Actellik: instructions for use against pests and reviews from gardeners

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Published: 09/30/2020


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Pests cause enormous damage to the crop, so the desire of summer residents to get rid of uninvited “guests” is quite understandable. Among the effective remedies is the drug “Actellik”, which is actively used in the garden and vegetable beds.

The chemical is widely known and gives excellent results.

IMPORTANT! Due to its high toxicity, it is currently permitted only for the treatment of greenhouses, as well as for the disinfection of storage facilities, basements, and cellars.

We understand the features of the product and the reasons for restrictions in use.

  • 1 Description of the drug and mechanism of action
  • 2 Purpose and scope
  • 3 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 4 Preparative form
  • 5 Processing regulations
  • 6 Analogs
  • 7 Compatibility with other tools
  • 8 Security measures
  • 9 Useful tips

What is Actellik, advantages and disadvantages

This product belongs to the category of chemicals designed to eliminate a wide variety of pests that attack plants cultivated by gardeners in their areas. This includes fruit trees, vegetables, and berries. In short, everything that grows in the garden plot. Actellik is used for plants growing, including indoors.

Photo of Actellik product

Insectoacaricide Actellik is a non-systemic drug.

Acts pointwise, locally during contact interaction. On the one hand, this is an advantage of the product, since it does not affect the plant being treated.

On a note!

Systemic drugs act differently, penetrating into the plant itself, filling its tissues, and only when the pest gets inside they have a damaging effect.

It is worth mentioning the advantages of Actellik, which are enough to make a choice in favor of this particular drug.

Actelik drug for pest control - video

So, the advantages of Actellik:

  1. has an effective effect on ticks and other insect pests, which creates a wide spectrum of action;
  2. wide scope of application (not only in the vegetable garden and garden plots): forestry, production, storage facilities and others;
  3. acts quickly and in the shortest possible time;
  4. eliminates the recurrence of pests;
  5. is not addictive;
  6. Actellik is absolutely harmless to the plants themselves.

PESTS in the garden!
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  1. strict compliance with the standards for the use of the drug is necessary, since it belongs to a high hazard class;
  2. effective only if the temperature range is observed from 15 to 25 degrees above 0;
  3. high price.

If the latter is a significant drawback, that is, high cost, you can look for analogs and substitutes. They will be discussed below.

First aid for poisoning

In case of contact with the skin, remove the toxic substance with a cotton pad and rinse the problem area with cool running water. If the mucous membranes are damaged, abundant rinsing with water is indicated.

If liquid gets into the gastrointestinal tract, act as if it were chemical intoxication. It is necessary to provide the patient with access to fresh air and call a doctor. In case of severe poisoning, gastric lavage and induction of vomiting cannot be done; treatment with antidotes is carried out in a hospital hospital setting.

Actellik: mechanism of action of pest control

Actellik is a pesticide that acts only upon contact with the affected object.

It is based on intestinal contact action. Penetrating inside the body, the active substance disrupts the production of enzymes responsible for the activity of nerves and muscles in transmitting impulses. As a result of an increase in the content of the substance in the nervous tissues, the work of all organs of the pests fails. Intoxication of the whole body begins.

It has a fumigant effect, which makes it possible to use even for hard-to-reach pests that are located on the underside of the leaf blade.


Despite the fact that the drug Actellik is not addictive, for greater effectiveness it can be used in combination with other drugs of similar action.

The drug "Actellik" for spider mites on roses - video

The duration of action of the drug Actellik, the waiting period is quite short. The pests die within a few minutes.

The action lasts up to several hours. The time of destruction of the pest is determined by its belonging to a particular species, as well as the surrounding climatic conditions in which the treatment takes place.

The protection time for treated plants varies depending on which crop was treated. For example, when treating vegetables and flowering plants with Actellik, the protection lasts for 14 days. Crops growing in field conditions - from 14 to 21 days.

Actellik has also proven itself to be excellent in the fight against various types of barn pests. Here the duration of protection increases significantly – from 8 to 12 months.


