How much does it cost on average to call a sanitary and epidemiological station to your home?

Are there pests in your home? At night you hear the rustling of dozens of small paws, and the next morning you find bites on your body or spoiled food? So, it's time to call the specialists. The sanitary and epidemiological station will exterminate bedbugs, cockroaches, rats and other pests as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How to call the SES, what you need to remember when preparing to poison pests, how much it will cost you, and why treatment and disinfestation of the SES is the most effective option for solving the problem, we will discuss today.

State or private SES: where to go?

The first question that any person faces when calling is whether it is better to contact a private organization or a public one. The choice, I must say, is very important, because if you choose a sanitary and epidemiological station that does its job poorly, the parasites will not only not leave your home, but, on the contrary, having developed immunity to the poison used, they will begin to multiply faster and cause even more harm.

According to statistics, 85% of people affected by insects prefer to contact a private sanitary and epidemiological station. This indicator can be explained simply; a commercial SES has more than:

  • Versatile. Not only insects can be baited, but also rodents (deratization) and various types of mold/fungi (disinfection).
  • Multifunctional. While the state SES provides its services only to a certain circle of people, the Unified Sanitary Service is ready to help everyone: from apartment owners to owners of factories, public institutions, commercial centers, professional transport, etc.
  • Available. If prices for government services organizations are determined “from above”, we ourselves determine the cost of our services and ourselves organize various discounts and promotions, which make our service even more accessible.

What is a Sanitary Epidemiological Station (SES) or a Sanitary Epidemiological Station

The official SES or Sanitary and Epidemiological Station is one of the most important supervisory government bodies that monitors the sanitary and epidemiological situation. In addition, the SES collects statistical information on the level of morbidity among residents of the locality. In the area of ​​special attention are infections that are carried by harmful insects and rodents and cause pathogenic microorganisms. The control body also checks the quality of produced food products.

It is the SES (in our case, the Moscow Sanitary and Epidemiological Station) that is the body responsible for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards, requirements and rules determined by the state.

Calling the sanitary and epidemiological station to your home or apartment

Even if you keep your home sterile, this does not guarantee protection from pests. As soon as you acquire insufficiently clean neighbors, friends, pets, or visit a breeding ground for infection, the parasite is right there. The best solution in this case is to call the sanitary and epidemiological station to the house, in cooperation with neighbors, and not to a separate apartment (Treatment in one house: 2 apartments - 15% discount, 3 apartments - 25% discount, 4 or more apartments - 30% discount. ). However, even if none of the residents of the house shares your antipathy towards parasites, it’s not scary. Simply, to prevent re-infection of the premises, you will have to not only call the sanitary and epidemiological station, but also use the barrier protection service.

Cold fog

Cold fog is a method of processing an object by spraying a solution with a technical tool - a generator. This technology is so named because of the low temperature of the fog used for processing. The properties of this method allow it to effectively destroy all insects in the room. Most of the pests will be destroyed immediately. And the remaining representatives will die after a short amount of time from their infected comrades. As a rule, one visit from a specialist is enough for complete extermination.

Professional processing vs. "grandmother's" methods

Another popular misconception is that rather than calling a sanitary and epidemiological station to your home, it is supposedly much better (read cheaper) to use folk methods or products from hardware stores. The opinion is, of course, attractive, but, alas, it has nothing in common with reality.

For the SES, bedbugs and cockroaches are a job that we have to deal with every day. This means, who better than an exterminator would know how effective this or that poison is, where pests most often prefer to hide, and how to remove pests with maximum efficiency and minimal costs. With SES, the destruction of bedbugs, cockroaches, rats and the like will not require any effort from you (except for preparing the apartment for treatment).

Another advantage of SES is a processing guarantee! You use any folk remedies and chemicals (possibly counterfeit) purchased in a store at your own peril and risk. Even if they all turn out to be effective, who will guarantee that you will be able to maintain the proportions correctly and will not inhale harmful fumes yourself? So it turns out that while calling the SES is safe and relatively inexpensive, doing anything on your own in the matter of bullying not only may not yield results and will require a lot of effort, but it will also most likely cause harm to your health.

