Breed of chickens Ayam Tsemani
Ayam Tsemani chickens: description of the breed, maintenance and care
Poultry farming » Chickens 0 1722 Article rating Kira Stoletova Many people know the phenomenon of lack of pigmentation,
Turkey breeds
Turkey breeds: 105 photos, name, description, features and rules for breeding at home
It is interesting that these curious birds were once not found on our continent. They were brought by the Spaniards
Flower fly: ways to combat it at home
There are indoor plants in almost every home. They give people positive emotions and cleanse
What are wasps afraid of: a list of repellents and methods for use in the garden and home
03/16/2017 The appearance of wasps or hornets on a summer cottage is not only an unpleasant fact and
Chalk as a food additive for chicken feed. Feeding standards for chickens, young animals and laying hens
1 850 no comments 0 Author: Smirnov Alexey. Reading time: 2 minutes B
Do mice really like cheese? What to feed pet rodents?
A little history Who knows where this myth originated from. Most likely, the traces lead to the Middle Ages.
Russian Crested breed of chickens
Russian Crested Chicken: description of the breed and breeding secrets
Home » Articles about chickens » Russian Crested breed of chickens One of the most successful
ants on strawberries
10 ways to deal with an ant invasion on strawberries
For many summer residents, the appearance of ants on their property can be a problem. These insects enter
Photo 1
Let's talk about how to get rid of mealybugs on an orchid
If the care is not properly organized, the orchid may well become infected with the harmful insect mealybug. He,
form of the drug Agita
Agita – fly repellent: instructions for use, precautions and treatment areas
Description and principle of action Agita is an insecticide produced in Austria, designed to destroy flies and cockroaches
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