Vasiliev: The drug has proven itself as a remedy against stock pests. I managed where other pesticides failed. It’s a pity that Actellik is still a bit expensive, but sometimes you pay more for worse quality, so it’s a shame to complain.

Seluyanov: an excellent drug, very effective against literally all pests both in the greenhouse and in flower beds. And after treating the indoor flowers, the smell disappeared quite quickly. But the price is steep.

Anna: Actellik helped me cope with mealybugs on indoor plants. True, I almost suffocated because I carried out the treatment in the bathroom. Next time I will do it on the balcony.

Maryana: I brought a sofa from a friend and after a while I discovered that it was infested with bedbugs. I don’t know what I would have done if it weren’t for Actellik. I treated the sofa, locked the room and did not enter it for a week, and when I moved the sofa away from the wall, I discovered more than a hundred dead parasites.

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Evgeniya: the drug, of course, is deadly, but I won’t use it in the apartment anymore. For indoor plants I’ll look for something less smelly, but in the garden you can use Actellik: the drug is strong, one spray is enough to kill all the pests.

Official website and manufacturer's recommendations:

What pests does Actellik help with?

The product was developed by Swiss chemists taking into account its effect on a wide range of pests.

Photo of instructions for the drug Actellik from the manufacturer

Actellik solution is effective against the following pests:

  • mealy worm;
  • aphids;
  • scale insects;
  • barbel;
  • horntails;
  • weevil;
  • leaf rollers;
  • sawfly;
  • bibs;
  • thrips;
  • from ticks;
  • ants;
  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • bark beetles;
  • from bedbugs.


Due to the ban on using Actellik in private household plots, summer residents began to study information on alternative drugs. Also offers analogues. The recommended product is “Aktara” - a product of the same Swiss brand, as well as the following drugs:

  • "Pirigren 50";
  • "Zernospas";
  • "Prokrop";
  • "Kamikaze".

They are highly toxic and are mainly used for disinfestation of premises (warehouses, storage facilities). The active ingredient is pirimiphos-methyl.

Among the pyrethroids used are Deltamethrin and Vaportrina. Among acaricides (against ticks), Apollo is praised.

Preparations based on dimethoate are less toxic than Actellik, so Dimet can be used for treatments.

“Fostran” shows good results when destroying aphids, leaf rollers, thrips, flea beetles, cutworms on the following crops:

  • apple, pear, plum trees;
  • cabbage, potatoes, beets;
  • tobacco;
  • hop;
  • mustard.

Actellik: instructions for use and consumption rates

Actellik is a product obtained artificially, which means its use requires strict adherence to the instructions. There are specifics on how to dilute Actellik, as well as on consumption rates and the number of treatments performed. The area of ​​application is of great importance:
for what, for which crops. Below we will consider in more detail how to use Actellik correctly and in what dosages for each individual crop, including house plants.

Photo of the Actellik dosage rate table

There are general rules for using the drug Actellik:

  • carrying out processing only in dry conditions, when there has been no precipitation and is not planned for the next couple of hours;
  • do not use the product when the temperature is above +25 degrees, or when there are strong winds;
  • The best time for treatment with Actellik is morning, before 9; In the evening it is better to carry out treatment after sunset.

If there is a slight wind, treatment with Actellik is possible, but not against the wind.

Aktellik for indoor plants

To treat indoor plants, you will need only 2 ml of Actellik per 1 liter of water. The resulting amount of liquid is enough for 10 m2. Can be processed no more than 2 times.

Photo of Actellik 5l

When carrying out treatment at home, it is necessary to take into account the toxicity of the product, primarily for humans. After pest control, be sure to ventilate the room so that no fumes remain. Of course, it is better to process outdoors. If possible, use a balcony or loggia for these purposes.

Actellik acaricide has a powerful, strong effect, so you should think carefully before using it at home, including in closed ground conditions.

There are also milder options.

