saw pests, places of their possible “residence,” and routes of movement. Maintain a distance of 20 cm from the surface. Leave the room. After a quarter of an hour, open the window. Ventilate for at least half an hour. After four weeks, repeat the procedure.
  • "Barrier". Shake the bottle vigorously several times. Apply the composition to all potential “loopholes” where pests can enter the house (doors, windows, ventilation, baseboards, plumbing fixtures). Also spray the intended places of “residence” of “guests” who have already entered the home.
  • From mosquitoes. Shake the bottle vigorously several times. Spray from a distance of half a meter. Treatment duration is six to seven seconds of continuous application. Indoors, spray window openings, door frames and openings on the street side. On open verandas and gazebos there are ceilings and all external surfaces. In nature - grass, trees and shrubs around you. Repeat the treatment after eight hours (in windy or rainy weather the time is halved).
  • From flying insects. Close all doors and doors in the room tightly. Shake the bottle vigorously several times. Treat one room continuously for 20 seconds. Leave the room. After a quarter of an hour, open the window and ventilate for at least half an hour.
  • From moths. Clean the clothes in the closet from dust. Keep the bottle at a distance of 20-30 cm from the surface to be treated. Spray things, carpets, the inside of the closet, upholstered furniture and curtains. Leave the room, after a quarter of an hour open the window. Ventilate for at least half an hour.

Plates and liquids

Liquids (from mosquitoes) and plates (from mosquitoes or flies) are not used by themselves. The active substance contained in them must be evaporated. There is a special device for this - an electric fumigator. The device is inserted into a socket, a plate is placed in it, or a container with liquid is screwed into it.

One mosquito repellent plate usually provides eight hours of protection against mosquitoes (it is left on all night), even with the windows open. Fly strips are also effective for eight hours. And one container of insecticidal liquid is enough for a month of peaceful sleep.

There is also a special mosquito repellent liquid for children. It has a safe composition and you can safely leave the electric fumigator turned on in the children's room all night.

Rods and spirals

These products can be used outdoors. I “stick” the rods into the ground, and the spirals are placed on a flat surface; there is a special stand for this. Then the product needs to be set on fire. The effect will occur in about a quarter of an hour. The spiral can burn for seven hours in a row, the rod - only two.

Mosquito lantern

This device is an alternative to an electric fumigator if there is no outlet nearby. Place the candle from the set inside and light it. Cover with a lampshade. There is a place at the top of the lantern to place a mosquito repellent plate. This device protects against bloodsuckers and midges for five hours.

Duct tape

Everything is simple here: pull the tape out of the sleeve by the paper loop and attach it to the wall or ceiling. To do this, there is something like a pushpin at the opposite end of the sleeve.

The validity period of such a tape is on average two months. It will “catch” not only flies, but also other insects flying in the room. And the glue is absolutely safe for humans and animals.

Heat fumigator

This is an emergency system for getting rid of clothing moths. The device itself is a plastic container, in the lower part of which a heating element is placed, and in the upper part - a plate with the active substance. The heating element is located in a small flat bag, which must be crushed and shaken vigorously several times before being placed in the container. This will mix the substances and start a chemical reaction with the release of heat. Then place the insecticide strip into the lid of the container and snap all four fasteners into place at the corners.

Now simply place the device in the cabinet and close the doors tightly. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly. After five minutes, the insecticide will begin to evaporate and will destroy all moths and their larvae in the closet or dressing room. After a month, the treatment will need to be repeated.


The essence of these devices is that insects are lured into the trap through the smell that is most attractive to them.

