Essential oils against mosquitoes: which one to choose and how to use

The long-awaited warm sunny days have arrived. And only one thing can overshadow their appearance - the upcoming insect activity. A trip to the country, organizing a barbecue, and even an ordinary apartment in the spring-summer period will be accompanied by the appearance of annoying insects. There is a need to resist ticks, mosquitoes and other insects that can spoil any leisure time at this time of year. Today we will talk about how to protect your apartment or home from insects .

Sprays and fumigators are very popular when fighting insects. They are indeed very effective, but we should not forget that they release chemicals into the air that are not very beneficial for humans, especially for people prone to allergies. I also don’t want to expose children’s bodies to such harmful effects.

It's time to use natural and effective remedies . One of the most effective and safe means of protection against insects are natural essential oils . The principle of action of essential oils is quite simple - insects do not like their specific smell . For each type of insect there is a remedy in the form of one or another essential oil.

The simplest and most effective way to diffuse essential oils is to use an ultrasonic aroma diffuser. Currently, the choice of aroma lamps is large, and you can easily choose an aroma diffuser with a water reservoir that is ideal for the area of ​​your apartment. The ultrasonic aroma lamp also has a number of additional functions. In addition to aromatherapy, it is an air humidifier. Some models include backlighting. Thus, an aroma lamp placed in a children's room will not only repel insects, providing the child with a sound and restful sleep, but also act as a night light. The trend this season is an ultrasonic aroma diffuser with the ability to play music using Bluetooth technology.

But, returning to the fight against insects. It is the ultrasonic aroma diffuser that will provide the finest spray of essential oils into the air, which will scare away uninvited guests.

Essential oils are natural repellents

Repellents are synthetic or natural substances that repel insects. This differs from insecticides, which kill mosquitoes and other pests. Repellents are usually less toxic, but synthetic ones still pose some health risks to people, especially children and pregnant women. A good alternative to such products is essential oils. They also repel mosquitoes with their smell, but when used wisely they cause virtually no harm to human health, except in cases of allergies and individual sensitivity. Various active substances contained in oils contribute to the repellent effect.

Compared to synthetic repellents, essential oils have a much more pleasant odor.

Only 100% natural essential oils are suitable for use as repellents . Esters contain a large number of volatile compounds, which affect mosquitoes. Cosmetic oils - mixtures of essential and base oils - have a slightly different composition and are much less effective. In addition, they are intended for application to the skin and are not suitable for use in an aroma lamp.

Essential oils should not be stored for longer than three years because they oxidize over time. This can lead to the formation of powerful allergens and unpredictable side effects.

Anti-mosquito oils

Let's look at oils suitable for mosquito repellent. It should be noted that they also have other effects. Thanks to this, everyone can choose a remedy that will not only repel annoying insects, but also help, for example, cope with fatigue or calm the nerves. Also, when choosing, pay attention to the smell. It is not recommended to apply undiluted oils to clothes, however, if you still want to, you need to choose colorless ones, otherwise not only greasy, but also colored, difficult-to-remove stains will remain on the fabric. It is difficult to say for sure about the allergenicity of oils; any aroma can cause a negative reaction, so a sensitivity test is required before use.


Many people have heard that lavender repels moths. But it also affects mosquitoes in the same way. You can use both fresh flowers and lavender oil (the latter also helps after bites). The color of the essential oil is colorless or light yellow. The aroma is fresh, delicate, sweet-herbaceous with floral, woody and fruity notes, slightly reminiscent of camphor.

In aromatherapy, lavender is used as a sedative. It also helps fight insomnia and normalizes blood pressure.

One day, before a walk, I anointed my face and neck with olive oil and a drop of lavender. And my husband applied a special spray. The mosquitoes bit him, but they didn’t even fly up to me. Since then, we have thrown out all mosquito repellents and started using lavender oil added to olive oil.



Camphor essential oil is made from the wood of the camphor tree and comes in three types: brown, blue and white. The latter is used to repel mosquitoes. The color of the oil is light yellow. The aroma is strong, bitter, woody-camphor with eucalyptus notes. Where there is no frost, you can simply plant the plant outside to protect against insects.

Camphor oil is also used to combat stress and fatigue, low blood pressure and headaches.

