BlochNet: an effective remedy against fleas and ticks

Has your cat become restless, itches constantly, or has its fur become dull? Check her for fleas. These blood-sucking insects are easy to see with the naked eye. If there are adult insects, scratch marks and dried drops of blood, then the animal must be treated for fleas immediately. This can be done using special tools. The drug BlochNet max for cats has a good effect.

General information

The official trade name of the medicine is BlochNet max. The drug has several generic names:

benzyl benzoate;

ether (isopropyl);


Owners of four-legged friends should remember all these names. This will help you avoid making mistakes when purchasing the drug. The product is intended for external use only. The use of BlochNet internally is unacceptable!

Insect-acaricidal drops consist of several components:

  1. 1 ml of substance contains 20 mg of fipronil,
  2. 290 mg benzyl benzoate,
  3. 57 mg dimethyl phthalate,
  4. a number of auxiliary components.

The appearance of the drug is a transparent, oily, slightly viscous liquid. The color can vary from perfectly white (colorless) to light yellow. The presence of aromatic substances provides a pleasant aromatic effect.

You can purchase BlochNet max in veterinary clinics and pet stores. The product is packaged in bottles with dropper dispensers, capacity 1, 2, 3 or 4 ml. Covers with tamper evident function – standard cardboard packaging. Inside are instructions for use.


According to reviews from cat owners, the drug is indeed a good generic version of fipronil on the domestic market. It is convenient to use and easy to store. The cap on the bottle with drops is tightly screwed on, and the drug is perfectly preserved until the next treatment of the animal.

BlochNet does not irritate your pet’s skin and does not provoke the development of allergies. The cat feels well if the dosage of the drug is not exceeded.

The drug is domestic and is not inferior in quality to most foreign analogues. Due to its very reasonable cost, BlochNet is available for purchase by most pet breeders. You can purchase the product at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy.

Important! The drug should be kept away from food. It is better if it is a plastic container or a first aid kit that is inaccessible to children.

Main characteristics

The insecticidal acaricidal BlochNet max destroys larvae and fully mature ticks of various families, blood-sucking insects, and midges. The drug is characterized by excellent repellent properties, and its high therapeutic activity is due to the introduction of a unique complex consisting of different components:

— fipronil blocks the parasite and paralyzes the neuromuscular system. The result is paralysis, inevitable death;

— benzyl benzoate accumulates in the body of the parasite, creating a lethal concentration;

— dimethyl phthalate remains on the surface of the animal’s skin and hair, repelling healthy individuals of blood-sucking insects.

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The drops are included in the group of low-hazard therapeutic and prophylactic substances; they have a gentle effect on the organisms of warm-blooded animals and do not have any irritating or toxic negative effects.


BlochNet drops for dogs and cats contain several active ingredients – fipronil, benzyl benzoate, dimethyl phthalate. The same basic composition of the spray.

BlochNet drops and spray for cats and dogs

The main component is a modern broad-spectrum insecticide - fipronil. It belongs to substances of a low hazard class; at the permitted dosage, it does not harm the health of your pet. Penetrates into the body of fleas through contact, through food. It disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, blocks the transmission of impulses, provokes paralysis and death. Benzyl benzoate and dimethyl phthalate enhance the effect of fipronil.

Indications for use

The drug is necessary to protect against attacks by blood-sucking insects, carriers of all kinds of viruses and infections. It has been proven effective in protecting against the appearance of entomoses, lice, fleas, and lice on the animal’s body. Helps to recover from ear scabies (scientific name otodectosis). Used for preventive measures to protect against ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes.

Features of application depending on the dog’s body weight

Drops are used to treat the skin and hair of a dog, as part of a complex of preventive measures. The treatment is carried out once, the dose should be determined taking into account the pet’s body weight and is:

  • If the dog weighs less than 10 kg – 1 ml of the drug.
  • From 10 to 20 kg – 2 ml;
  • If body weight is between 20 and 30 kg, the dose of the drug is adjusted to 3 ml;
  • The animal weighs 30 – 40 kg – increase the volume to 4 ml.
  • For a dog weighing over 40 kg, use 5 ml of liquid and add 1 mg for every 1 kg of animal body weight.

More convenient, accessible and informative - using the table:

Body weight, kgVolume, ml
To 101
From 10 to 202
Over 505+1

Precautionary measures

Before carrying out the treatment procedure, read the rules of use:

  • If redness or itching appears on the skin, wash it off with warm water and soap;
  • wash your hands after fleaing;
  • for 2 days do not touch the animal, do not touch the fur with your hands;
  • During the procedure, it is prohibited to: drink, eat food, smoke;
  • Do not use empty containers of the drug fleanet for household purposes.

Blokhnet anti-flea drops should be discontinued in case of increased salivation, tears, vomiting, or irritation in pets.

Practical use

The procedure for treating the surface of animal skin and fur is as follows:

  • Spread the fur.
  • Apply the drug directly to the skin.
  • It is necessary to process at several points.
  • Select application sites so that the dog cannot lick the liquid (neck, back, between the shoulder blades, along the spine).

Duration of exposure:

Insect typeActive protection time
NastyFrom 5 days to 1 week
FleasOne and a half to two months
Other ecoparasitesAbout 1 month

It is recommended to repeat the procedure after a month (it should not be done more often). The death of parasites after applying the drug to the dog’s skin occurs no later than 24 hours. If you plan to use the product during the treatment of ear scabies, you must first clean the ear canals. You can use a cotton swab or swab moistened with the drug.

