Instructions for use of the drug against bedbugs Intavir

Among the huge number of insecticides, it is not easy to choose one that has the best effect. Experienced plant growers advise using the insecticide Intavir for indoor plants. This is an enteric contact drug with a wide spectrum of effects, neutralizing more than 50 different representatives of harmful insects. This product can be used on plants growing indoors, fruit trees, and vegetables.

Composition and release form of the drug

The insecticidal drug "Intavir" can be purchased in tablet form. The tablet with the active substance quickly dissolves in liquid. There is a powder form of the drug with similar dissolution ability. The concentration of the active element "Cypermethrin" is 3.75 percent. The main active element is included in the subgroup of pytertoids - analogues of plant insecticidal agents with contact-intestinal effects. When insect pests interact with it, they provoke nervous system disorder, organ spasms, convulsions and death. Natural “Pyrethrin” is included in the composition of extracts of chamomile, tansy stems and green mass of chrysanthemums. The product has a wide spectrum of action and is safe for plants.

"Intavir" is the optimal way to combat insects

Impact principle

The effect of Intavira is similar to the ancient method: the use of dried Dalmatian chamomile flowers. The flower has been used since ancient times and is trustworthy. Peretroid or the second generation of cypermethrin is an analogue of the natural substance.

The active ingredient is poisonous. After application to the foliage, the bark is effective (without increasing humidity) for up to 28-30 days. It enters the body of insects along with food and begins to destroy nerve cells. The applied preparation is not absorbed into plant juices, but remains on the surface in the form of a thin film.

Once ingested, the toxic component kills the insect. Approximate waiting time is up to 3 days. But the substance can only kill adults. Intavir has no effect on larvae and eggs. If it rains, the working solution (film) is washed off.

The pesticide cannot be used multiple times per season. Annual use leads to pests becoming accustomed to Intavir. Therefore, it is recommended to alternately apply insecticides.

Need to know! Intavir is a product that helps get rid of bed bugs. The toxicity is so great that in three doses there is a chance of eliminating the problem forever. It's not just furniture that is treated. Skirting boards, wallpaper, and radiators should be treated. After eliminating the insects, the room is ventilated and thoroughly washed with special products.

How does the product work?

The name of the active ingredient is borrowed from the name of the plant in which its highest concentration was detected - pyrethrum (Dolmatian chamomile). Synthesized artificial analogues, characterized by a stronger paralyzing effect on insect pests. The main effect is a paralyzing effect on various pests of the garden and home after treatment by irrigating the green mass of the plant. The drug has a subtle odor that attracts insects. A thin film is formed on the surface of the treated leafy part of the plants, which does not penetrate into their cells. When insect pests come into contact with the surface of plants coated with the drug, it enters the digestive tract. From there it quickly penetrates all systems of the body, causing inevitable death. The duration of action after a single treatment ranges from 15 days to 1 month.

Precautionary measures

Opened packaging cannot be stored. If the product is accidentally spilled, it must be collected in a bag and covered with sand, the bag should be packed and thrown into a container with household waste.

And although the manufacturer believes that the drug does not have a toxic effect on humans, you should wear protective glasses and gloves when working with Inta-Vir solutions. After work, the face and hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and running water, and the clothes in which the treatment was carried out should be changed.

Under no circumstances is it recommended to use containers intended for food purposes to prepare working solutions.

In case of accidental ingestion of the product, the mouth should be thoroughly rinsed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and drink 2-3 tablets of activated carbon.

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Insecticide is one of the important drugs used by gardeners, gardeners and flower growers. Finding one that is effective, has the fewest side effects, and is inexpensive is difficult. But it's quite possible. When selecting a protective agent against parasites, they also take into account the fact that it must destroy not just a dozen pests, but much more.

If we consider the drug Intavir, then it meets all the indicators and requirements put forward by farmers. The product can be used in large and small areas, for fruit, berry and vegetable crops, on all types of soil. The spectrum of action of the insecticide includes more than 5 dozen parasitic insects.

What is Intavir used for?

The product "Intavir" against pests has a wide range of effects on parasitic heteroptera and other insect pests. They use Intavir against spider mites and other pests that parasitize plant organisms:

From scale insects

At the first signs of appearance on floral or decorative foliage crops, indoor flowers, primary treatment is carried out. In cases of relapse, it is advisable to repeat the procedure.

"Intavir" fights ants well

From ants

A special product has been prepared for these pests. To exterminate red (house) and garden ants, make a bait or purchase a ready-made one. Baits are placed in places of migration of ants of all types, near places of mass habitat.

From ticks

To get rid of house ticks, prepare a solution or bait. The solution is used to treat surfaces along the path of insect movement. It is also sprayed on tall grass, where dangerous insects are preparing to attack. When spider mites appear on plants, all their parts and accessories are irrigated with the working solution. After a week or two, repeat spraying is carried out.

From aphids

Treat crops affected by aphid colonies after abundant flowering. It is especially important to treat the back side of the leaves.

From weevil

The pest can be destroyed by treating the plants with a prepared Intavir solution before the flowering period begins. The last spraying procedure can be performed 20-30 days before harvest.

The product is used against aphids

From cockroaches

For cockroaches and vermin, the method of using insecticide is similar to the method of getting rid of ants.

From crickets

Spraying surfaces and tall grasses within the radius of possible insect habitat helps prevent loud night singers.

From bedbugs

Bedbug baits are left in the area where parasites are expected to live and where they are concentrated, along the path of their movement. When a mass infestation occurs on trees, the crowns are thoroughly sprayed.

From whitefly

Crops of interest to this parasite are treated repeatedly. The latter procedure is permissible 25 days before harvesting ripened fruits.