If you can’t find camphor essential oil, you can try camphor alcohol from a pharmacy


We are looking at sweet orange essential oil as a repellent; There are others, for example, bitter orange, but it is not produced from the fruit, but from the flowers. Orange oil has a pleasant, fresh, fruity-aldehyde aroma, similar to the aroma of citrus zest. Its color is yellow, orange or olive-orange. In addition to protecting against mosquitoes, it is also used against fleas; it is believed that against the latter it is even more effective. It is better to store this aroma oil in the refrigerator, as it oxidizes quickly.

Orange oil also has other benefits: improves mood, improves sleep, is used in the prevention of colds and as an aphrodisiac.

One mother I know anointed her daughter (she was a little over a year old) on her wrists with essential oil, I don’t remember which one. Last summer, these mosquitoes bothered me; I was pregnant and all these mosquito repellents irritated me terribly. Then I remembered about the oil, I had orange one on hand. And it’s true - these parasites stopped biting me.



Geranium (Pelargonium) essential oil is obtained from a plant, a variety of which can be found in homes and apartments. The complex composition of geranium oil includes more than a hundred components. This is due to its wide range of uses in aromatherapy, as well as as a repellent that drives away mosquitoes, flies, midges, ticks and fleas. The color of geranium oil is yellow-green, olive. The aroma is fresh, minty, floral with hints of earth, grass and rose.

Geranium oil has healing properties: it improves tone, elevates mood, normalizes blood pressure and relieves headaches. Geranium also improves indoor air health, having disinfectant properties.


Neem oil (margosa) is extracted from the fruit seeds of the tree of the same name. It is one of the most valuable in cosmetology, as it helps against various skin diseases, but margosa oil is practically not used in aromatherapy due to the specific garlic-onion smell, also reminiscent of sulfur. However, neem works very well as a repellent against mosquitoes and other insects. To mask the unpleasant aroma, you can mix it with other oils. The color depends on the method of obtaining it. Neem oil can be golden yellow, yellowish brown, red brown, dark brown, greenish brown, bright red.

Few people know what margosa, the plant from which neem oil is extracted, looks like.


Clove oil is obtained from the buds of the clove tree, an evergreen tropical plant from the Myrtle family. The color of the essential oil is light yellow, the aroma is sweet-spicy, fruity-fresh. As a repellent it is used against mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects, as well as flies and moths.

This aroma can also increase blood pressure, appetite and libido.

I don’t know about fumigators, but all sorts of “special” products such as Mosquitol, etc. They are not suitable for infants at all. As a pharmacist friend told me, they are all applicable to children at least one year old, and even then with caution. On her advice, we use clove oil, smear it on our cheeks and on the backs of our hands outside, and at home at night a little in the aroma lamp. Maybe we have shy mosquitoes, although they are healthy, but it helps.



Vanilla pods are widely used in cooking and are also used to make essential oil. Its color is dark brown, its aroma is persistent, spicy-balsamic, sweet with woody and tobacco notes. The smell, pleasant to humans, however, is not tolerated by mosquitoes and midges.

Vanilla aroma oil is also used to improve performance, stabilize mood and sleep, as an aphrodisiac.

You can also use a tincture of vanilla pods or a solution of crystalline vanillin against mosquitoes.


Essential oil of bay (bay) is also called bay oil. The smell of this rare oil is spicy, with camphor or clove notes, and the color is yellow, darkening in air. It is not very effective against mosquitoes, but it repels ticks, so it is good to use baize oil in universal repellents.

Other beneficial properties of the oil: relieves depression, warms and increases blood pressure, reduces the risk of catching a cold.


Incense with a cedar scent is used to aromatize rooms, and cedar essential oil can also repel flies, midges and mosquitoes. The color of cedar essential oil is colorless, light yellow or orange, the aroma is fresh, sweetish with woody, musky and camphor notes. It is made from ground wood; oil from Atlas cedar is considered the highest quality.

It is believed that the aroma of cedar causes an aversion to alcohol. The oil is also used to calm the nerves and improve the respiratory system.

cedar oil helps so far



Essential oil is obtained from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree. It helps repel mosquitoes and other harmful insects. The oil is usually completely transparent, without shades of color. The aroma of eucalyptus is cooling, fresh, with a tart woody-camphor base and a resinous nuance.