Continuing the treatment of otodectosis, it is necessary to inject 3-4 drops of the product into the shell of the ear. To maximize penetration of the liquid, fold your ear and massage it a little. This procedure will have to be performed twice, an interval of 7-10 days.

If the disease has been advanced, the main treatment can be repeated. To increase the effect and protect against otitis, the veterinarian prescribes antibacterial drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is convenient to cure a pet from a bite of a tick that has burrowed into the dog’s skin. To do this, apply one drop of the liquid substance directly to the parasite and wait 15-20 minutes. During this time, the ixodid tick should fall off on its own, due to the neutralization of the nervous system. If this does not happen, you need to use tweezers.

Operating principle

The insectoacaricidal effectiveness of the drug is due to the successful selection of components that enhance the effect of each other. The effect of fipronil ensures blocking of GABA-dependent parasite receptors and disruption of neuromyalgic conduction. This causes paralysis and then death of the insect.

Juvemon is an inhibitor of chitin formation; it prevents the growth and development of parasites.

The presence of benzyl benzoate in the drug maintains and enhances the effect of fipronil: the substance accumulates in the tissues of blood-sucking animals and poisons them. The repellent activity of the product is provided by diethyltoluamide.

After using the drug, ectoparasites die en masse within 24 hours. To prevent re-infestation, the cat’s previous bedding must be destroyed or treated with BlochNet spray.

Table 1. Terms of protection against parasites.

Parasite nameDuration of guaranteed protection
Fleas2 months
Ixodid and sarcoptoid ticks, lice, lice eaters1.5 months
Mosquitoes1 Week

Important! After treating the bedding, care items, and baseboards, it is necessary to wait 2 hours and provide through ventilation. The litter should be vacuumed thoroughly.

Advantages and disadvantages

When following the instructions for use, the drug does not have a toxic effect on the pet’s body. It is not recommended to use only in case of individual intolerance. A recommendation for the use of BlochNet is given by a veterinarian, based on the results of clinical studies and external examination.

  • PROS
  • Reliability
  • Efficiency
  • Safety
  • Profitable price
  • Not installed


If drugs are prescribed incorrectly and self-medication can only worsen the condition and develop an intolerance complex to the active components. The use of BlochNet is associated with certain contraindications, taking into account which will limit possible side effects.

The list of contraindications for this drug includes:

  1. It is prohibited to treat puppies under 1 year of age. For kittens, this period of restriction ends after 10 months from birth.
  2. Animals that are sick or have reduced immunity should not be treated. Applying an insectoacaricidal drug to a weakened animal’s body can further aggravate its current condition.
  3. After your pet recovers, you should wait a month to restore the immune system.
  4. Handling pregnant or lactating dogs and cats is prohibited. Such actions can significantly harm future offspring.

Side effects of Blokhnet

Users who regularly use Blokhnet for cats leave only positive reviews about the drug. They note that if the rules of use and dosage are followed, the product has no side effects. Cases of an allergic reaction to the drug are rare. In case of increased individual sensitivity and a tendency to allergic reactions, the use of drops or spray of Blokhnet can cause redness of the skin and itching. In this case, you should rinse off the product with water. If the allergy does not go away on its own, give the animal an antihistamine.

Side effects after application

When the dose is correctly determined and the rules for applying the repellent are followed, the drug never shows a toxic effect on the pet. An exception may be cases of intolerance to any of the components of BlochNet or the development of allergies. With such disorders, the animal most often experiences local skin reactions in the form of itching, hyperemia and peeling of the upper layer of skin. To cure your pet, it is enough to wash off the substance from the fur and skin.

Attention! If washing off the drug does not give the desired result, the animal continues to suffer due to an allergic reaction, you need to contact a veterinarian and give your pet an antiallergic drug.

“BlochNet”, when correctly determining doses and following the rules of application, never shows a toxic effect on the pet

Storage conditions, expiration date

Fleanet for cats, according to the instructions, has a shelf life of two years from the date of its manufacture. After the expiration date, the beneficial properties lose their effect. The use of the drug in this case is strictly prohibited. It should be stored in a place where there is no direct exposure to sunlight and at a temperature ranging from 0 ° C to 25 ° C.

Blokhnet is a universal remedy for fighting parasites. It has good effectiveness and is safe for animals. When using, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Spray Blokhnet

Spray Blokhnet

Blochnet spray has the same composition as Blochnet max drops, but a flavoring agent with the smell of watermelon freshness is added to the drug as a fragrance. The sprayer provides comfortable and complete coverage of the entire body surface being treated. Fine spraying prevents overuse of product and excessive wetting of the pet's fur.

The spray is used to treat entomosis and prevent infection by fleas, ticks, and lice-eaters.

Blokhnet spray, the instructions for which are provided with a table for calculating the dose of the drug depending on the weight and length of the animal’s fur, is simple and easy to use. The flea remedy is applied to the entire surface of the pet’s body in the direction of hair growth. The spray irritates the mucous membranes, so you should avoid getting it in the eyes, nose and mouth of your dog or cat. The treatment is carried out in a well-ventilated area or in the open air. The wool is then dried.


For 2-3 days, do not allow the treated animal to come into contact with children and other pets. Do not treat near birds or aquarium fish.

The spray is used to treat animals affected by sarcoptoid mites in combination with other medications. When affected by ear mites, the ear canal is thoroughly cleaned of parasites and treated with a spray.

Blokhnet spray for dogs, which has positive reviews as a drug against otodectosis, is recommended by doctors in the complex treatment of pathology and as a preventive measure. The spray is also used to treat pet beds and bedding.

Processing with Blokhnet

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