How to Properly Dilute and Apply “EXECUTIONER”? Advantages and Disadvantages of the Product

⚗️ Bed bugs are among those parasitic blood-sucking insects that choose close proximity to the human body as their habitat. They live next to people, hiding in bedding and underwear, in textile furniture upholstery and presenting a constant danger.


Description of the drug

Flea control is a complex process.
It can only succeed if you use reliable means. One of these is “The Executioner”. Let's consider whether “Executioner” helps against fleas. The product is produced in 5 ml bottles. It is a transparent yellowish liquid that must be diluted with water. The packaging has a holographic sticker, which confirms the certification of the product. One bottle is enough for disinfestation of 5 square meters.
m. REFERENCE. The main element of the flea remedy “Executioner” is fenthion.
It penetrates the respiratory organs of parasites and kills them. A few minutes are enough, and paralysis occurs, and then death. Advantages of the product:

  1. high efficiency;
  2. fast action (all insects die within 2 hours);
  3. low toxicity (not dangerous for people and animals, with the exception of birds);
  4. ease of use;
  5. no traces after disinfestation;
  6. no odor from the product.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  1. addictive to the substance, so you should not use it regularly.
  2. for complete processing of an apartment of 50 square meters. m. you will need about 10-15 bottles.

Preparation of a working solution: how to dilute “Executioner” from bedbugs

To kill bedbugs, it is necessary to prepare a solution in which the concentration of the active substance is 0.50%. To do this, dissolve the emulsion concentrate in water, observing the following proportions:

  • 1 liter of water – 18.2 grams of the drug;
  • 5 liters of water – 91 grams of the drug;
  • 10 liters of water – 182 grams of the drug.

To kill cockroaches and spiders, a more concentrated solution containing 1% of the active substance is required. To combat flies, fleas and ants, the concentration of the active substance in the solution should be 0.025%.

The emulsion is added to water at room temperature, stirring constantly to achieve a homogeneous solution. The prepared solution can be used within 8 hours.

When preparing the working composition, strictly follow the instructions. Don't break the proportions. The drug should be diluted with water at room temperature.

Insect typeAmount of product (ml) per 1 liter of water
Bed bugs18,2
Flies imago9,1
Fly larvae3,6
Mosquito imago2,2
Mosquito larvae1,3
Carpet beetles9,1
Insect typeAmount of product (ml) per 1 liter of water
Bed bugs18,2
Flies imago9,1
Fly larvae3,6
Mosquito imago2,2
Mosquito larvae1,3
Carpet beetles9,1

Consumption rate for non-absorbent surfaces 50 ml/m2, 100 ml/m2 for absorbent surfaces

Instructions for use

IMPORTANT . Before you start using the drug, you need to prepare a solution. To do this, the bottle should be diluted in warm water 30-40° (half a liter per bottle). It is advisable to dilute in a spray bottle.

Preparatory stage of processing:

  1. Open all windows and doors.
  2. Remove people, animals, and aquariums from the premises.
  3. Disinsection procedure:
  4. Wear a respirator, gauze bandage, safety glasses, and old clothes.
  5. Treat all possible insect habitats. This process should last no more than 3 hours.
  6. Leave the treated area for 8 hours.
  7. Ventilate the room for at least 2 hours.
  8. Carry out wet cleaning, wash clothes, vacuum the room to collect dead parasites.
  9. Repeated disinsection is allowed after 1-2 weeks.

REFERENCE. The Executioner product is widely available. 1 bottle of the drug will cost approximately 70 rubles.

Cleaning the premises

Once the treatment of the room is completed, it is necessary to do a wet treatment using detergents. Insects are collected using a vacuum cleaner, and all surfaces are wiped.

Despite the fact that the product is low-toxic, it still tends to accumulate in the body, so cleaning should be carried out as efficiently as possible.

You should return to the apartment only after it has been completely ventilated. Even if a few individuals remain in the room, they must die.

According to numerous reviews, the drug Executioner perfectly destroys fleas even when there are quite a large number of them and conventional aerosol products cannot cope with them.

The only drawback that users note is the smell that remains after treatment. However, it disappears quite quickly; it is enough to ventilate the room for several hours.

Flea remedy “Executioner”: reviews

For a long time we tried to get rid of the fleas that were crawling into us from the basement. We tried different options, all without results. Friends recommended the flea remedy “Executioner”. I received it and the pests immediately disappeared. There have been no reminders of them for several months now.

Elena, Stavropol

Fleas are a serious problem in my mother-in-law's house. She has both cats and dogs. They all live on the street, sometimes in the house. Once I brought my children on vacation. I was afraid for them. I found a lot of positive reviews on the Internet about the drug “Executioner”. I went to the store and bought it. After this, six months have passed and the parasites no longer bother us.

Anastasia, Vladimir

I can’t even imagine where the fleas came from in our house. I tried different remedies, nothing helped. On the advice of friends, I ordered “The Executioner”. I completely treated the entire room. Returning the next day, I ventilated and washed everything I could. After that, I no longer encountered annoying insects. For my own peace of mind, I treated the room again 10 days later.

