Great warrior – gel against cockroaches – use in apartments

The presence of cockroaches in the house brings not only moral discomfort. These arthropod pests actively spread infectious diseases, bacteria and harmful microorganisms throughout the premises. Insects spoil food left on the table or contaminate it with excrement. Therefore, those people who have discovered chitinous cover or met cockroaches in person try to get rid of them. And often for these purposes they use the great warrior gel against cockroaches, since this remedy has many positive responses.


The ant repellent gel contains two active ingredients – chlorpyrifos and diazinon.
The components enhance each other’s action and allow you to quickly get rid of the entire ant colony. On a note!

The great warrior does not only affect ants. It also kills cockroaches.

The drug is available in a 30 ml syringe. This is enough to treat a room of 50 square meters. If the house is large, then it is worth buying several tubes. After all, insects can move from one room to another.

Information about the drug

Today you can freely purchase a syringe with active substances at retail. Tube volume – 30 ml. The container is equipped with a dispenser, so it is convenient to use to quickly get rid of arthropod pests.

One syringe is enough to treat a room whose area is from 25 to 30 m2. If a large population lives in an apartment, it is better to buy several tubes.

You can also purchase Great Warrior gel against domestic cockroaches in the hardware store. The approximate price is 50 rubles. These anti-cockroach products are sold in specialized and hardware stores.


The active substance affects the digestive system of the pest, so it dies within 1–2 days.

It is easy to remove gel residues from surfaces. This does not require special cleaning agents. After the great warrior gel against domestic cockroaches is applied, it is effective for 25–30 days. If there is a need for repeated disinfestation, it is performed after 2–3 weeks.

Various means are used if the great warrior gel does not help get rid of a large population of arthropod pests.


The drug is in great demand because it is used to kill various harmful insects. Can be placed in open areas. Products are sold at the market, in hardware stores, and supermarket departments. You can buy an effective drug for 60 rubles. Analogs for the active substance - Global, Get, Lethal force, Delicia.

Composition, secret of action

The Great Warrior anti-cockroach product is produced on the basis of a modern insecticide - chlorpyrifos. The substance acts when ingested, causing muscle paralysis, convulsions, and death. The rate of death depends on the accumulated dose of poison.

The effect is noticeable 3 days after application. Before this, the cockroaches calmly eat the poison, take it with them to the shelter, and feed the younger generation. Over the course of a week, the entire Prussian family becomes infected.

Chlorpyrifos, thanks to its gel base, retains its properties for 30 days. Additionally, the composition includes flavors that attract insects and food additives. Cockroaches eat poisonous gel better than regular food.

On a note!

The anti-cockroach gel contains bitter ingredients that protect pets from poisoning. Animals feel the bitter taste and stop licking the poison. One of the advantages of the product. Cockroaches do not feel bitterness; they are satisfied with everything.

The drug is effective not only against red cockroaches, black cockroaches, but also against ants.

Operating principle

Remedy Great Warrior from ants

The anti-ant gel has an intestinal-contact effect and retains its properties for one month. But the drug is not recommended for use in open areas, because there it can be washed away by precipitation.

On a note!

The product attracts insects with a sweet aroma that is inaudible to humans. The ants eat some of the poison, and carry some of it to the nest on their body. There, the gel is eaten by those individuals who do not leave the anthill. Using the Great Warrior gel allows you to destroy foragers and the female queen. The insect colony dies within two to three days.

Advantages of the product

The main positive quality of the drug is that it affects all individuals, including those that do not leave the walls of the anthill. Other advantages include the following:

  1. The Great Warrior ant syringe is inexpensive and can be found in any hardware store.
  2. A convenient dispenser allows you to use poison in hard-to-reach places.
  3. The substance has no pungent odor and does not release dangerous toxins into the environment.
  4. Ant repellent gel has a long shelf life of two years.
  5. The Great Warrior destroys not only ants. It is effective against Prussians.

Many people like the product because it does not affect the respiratory tract of humans and animals. It is easy to apply and remove. The gel itself can be placed on small pieces of cardboard.

Ways to deal with house ants

Today, in the variety of methods for exterminating insects, there are several possibilities.

  • Folk techniques. A poisonous bait is prepared using borax, yeast, boric acid and corn flour. However, the effect will only be at the initial stage of ant settlement. In most cases, they are not able to completely destroy the “infiltrators.”
  • Aerosols. The means are sprayed along the paths of movement of insects and points of possible localization of nests. If you manage to get to the colony, the entire settlement will die. But in general, the aerosol is an unimportant “warrior” against ants.
  • Insecticide powders. The products fall on the tips of the insects' legs. When the ant tries to clean itself, it gets poisoned. If he manages to crawl to the nest, the infection will be delivered to the entire family.
  • Gels. These developments appeared on the market not so long ago, but have already proven their effectiveness. Their advantage is that the gel is carried drop by drop by worker insects to the nest and completely affects the entire colony. The beauty of gels is that they act for a long time.

In getting rid of an ant invasion, the main thing is to neutralize the “queen” and destroy the nest, and without them both the working insects and the males will die. Getting to the settlement is extremely difficult, so the easiest way to deliver a poisonous potion is with the help of feeders.

Proper processing

Any processing requires a preparatory stage. To do this, you need to prepare the room. It is imperative to take into account the degree of contamination of the apartment. In case of severe infestation, a full treatment of the entire area of ​​the apartment will be required.

At the first stage you need:

  • Move cabinets and other furniture away from the walls.
  • Sweep and remove dust.
  • Carry out wet cleaning; the gel must be applied to a clean surface.
  • It is advisable to hide food, dishes, and towels.