Eucalyptus oil has a number of healing properties: it is used to treat colds and disinfect indoor air, relieve fatigue, drowsiness and headaches.

Eucalyptus essential oil has a pleasant smell, very refreshing and invigorating. And most importantly, mosquitoes are still afraid of it))) I sprayed oil in my tent, just a little bit, if you overdo it, you might get a headache. Mosquitoes didn't really bother me)))



Basil oil is obtained from the herb of the same name, and more specifically, basil eugenolus. Its smell effectively repels insects - flies, ticks, flies, and, of course, mosquitoes. The color of the oil is from colorless to pale yellow, the aroma is sweetish-spicy, slightly tart, fresh, with a slight bitterness and a slight hint of camphor.

Other beneficial properties of basil oil: relaxes, helps cope with anxiety and insomnia, stimulates the immune system and brain activity.

Basil essential oil can be used against mosquitoes, and you can also plant it on the site


Thyme, otherwise called thyme, is actively used in cooking, and the essential oil obtained from the plant also serves as a repellent - its smell is unpleasant to mosquitoes. The color of the product is yellowish, the smell is warm, oily spicy with top fresh notes and a deep woody-herbal base with a pronounced bitterness.

In addition to protecting against bloodsuckers, aroma oil can be used to invigorate, normalize sleep, and stimulate appetite.


Juniper oil is obtained from the berries, needles and wood of the common juniper - this plant is considered relatively poisonous, so essential oil from it must be used with caution. Not everyone knows that mosquitoes do not like the smell of juniper. However, products containing juniper oil are used against them. Externally it is colorless, light yellow or light green. The aroma is fresh, tart, spicy with smoky, woody, pine and balsamic notes.

In aromatherapy, juniper is used to relieve fatigue and dizziness, improve sleep, and disinfect the air in the house.

This summer I saved myself from these bloodsuckers at the dacha exclusively with essential oil, a neighbor advised me, an experienced summer resident. Juniper oil, dripped into the aroma lamp before going to bed, and also wiped the perimeter of the window with a cotton swab moistened. I slept like I was in nature, the smell is amazing and there are no winged creatures)

I'm Nikolaich


Rosemary essential oil is extracted from the medicinal plant of the same name; the shoots of the bush are also used in food. Rosemary oil will be a good help in the fight against mosquitoes. It is colorless or pale yellow, with a strong, fresh, herbaceous-minty aroma with balsamic and woody notes. There are fake rosemary oils made from turpentine, eucalyptus or camphor. However, all these aromas repel mosquitoes to one degree or another.

Rosemary can normalize sleep, strengthen the respiratory system and immunity, improve memory and functioning of the senses.

Rosemary essential oil, like its fresh leaves, is effective against mosquitoes

aroma oils quickly disappear, I have several concentrated oils from a certain St. Petersburg company, rosemary, cinnamon, etc., they help, but it’s better not to apply them to the skin, tourniquet



Anise oil is obtained from the seeds of the common anise, a herbaceous annual plant, but it is rarely used in aromatherapy due to concerns about its relatively high toxicity. However, in small quantities the oil can be used as a repellent against mosquitoes and other pests. Its color is light yellow, its aroma is piquant, spicy-sweet, cheerful, warm.

By the way, anise can also be planted on the site to repel ticks and ants.

Remember: long-term use of anise oil causes addiction, similar to drugs.

Tea tree

Tea tree essential oil, extracted from the malaeuca plant, can be used to both repel mosquitoes and treat their bites. It is absolutely transparent and may have a light light green tint. The smell of tea tree is cold, invigorating, sharp, with strongly pronounced bitter, spicy and tart notes, which are based on a woody aroma.

The oil is also used to calm the nervous system, restore strength, and prevent colds.

Tea tree essential oil is great for relieving itching from mosquito and midge bites, and also helps repel insects, verified! I definitely take it with me to the dacha and nature.

[email protected]


Dried peppermint shoots are used to prepare essential oil. Externally it is colorless, light yellow or light green. The aroma is fresh, sweet, minty, herbaceous with camphor, balsamic, honey and menthol notes. Both fresh leaves and essential oil are used against mosquitoes and other pests. The latter also helps with itchy bites.