Nikolay, Astrakhan

Advantages and disadvantages of the Executioner

Summing up, it is worth noting among the many advantages of the drug its low cost, the possibility of use in any type of premises - residential, warehouse. There is no need to invite specialists for processing. But the main advantage of the “Executioner” is that it is capable of destroying most of the existing species of house-parasitic and blood-sucking insects.

The disadvantages include the extreme toxicity of this drug for all living things, including the human body. If it is necessary to treat large areas, one bottle of the drug will not be enough.

However, the advantages are immeasurably greater. And everyone who has had to share a bed with such terribly unpleasant neighbors as bedbugs hungry for human blood will undoubtedly agree with this argument. There is also little pleasant in the invasion of house ants, the need to share food with cockroaches penetrating everywhere, even into the refrigerator.

All these uninvited aliens vying for a place in human housing bring with them unsanitary conditions with the danger of contracting all infections from dirty hands and those intestinal diseases that have fecal-oral spread. The real savior from all of the above is the insecticide “Executioner” for the destruction of bedbugs and other dangerous insects.


The use of the product must be accompanied by strict compliance with all safety standards. When processing, it is important to use personal protective equipment (protective suit, goggles, respirator, gloves). At the time of work, children and pets are prohibited from being on the territory. Do not allow the insecticide to come into contact with the skin, eyes or respiratory system. After treatment, you need to change clothes, wash your face and hands with soap, and take a shower. Store in a dry, dark place, away from medications and food.

The online store Insects.Net offers you to buy Executioner 500 ml at the most attractive price.
Fast delivery to any region of Russia is guaranteed to every customer. Hurry up to place your order today to quickly forget about being around annoying pests! This product requires special preparation when used. You must carefully read the instructions for use and follow safety precautions.


If it is necessary to treat large premises - hangars, shops, cafes, restaurants, dormitories, etc., the most profitable solution would be to buy "Executioner" 500 ml. The concentrate, dissolved in water at a certain ratio, is ideal for treating floor coverings, including cracks between slabs, baseboards, and other surfaces.

The product is effective against:

  • Klopov;
  • Cockroaches;
  • Muravyov;
  • Bloch;
  • Kozheedov;
  • Silverfish and other insects.

The product effectively destroys adult pests, larvae, and penetrates eggs, destroying the problem in the bud. Thanks to this effectiveness, infestation of premises by parasites is completely destroyed, subject to careful treatment.

After the poison penetrates the insect’s body, it dies within 5-6 hours. Efficiency is increased due to the smell of kerosene, which attracts the attention of bedbugs and cockroaches.

How to spot a fake

The remedy for bedbugs Executioner is very popular and therefore many fakes and fakes have appeared. You can distinguish a counterfeit drug from the original by several signs:

  1. The original has a hologram depicting a bedbug. Depending on the angle of inclination, the pattern of the bug changes to that of an ant.

    Original sticker

  2. The original product contains fenthion. In counterfeit drugs, cypermethrin acts as the active substance.
  3. This drug is sold in 6 ml bottles.

To avoid the risk of purchasing a counterfeit product, it is recommended to order and buy Executioner on official websites.

Precautionary measures

Fenthion is considered a fairly toxic substance for people, so you must be quite careful during use and after treating premises with the drug. If such a possibility exists, it is better not to stay for a long time in those rooms where disinfestation was carried out, and even better - to live with relatives for a few days.

Important! If for some reason food remains unharvested - bread, cereals, ready-made dishes, and microdrops of the solution get on them, they need to be thrown away.

The effect of the Executioner on people and domestic animals. The cockroach poison from this product is dangerous for people. If you are not careful when treating an apartment, you can get poisoned. Its signs:

  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • dizziness;.
  • weakness;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • convulsions;
  • increased salivation;
  • loss of consciousness.

At the moment, no severe cases of poisoning have been reported, but there is information about mild cases where consumers suffered from mild poisoning due to negligence in following the manufacturer's recommendations.

The procedure for processing the premises by the Executioner

Treatment of the premises begins not with the use of poison, but with preparation for this process:

  1. Furniture adjacent to the walls must be moved away.
  2. Remove the paintings.
  3. Roll up carpets.
  4. Pack up leftover food and take out trash.
  5. Wash the floors.
  6. Clear shelves in kitchen and wardrobes.
  7. Cover upholstered furniture with polyethylene.
  8. Close the doors and windows in the apartment - a draft can reduce the effectiveness of the product.

Effective drug


The elements included in the insecticide are relatively safe substances for humans. They are considered toxic; if they come into contact with mucous membranes or eyes, they should be rinsed with water and consult a doctor. The effectiveness of the product is ensured by the following active components:

  • Fenthion (content 27.5%);
  • Antioxidants;
  • Solvents;
  • Stabilizer;
  • surfactant;
  • Fragrance.

The drug is recognized as corresponding to the third hazard class. When treating premises with it, it is necessary to provide protection for the eyes and respiratory system.