Cost of sanitary and epidemiological station services

If the treatment needs to be carried out at a facility whose area exceeds 200 meters, then the price of the service will be calculated individually for the customer. In apartments and houses of standard size, the cost of professional extermination of mice and rats is approximately the following:

  • Area from 150 to 200 m – 3500 rubles.
  • From 100 to 150-3000.
  • From 50 to 100-2500.
  • Up to 50 m - 2000 rubles.

Sometimes there are odors in apartments that you cannot get rid of on your own; sometimes it is even more difficult than exterminating cockroaches or bedbugs. Accordingly, you need to use high-quality, effective drugs, which affects the cost. Odor removal services are paid at approximately the following rates:

  • For a 4-room apartment it will cost 4,500 rubles .
  • 3-room — 3500.
  • 2-room — 3000.
  • 1-room - 2500 rubles .

A common occurrence in city apartments are cockroaches, fleas, and bedbugs. The service for their elimination for a standard three-room apartment will cost approximately 2,500 rubles . If an apartment has one room - 1500 , two - 2000 , for a four-room apartment the price starts from 3000 rubles , since the area of ​​housing (new house or old housing stock) can differ significantly.

If we are talking about the destruction of ticks on a garden plot, then the cost is calculated based on the area - approximately 700 rubles per hundred square meters . Eliminating a wasp infestation on a site will cost 3,500 rubles .

How much does a SES call cost? Price issue

Another question that occupies the minds of many people who have suffered from a pest invasion is how much it costs to call the sanitary and epidemiological station. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because... There are a dozen factors that influence price formation. - here is just a short list of what can tip the cost “scales” in one direction or another.

If you want to find out at least approximately how much it costs to call a SES, you can familiarize yourself with our prices (and also make sure that there are no lower prices in Moscow and the region) here.

Unified number of the sanitary and epidemiological station in Moscow

Discounts and promotions

* Treatment for two types of insects: 50% discount.

* Processing in one house: 2 apartments - 15% discount, 3 apartments - 25% discount, 4 or more apartments - 30% discount.

* Disabled people, pensioners, WWII participants, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident receive a 10% discount.

Which ones can its clients use in Moscow:

Both individuals and legal organizations can call SES “DezGorKontrol” in Moscow. For this purpose, there is a hotline number that accepts calls and places orders around the clock. To serve its clients, the sanitary treatment company "DezGorControl" provides:

  • Disinfection of apartments, premises and cars;
  • ]disinfestation[/anchor] (control of insect pests in areas, homes and industrial premises);
  • Deratization (destruction of rodents using methods safe for humans with a guarantee);
  • Decontamination (destruction of ticks);
  • Reliable preventive measures against the appearance of all of the above pests;
  • Carrying out deodorization (fighting unkempt odors);
  • Cleaning and full maintenance of sewerage systems;
  • Cleaning and full service of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • Weed control in private and industrial areas;
  • Destruction of pests in gardens, fields, private forest plantations;
  • Comprehensive sanitary and epidemiological maintenance of any objects;
  • Maintaining necessary sanitary documents at enterprises;

You can call SanPiN in Moscow for any territory and any object. will carry out effective treatment in an apartment, in a house, in a country house, in an industrial or warehouse building, in public organizations, in fields, in gardens, in suburban areas, in parks, squares, etc. Our experienced specialists will perfectly select the best methods to combat any pests and harmful microorganisms on your territory.

Our company will provide you with an official contract that guarantees the quality of the service provided at your facility.

You can ask any questions you are interested in on the SES “DezGorControl” hotline. You can also order a call back; to do this, you need to fill out the appropriate form on the official website of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

The SanPiN service in Moscow “DezGorControl” is the most reliable assistant in maintaining all existing sanitary standards at any facility.

Preparing the premises for sanitary treatment

Baiting rats, removing cockroaches, exterminating bedbugs, SES services, although standard, largely depend not only on the competence of the exterminator and the effectiveness of the chemicals, but also on your actions. Therefore, before calling the sanitary and epidemiological station to your home, we strongly recommend preparing the problem areas for future treatment. Our specialist will tell you more about this when identifying the degree of infection during the initial inspection. However, be prepared:

  • Carry out wet cleaning of the house so that the products used by exterminators can better adhere to surfaces.
  • Place all food in hermetically sealed containers, plastic bags, refrigerator (etc.), so that you do not need to call an ambulance after the SES.
  • Free up the room as much as possible. To successfully persecute bedbugs, cockroaches and other “living creatures,” exterminators must have access to all the corners and nooks that pests love so much.
  • Disassemble upholstered furniture and throw away old furniture, because... It is precisely this that most often becomes a refuge for parasites.
  • Buy special shampoos for animals that protect against parasites and, before calling the SES to your home, find a place where you can leave animals and plants during treatment.
  • Boil all rag items (in order to destroy possible insect eggs laid in them) and set out the rest (for example, bags and suitcases) for processing.

