Nit Free product line for lice: instructions for use, reviews, price in the pharmacy, which product to choose

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Svetlana Tarasova

Hairdresser-stylist with more than 8 years of experience, expert in the field of haircuts, styling, hair care, coloring.
Many people use products from the Nit Free line to treat head lice in themselves and their loved ones. It effectively fights not only adults, but also nits. The composition of this drug is completely safe for human health, so it can be used to treat head lice in children, as well as for preventive purposes.

Release forms

When using Nit Free products, a high result in the treatment of lice is observed. All products in this line are made on the basis of natural ingredients that are completely harmless to people. The products do not contain pesticides and other various toxic substances, which makes it possible to use by pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children for treatment or prevention . Nit Free does not cause any allergic reactions, so it can be used even by allergy sufferers.

Products from the Nit Free line have the following release forms:

  1. Spray.
  2. Mousse.
  3. Shampoo.
  4. Gel.
  5. Oil.

The use of any of the above remedies in the treatment of pediculosis takes no more than 2 weeks , after which a person will completely get rid of nits and adult individuals.

Characteristics of anti-pediculosis combs

Among all the mechanical methods of cleansing the hair and scalp from parasites, the use of combs is the most effective.

Unlike regular combs, head lice combs have closely spaced teeth.

As a result, when combing hair, parasites end up on the comb. The tiny spaces between the teeth allow you to effectively comb out even nits.

Dense combs remove nits well

A feature of high-quality combs is not only high efficiency, but absolute safety. If a person is hesitant about this method of eliminating lice due to fear of losing some of his hair, he has nothing to worry about. Manufacturers calculate the distance between the teeth, so all the lice that come across the comb’s path get stuck, and the hair passes through calmly.

Of course, in terms of speed of work, a comb cannot be compared with a chemical preparation.

But since the first one does not harm health, treatment can be carried out at least three times a day. The use of powerful insecticides is often not recommended, because this can lead to poisoning. Repeated treatment should be carried out no earlier than 10 days after the first use of the product.

Comb your hair with a comb several times

Composition and action

Shampoo from the Nit Free product line has the following composition:

  1. Fatty acids of coconut oil.
  2. Water.
  3. Cocamidopropyl betaine.
  4. Guar gum extract.
  5. Karanja oil.
  6. Neem oil.
  7. Tea tree oil.
  8. Coconut oil.
  9. Peppermint oil.
  10. Lemon acid.
  11. Silver citrate.
  12. Eucalyptus oil.
  13. Lanolin.
  14. Pine resin.

The product consists only of natural ingredients of natural origin, therefore it has no side effects.

The mousse contains an enzymatic yeast solution, olive oil, dimethicone and mint flavor.

All drugs in the Nit Free line have a negative effect on lice and nits . For example, the mousse breaks down the glue that adults use to attach the larvae to their hair. This simplifies their combing and speeds up getting rid of blood-sucking parasites. The main feature of neon spray is that when applied to the hair, it paints insects in bright colors, white or pink, which in turn makes them easy to notice and comb out using a special comb.

Would you trust the treatment of head lice with Nit Free products?

Not really

The oil has a negative effect on lice due to the specific aroma of peppermint, which lice cannot tolerate. And when applied to the hair, it creates a thin film that blocks the lice's access to oxygen, as a result of which they die.

Safety and uniqueness of combs

Combs for combing out lice and nits are absolutely safe for humans. They are suitable for all categories of people: pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants, those with various allergies, those who for some reason cannot or do not want to use medications containing chemicals. In addition, the use of other remedies for lice still requires subsequent combing out of dead insects.

Combing is a safe and painless method of getting rid of lice, even for children

The combs are not capable of harming the hair or scalp, as they have rounded teeth and a specially designed structure that does not catch or break hair. Therefore, you can be sure that a device such as a lice comb will not only help get rid of such a nuisance as lice, but will also not damage your hair.

All combs for combing have a unique structure, namely a frequent arrangement of teeth, which allows you to effectively remove parasites from the hair. It will not be possible to replace the combs with a regular comb, because its teeth are located at a much greater distance than is necessary for high-quality combing.

Using a regular comb, even with very fine teeth, instead of a special lice comb is a relatively ineffective activity: the plastic teeth easily bend and diverge, letting both lice and nits through the tuft of hair

If you do not want to buy a special comb, you can purchase a product for head lice, which also includes a comb. The price for such sets is usually less, and the scallops are almost as good in quality. And complex treatment, using a chemical and a comb, will be faster.