In aromatherapy, peppermint oil is also used in cases of stress, fatigue, nervous excitability, headaches and respiratory diseases. It is worth noting that in men, mint sometimes causes a decrease in libido.

Peppermint is also used against fleas and ticks


Along with mint, lemon balm is planted in areas to repel mosquitoes and is also used in repellents and to heal bites. Essential oil is obtained from the flowers and shoots of medicinal lemon balm. It is colorless or pale yellow. The aroma is reminiscent of lemon, fresh, bitter, herbaceous, with earthy, pine-oil notes.

The aroma also has a calming effect, normalizes sleep and lowers blood pressure.


Other names for citronella are lemongrass, cymbopogon, lemongrass, lemongrass, and blackbeard. Citronella oil is yellowish-brown and has a fresh aroma with distinct notes of citrus, breeze, freshly cut grass, buttery and woody undertones.

Citronella is most effective against mosquitoes and is used by various companies to make repellents.

Essential oil is also useful for improving brain activity, relieving dizziness and weakness, and reducing appetite.

We recently returned from the Bahamas and there are a lot of mosquitoes there. We saved ourselves with 5% citronella spray. A very good remedy.


Video: Top 8 killer scents against mosquitoes

Table: compatibility of essential oils with each other

Essential oilWhat goes with it?
LavenderRosemary, cloves, geranium, thyme, citronella, orange, tea tree, juniper, camphor, vanilla, bay, mint, lemon balm, neem
CarnationJuniper, basil, rosemary, citronella, orange, vanilla
CitronellaEucalyptus, lavender, geranium, cedar, cloves, basil, thyme, rosemary, bay, lemon balm, neem
VanillaGeranium, cloves, lavender
EucalyptusOrange, geranium, cedar, rosemary, camphor, mint, lemon balm
CamphorBasil, lavender, juniper, rosemary, eucalyptus, orange
OrangeLavender, cloves, eucalyptus, camphor, geranium, juniper, rosemary, tea tree, bay, mint, lemon balm
GeraniumOrange, basil, juniper, cedar, lavender, cloves, rosemary, citronella, vanilla, mint, lemon balm
Nimcitronella, lavender
BayAnise, orange, lavender, juniper, rosemary, citronella, tea tree
CedarLavender, juniper, rosemary, geranium, anise
BasilLavender, citronella, geranium, cloves, rosemary, camphor, mint, lemon balm
ThymeCedar, lavender, juniper, rosemary, tea tree, citronella, eucalyptus
JuniperOrange, geranium, cedar, lavender, rosemary, camphor, bay, mint, lemon balm
RosemaryBasil, geranium, cedar, lavender, thyme, citronella, orange, cloves, camphor, bay, mint
Tea treeOrange, cloves, geranium, lavender, rosemary, thyme, eucalyptus, bay, mint
AniseCedar, cloves, beat
Mintbasil, geranium, lavender, juniper, rosemary, tea tree, eucalyptus, orange, lemon balm
Melissabasil, geranium, lavender, citronella, eucalyptus, juniper, mint, orange

What Attracts Mosquitoes

These are the following substances:

  1. Carbon dioxide. It has attractive properties for insects. Why this is so is not known for certain. Apparently, it was this evolutionary mechanism that played the main role in the search for warm-blooded animals and the survival of the entire species. The more carbon dioxide a person exhales, the more bloodsuckers around him.
  2. Lactic acid. It has no less attractive properties. Excreted in sweat. In patients with cardiovascular diseases and people with hyperhidrosis, it is released in large quantities.
  3. Mushroom flavors. What this is connected with is also not entirely clear. It is on this weakness of insects that many traps are based. They use attractant substances that imitate natural, pleasant aromas.
  4. Acetone. Due to the high content of acetone in the exhaled air, patients with diabetes are at increased risk of bites. Many individuals flock to them. Especially if the pathological process is uncontrolled and is in the stage of decompensation.

Knowing what attracts mosquitoes the most can help you stay safe. For example, undergo treatment for diabetes or try not to cross the peak threshold of physical activity so as not to sweat too much. Such measures are especially relevant when traveling outside the city, into nature. These are not yet means for pest control, but they are already an option to significantly reduce the risk of being bitten.