  • Anti-cockroaches, “Double Strength”, gel against cockroaches and ants. Clean the room thoroughly. Place traps in places with the largest concentration of “neighbors”, along the routes of movement (three to four pieces per room). Sharing with insecticidal sprays is unacceptable, as their smell will overwhelm the “aroma” of the bait. Validity period: up to six months. In the case of a gel, the composition must be applied in the same places with dotted lines. The insect, attracted by the “delicious” smell, crawls inside the device. Eats or comes into contact with poisonous bait. It crawls out freely and heads to its habitat like a “living poison”. Contacts with relatives, poisoning them too. The entire pest population is destroyed.
  • From flies and wasps. Place the trap on a flat, hard surface or hang it, for example, on a tree branch. The device is valid for four weeks. The range of action is 5-10 m. Flies and wasps, attracted by the appetizing aroma, crawl inside the device. They can no longer get out on their own.
  • From food moths. Remove the protective strip on the back (white) side of the trap. Glue it to the side wall of the kitchen cabinet where food is stored. Remove the protective film from the front side (with the pattern). The trap is valid for three months. On the front side of the trap there is an adhesive layer with an odor attractive to moths. Butterflies fly towards the scent and stick tightly to the work surface.
  • From garden ants. Stick the traps into the ground so that the bottom edge does not touch the ground. You will need up to four pieces per 1 m2 (depending on the number of ants). Place traps around the area where insects gather. The pest, attracted by the “delicious” smell, crawls inside the device. Eats or comes into contact with poisonous bait. It crawls out freely and heads to its habitat like a “living poison”. The entire pest population is destroyed.
  • Ant repellent granules. Open the sachet. Scatter dry granules (10 g per 1 m2) along the “paths” of ants’ movement. Or dissolve the substance in water (10 g per 0.5 l) and pour over the “routes” of insects if they pass along the ground. The effect lasts up to two months. Attracted ants eat the bait or touch it. Within eight hours, complete paralysis occurs and the pest dies.

Sachets, sections, moth bags

The principle of all these products is the same: the composition is placed in a cabinet, and when the concentration of the active substance is maximum, all adult butterflies and their larvae located inside the cabinet die. At the same time, the room is protected from the penetration of new insects. Only the active substances and aromas of such products differ. The validity period is four months for all varieties.


The active component (cephinothrin) is the latest development of Japanese scientists. The substance is capable of destroying all crawling and flying insects in the room and their larvae in one application. In the package you will find three items.

  1. Metal container. It contains the active substance and a vapor-forming reagent.
  2. Sachet with liquid. This is not just water, there is a substance dissolved in it, upon reaction with which a vapor-forming reagent begins to act.
  3. Plastic container. In which all participants in the chemical reaction are placed.

And here's how to use this system correctly. Take flowers, dishes, aquariums, toys out of the room, and take pets away. Close the windows tightly. If you have smoke extractors installed, turn them off. Pour the liquid from the sachet into a plastic container. Now place the metal container there too. Place the device in the middle of the room. Leave the room and close the door tightly behind you. After a couple of minutes, intense evaporation of the substance will begin. There will be a dense curtain of steam in the room, for which the aquafumigator is popularly called a smoke bomb. Do not enter the room for at least two to three hours. Or better yet, 12. Ventilate the room for at least half an hour. Carry out wet cleaning with soap and soda solution.

Wash your hands thoroughly after installing the system in the room. If you are prone to allergic reactions, work with gloves and a respirator. If the substance gets on your skin, rinse thoroughly with water. If you feel a burning sensation in your eyes or your health suddenly worsens, call an ambulance immediately.

The Raptor assortment includes both universal and specialized products against a specific type of insect. But we must understand that highly targeted formulations always work more efficiently. It's better to choose them. If your house was attacked by several types of “neighbors” at once, choose a common method.

What are there

According to the principle of heating activation, the fumigator comes in two types:

  1. Electric. Connects to the network via an outlet, uses batteries or a rechargeable battery. The main element is a microresistor. It heats up to about 150°C. Bottles with toxic liquid or plates impregnated with a repellent composition are attached to the device;
  2. Pyrotechnic. It is a spiral or plate made of wood flour. The solution has already been applied to the canvas. Ignites with fire. Combustion of the material is accompanied by the release of odorous smoke.

Ultrasonic and light. Fumigators occupy a separate category. The name is given for the result. In fact, this is a slightly different device, since the work is not based on vapors or gases. The device turns on from the mains, begins to make a sound or emit light, which has a negative effect on mosquitoes.

General information about Raptor

The main advantage of the Raptor manufacturer is the ability to select individual products for almost every type of insect. Moreover, each such product contains different insecticides, and the form of the product is also different, so we can say that the manufacturer takes into account the specific characteristics of different insects. Of course, this approach is the most effective in combating parasites.