Lavinal head lice spray includes a special comb for combing

Pros and cons of products from Nit Free (Nit Free)

Nit Free products, like any other product, have their pros and cons. Let's take a closer look.


  1. The drug contains natural ingredients that are not capable of causing harm to health.
  2. The products have no side effects .
  3. The shampoo can be used by all family members, regardless of age.
  4. Suitable for daily use.
  5. When using shampoo together with a comb, you can get rid of lice in a short period of time.
  6. Can be used for prevention. Mint and essential oils included in the preparation not only kill lice, but also prevent the appearance of new individuals.
  7. Suitable for patients with sensitive scalp.


  1. The drug is quite expensive, and if the case of head lice is quite advanced, then one bottle is definitely not enough, at least you will need two of them. You will also need conditioner and a comb, which you will also have to fork out for.
  2. The preparations in this line do not foam well. After all, many are accustomed to the fact that after applying shampoo to their hair, it begins to foam, but Nit Free shampoo does not have such an effect.

The manufacturer of the Nit Free line has a wide range of products not only against lice, but also for problem hair. These products provide reliable protection to the scalp and hair during treatment for head lice.

Features of use and rules for choosing funds

Medical products against head lice should definitely be purchased from pharmacy chains!

These products are divided into main groups:

  • solutions and suspensions;
  • aerosols;
  • detergents, shampoos.

A list of medications, where medications are arranged in order of decreasing effectiveness, will help you choose the most suitable ones. The composition will also tell a lot, because some active ingredients kill only the larva, while others can cause the final death of large individuals and mature nits.

The essential oils contained in the composition will become a positive addition, thanks to the film, a suffocating effect is created and insects die.

It is worth paying attention to your health status. For people with asthma or allergies, odors can be problematic.

Let's consider the most suitable means of getting rid of lice, based on consumer reviews.

Instructions for use for the use of products from the Nit Free line (Nit Free)

Instructions for using the products included in the Nit Free line are included with each bottle. More detailed information on use can be found below; each product is used differently, because it all depends on the form of release of the drug.


Anti-lice mousse is used as follows:

  1. Apply mousse to dry hair.
  2. Distribute along the entire length so that it reaches all the strands.
  3. Comb lice out of mousse-covered hair using a special comb. To make this task easier, the hair is divided into small strands and combed through each of them in turn.
  4. Rinse off the mousse thoroughly with warm water.
  5. Apply shampoo and conditioner of this brand to your hair.
  6. The dried hair is inspected again and if there are lice, the procedure is repeated again.

Important! If, after applying the mousse, your hair becomes tangled and difficult to comb, you can add a small amount of conditioner, this will greatly ease the situation.


Nit Free shampoo is used as follows:

  1. Wet dry hair generously.
  2. Apply the required amount of this shampoo to the strands.
  3. Massage your hair with your hands until foam forms.
  4. Use a large amount of clean and warm water to wash the drug off your head.
  5. To consolidate the effect, apply Nit Free conditioner.

Important! After this procedure, experts do not recommend drying hair strands with a hairdryer, because exposure to warm air currents may well cause the product to lose its effectiveness.

Spray against lice and nits

Method of using spray against lice and nits:

  1. To begin with, wet your hair.
  2. Cover with spray, straightening along the entire length with a comb.
  3. Leave the product on your head for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Using a comb, carefully comb each strand of hair.
  5. Wash off any remaining aerosol from your head.
  6. After this, wash your hair with shampoo of this brand.

After 2-3 days, it is recommended to repeat the procedure, because the incubation period for lice takes no more than 1.5 weeks. Used hairpins and elastic bands are also treated with a spray.

Neon spray

Neon spray is used as follows:

  1. Immediately before applying the spray, comb the hair thoroughly.
  2. Spray the spray along the entire length of the hair.
  3. Leave the product on your head for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Comb with a comb.
  5. Wash off with warm water.
  6. Apply shampoo from the same brand to your hair. Leave for 10-20 minutes and rinse.
  7. Dry your hair with a towel and evaluate the result.

After the first application, the number of lice should decrease significantly. It is recommended to repeat the procedure daily until the adults and nits disappear completely.


How to use Nit Free gel against lice:

  1. A small amount of gel is applied to slightly dampened hair.
  2. Using massaging movements, distribute the consistency along the entire length.
  3. Comb your hair with a special comb.
  4. Wash off the product with warm water.

