Medilis - instructions for use, composition, mechanism of action and contraindications

"Medilis Cyper" is a powerful insectoacaricidal agent based on cypermethrin. This domestic development has been protecting homes and summer cottages from harmful insects for many years. When properly processed, the composition completely destroys parasites and does not harm the health of humans and animals.

My home is my castle? Not in the case of insects. Bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, fleas - it is into our homes that they strive to penetrate. And with the onset of warm weather, personal plots, dachas, and outdoor recreation areas also become “battlefields.” Ticks are rampant here - carriers of encephalitis, tularemia, brucellosis, acariasis, and borelliosis.

Instructions for use of Medilis

The product is used to treat residential and non-residential premises, territories, boarding houses, sanatoriums, and medical institutions against harmful insects. It is used in agriculture to control crop pests, applied to clothing to prevent tick bites, and can be used to get rid of lice and fleas. You need to use insectoacaricide carefully so as not to harm yourself, children, or pets. To do this, it is important to strictly follow the instructions for use.

Composition and release form

The insecticide is available in three varieties, each of which has its own composition. There are ready-to-use products on sale, but there are also those that require dilution with water:

Type of drug Active substance Auxiliary components Release form
Antiklop Permethrin, cypermethrin, tetramethrin Organic solvent Container with spray (spray)
Zipper Cypermethrin (25%) Emulsifiers, fragrance Plastic container 50, 500 mm or in ampoules of 1 ml
Super Fenthion (24%) Synergistic substances that enhance the activity of fenthion Glass or plastic container 50, 500 ml

Mechanism of action of the drug

The effect of the product on parasites depends on the main active ingredient. The active component of the Super drug is fenthion, a synthetic oily substance with a garlicky odor. Fenthion inhibits the vital functions of insects, adversely affecting cholinesterases - enzymes that stimulate the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons. The substance continues its effect for 1–2 months after surface treatment and is resistant to ultraviolet light.

Cypermethrin, which is part of Medilis Antiklop and Cyper, has a slightly different effect. This substance is a pyrethroid, and enters the parasite’s body in two ways - through the outer integument or through digestion. Cypermethrin attacks the pest’s nervous system because it causes depolarization of cell membranes, which leads to a slowdown in the flow of sodium ions. This process leads to the occurrence of synaptic disorders that immobilize the insect.


The insecticide is active against bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, wasps, flies, mosquitoes and their larvae. The drug is used to prevent bites of ixodid ticks, which transmit encephalitis and borreliosis. This product is used to treat areas and premises to destroy scabies mites and the larvae of dangerous insects. A variety of the drug Super is also used against various types of lice - head, pubic, and clothing.


The versatility of the described drug is its obvious advantage. Other benefits include the following:

  • duration of residual effect – up to 3 months;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation, which allows the insecticide to be used in open areas;
  • moderate toxicity, which makes it possible to treat residential premises with Medilis Cyper (subject to precautions).

The product is suitable not only for destroying parasites, but also for preventing their appearance. At the same time, the insecticide has a relatively reasonable price, which fully justifies itself.

Directions for use and dosage

Super and Ziper are used diluted and applied by spraying. Before starting to work with the drug, you must wear rubber gloves, and after finishing the procedure, throw them away and wash your hands with soap. The concentration of the finished solution depends on what pest is being combated. After adding the drug, the liquid should be shaken well for 5 minutes.

Medilis Super

If you need to get rid of lice, Super is suitable. From 1 ml of the product (1 ampoule) mixed with 119 ml of water, a solution with a concentration of the active substance of 0.2% is obtained. Apply the prepared concentrate to the scalp using a cotton swab and rinse with shampoo after 20 minutes. Then rinse your hair with an acidic solution (mix a glass of 9% vinegar with 200 ml of water), comb with a fine comb to remove nits and dead insects. Repeat hair treatment after 7–10 days. Do not use more than 2 times in 30 days.

To destroy body lice, it is advisable to treat the patient’s clothing. To do this, things need to be soaked for 20 minutes in water to which a 2% aqueous emulsion of the drug has been added. For 1 kg of dry laundry you will need 2.5 liters of solution. After this, rinse the laundry and soak again in 3 liters of hot water (80–85 °C) with the addition of 3 tbsp. l. soda and 15 g of laundry soap, then wash as usual.