Raptor has several remedies against bedbugs:

  • Bed bug spray is a unique product that is used to combat only bed bugs.
  • An aquafumigator is a set of tools that provide instant elimination of any insects using an effective method of spreading insecticides throughout the treated area.
  • Anti-crawling spray is a remedy that is equally effective against bed bugs and other types of wingless insects, such as ants, cockroaches, and so on.

Let's look at each type of Raptor separately and evaluate its performance characteristics.


It is a fumigator with a removable transparent container containing liquid with the active substance. Action lasts up to 60 nights. Raptor mosquito repellent liquid is odorless, does not irritate the human respiratory tract, and does not affect the well-being of humans or pets when used correctly.

Operating principle

Fumigator Raptor for protection against insects

The active component is an insecticidal substance developed by Japanese scientists - etok. It begins to act when heated - it is released into the air in small portions. How Raptor acts on mosquitoes can be seen with the naked eye. Insects rise up to the ceiling, fly randomly, do not land on a person, and after a while they fall immobilized. The subsidence of the mosquito squeak indicates the rapid effectiveness of the fumigator.

On a note!

The principle of operation is extremely simple. This disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, causing paralysis and quick death. Not only mosquitoes, but also other flying blood-sucking insects are affected by the substance. The Raptor product frees the room from midges and flies, and helps to cope with fleas and bed bugs.


The operating instructions are straightforward. In the evening, you should plug the mosquito fumigator into an outlet and leave it overnight. After only 5 minutes of operation of the device, the mosquito squeaking subsides, within half an hour the pests die, others do not fly into the room even with open windows and doors. One bottle lasts approximately 60 nights.

  • The instructions for use contain some prohibitions on the use of the fumigator - small children under 3 years old, a room with an area of ​​less than 5 square meters. In other cases, use the Raptor fumigator without restrictions.
  • In a closed room, you should turn on the device half an hour before bedtime, after which you can turn it off. With the windows open, the fumigator works all night.
  • In rare cases, individual intolerance to this substance appears. The person feels weak, headache, dizzy. In this case, use of the product is prohibited.

Top 6. Picnic Baby

Rating (2021): 3.56

58 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, IRecommend

Safe composition The fumigator liquid, designed specifically for children, has a safe composition. It is odorless and does not harm children.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 188 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Action in: 10 min.
  • Volume: 30 ml
  • Operating period: 45 nights

Parents are often afraid to use fumigators in children's rooms because of possible toxicity. Picnic Baby has a particularly mild, safe formula. The active substances in the liquid included with the fumigator will not cause any harm to babies. Parents consider the advantages to be the complete absence of odor, simplicity and ease of use. But the use of natural substances to repel mosquitoes affected the effectiveness of the product. It has a much less pronounced effect compared to regular “adult” options. Parents also include the discrepancy between the specified work resource and reality as a disadvantage. The liquid evaporates actively, the bottle lasts for a maximum of two weeks instead of the stated 45 nights.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Safe composition
  • No smell
  • Affordable price
  • Reduces the number of mosquitoes
  • Lack of efficiency
  • Fast fluid consumption
  • Poor manufacturing quality of the fumigator

Device Features

Raptor is a great way to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment or house. High efficiency and simple principle of use are the main advantages of the device.

A mosquito fumigator is a heating element located in a plastic container, which has special wicks and plates impregnated with an insecticidal substance. It is enough to plug the Raptor into a mosquito repellent outlet and, under the influence of temperature, the chemical components begin to evaporate, negatively affecting insects.


The Raptor remedy for bedbugs has an immediate effect. You can see the result during the disinfestation process. Under the influence of poison, the parasites fall immobilized. Within 2 hours of exposure, most of the pests die.

However, this effect is achieved by direct treatment of the nest, when the concentrated poison falls on the insect’s body. Bed bugs kept in secluded areas during treatment may survive. The rate of their death depends on the dose of poison that enters the body.

On a note!

In most cases, Raptor aerosol against bedbugs destroys pests within a week. But a situation may occur when the bug develops immunity to insecticides of this group. Then, a few days after disinfestation, bites will appear on the body again, and repeated treatment with the product will be useless.