To enhance the effect, some use Nit Free conditioner or shampoo.


Methods for using Nit Free oil:

  1. Neet Free oil is applied to dry hair.
  2. Rub thoroughly into the strands and at the roots.
  3. Leave the product on the hair for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Comb with a comb or fine-toothed comb.
  5. Wash off in warm water.

The oil from the Nit Free line has a negative effect on lice and nits. If you use it throughout the entire course, the bloodsuckers will completely disappear.

Instructions for use of the AntiV comb from Nit Free

There are several ways to use this comb

  1. Combined.
  2. Mechanical.

Instructions for the combined method:

  1. The hair is combed with a comb.
  2. Apply a small amount of anti-lice product.
  3. Wash off in running water.
  4. Using a comb, the hair is combed to one side of the head and secured with an elastic band, if the length allows.
  5. Separate small strands, each carefully combed with a comb.
  6. After combing each strand, the comb is thoroughly washed under the tap.

For 7 days after this procedure, it is recommended to comb your hair daily to prevent lice.

Instructions for the mechanical method of using the comb:

  1. Hair is moistened generously with water.
  2. Comb your hair to one side with a comb.
  3. Separate small strands, each of which is carefully combed with a comb.
  4. Rinse the comb after combing each strand.

Important! If the infection occurred in a public place such as a kindergarten or school, other participants should be informed, otherwise lice may develop in other children.

How to comb nits and lice out of hair?

Lice combs are used in conjunction with medicinal products. The application algorithm is as follows:

  1. Hair is lightly moistened with warm water or Nit Free. Wet the hair to make it more difficult for lice to move through the hair.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly with a regular comb and straighten it.
  3. Divide the hair into small strands and begin combing each strand from the roots with a comb.
  4. After each combing, the comb is thoroughly cleaned and washed with water.
  5. Wash your hair and dry it with a towel.

For greater efficiency, combing is carried out once every 3 days . If during each procedure the lice encountered are smaller in size than adult lice, then the effect of the treatment is present.


Reviews taken from

Design features of a lice comb

Lice combs have always been used to treat head lice, but modern models are significantly different from those that came before. The device is small in size, conveniently shaped for holding in the hand, and equipped with long, fine teeth with notches applied to them, which help remove lice and nits from hair. To avoid injury to the scalp, the teeth have rounded ends. Combs are made of metal or plastic.

A lice comb will help make it easier and faster to get rid of parasites

Combs can be used as an independent or auxiliary remedy for the treatment of head lice. As an auxiliary, it is used after using chemical hair treatments: sprays, shampoos, etc.

Without combing with a special comb, treatment for pediculosis can take a very long time, since all chemicals kill only adult parasites, and nits have a protective shell through which insecticides cannot penetrate. The drugs only destroy the adhesive substance that keeps them on the hair. Thus, if you do not comb out, more and more insects will hatch. And the complex effect will provide the fastest and most effective effect in the fight against this disease. However, with great perseverance and endurance, you can cope with pediculosis only with the help of a comb.

The comb is able to cope with pediculosis without the use of any chemicals

The advantages of using a comb include:

  1. Reliability. Using such a device, you can remove not only adult lice, but also their offspring.
  2. Safety. It is impossible to damage the hair or scalp with a comb, and the absence of toxic substances will not have a detrimental effect on the structure of the hair. In addition, this item can be used by both children and adults.
  3. Long service life. You can buy a comb once and use it every time, as needed. Shampoos and other detergents tend to run out and expire. With a comb it is unlimited.
  4. Possibility to combine with other drugs. With the help of a comb you can improve the effect of using other drugs.

In addition to the undeniable advantages, this device also has some disadvantages:

  • the need for frequent processing, which will take too much time and effort;
  • the inability to carry out independent treatment, since combing out lice and nits yourself is a rather difficult and ineffective task, because the main thing here is to see the area being treated;

    It is almost impossible to carry out the combing procedure on your own.

  • extensive infection can cause a decrease in the effectiveness of hair treatment with a comb;
  • high cost - prices for high-quality scallops are quite high and amount to about one thousand rubles.

Video: chemical and mechanical methods of getting rid of lice

Types of combs

There are a large number of combs for combing on the market. They come in metal, wood, plastic and even electric.

A comb for combing out lice now looks like a real gadget: long, even teeth have a very small gap; to securely hold and remove nits, a special spiral-shaped notch is applied to the teeth

Our great-grandmothers also used plastic products. You can buy them in any store, but they are of little use. It's all about the plastic teeth, which bend a lot and don't have notches to help with combing.