Among indoor plants, Actellik is often used for orchids. For 2 liters of water take 2 ml of product. If there are a large number of pests, you can increase the concentration of Actellik by 2 times. In this case, the treatment is carried out only in the open air, wetting the leaf plate of the plants and watering it to the very root. After 7 days the treatment must be repeated. For better action of the product, cover the plant with a simple polyethylene bag. Place for 2 days in a ventilated room, observing the temperature regime.

Treating orchids against thrips with Actellik. Prevention or necessity - video

Application of Actellik for grapes

Another most commonly processed crop is grapes.

Perhaps Actellik is one of the few insecticides that can eliminate such “complex” insect pests as:

  • wireworm;
  • aphid;
  • mite;
  • scale insect
  • and others.

The treatment must be carried out in the absence of wind.

It is necessary to calculate the time correctly so that after treatment there is no rain for 5 hours.

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Actellik has a detrimental effect on bees.

The instructions for use of Actellik must indicate dosages that must be carefully observed and taken into account when carrying out treatment.

So, for example, to eliminate leaf phylloxera, you need to take 3 liters of product per 1 hectare. Spray no more than 2 times. At least 20 days must pass before harvesting.

Treatment with Actellik: cabbage, beets, carrots

Actellik has shown its effectiveness on cucumbers, carrots and other vegetable crops. For processing, take the product in an amount of 2 ml and dilute it in 700 ml. To treat 10 m2, only 1 liter of solution is enough. A minimum of 30 days must pass before harvesting. Carry out no more than a couple of sprays.

Actellik is especially effective against whiteflies.

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How to use Actellik for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants

We should also tell you how to treat tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants with Actellik. In this case, to treat 10 m2 of open ground, you need to take 2 times more working solution. The ratio of the amount of water and the drug is the same:
700 ml per 1 liter of water.

The amount of solution for treating crops in a greenhouse is half as much: 1 liter per 10 m2. Treatment is done twice at intervals of a week. Leave for 20 days before harvesting.

Aktellik for fruit trees: apple, plum, pear, apricot, peach

Actellik is also used for fruit-bearing trees. Method of application:
spraying. The standard consumption rate is 2 ml (that’s how much product is in one ampoule) per 2 liters of water. If there are a large number of pests, use 2 times more product for the same amount of water.

Actellik for berries: raspberries, currants, gooseberries

Berry crops are also susceptible to damage by various pests. Actellik is an excellent assistant in this case too. To obtain a working solution, take 2 ml per 1.3 liters of water. To carry out a good and thorough treatment, it is enough to take 1.5 liters per 10 m2. Process twice with a break of a week.

What berries are processed:
gooseberries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries. Only use the freshly prepared solution.

Security measures

They work in special clothing, always wearing gloves, a respirator and goggles. Standard requirements:

  • you cannot eat, smoke, drink;
  • after treatment, clothes must be washed, face and hands are thoroughly washed with soap;
  • rinse your mouth.

When spraying, monitor your well-being. The duration of work with the composition should not exceed two hours. Actellik is considered low-toxic for humans and animals. It is dangerous for birds, bees and fish, so a ban has been introduced on treating dacha plots with insectoacaricide solutions.

Restrictions on use:

  • a ban on processing honey plants during budding and flowering;
  • You cannot spray plants at a distance of less than 5 km from apiaries.

Do not use the product near fish protection zones. Due to the currently imposed bans, Actellik is only permitted for disinfection of storage facilities, cellars, basements and warehouses.

Actellik: use at home, in the office, warehouse processing

It was said above that Actellik is used to treat warehouses of various enterprises, as well as medical institutions, grain and vegetable warehouses. Actellik is effective everywhere. It is only important to comply with the conditions, when to use and in what quantity.

Processing is carried out 21–28 days before the objects are received for storage. These can be a wide variety of items:
from feed (such as wheat, rye and other crops) to construction equipment.
It is better to carry out the treatment 2 times, taking a break between each procedure of 7 days. Necessarily!

A thorough cleaning of the warehouse is required before using the drug Actellik in order to remove all dirt, dust, and residues from the storage of previous objects.