The executioner is effective against any arthropods

Most often, the Executioner is used to bait bed bugs. However, it is effective not only against them, but also against any other invertebrates:

  • Cockroaches of all types - red, black, Turkmen, furniture
  • Muravyov
  • Bloch
  • Moths, both clothes and kitchen moths - various moths
  • Adult beetles and longhorned beetles
  • Weevils, skin beetles
  • Moist
  • Dust mites
  • silverfish
  • Spiders
  • Flies and mosquitoes (including fly larvae)
  • centipedes

The Executioner has the same effect on all invertebrates, and the rate of their death is approximately the same as that of the cockroaches in the experiment.

Where to buy and what is the price of “Executioner”

When wondering where to buy “Executioner” for bedbugs, and what its price is, you need to study the offers of specialized stores. The drug is affordable and not in short supply. It can be purchased in departments specializing in the sale of gardening products, as well as on online resources offering similar products. The price of 1 bottle of the product varies from 60 to 80 rubles. The product can be sold in 1 bottle individually or in sets of 5 pieces (price - about 400 rubles).

How not to buy a fake

To buy “Executioner” without fear that the insecticide is counterfeit, you need to ask sellers for a license to sell such products and a certificate for the product, and avoid purchasing the product from street vendors.

It is advisable to carefully inspect the packaging and the label on it. The original product has a hermetically sealed bottle, and the label is clear, easy to read, without blurry text or spelling errors. It must indicate the manufacturer and date of manufacture of the drug.

The price of fake insecticides may be reduced to attract buyers.

Complete analogue of the classic Executioner in terms of active substance

In fact, the Super Executioner is an improved analogue of the simple Executioner. It contains the same active ingredient (fenthion at a concentration of 27.5%), it has the same smell and color, and is produced by the same manufacturer at the same production facilities of the Alina-Nova plant.

Consequently, Executioner Super could be considered just another packaging variant of the classic Executioner, if the auxiliary surfactants had not been replaced. In fact, the Executioner Super is an improved, more powerful and more economical version of the Executioner from the same manufacturer.

From floor to ceiling

The processing process is simple. Even an amateur who has never gone on the warpath against bedbugs can handle it. You need to buy the “Executioner” product inexpensively in our online store, and then:

  • Prepare a 0.5 liter spray bottle.
  • Pour water, dissolve the contents of one bottle, shake well.
  • Open windows before starting actions.

You can do without a respirator and gloves; the product does not cause allergic reactions or suffocation. It is recommended to start processing with upholstered and sleeping furniture (go through all the seams, joints, cracks in the upholstery, do not forget about the back walls and bottom). Then a new solution is prepared and sprayed onto bed linen, sofa cushions, and mattresses.

All things need to be removed from the closets and processed too. After which the inside and outside of the wardrobes are sprayed. Floor and ceiling skirting boards, as well as panels of sockets and switches, are not left unattended (unscrew and remove the plastic). Carpets hanging on the walls and decorating the floor are processed on both sides. The walls are all top to bottom. Carefully go over the floor, including the joints between the parquet floorboards.

Already at the treatment stage, bedbugs crawling out of their hiding places will become noticeable. By the end of the purge they will be dead. Important: “Executioner” affects not only adults, but also larvae. After spraying there are no streaks left, so don’t waste your money. For an apartment of two rooms, 15-25 bottles are usually spent.

General characteristics of the insecticide Executioner

Executioner is a powerful universal insecticide aimed at killing bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ticks, lice, ants, as well as their larvae and eggs. Developed by German specialists who have proven its effectiveness in numerous laboratory tests. This is a new insecticide for our country. Despite the fact that Executioner entered the Russian market only in 2013, today the product is already at the top of popularity. You can purchase the drug in agricultural stores, household departments of supermarkets, and through official online representatives.

The hologram sticker of the drug Executioner depicts a bug turning into an ant at an angle

Available in ampoules of 5 ml in the form of an emulsion concentrate. Almost odorless, has a faint yellow tint. Must be diluted with water before use.

Table: composition of the drug

Fenthion (27.5%)has an insect-killing effect
Emulsifier or surfactantkeeps the consistency of the drug unchanged, as well as the stability of the active substance when diluted
Stabilizermakes the composition resistant to temperature changes, minimizes exposure to ultraviolet radiation
Solventactivates fenthion
Fragrancessuppresses the pungent odor of ingredients
Antioxidantacts as a preservative

Operating principle

After applying the composition, the water evaporates, leaving a solvent with the active substance on the surface. The droplets merge and form a thin film on which insecticidal crystals form. On porous materials that quickly absorb moisture (for example, fabric), the product degrades faster, which reduces its effectiveness. The ways the substance enters the insect’s body are airborne and contact (through the outer integument).

Upon contact with insects, the poison acts as a neuroparalytic agent: it affects the nervous system, resulting in paralysis and death. Penetrating through the integumentary membranes, the drug poisons the larvae and eggs from the inside, stopping their further development.

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