How to use aroma oils

Since essential oils are very concentrated, they cannot be applied to the body undiluted - there is a high risk of negative skin reactions. You can, of course, drop a little of the selected scent onto your clothes (2-3 drops), but this method is not effective enough against mosquitoes. If possible, it is better to make a special product or scent the room.

The use of essential oils gives room for experimentation. It is not necessary to use just one flavor in recipes; you can combine them depending on compatibility and the desired additional effect. Imagine!

Mixtures for aroma lamps

To rid your apartment of vampire insects, it is best to use aroma lamps. They are sold in construction hypermarkets and home improvement stores. You should not pour undiluted essential oil into the lamp, as its vapors will be too concentrated and there is a high risk of overdose.

  1. Dissolve 3-7 drops of aroma oil in a tablespoon of water. The quantity depends on the area and the selected scent. For small rooms and potent oils with severe consequences of overdose (see table), take 3 drops; for large rooms and delicate aromas (for example, vanilla) - 7 drops and so on.
  2. Pour the mixture into the lamp bowl.
  3. Light a candle or other heating element depending on the design of the lamp.

If you want to use several oils, there is no need to increase the dosage: for an average room, take, for example, 2 drops of lavender, two drops of geranium and one citronella (or any others at your discretion). It may take some time to choose the most effective composition, which will also appeal to the residents of the apartment.

Aroma lamp is a stylish part of the interior that will help cope with mosquitoes

Aroma candles

Another option for using essential oils against mosquitoes at home is using scented candles. You can buy them in the store: just choose a candle with a suitable scent. But most likely, the effect in this case will be small, since synthetic fragrances are usually used in store-bought candles. It is best to apply a few drops of the chosen aroma oil near the wick; you can also anoint the candle itself from the sides. The product will act in the same way as an aroma lamp.

If you wish, you can make candles yourself. This method is suitable for craftswomen who like to create things with their own hands. During the manufacturing process, be careful not to get burned.

  1. To prepare you need:
      110 grams of natural wax,
  2. 3 unnecessary forms made of metal (for example, for baking cupcakes) or glass (shot glasses, glasses),
  3. 3 wired wicks,
  4. any two essential oils from the list,
  5. wooden stirring stick,
  6. containers for a water bath.
  7. Crumble or grate the wax.
  8. Melt it in a water bath.
  9. The temperature of the wax for further work should be above 70 C. If there is no special thermometer to measure it, focus on the consistency - the wax mass should be easily mixed and poured into candle molds.
  10. Add 5-7 drops of selected oils to the wax and stir.
  11. Pour it into the prepared candle molds. You won’t be able to get them out of there, so choose containers that you won’t need in the future; but these forms can be reused for making candles.
  12. It is most convenient to place the coated wick in the mold in advance; It is advisable to somehow glue it to the bottom to make it easier to pour the wax. But you can first pour in the molten mass, and carefully lower the wick with a weight attached to it (so as not to float up) into it. In this case, in order for the wick to remain level, it is necessary to hold its upper end until the wax begins to harden or secure it in some other way.

One such candle should be enough to burn for 4–6 hours.

DIY mosquito repellent bracelet

You can also make a mosquito repellent bracelet yourself. To do this, you just need to drip a little of the selected oil onto a piece of wood or a wide ribbon that can be tied. You can use your imagination and make a beautiful fastening for the bracelet, and further decorate it. Then you will get not only a repellent, but also a stylish accessory.

Apply the oil to the outer surface of the bracelet that is not in contact with the skin - this will reduce the risk of irritation and increase efficiency.

Enrichment of cosmetics

Body creams enriched with essential oils work very well against mosquitoes. A well-chosen scent will repel insects and give a pleasant fragrance to the body. It is better to choose oils that do not irritate the skin.

There are a variety of wooden bracelets - a wide selection will help make the repellent also an original decoration

  1. Take baby cream or any other body cream, lotion will do. The main thing is to choose an unscented product.
  2. Place it in a suitable jar.
  3. Add the selected aroma oil (up to 10 drops per volume of 75 milliliters).
  4. Mix the ingredients well with a wooden stick.
  5. Apply the resulting repellent cream to exposed parts of the body.