How to process:
it is convenient to process by spraying.
Dilute 16 ml of concentrated product into 800–1000 ml of water. To treat 1 m2, 30 to 50 ml of working fluid is enough.



  • Purpose and application
  • Composition and dosage form
  • Mechanism of action
  • Application regulations
  • a) Application of “Aktellik, CE” on vegetable crops in protected soil
  • b) Application of “Aktellik, CE” for disinsection of storage facilities
  • c) Application of “Aktellik, CE” for grain protection
  • Restrictions and security
  • Compatibility
  • Analogs of the drug "Actellik"
  • Advantages and disadvantages of application

Actellik is an effective pesticide for protecting plants and grain reserves. The material contains the purpose, composition, release format, regulations for use, compatibility, analogues, restrictions, etc.

Actellik: compatibility with other drugs

Sometimes the drug is combined with other similar drugs to obtain a complex effect. Actellik is compatible with many insecticides and fungicides. It is important that they coincide in terms of timing.

Such means include:

  • Aktar;
  • Fufanon;
  • Albite;
  • Akarin.


It is strictly forbidden to use the drug Actellik with products containing calcium and copper. Those that give an alkali reaction are also not suitable. These include Epin and Zircon.

To prevent unpleasant reactions, it is worth checking in advance for compatibility of the drugs selected for use in the complex. A sign of drug inconsistency is the presence of lumps in the resulting solution.

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It may be necessary to replace Actellik.

Here is just a small list of products that can replace the insecticide:

  • Fitoverm;
  • Fufanon;
  • Aktara.

These products showed almost the same effect as Actellik.

Precautionary measures

It’s worth saying right away that Actellik is not toxic to plants and therefore does not pose a danger to them. It is also necessary to keep in mind that Actellik has a hazard class of 2 for humans (for fish and bees - 1).

Photos of protective equipment when using Actellik

In this regard, there are certain safety rules that must be strictly followed:

  1. use separate containers for dilution (under no circumstances should these containers be used for storing or eating food);
  2. wear protective clothing: goggles, respirator, gloves, cap;
  3. do not drink, do not eat, do not smoke during processing;
  4. exclude the presence of children and animals near the area where processing takes place;
  5. leave the processing site immediately after completion of work;
  6. ventilate the room as long as possible, and then carry out wet cleaning;
  7. perform hygiene procedures after working with the product.

Copper sulfate Iron sulfate

In case of accidental contact with the skin or mucous membranes, rinse immediately with clean water. The same applies to eye contact. You may feel dizzy from the fumes of the product. In this case, you need to go out into the fresh air and drink as much fluid as possible. If ingested, rinse the stomach. A quick remedy for this is baking soda. For 200 grams of water – 1 tsp. soda The water should be at room temperature. You need to induce vomiting, for which you repeat the procedure of drinking water with soda several times.

In the case of processing closed premises, access is prohibited for 1 to 3 days. This waiting period applies when the maximum permissible level of a substance in the air is exceeded.

Work with the drug that is safe for humans should last no more than 2 hours.


Actellik's shelf life is 3 years. Keep it in a dry place, storage temperature – 0-35 oC. The solution itself cannot be stored, so it must be used immediately after preparation. Disposal of residual material and empty containers is carried out in accordance with regulations.

Cost of the drug

The price of Actellik varies depending on the capacity of the ampoule. Available in 2 ml and 5 ml. Their cost ranges from 30 to 50 rubles.

There are 1 liter canisters. The price for such a canister is approximately 3,500 rubles. For a container with a volume of 5 liters, the price starts from 9,500 rubles.


Preparative form

- Swiss. For some time, the product in ampoule forms was officially released by “August” and “Green Gardener’s Pharmacy”.

Externally it is a concentrated emulsion. 1 liter of product contains 500 g of active substance. The liquid is brown in color, with a sharp, specific odor.


  • ampoules of 2, 5, 6 and 10 ml;
  • bottles - 0.1 l and 1 l;
  • canisters - 1 liter each.

Currently, only the registrant's drugs and are officially approved. Others have been discontinued; catalogs on websites offer alternative products.

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