To kill bedbugs, you should prepare a solution - take 5 ml of product per 995 ml of water. To prevent pest infestation, you can use a weaker concentration - 2 ml of the drug per 998 ml of liquid. It is better to treat the bed, mattress, and bed linen by boiling or disinfecting and washing in the manner indicated above. A more concentrated solution will help eliminate cockroaches - 15 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. You can treat walls, floors, gaps between the wall and baseboard, and exhaust grilles.

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Medilis Cyper

This product is not suitable for eliminating lice; otherwise, the concentrate is diluted in the same way as Super. The instructions indicate the following proportions:

  • for treating clothing to prevent ixodid tick bites - 5 ml of product per 995 ml of water;
  • to destroy flies (imago), cockroaches, fleas, wasp nests, hornets, it is necessary to dilute 4 ml of the drug in 996 ml of liquid;
  • ants, bed bugs, mosquitoes, mosquitoes - take 2 ml of insecticide per 998 ml of water.

Proper cleaning of premises treated with the product

12 hours after treatment, you can carry out the first cleaning: wash the floor and objects that people most often come into contact with.

After 3-4 days, you should carry out wet cleaning: thoroughly wash the floors and walls, and after drying, walk around the apartment with a vacuum cleaner to eliminate what is left of the insect population. This is important because dead pests can become not only a source of poison for pets, but also food for other insects when the effect of the poison wears off.

After 3-4 days after treatment, important cleaning should be carried out in order to consider the procedure for getting rid of insects completed

When cleaning, you should pay special attention to baseboards, places where wallpaper is peeling, and the space under furniture. When returning personal belongings to the apartment, make sure that there are no insect eggs on them. Children's toys are especially dangerous in this regard, and therefore special attention should be paid to them.

special instructions

When working with insecticide, it is important to follow safety rules - use a protective suit (if large areas are to be treated), gloves, goggles, and a respirator. Other special instructions:

  • Discard the container in which the solution was prepared after use.
  • Disinfection of the room is carried out with the windows open; food must be removed from the room in advance. After finishing the treatment, ventilate the home for half an hour.
  • The product has low toxicity for warm-blooded animals, but it is better to perform the procedure in the absence of pets. If there is an aquarium in the room, you need to cover it with a lid and turn off the aerator.

Security measures

  1. Only the person carrying out the disinfestation should be present in the room being treated.
  2. A prerequisite is the use of protective clothing, masks, and goggles.
  3. You cannot eat, drink or smoke during treatment.
  4. The room must be ventilated during processing.
  5. You need to leave the room immediately after disinfection for a day.
  6. Upon returning to the apartment, all touched surfaces are wiped with a solution of soda, soap and water.
  7. Treatment should not be carried out on minors, pregnant or lactating persons.
  8. After treatment, you should wash your hands, face, and neck with laundry soap and water.
  9. The protective suit is washed and stored outside the living space (barn, cellar, warehouse).
  10. Healthcare institutions and children's institutions do not use Medilis Cyper.

Side effects and contraindications

During disinfection, pregnant women, persons under 18 years of age, and those for whom contact with pesticides is contraindicated should not be present in the room. In case of poisoning by vapors of a substance, the following manifestations are possible:

  • bitter taste in the mouth, salivation;
  • nausea, aggravated by smoking or eating;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • abdominal pain, dyspeptic symptoms;
  • general weakness.

With such symptoms, you need to take the victim out into fresh air and give him a drink of water. If part of the emulsion gets into the stomach, you need to drink an absorbent - activated carbon (10-20 tablets), Enterosgel or Atoxil. If the product gets into your eyes, be sure to rinse them with water and drip Albucid. After providing first aid, show the patient to the doctor.

Preparation of working emulsion

One of the significant advantages of Medilis Ziper is the simple technology for preparing the working emulsion. It involves mixing a certain and very small amount of the drug with ordinary water at room temperature.

The resulting composition must be thoroughly mixed, after which the working emulsion is ready for practical use. It must be used as quickly as possible - the deadline is no more than 8 hours. After their expiration, the effectiveness of the drug decreases very quickly.