Emulsion for spray bottle

Spray emulsion is very easy to prepare and convenient for hiking or walking, since by pouring it into a small bottle, protection against mosquitoes can be renewed right on the street. You can also use this product at home.

  1. For preparation you will need:
      10 drops of any essential oil, for example, citronella (for lavender or vanilla, the dosage can be slightly increased);
  2. 10 milliliters of alcohol;
  3. 100 milliliters of water.
  4. Pour the ingredients into a container with a spray bottle.
  5. Shake thoroughly.
  6. Spray things as needed.

Contact with the skin of the emulsion can only be allowed if non-irritating oils are used, for example, lavender or vanilla. In general, this type of repellent is used for applying to clothing and spraying premises.

Applying oils after a bite

Essential oils are also used to soothe the site of a mosquito bite, relieve swelling and irritation. The best ones for this purpose are:

  • lavender;
  • tea tree;
  • mint;
  • Melissa.

To relieve swelling, itching and irritation after a mosquito bite, you can simply lubricate the sore spot with tea tree oil.
You can simply apply a couple of drops of undiluted tea tree oil to the bite site, but if the skin is tender, there is a risk of negative reactions. However, this product rarely causes problems, and it did not irritate even my sensitive skin.

“> There is an important point - only cosmetic oil can be applied to the body undiluted, and not 100% essential oil. The risk of skin reactions when applying esters increases many times; they are used only in a mixture with base oils or creams.

For continuous use, it is better to prepare a special product:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of base oil (almond, jojoba, peach, apricot, calendula or other odorless oil; in extreme cases, vegetable oil will do). You can also use cream, but not greasy - a film should not be created at the site of the bite.
  2. Add 5-10 drops of one of the above oils into it.
  3. Apply the mixture to the bite three times a day.

You can do it easier and apply the product to a cotton or gauze swab, then apply it to the bite site and secure it with a band-aid. You need to keep this lotion for 30–60 minutes, 2 times a day, for two days.

Another recipe, suitable only for adults, as it contains alcohol:

  1. Take alcohol essential oil or vodka in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Place in one container and shake.
  3. Lubricate the bitten areas with this mixture several times a day.

Table: approximate dosage of essential oils by age

AgeEnrichment of cosmetic products (drops per ml)Aroma lamp (drops per m2)
up to 2 months1 per 20 ml foundation1 by 15 m
2 months - 1 year1 per 10 ml of foundation1 at 10–15 m
1–5 years1–2 per 10 ml of base1 at 7–10 m
5–10 years2–3 per 10 ml of base1 at 5–7 m
10–14 years3–4 per 10 ml of base1 at 3–5 m
over 14 years old, adults4–7 per 10 ml of base1–2 at 3 m

Video: DIY mosquito repellent

Features of use for children and pregnant women

For babies, you should choose oils that do not irritate delicate baby skin and do not have a strong odor. It can be:

  • lavender;
  • vanilla;
  • mint (from 7 years old);
  • tea tree (from 3 years old).

Tea tree oil is good for protecting children from mosquitoes, as well as for treating bites.
As for pregnant women, it is better for them not to use essential oils at all, as many can cause miscarriage or negatively affect the unborn child. The following essential oils against mosquitoes are especially dangerous for expectant mothers:

  • lavender;
  • juniper;
  • thyme;
  • him.

There are others that are undesirable for pregnant women (see table “Contraindications”). In the first three months of pregnancy, it is prohibited to use any aromatic oils.

Lavender essential oil is also dangerous for those who have recently undergone gynecological surgery, as it can cause contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus and, as a result, bleeding.

As for the forms of using aromatic oils, it is better to use a clothing spray or a repellent bracelet. The exception is vanilla; this oil can be used in any form, as it has an extremely gentle effect and a minimum of side effects; it can be called the most suitable for children and expectant mothers, if there are no allergies.


Almost all reviews about eucalyptus , with the exception of cases of allergic manifestations, are positive. Using this product in any capacity has a positive effect on people’s well-being and mood, and also helps in solving some painful conditions, such as colds , runny nose , sore throat , neuralgia , sciatica and many others. Also, using an aroma lamp with eucalyptus will help you relieve fatigue and replenish your strength after a hard day at work.