All this is done so that the actual destruction of bedbugs by SES takes a minimum of time and, accordingly, money.

Means used

As for drugs, there are quite a lot of them. We list some of the most popular substances used to treat premises against bedbugs, lice, ants and other insects:

Biorin. An insecticide whose aqueous emulsion is sprayed with fog generators. The substance has a strong unpleasant odor.

Minap-22. It is a whitish suspension. Bedbugs die 3 days after treatment or earlier. You can use the drug as a protective agent to prevent insects from entering your home.

Sinuzan. They are used in residential premises, kindergartens, canteens, hospitals and other institutions where people cannot be completely evacuated.

Tetrix. Tetrix is ​​very popular and effective in fighting bedbugs, but has a pungent odor.

Chlorpyrimac. To reduce the smell of Tetrix, fragrances were added to it. This is how we got the drug Chlorpirimak, which is used in residential areas.

Fufano. Effective on many types of insects, including bed bugs. Another version of it, Fufanon-super, can destroy not only adults, but also larvae, but it is not recommended for use in rooms where people live due to the strong odor.

Effective Ultra. A modern remedy, bedbugs do not develop an addiction to it, which is why Effective is increasingly used to combat insects.

Extermin. It is a chemical in microcapsules, used against many types of insect pests. The residual effect of the drug is 6-8 weeks; after 20 minutes, the nervous system of bedbugs is affected, and they leave their shelters.

If you decide to treat the apartment yourself, then strictly follow the instructions for using chemicals. Wear safety glasses, a respirator, gloves and a gown.

Moscow Sanitary and Epidemiological Station: our advantages

Customers invariably turn to us because:

  • We maintain relationships with clients on the basis of not only one-time, but long-term contracts. Most companies have switched to regular maintenance by a sanitary and epidemiological station. This reduced costs for one-time services, eliminated fines, and increased sanitary safety.
  • The products we use are certified. Colorless and odorless, have safety class 4 (do not pose a threat to people).
  • We maintain confidentiality.
  • We present a double guarantee: the agreed amount is not subject to change, we use professional tools and equipment. If one of the points is violated, call us. The employee will be fired, and you will have the opportunity to use the services of the Moscow Sanitary and Epidemiological Station for free for 365 days.

Popular services for the population in Moscow

  • Disinfection of ventilation and cleaning of air conditioning systems
  • Disinfection after death of humans and animals
  • Complex treatment of houses and apartments against lichen
  • Disinfection of apartments and other premises after tuberculosis
  • Extermination of all types of rats in premises and surrounding areas
  • Killing bed bugs with hot fog

How to call our SES and get a guarantee for services

The Moscow SES website always accepts applications. Masters work around the clock, without holidays and weekends.

We fulfill the order on the first day after submitting the application, or the next day if it’s busy. SES provides a guarantee for all services, which is confirmed by the contract. If relapses occur, re-treatment is done free of charge.

Do you want to receive a service at a profit? The official website has a “Discounts and Promotions” section. They operate year-round and seasonally. Benefits are provided to pensioners, disabled people, parents of many children, when ordering several services.

The dispatcher accepts requests by phone at any time. The SES official website was created to make it easy for you to order services. Fill out the application below. The dispatcher will call you back immediately.

SES contacts for Moscow districts:

How to Avoid Uninvited Guests

In the process of evolution, insects and rodents realized that it is easier to survive next to a person who builds warm housing, knows how to get food and is not always clean. Insects don’t have to do anything, because man did everything! Accordingly, to prevent insects or rodents from settling in your home, you need to minimize the reasons for their appearance:

  • uncleanliness (there are leftover food and moldy products in the kitchen);
  • excessive air humidity;
  • non-compliance with the ventilation regime of the room;
  • long-term storage of items made from natural materials in a closed closet;
  • the entry of insect larvae through pets, from street clothes or from neighbors (it takes a small bug half an hour to run from apartment to apartment);
  • neglect of personal hygiene.

