Destruction of domestic cockroaches with fog in an apartment in Moscow with a guarantee, and also at an affordable price by Biotrix!

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A modern and effective method of controlling insects is the destruction of cockroaches with fog. This method is based on the use of special equipment that generates fog, which allows you to rid the room of pests.

In which cities of the Moscow region can you order a cockroach extermination service?

  • Odintsovo
  • Lyubertsy
  • Mytishchi
  • Krasnogorsk
  • Khimki
  • Reutov
  • Dolgoprudny
  • Podolsk
  • Korolev
  • Vidnoe

Killing insects with fog

The technique of exterminating cockroaches and other pests with fog arose quite recently, despite the fact that this idea has been known for a long time. However, humanity has been fighting insects in homes for many centuries, and has managed to create a variety of means for their destruction.

One of the oldest methods of killing bedbugs and cockroaches is treating premises with smoke. It not only looks like fog, but these phenomena are similar. They differ only in that smoke is a suspension of particles formed as a result of combustion, and fog is a suspension of liquid droplets in the air.

Modern fog generators are high-tech equipment that uses adapted insecticidal preparations that are safe for people and lethal for insects.

The extermination of bedbugs and cockroaches in Moscow today is carried out using several types of such equipment - hot or cold fog generators.


Maxim Nikolaevich

I only recently learned about the existence of hot fog and immediately decided to use the method to treat the office. Recently they began to notice the Prussians, and therefore they called in the experts. The specialists quickly processed the premises and were already working after the weekend. There are no signs of cockroaches either.


Previously, folk methods and traps were used to kill cockroaches, but the Prussians quickly returned. We heard about hot fog and decided to try it. The house was processed for us in 1.5 hours. Since then there have been no traces of insects.

Hot fog?

Hot fog generators operate on a similar principle to the familiar household kettle: steam is created from a liquid, which becomes fog under the influence of ambient temperature. It is called hot based on the principles of its occurrence; it has a fairly high temperature of up to +700C. Water and some other solvents and non-aqueous liquids can be used to generate steam. Killing cockroaches with hot fog is one of the most effective methods of insect control. Steam is created by high-power equipment, so the generated steam contains a huge amount of moisture particles of microscopic diameter, and the high content of such elements in the air ensures the maximum likelihood of the insecticide penetrating into all the cracks in the house. Consequently, the probability of complete destruction of insects approaches ideal parameters. In addition, the high temperature of the steam makes the destruction of cockroaches more effective, since at high temperatures the active ingredient of the drug acts more powerfully.

The destruction of cockroaches in Korolev with hot steam has another advantage: the technology allows you to effectively destroy both adult individuals and clutches of eggs and larvae, which leaves no chance for insects to survive.

Answers to popular questions

By paying pest control services a tidy sum for their services, customers want to make sure that the work will be carried out promptly, in compliance with sanitary standards, and all cockroaches will be destroyed.

They are also concerned about other questions that may be inconvenient to ask invited specialists.

When cockroaches die from fog

The first cockroaches die immediately after treatment begins. Residual individuals die while the main active substance retains its toxic properties, usually for 2–3 weeks.

As practice shows, repeated calls to exterminators are not required.

Is fog dangerous for humans?

This remedy for cockroaches cannot cause serious harm to humans. However, due to the high concentration of toxic substances, if safety measures are violated, residents may experience malaise, a burning sensation on the skin, and headaches.

When the first symptoms appear, you should go out into the open air, and if this does not help, consult a doctor. Animals, reptiles, and fish may be in much greater danger than humans. Therefore, pets should be removed from the apartment.

The treatment of housing from cockroaches with steam should be entrusted to pest control services.

It is not worth carrying out such a procedure on your own, since this will require purchasing expensive, specialized equipment, professional concentrated poisons and protective equipment.

Since cockroaches no longer appear after disinfestation, it is not profitable to make such purchases for the sake of a one-time treatment.

Properties of hot fog?

Microscopic insecticide particles have very high chemical activity and effectively penetrate into the most inaccessible places in the premises, which allows you to successfully exterminate insects in the shortest possible time. In addition, one should not assume that hot fog is effective only when it is visible to the naked eye. In fact, insecticide particles, after settling on the surface, continue to have a detrimental effect on insects for quite a long time, preventing re-infestation of your premises by ants.

Our cockroach extermination service uses hot fog, which not only allows you to destroy cockroaches in your home, but also acts in other directions. For example, steam prevents the formation of fungus in rooms, reduces the number of microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria in the air, and destroys many types of insects.

We carry out the destruction of cockroaches with a guarantee using hot fog, which also allows:

Eliminate unpleasant odors in premises, including odors after fires;

Fight viruses in public transport and public places;

Destroy pests not only at home, but also in open areas.