How the drug works, the mechanism is known. Whether it helps against bedbugs remains to be seen. The product destroys adults and nymphs of different ages. Does not kill bedbug eggs. The thin layer of poison is weakening every day. The larvae hatch from the eggs after 14 days. To destroy them, repeated treatment with the product is required. The insects do not have time to lay eggs, and the population dies out.


Raptor mosquito repellent plates

Mosquito protection in the form of plates with a formidable dinosaur on the packaging is familiar to everyone. This was the first product of the Raptor brand for the destruction of bloodsuckers in a residential area. The green plates are in sealed packaging individually and are sold together with a small device - a fumigator.

Operating principle

Raptor mosquito repellent plates act similarly to liquid. When heated, an active substance is released into the air - an insecticide with a nerve-paralytic effect. The active composition is identical - it's the same. The plates are saturated and the insecticide is activated when the temperature rises.


Using the fumigator is very simple. It is necessary to remove the plate from the packaging, place it in a special section of the device, and connect it to an outlet. In a closed room, connect the device half an hour before bedtime; with the windows open, leave the device on all night. You can notice the harmful effect of the active substance on mosquitoes after 5 minutes.

On a note!

Do not use the same plate several nights in a row. Outwardly, it practically does not change, but after 10 hours of work, the active substance completely disappears, further use of the product is pointless.

Top 2. Raptor Turbo

Rating (2021): 4.56

148 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Ozon, IRecommend

The fastest action Fumigators from Raptor are equipped with a Turbo button, which accelerates heating and release of the active substance. Mosquitoes begin to disappear within 5-10 minutes.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 414 rub.

  • Country: Italy
  • Action in: 5-10 minutes
  • Volume: 35 ml
  • Operating period: 40 nights

One of the fastest and most effective fumigators, which has collected many grateful reviews from customers. Its main difference from similar mosquito repellents is the presence of a Turbo mode, which is activated by pressing the corresponding button on the device. The device begins to heat up more, leading to accelerated evaporation of the liquid. As a result, the effect occurs approximately twice as fast as compared to standard fumigators. Replacement bottles are always available for sale; if desired, you can use the plates. Judging by user reviews, the device is really effective; after plugging it in, mosquitoes disappear very quickly and do not bother you throughout the night.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Fast action against mosquitoes
  • No odor when heated
  • Turbo button for enhanced action
  • Good workmanship
  • Economical, lasts a long time
  • Liquid leaks when the bottle is tipped over
  • Gets too hot

See also:

  • 10 best remedies for mosquito bites

Spirals and rods

In addition to products for electronic devices, Raptor is also produced in the form of pyrotechnic fumigators - spirals and rods. To trigger their toxic effect, you need to set fire to the free edge of a pressed tube soaked in insecticide and leave it to smolder.

This method of mosquito protection is good because it protects people within a radius of 3 m, lasts 7 hours and is safe for people and pets. D-allethrin kills the first insects within the first 15 minutes and acts until the spiral completely fades.

Smoldering fumigators are used only outdoors due to their toxicity when the permissible concentration is exceeded. Like other insecticides in the series, Raptor is not recommended for use in places where there are children and pregnant women.

When using spirals and rods, it is not necessary to monitor them, but it is recommended to follow fire safety rules:

  • use a metal, ceramic or glass stand;
  • do not install near flammable objects;
  • keep away from animals and children.

Raptor is a trusted manufacturer that produces some of the most popular mosquito repellents in a variety of convenient formats. Depending on where a person wants to protect himself and his family from insects - indoors or outdoors, everyone can find a suitable effective remedy.

How it works and types

Raptor is a Russian brand that has been producing household products for protection against insect pests for more than 15 years. The company produces insecticides in the form:

  1. Plates for a device or a special flashlight.
  2. Liquids for electric fumigator.
  3. Aerosols.
  4. Spirals and rods.

Each type provides a different duration of protection against bloodsuckers: from 7–8 hours (spiral, spray, plates) to 30 days (liquid).

All brand products are based on the insecticides ethoc (prallethrin), transfluthrin and d-allethrin. These toxins have a detrimental effect on the nervous system of blood-sucking insects, which leads to paralysis and death of mosquitoes.