However, even following all the rules does not always protect people from the appearance of insects or rodents in their home. Pests can enter an apartment from neighbors through ventilation or other means; they can get on skin or clothing in public transport or from other people. There is only one way out in such situations - to call representatives of the sanitary service to carry out disinfection, disinfestation or deratization.

List of SanEpidem Stations of the Moscow Region

Federal Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Address: Varshavskoe highway, 9 Telephone: 954-02-09 Lyubertsy , st. Mira. 10 Mytishchi , Olympic Avenue, 15/13 Korolev , st. Bogomolova, 10 Khimki , st. Leningradskaya , 25 Reutov , st. Nekrasova, 16 Krasnogorsk , st. Pionerskaya, 6 Leninsky district Vidnoye , st. Novaya, 4 Balashikha , Lenina Avenue, 14 Podolsky district, Podolsk , Oktyabrsky Avenue, 4 Dolgoprudny , Pavlova, 8 Zheleznodorozhny , 60 Let Oktyabrya, 3 Pushkino , Gorky, 3 Ivanteevka Mayakovsky Ave., 3A Lobnya , Kalinina, 4A Zvenigorod , Sportivny lane, 18 Odintsovo , Mozhaiskoe highway, 12 Solnechnogorsk , Pochtovaya, 27 Naro-Fominsk , Kalinina, 16 Pushkino city, Gorky, 3 Ramenskoye city, Desantnaya, 56 Klimovsk city, Simferopolskaya, 41 Zelenograd city, Kashtanovaya alley, 6, building 1

How does the sanitary and epidemiological station work?

If a source of a sanitary threat is discovered in a children's institution, dacha, or enterprise, professionals identify it and eliminate it. In the absence of disinfection measures, epidemics of deadly diseases occur. Mice, cockroaches, and flies are the main distributors of unsanitary conditions.

Regional branches of the sanitary-epidemiological service carry out sanitary measures, identify radioactive sources, and monitor the composition of water in reservoirs. After all, it is important to detect the problem and stop it before it causes irreparable damage.

Control of harmful rodents

Rodents are often attracted to industrial premises, which are dry and warm inside. Rodents can quickly spoil food stored in a warehouse. At the same time, they carry diseases dangerous to humans.
The waste products of the animals remain throughout the room, and a persistent unpleasant odor appears. Animals are able to get into any gap, so it is very difficult to deal with them on your own.

Deratization is a comprehensive procedure for expelling rodents from a room. It is carried out both for extermination and for prevention. To order the service, you should contact SES Moscow. Employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station will quickly select a suitable means for exterminating pests and solve the problem in one visit.

Prices for rodent extermination

RoomTrapsHot fog
1 room3,000 rub.5,000 rub.
2 roomsRUB 3,300RUB 5,200
3 roomsRUB 3,600RUB 5,400
4 roomsRUB 3,900RUB 5,600
5 rooms4,200 rub.RUB 5,800

Fighting moles

Moles are small animals that look very cute. But at the same time they cause great harm to humans. Moles can cause total damage to the crop, so if you find mole holes in your city, immediately call the Moscow Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

Fighting shrews

Shrews are cute little animals that are somewhat reminiscent of field mice. They do not hibernate and can be a nuisance year-round. These animals are highly fertile, so their numbers are growing uncontrollably. Rodents pose a serious danger to cultivated plants, so you should immediately contact the SES if you notice the appearance of shrews on your land. Employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station will quickly scare away the animals and protect your harvest.

The bats

As a rule, a bat's diet consists only of insects. But some representatives of the species like to eat sweet fruits or even the blood of livestock. The bat does not pose a direct threat to humans, but some are terrified of the appearance of these animals. Causes of phobia:

  • Night activity;
  • Damage to property;
  • In the event of a collision with an animal, a bat may bite a person in self-defense.

If you want to avoid such situations, it is better to contact the Moscow SES to call a specialist.

Sanitary protection of housing is our specialty!