Preparing an apartment for disinfestation

Destruction of cockroaches with any fog requires preparatory work. To do this you should do:

  • Pack all things and products tightly so that air particles cannot penetrate into them;
  • Clean the room, wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth, wash the floors, remove large particles of debris;
  • Remove all living plants and flowers from the room, as during fog treatment they will die due to the toxic particles contained in the composition;
  • Make minor repairs, eliminate all cracks and crevices, make sure that insects cannot get out of the room being treated;
  • Arrange the furniture so that it is convenient to carry out the destruction of cockroaches with any fog; it is unacceptable for objects to interfere with the process; also remove all paintings and frames located on the walls;
  • Remove animals from the premises where they are planning to work;
  • If steam treatment is carried out, remove all objects and things that cannot withstand hot temperatures;
  • Close the windows; there should be no open ventilation modes.

Do not forget that working with dry fog or another type leads to an increase in humidity significantly, so before the process, try to reduce the moisture levels in the apartment. It is better to leave the premises during the work to avoid negative effects on the body, since a person may be allergic to any component of the product used. The presence of children during disinsection is unacceptable; they should not come into contact with toxic substances in the solution, since the molecules can burn the mucous membranes, which will lead to dire consequences.

How do cold fog generators work?

The destruction of cockroaches with cold fog is carried out using special generators that spray an insecticidal solution onto microscopic particles, while the sprayed particles have a temperature similar to the ambient temperature.

Because cold fog particles are not heated, they are slightly larger in size than those produced by hot fog machines. The cold fog remains in the air after the room has been treated for no more than three to four hours. Indoors, cold fog initially rises, then falls down. Thanks to it, the humidity in the room increases and the active substance completely fills the treated room.

Principle of operation

The generator converts the drug diluted with water into hot steam. The operator, during work, “fumigates” the potential habitats of cockroaches with the resulting smoke.

Due to the tiny size of water particles containing poison, steam penetrates even the most remote places that cannot be reached with a spray or aerosol.

Initially, the cockroach mist dissipates and hangs in the air for 3-4 hours, and then gradually settles on accessible surfaces.

Specifics of cold fog treatment?

When using equipment that generates cold fog, it is necessary to take into account that the mixture of water and reagent spreads throughout the premises, spreading the active ingredients of the drug.

In order to prevent an excessive increase in humidity in the room, when using the equipment yourself, you must adhere to the recommendations of its manufacturer.

]"Biotrix"[/anchor] carries out professional extermination of cockroaches in houses, apartments and non-residential premises with high quality, quickly and at affordable prices.

If there are cockroaches

If cockroaches are found in the house, it is necessary to urgently begin to fight them. First of all, you need to put the room in complete order by doing general cleaning or even minor repairs. This especially applies to the bathroom, kitchen and toilet. In addition, you need to get rid of deposits of old trash, you need to take out the trash can every day, do not leave food items open on the table, and wipe the sink dry at night.

To destroy parasites throughout the apartment, you need to lay out crayons, scatter powders, and use special aerosols and traps. But treating the room with simple chemicals can only help for a short time. After some time, pests will again occupy the already inhabited space, crawling out of air ducts, baseboards, cracks and other inaccessible places. Obviously, after the ineffectiveness of the treatments made, an important question will arise: “What helps most against cockroaches?” What can penetrate the smallest cracks and destroy pests, their eggs and larvae? This is steam. After its amazing all-pervasive effect, cockroaches have no chance of survival.

What is the price

Cockroaches are very dangerous and spread quickly. Within a few months, they are able to settle in every apartment of a multi-storey building, so it is necessary to take action as soon as a single individual has been discovered. This can be done in 2 ways:

  • kill insects with your own hands;
  • invite specialists who have the necessary solutions and equipment.

The price of equipment, insecticides and suits is high, so it is not profitable to disinfect your home yourself. Calling specialists to your home is much easier and cheaper. The cost of baiting cockroaches varies depending on the city and the reputation of the company, so you need to go around the companies providing services and evaluate the price list.

It is best to pay attention to a company that provides services at an average price. This indicates professionalism and the use of high-quality raw materials by specialists. Cheap companies may dilute insecticides excessively, so you should avoid working with them. If you decide to destroy cockroaches with your own hands or start such a business, it is recommended to watch the video:

Poisoning cockroaches with fog is a highly effective procedure that allows you to kill many types of insects in one go. All premises must be treated - even those where there are no signs of cockroaches.

Is it possible to do it yourself?

Expensive equipment and materials will be required:

  • protective suit;
  • generator-spray;
  • insecticides.

Usually, after baiting, insects no longer appear, so purchasing all this for a one-time treatment is unprofitable. In addition, it is better to contact specialists who will charge little for the treatment of the premises, and the apartment owners will not have to put their health at risk. As a result, the risk of poisoning with toxic substances is reduced and the family budget is preserved.

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