Analogues of Inta-vir

This is not the only drug on the market that can cope with pests of home plants and garden crops. Among the insecticides of this class are:

  1. Alatar – suitable for processing apple trees, cabbage, potatoes, onions, strawberries, currants, ornamental and flower crops.
  2. Arrivo is a means for controlling pests on potatoes, melons, watermelons, beets, and grapes.
  3. Spark - used against caterpillars, colorado larvae, aphids, weevils and other pests.
  4. Shar Pei - helps get rid of pests on cabbage, apple trees, and grapes.

Intavir against aphids can be mixed with other chemicals, for example, this product is compatible with the following insecticides: Fufanon, Hom, Zircon, Ridomil and others. The amount of Intavir in the mixture must be reduced.

Pros and cons of Intavir

Among the expressed positive qualities are:

  • wide range of effects;
  • guaranteed elimination of parasitic pests;
  • ease of use;
  • absence of a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • the ability to save the harvest;
  • preventing damage to finished agricultural products by worms and slugs;
  • preservation of the decorative properties of cultural plantings.

"Intavir" has a wide range of effects

There are also disadvantages that may arise when using an insecticide:

  • the ability of insect pests to reduce sensitivity to the toxin;
  • has a teratogenic effect;
  • toxic to bees and helping insects;
  • changes the soil composition, destroying soil bacteria;
  • ineffective against larvae and eggs of pests;
  • washed away by precipitation and watering;
  • long period of waiting for the effect to occur.

Use in the garden

The period of spraying plantings of flowers, currants, and raspberries with Intavir is before flowering and after harvesting the fruits. Do not sprinkle at the beginning of flower blooming! Vegetable crops, pears, and other fruit apple trees are sprayed during the growing season, usually 20 days before harvesting.

Composition consumption 2 liters. for a gooseberry bush, currant bush and for a young apple tree, 5 liters for a mature fruit-bearing tree.

Consumption limit

The preparation of a working composition for using Intavir in the garden depends not on the crop, but on the variety of the destructive insect:

  • Against thrips, Colorado potato beetle, aphids: 1 tablet. per 10 liters of water, sprinkled during growth.
  • From codling moth, leaf roller: 1 tablet. per 10 liters of water, irrigate during the growing season.
  • Dissolve 1.5 tablets against weevils. per 10 liters of water, sprinkled during the growing season.
  • 2 tablets are diluted against whiteflies. per 10 liters of water, sprinkle at the time of growth.
  • Against the stem fly that destroys raspberries, glass flies on currants: 1 tablet. per 10 liters of water, sprinkling before flowering and after harvesting.

Consumption rates for the drug to protect various crops

The current solution for irrigation of crops is prepared according to this principle - 1 table. The drug is kneaded in a plastic container with a glass of liquid until a paste-like mass is obtained, the total amount is added to 1000 ml. Next, the resulting concentrate is diluted with liquid, taking into account the characteristics of the crop affected by pests:


"Intavir" for strawberries in spring is used in the proportion of 2 tablets. for 2 buckets of liquid. Material consumption 1.5 – 1.8 l. per 1 square meter. A single spray is enough. Treatment of currants in the spring with Intavir is carried out at the rate of one to one and a half liters per bush, twice until the ovary forms. To prepare the solution, take 1 tablet. and 1 bucket of water.

Fruit trees

The crown is irrigated with the prepared dissolved preparation (1 tablet per 1 bucket of liquid). The time for Intavir is when to spray optimally before the color of fruit and berry products changes.

Fruit trees respond well to spraying with Intavir


The last time it is permissible to treat vegetables with Intavir is 3 days before harvesting the finished fruits. Double irrigation of crops is required, both indoors and outdoors.

Indoor flowers

The abundance of pests on crops serves as a signal to treat flower crops with Intavir solution prepared from 2 tables. for 1 bucket of water. The frequency of procedures must be at least three.

Preparation of the solution

To use Intavir effectively, read the instructions. The diluted liquid has a pungent odor. Its action is influenced by the freshness of the solution and adherence to the preparation procedure:

  • The mixture is prepared in a well-ventilated area or in the fresh air.
  • 1 tablet (crush to quickly prepare the composition) should be dissolved in a small amount of water, then the volume should be increased to 10 liters.
  • If the treatment area is small, take half an Intavir tablet and 5 liters of water.

Preparation of Intavir

Instructions for use of insecticide

Following the recommendations for use allows you to get rid of hated parasitic insects in a short time. Main method of application:

  • the prepared solution must always be fresh;
  • main proportions for preparing the concentrate – 1 table. for 5, 10 l. liquids, depending on the crop;
  • Irrigation is carried out not only on the affected part of the plant, but on the entire area;
  • observe personal safety measures.

When used for indoor, decorative foliage, and flower crops, use a solution of 2 ml. concentrate diluted in 1000 ml. water.

We treat the bushes with Intavir using a 2 ml solution. concentrated gruel with 2000 ml. liquids. When processing vegetables, prepare a working liquid from 1 ml. concentrate and 1 liter of liquid.

Indoor flowers can also be treated with Intavir solution against pests

Storage conditions

This product must be stored in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight at a temperature not exceeding +40C. The prepared solution must not be stored. It must be used to neutralize insects immediately after mixing.

To store the drug, choose a place that children and pets do not have access to. The drug should not be placed near food or medicines. After opening the package of powder or tablets, the insecticide cannot be stored.

First aid

The drug can cause unexpected reactions upon penetration into the gastrointestinal tract and mucous membranes. In these situations it is urgent:

  • drink from 5 to 8 tablets. activated carbon;
  • rinse the mouth with a pale pink solution of manganese;
  • take a mild laxative + one and a half liters of liquid;
  • seek qualified help from a medical institution.

If unprotected skin is affected, repeated rinsing with cool, clean water is required.

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