The Moscow Disinfection Service has a convenient work schedule - from 8:00 to 22:00 seven days a week, and the cost of services is affordable to everyone due to a flexible pricing policy. All specialists have been working in the company for over seven years and have been trained in the pest control program (432 hours of training time!). Operations at the sanitary and epidemiological station are carried out comprehensively, confidentially, using modern equipment and imported drugs that are safe for people and animals. You can urgently consult with our specialists by phone, +7 or order an employee to visit your home. We guarantee excellent results!

SES addresses by Moscow districts

Eastern Administrative District (SES VAO) Address: Moscow , Metallurgov St., 24A
The territorial division services include areas of nearby metro stations: Vykhino Izmailovskaya Izmailovsky Park Novogireevo Pervomaiskaya Perovo Preobrazhenskaya Square

Semenovskaya Sokolniki Podbelskogo Street Cherkizovskaya Enthusiasts Highway Shchelkovskaya Elektrozavodskaya
Central Administrative District (SES Central Administrative District) Address: Moscow, Europe Square, 2
The service of the territorial division includes the areas of nearby metro stations: Aleksandrovsky Sad Arbatskaya Barrikadnaya Baumanskaya Belarusian Library named after. Lenina Borovitskaya Vorobyovy Gory Dobryninskaya Kitay-Gorod Komsomolskaya Krasnoselskaya

Krasnopresnenskaya Red Gate Kropotkinskaya Kuznetsk bridge Kursk Lubyanka Marxist Mayakovskaya Mendeleevskaya Novokuznetsk Novoslobodskaya October
Northern Administrative District (SES CAO) Address: Dmitrovskoye sh., D.27
Services of the territorial unit includes areas of nearby metro stations: airport Bogovaya water stadium, Vodny Stadion Voor Voysk Dynaya Demoli Mo

Polezhaevskaya Petrovsko-Razumovskaya River Station Sokol Timiryazevskaya
North-Eastern Administrative District (SES NEAD) Address: Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh., 27
The service of the territorial unit includes areas of nearby metro stations: Alekseevskaya Altufyevo Babushkinskaya Bibirevo Botanical Garden VDNKh

Vladykino Dmitrovskaya Medvedkovo Otradnoye Sviblovo Savelovskaya
South-Eastern Administrative District (SES SEAD) Address: Moscow, Saltykovskaya St., 8
The service of the territorial unit includes the areas of nearby metro stations: Aviamotornaya Bratislavskaya Volzhskaya Volgogradsky Dubrovka Avenue Kuzminki

Kozhukhovskaya Lyublino Maryino Printers Ryazansky Avenue Tekstilshchiki
South-Western Administrative District (SES South-Western Administrative District) Address: Moscow, Saltykovskaya St., 8
The service of the territorial division includes the areas of nearby metro stations: Akademicheskaya Belyaevo Bitsevsky Park Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard Kaluzhskaya Kakhovskaya Konkovo ​​Leninsky Avenue

Nakhimovsky Prospekt Novye Cheryomushki Profsoyuznaya Sevastopolskaya Teply Stan University Chertanovskaya Yasenevo
North-Western Administrative District (SES North-West Administrative Okrug) Address: Moscow, Nauchny pr., 18
The service of the territorial unit includes the areas of nearby metro stations: Volokolamskaya Mitino Myakinino Oktyabrskoe Pole Planernaya

Skhodnenskaya Strogino Tushinskaya Shchukinskaya
Southern Administrative District (SES Southern Administrative District) Address: Moscow, Saltykovskaya St., 8
The service of the territorial unit includes the areas of nearby metro stations: Avtozavodskaya St. Academician Yangelya Alma-Ata Annino Varshavskaya Domodedovo Kantemirovskaya Kashirskaya Krasnogvardeyskaya

Kolomenskaya Nagatinskaya Nagornaya Orekhovo Prazhskaya Tulskaya Tsaritsyno Shabolovskaya South
Western Administrative District (SES ZAO) Address: Moscow, Nauchny pr., 18
The service of the territorial unit includes the areas of nearby metro stations: Bagrationovskaya Kievskaya Kuntsevskaya Kutuzovskaya Krylatskoye Molodezhnaya Park Pobedy

Pionerskaya Vernadskogo Avenue Student Fili Filevsky Park South-Western

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