Most often, a plastic lice comb is included in boxes of anti-lice products.

Wooden combs also appeared a long time ago. They are more durable than plastic ones, but are also not equipped with notches. Therefore they are also ineffective.

A wooden comb for lice and nits, which you can buy in any store, will not do any good.

More useful are products that have long metal teeth, the distance between which is less than one millimeter. Such teeth are more durable, and due to the applied micro-notches, the comb is able to comb out even nits that are firmly attached to the hair. But the handle of the product can be anything: made of metal, plastic or wood. But still the most popular are products made entirely of metal.

The metal lice comb has a distance between the teeth of less than 0.09 mm, lice have a size of 2 to 4 mm, a nit is approximately 0.4 mm: parasites cannot slip between the teeth, which makes the comb a very effective device

In foreign countries, they are beginning to use a new method of combating pediculosis - heat treatment. Insects are destroyed with a powerful air stream from a special hair dryer, the temperature of which reaches 60 °C. The method can be quite simple and effective, but has not yet received much widespread use.

The heat treatment method is quite convenient and safe for humans

Electric comb RobiComb

In addition to simple mechanical combs, electrical devices are also appearing. One of the brightest representatives is the RobiComb product. It is new on the market, but has already proven itself to be an effective remedy.

The RobiComb comb kit includes a brush for caring for the gadget; after each procedure, it is recommended to clean the teeth from dirt

The comb is made of plastic, has metal teeth, and runs on batteries. On the sides, the teeth are protected by plastic protrusions to prevent contact of the product with the scalp. The principle of operation is that during combing, when the parasite gets on the comb tooth, a current discharge occurs, which kills the insect. This discharge is not dangerous for humans.

The advanced model Robi Comb Pro is equipped with a sensor for recognizing the presence of lice and nits

You can only work with the RobiComb device on dry hair.

An electric comb is quite effective - it allows you to get rid of all parasites in one use. The price for it starts from two thousand rubles.

Video: electric combs for lice and nits

How to choose a quality product

There are basic criteria that a good comb for combing must meet:

  • safety;
  • ease of use;
  • efficiency;
  • reliability;
  • long service life.

Lice are very small insects, so when choosing a comb, pay attention to the frequency of its teeth.
Prices for devices depend on the manufacturers and materials from which the comb was made. You shouldn't buy the cheapest products, they won't do much good and you'll still have to replace them with a better product.

Precautionary measures

You can use the shampoo daily throughout the course of treatment. The products in this product are intended for external use only . If during the procedure liquid gets into your eyes, it is recommended to rinse them thoroughly with plenty of water.

And if suddenly, while treating hair, a child or adult accidentally swallows a small amount of solution, then you should seek advice from a specialist. This product must be stored out of the reach of children.


As you know, the Nit Free line of drugs are made from natural ingredients, therefore they are completely safe for the human body. Even if you use it several times a day, there will be no problems with the scalp. Suitable for the treatment of head lice in very young children, as well as for pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects

The composition of the drug Nit Free is so balanced that it is allowed to be used by people with hypersensitivity of the scalp. When used, the product does not contribute to the appearance of dandruff, dry skin and irritation.

This product should be avoided only by those people who have an individual intolerance to spearmint and essential oil . When using the product, such people may experience itching and rash.

Cost of the drug

You can buy lice products from the Nit Free series at almost any pharmacy. Their price depends on the form of release. So, let's take a closer look at the price for this category of goods:

  1. Mousse volume 237 ml. – from 690 rub.
  2. Oil volume 237 ml. – from 690 rub.
  3. Shampoo volume 118 ml. – from 690 rub.
  4. Conditioner volume 237 ml. – from 690 rub.
  5. Mint gel volume 237 ml. – 590 rub.
  6. Menthol spray with a volume of 118 ml. – 540 rub.
  7. Mint spray with a volume of 118 ml. – from 690 rub.
  8. Rosemary spray with a volume of 118 ml. – 540 rub.
  9. White neon spray with a volume of 380 ml. – 690 rub.
  10. Pink neon spray with a volume of 380 ml. – 690 rub.

On average, the price of Nit Free products designed to combat lice does not exceed 1,100 rubles. Of course, it’s a little expensive for such small volumes, but it’s necessary to get rid of such unpleasant insects.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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