Pyrotechnics and their features

The plate or spiral must be disconnected from the set if there are several of them in the package. The device is quite fragile and requires careful handling. Then the fumigator is placed on a fireproof base. This could be a plate made of tempered glass, porcelain, a piece of brick, stone or a metal element. The tip is set on fire with a lighter or match, and the flame is immediately blown out until it smolders. There should be some smoke left. The space should be at least 1 m free on each side of the fumigator.

The spiral can be hung. The main thing is to maintain a distance from people, animals and flammable objects.

This product is best used in open spaces. In outdoor conditions, you can place several pieces at once around the perimeter on the non-windy side.

Indoor use is possible, but not recommended. It is permissible to fumigate a room of up to 20 square meters, provided the windows and doors are open. The duration of smoking is no more than 15 minutes. Be sure to ventilate for half an hour afterward. The person must leave during processing.

Strict precautions are required due to the toxic composition. The main substance is most often allethrin, esbiothrin, and less often pyrethrin. The poison is especially dangerous for insects and fish.

The main advantages of pyrotechnic fumigators:

  • Possibility of outdoor use. It can be difficult to turn on an electric device at the dacha, during a fishing trip or a picnic. The spiral will easily work in outdoor conditions. Also suitable for non-glazed loggias, balconies and verandas;
  • duration of protection. Burning is smooth and can be kept in an open space for up to several hours;
  • efficiency. Blood-sucking animals are very sensitive to allethrin and its brothers, they lose orientation in space, die, and are isolated away from the source. Reduces the need to apply skin repellents;
  • low cost. Pyrotechnic spirals are much cheaper than devices and also save energy. One piece can be set on fire several times if it is not used entirely at once.

The disadvantages are also obvious:

  • toxicity. It creates problems for home use, can cause poisoning if safety precautions are not followed, it is undesirable to use it near children and pregnant women;
  • incompatibility with fish. It is forbidden to light a spiral in the same room with aquariums and directly on the banks of reservoirs;
  • fire hazard.

Conclusion: Suitable for limited situations, mainly during outdoor recreation.

Preparing the room for processing

Let's start with cleaning, using a vacuum cleaner we will partially destroy the insects encountered along the way, open the nests and determine the total number of infestations.

  • We remove bed linen, curtains and curtains from the windows.
  • We put food in the refrigerator.
  • We pack dishes, cosmetics and personal hygiene products in sealed bags.
  • We remove the carpet, paintings, and decorative elements from the walls.
  • We remove aquariums and plants or cover them tightly.
  • Place all clothes in the closet unless the closet itself needs to be treated.
  • Bed linen and soft toys need to be washed or sent to dry cleaning.

It is not allowed to treat minor children, pregnant and lactating women. People with sensitive skin to chemicals. Smoking and eating are prohibited during processing. In case of contact with skin, wash the area with soap and water; in case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with running water. At the first manifestations of an allergy on the mucous membrane, consult a doctor.

Is the Raptor fumigator harmful for children?

Of course, one can hardly call a fumigator useful for small children. However, you need to understand that mosquito bites are even more harmful. Here you have to choose the lesser of two evils. That is why experts recommend using a fumigator in children's rooms. Of course, there should be certain concerns. For example, the use of this device is contraindicated for small allergy sufferers. For infants, you can use fumigators with plates that emit less active substances. This product is developed specifically for young children.

Is the Raptor fumigator harmful to animals?

In the instructions you can find information that the Raptor fumigator is safe not only for humans, but also for pets. Experience shows that when a high-quality fumigator is turned on, animals lie calmly in their place. You will notice that nothing bothers them. Of course, if the turned on device had a negative effect on pets, they would try to stay away from the working device. But this doesn't happen. From this we can conclude that the active substances that destroy insects are absolutely safe for the “younger brothers”.

How much does it cost to buy Raptor for mosquitoes?

As we have already found out, to safely use the Raptor fumigator, you need to take care of purchasing a high-quality device. To do this, it is recommended to contact only specialized retail outlets and online stores. Don't be confused by the fact that the goods here will be a little more expensive than on the market. This way you can be sure that you are purchasing original and safe products. Some stores also hold seasonal promotions. During this period, you will be able to purchase the necessary goods at significant discounts.

Fumigators for liquid and plates are sold separately. You can also purchase a whole set consisting of the device itself and replacement plates or a bottle of liquid. The cost of a set for 30 nights is about 230 rubles. The price of a separate bottle of liquid is 160 rubles. To purchase the device itself you will need to spend about 70 rubles.