Instead of Medilis, you can use another insect control agent. The following drugs are effective:

  • Veda is a shampoo designed to remove lice and nits. It contains permethrin, which paralyzes insects by striking their nervous system.
  • Medifox is a permethrin-based product for the treatment of head lice and scabies. The drug is diluted with water and applied to the skin or hair using a tampon.
  • Nyuda is an oily solution whose active substance is dimethicone. This compound is liquid silicone; it envelops insects in a dense shell, contributing to their suffocation.
  • Para Plus is a multi-component aerosol against lice and nits. Contains permethrin, malathion and peronyl butoxide, which work in synergy, enhancing each other's effects.
  • Paranit is a head lice shampoo based on dimethicone, which has the effect of dehydrating and suffocating parasites.
  • Parasidosis is a repellent for repelling insects, used to prevent the appearance of lice in children and adults. Contains ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate, applied by spraying onto hair.
  • Full Marx is a remedy for eliminating pediculosis (head lice). Contains cyclomethicone and isopropyl myristate. Leads to dehydration of insects and their death.

Operating principle

Initially, the drug has a yellowish color, and when diluted, it acquires a white tint with a special repulsive odor. "Medilis" gets on the limbs of the bug, and from there it penetrates its digestive system. It penetrates into his body through the oral cavity, as well as being absorbed from the surface of chitin.

Spreading throughout the bloodstream, the drug has a damaging effect on the central nervous system, causing paralysis in insects. This effect is explained by the fact that due to excessive influence, the bug develops convulsions, discoordination of nerve impulses occurs, and then its death follows.

The insecticide was developed by specialists so that it is a fairly viscous composition that firmly adheres to the body of the insect. Therefore, the bug brings it to its nest, where as a result the entire population of pests is destroyed.

As a rule, the usual duration of action of a diluted drug is one day. The solution actively affects adults and larvae. The eggs remain intact. But the bugs that appear again from them will be instantly exterminated by the residual influence of the product, which lasts for at least sixty days. Therefore, Medilis is considered a very effective insecticide.

Medilis price

The cost of Medilis depends on the region, the volume of the container with the drug, and the store. The type of insecticide matters - Antiklop, Ziper, Super. In Moscow you can purchase the product at the following prices:

Drug name Capacity volume, cost
50 ml/rubles 250 ml/rubles 500 ml/rubles
Antiklop 385–460
Zipper 190–230 1200–1500
Super 190–250 1300–1550


Reviews of Medilis Ziper confirm the effectiveness of the drug against mosquitoes. Buyers note the presence of an unpleasant odor after treatment, instant action, and safety when used correctly.

We poison mosquitoes at the dacha. There are especially many of them in the veranda. It is impossible to stay indoors even during the day. We have been buying Medilis Cyper for years. Satisfied with the price and efficiency. During the entire period there were no side effects. During disinsection, I cover the airways with a towel. You can treat the grass near your home, but only if there is an urgent need for it.

Inga, Moscow

We spray our clothes when we go fishing. We fish calmly for about 2 hours, then the parasites start getting to us. I spray it on myself again. There were no allergies, and there was no deterioration in health. You just need to dilute it correctly. An excellent mosquito repellent in nature. The smell is harsh, but you can put up with it. But it kills mosquitoes.

Igor St. Petersburg

Medilis Cyper is sold in specialized stores, you can order it online or buy it from employees of private SES services. The cost of a bottle with a capacity of 50 ml is on average 230 rubles. Analogs for the active substance – Tsifoks, Cypermethrin.

Activities after disinfestation

After disinsection treatment, a mandatory wet cleaning of the room is carried out, prior to its use for its immediate functional purpose. For this, a soda solution is used, which is better and safer to work with wearing rubber protective gloves. Before using the room as usual, careful and repeated ventilation is also required.

If furniture, clothing and bedding have been processed, they must be wiped down or washed and dried. Only after this is further use for its intended purpose allowed.


To treat the room against cockroaches, I used a pump and diluted the liquid according to the instructions. There were no side effects, no one was harmed except the cockroaches. The effect was felt the very next day, when dead insects began to be discovered. I recommend that you carefully observe precautions - the drug is the most severe!

Medilis Cyper destroyed all insects - ticks, bedbugs, mosquitoes. There are even fewer caterpillars in the garden. The drug has a weaker effect on cockroaches, there are fewer of them, but the red ones have not completely disappeared.

The cockroaches completely disappeared two days after using Medilis Cypera. Within an hour I felt a little nauseous and slightly dizzy. The reason is not the drug itself, but my negligence - I ignored the need to use a mask. I'm happy with the product, but follow safety precautions!

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