Flies are insects well known to each of us, which become especially annoying with the arrival of
"Medilis Cyper" is a powerful insectoacaricidal agent based on cypermethrin. This domestic development is no longer
The Oryol Trotter is the first factory-cultivated breed of horse in Russia. Withdrawn at the end of 18
Not every person knows what “arthropod scolopendras” are. Biologists have a lip centipede
Wild animals >> Arachnids Banana spider, or as it is also called, golden spider, or wandering spider
Ants are natural inhabitants of garden plots. However, sometimes they become a source of serious problems. Especially
There are many insects living in a garden or summer cottage. Some of them are beneficial, but
Home / Preparations and fertilizers Back Published: 09/30/2020 4 Rate this post Pests cause
How long do fleas live in an apartment, how many days do they die after treatment, why not
What kind of flies can you find in the house? It has not yet been established exactly how many varieties