Reviews about Raptor for bedbugs vary. But when used correctly, the product shows excellent results.

In the middle of winter, bites began to appear on the body. While I was gathering my thoughts, I was at a loss, I saw a small insect on the headboard of the bed. When I looked closer at it, I noticed blood inside. I haven't met them before. I found a photo on the Internet - bedbugs. I didn’t know what to do out of horror. Then I lifted the mattress and saw the bedbugs in all their glory. I felt sick. I went straight to the store and bought a Raptor for bedbugs. I sprayed the nest and poured it straight from the can. The rest was sprayed around the room. She closed the doors tightly. After 14 days, I carried out a full disinfestation using this product. This is how we managed to get rid of bedbugs. There is no unpleasant smell.

Polina, Moscow

We bought an apartment. There were bedbugs there. There was no time to select an effective remedy, much less test folk remedies. My wife went down to the store on the first floor and brought Raptor. The fight began. The walls and floor were treated. They closed the apartment for a week and didn’t show up there. When we entered, we saw dead insects on the floor. Most of it was under the socket, and where there was a crack in the wall. Once again we poisoned the bedbugs. Then they carried out repairs, completely peeled off the wallpaper, and re-laid the linoleum on the floor. Raptor helped us. We never saw these parasites again.

Oleg, St. Petersburg

Raptor will help if a nest has been found, or the infection is just beginning. We poisoned with an aerosol 5 times, the effect was enough for a week. Then they noticed again that bedbugs were biting. As a result, the poison stopped working altogether. Switched to concentrates. I saw an interesting picture. The parasite first fell from the poison, and then came to life and ran on. They got desperate and called exterminators to exterminate the bedbugs.

Ksenia, Perm

Danger to humans and animals

Raptor mosquito repellent products

This substance is classified as low-hazard. When used correctly, it does not cause deterioration in well-being or discomfort. The liquid and plates contain a minimal amount of it. Harm to humans and animals is excluded; for mosquitoes the dose is lethal.

On a note!

To avoid increased concentrations of insecticide in the air, it is not recommended to use Raptor in rooms that are too small - less than 5 square meters. In large rooms, to increase the effectiveness of the drug, several fumigators should be turned on in different sides of the room. Otherwise, a person is faced with a situation where Raptor does not help.

Do not use the product in a room where children under 3 years of age sleep. The ban is associated with the baby’s weak immune system, and the development of individual intolerance is possible. Bio Raptor is produced separately in the form of liquid, Nekusaika plates. The composition includes a natural substance - chamomile extract called pyrethrum. It has a slight specific smell, absolutely safe for small children. Used in the same way, the liquid lasts for 40 days.


Both Raptor products are safe for humans and pets when used correctly. At the moment, there are no cases of poisoning with these drugs. Poisoning with a fumigator is possible only in cases where the product is stored in a place accessible to children or pets - they can open the packaging and swallow the contents of the jar. The concentration of cyphenothrin in the drug is not enough to kill a person or large animal, but it can cause poisoning. Cyphenothrin poisoning is manifested by nausea, convulsions, increased salivation, sweating and lethargy.

How does an aquafumigator work?

The active substance is in a metal container. When water is added, a reaction occurs that produces steam. It is able to penetrate everywhere, destroying cockroaches even in the most secluded corners. This makes it possible to get insects everywhere. Cyphenothrin is a nerve agent. The effect of the product lasts for a long time.



I had an awful lot of cockroaches. All sorts of gels didn't help much. For some reason I didn’t trust such means as an aquafumigator. But I decided to try it one day. She brought it, installed it, and left the house with the children. We also had to take the animals with us. We returned home about 4 hours later. There was a strong fog in the apartment, the stench was terrible. I sent the children and the dogs for a walk and rushed to get some air. Although by the time I got to the balcony, I thought I was going to cough up my lungs. The reaction to this smell is very unpleasant. But my cockroaches didn’t like this either. And immediately there were a lot of dead people, and then they continued to die. But still, I’m unlikely to risk using it again if I can’t find somewhere to go for a day - the eldest child managed to get pretty sick.

Olga, Krasnodar

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