Precautionary measures

Although oils are non-toxic, improper use can cause problems. Thus, an overdose of drugs based on them can provoke headaches, nausea or other unpleasant symptoms. In order not to harm your health, you must use oils strictly in the specified dosage.

All essential oils and products based on them should be kept out of the reach of children.

Allergy sufferers and asthmatics should be especially careful: they may experience an exacerbation of the disease from any sharp or unusual smell. If this happens, you need to stop the attack with usually taken medications. Contact your doctor if there is no improvement.

Table: consequences of an overdose of essential oils

Essential oilOverdose symptoms
Lavendermigraine, nausea, tachycardia
Carnationdisturbance of nervous activity
Camphornervous excitement, convulsions, tachycardia, headache.
Orangesunburn (when using the product on the skin), skin irritation when the oil concentration in the product is more than 2%
Geraniumincreased estrogen levels, decreased blood sugar
Bayincreased blood pressure, skin irritation
Cedarheadache, weakness, nausea, redness of the skin
Basilmental depression, miscarriage or early onset of menstruation
Juniperpoisoning, kidney dysfunction (especially when used on the skin)
Rosemaryvomiting, kidney and liver dysfunction, uterine bleeding
Anisedrug addiction, circulatory disorders, dermatitis
Tea treevomiting, decreased immunity, drowsiness, confusion, loss of coordination
Mintdizziness, weakness, low blood pressure, sleep disturbances
Melissaheadache, drowsiness, hoarseness and sore throat
Citronellasneezing, skin irritation, overexcitement
Thymeoverexcitation, insomnia, tachycardia
NimImpaired kidney and liver function, skin irritation (when used on the body)

Sensitivity test

Essential oils are not always a good option for people with allergies to natural substances such as pollen, for example. I am allergic to many flowers and foods, and one day I used neroli oil, pouring it into a special aroma pendant (not for mosquitoes, but to “improve my mood”). At first there were no symptoms, but after about an hour my nose became blocked and sneezing began, and my eyes also became swollen. Unfortunately, the mood deteriorated even more as a result. To avoid such sad misunderstandings, before using any oil you need to conduct an individual sensitivity test. This way, anyone can choose the right option. For example, tea tree oil suits me - there is no allergy and the smell seems very pleasant.

In general, it is advisable for everyone to check for individual sensitivity, since in rare cases, completely healthy people may experience severe allergic reactions to a new substance that comes into contact with the body.

  1. Apply the selected product to the elbow or the skin of the wrist from the inside.
  2. Wait. The conclusion about the absence of intolerance is made after 24 hours if no negative symptoms have occurred.
  3. Do not use the product if the following reactions occur at the site of application: skin itching, irritation, persistent redness, acne, etc. Sneezing, swollen eyes, and coughing can also indicate intolerance.

If you plan to use oils without applying them to the body, you can spray a little fragrant emulsion into the air, onto clothes or accessories (pendant, bracelet) and also wait for some time, ideally a day. An important point: the concentration of aroma oil should be lower than required according to the recipe. If the body does not react negatively to a small dose of the drug, then you can already use it against mosquitoes in a standard dosage.

Most often, sensitivity manifests itself as skin itching and redness.

It is especially recommended to test the essential oils of clove, citronella, and thyme because they often cause irritation.


Natural eucalyptus leaf extract has a slight yellowish tint. This liquid is not greasy, but is slightly slippery to the touch. The aroma is vaguely reminiscent of the smell of pine needles - tart, woody, resinous, bitter.

What you need to know to avoid buying a fake:

  • eucalyptus essential oil is bottled in small dark brown glass containers; the bottles are often equipped with a special pipette spout;
  • Before purchasing, look at the inscriptions on the label. If you see 100% Pure oil, you can have no doubt about the quality of the product. It is important to consider the following points: expiration date, manufacturer’s address, batch number;
  • don't go for low prices. This is a serious reason to be wary. An overly cheap product contains synthetic components or is made from a low-quality aromatic mixture;
  • When purchasing a product, ask the seller to provide you with a declaration of conformity. The presence of this document confirms the safety of the product.

Remember that reconstituted essential oils are not used for medicinal purposes as they do not have the vitality and therapeutic properties of pure natural oils.

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