Before direct application, you need to knead the tube in your hands to enhance effectiveness. Be sure to wear rubber gloves. Apply in a dotted line, the amount of gel applied depends entirely on the number of Prussians, when there are a lot of them in the apartment, a larger area will need to be treated.

The following surfaces are processed:

  • Skirting boards throughout the apartment, back walls of cabinets and other furniture.
  • Window and door frames, space behind the radiator.
  • Ventilation holes, pipes, risers under the sink and washbasin.
  • Gaps, joints on tiles, corners in the bathroom and toilet.
  • Behind the refrigerator, near the trash can.

It is advisable to eliminate all water leaks. From time to time the lines are updated, this is done no earlier than every 2-3 weeks. Remember that Prussians can get used to the active component, they develop immunity and then they will need to use other drugs. Do not forget about preventive actions that will help protect your apartment from new invasions.

Conditions of existence - distribution of roles

At first, the area of ​​the settlement does not exceed a couple of square centimeters, being located in books, under the floor or wallpaper, behind kitchen wall cabinets.

As the anthill grows, new settlement points appear. These full-fledged nesting sites form a great metropolis, where all colonies are closely connected with each other.

Subgroups of insects in one nesting site have specializations.

Every day, working representatives of the group leave their nests to search for food. The rest are obliged to constantly look after the “head” of the ant genus – the queen ant.

A clear distribution of roles allows the colony to live and reproduce for up to 15 years.

Pharaoh ants are omnivores. The food can be crumbs, plant and animal products, rotting organic matter and even other insects.

Using cockroach repellent Great Warrior

Treatment with the gel is carried out wearing rubber gloves, the poison is distributed pointwise to the areas of greatest concentration of cockroaches, the optimal interval between poison strips is 5 cm. If the room is heavily infested, poison strips are applied at a closer distance.

Great Warrior gel must be applied to clean, dry surfaces, food should be hidden in places inaccessible to insects and their access to water should be blocked. Gel treatment is carried out in the following places:

  • near the refrigerator and plumbing fixtures,
  • vents,
  • on the back stacks of furniture,
  • along baseboards and water pipes, cracks.

To create a barrier against insects that may come from neighboring apartments, you can apply the gel in a continuous line around the perimeter of the entire apartment.

The product can be squeezed onto paper substrates or homemade traps, which are convenient for further disposal.

After disinfestation is completed, place the empty containers in bags and throw them away, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. If a toxic substance gets on the skin, it is necessary to wash it off with a soda solution, if it gets into the eyes, rinse with water and drip sodium sulfacide eye drops.

Apply Great Warrior gel to places inaccessible to small children and pets.

The room can be re-treated after three weeks, after first washing off the remnants of the previously applied product.

Preparing the apartment for processing

Before applying the gel, you need to spend a little time and prepare the apartment:

  • collect dust and crumbs with a vacuum cleaner or damp cloth;
  • move upholstered furniture away from the walls;
  • remove paintings and photographs from the walls.

These simple steps will help us apply the gel to all strategically important places and hit the enemy from all sides.

Apply the gel

In order not to leave the Prussians a single chance to survive, it is necessary to ensure their contact with the poison. To do this, apply the gel to the following places:

  • on heating radiators and the walls behind them;
  • on the back surfaces of upholstered furniture and paintings and the walls behind them;
  • on the trash can and the space around it;
  • on kitchen shelves and cabinets;
  • behind the baseboards;
  • around the sink, sink and bathtub;
  • on the mesh of the ventilation shaft;
  • on the hatch of the sewer riser;
  • under the refrigerator, stove, washing machine and dishwasher.

Such careful processing will allow us to be sure that on all the routes of the Prussians there is a poisoned bait that they cannot pass by. Please note: the gel is applied pointwise every 3-4 cm. If the number of cockroaches is low, the consumption of the product can be reduced.

To avoid wasting extra effort after the disinfestation procedure, scraping dried gel off surfaces, you can use a little trick:

  • cut a sheet of paper into 2x2 cm squares;
  • apply pea sized gel to the leaves;
  • Place the leaves in all the above places.

Sticky stickers can be placed on vertical surfaces. The special texture of the gel will hold it even in this position, so you don’t have to worry about it slipping. When the time comes, simply collect and throw away the poison papers.

Now you can calmly go about your business - the “Great Warrior” has already begun to do its job. The manufacturer indicates that the product will cope with the Prussians in 2-3 days. Well, it’s quite possible, but what about swelling?

The answer lies in the gel formula. As I said, it contains a special oily base that prevents drying. This means that the gel remains effective even several weeks after application. This time is quite enough for the newly hatched nymphs to die.

Terms of use

Applications of insect repellent gel Instructions for use are extremely simple. Does not require much effort, careful preparatory work, or a protective suit.

  • The gel is distributed in a dotted line in places where cockroaches move and live: along baseboards, near walls, trash cans, sinks, toilets, and on ventilation grilles. The thin tip of the syringe helps push the product into cracks in the floor or wall.
  • The gel, thanks to its fatty components, retains its properties for a long time and does not dry out. Does not leave marks on the surface of tiles, floors, parquet, linoleum.
  • It is necessary to renew the layer as it is eaten or after 3-4 weeks.
  • It is not recommended to use the drug for longer than 1 month; it should be alternated with another protective agent based on a different active ingredient. Otherwise, cockroaches develop immunity.
  • If there are small children living in the house or animals, you can apply Great Warrior gel to the top of the matchbox. The cockroach will climb there, and the other inhabitants of the apartment will not be able to eat the poison.


Fipronil-based drugs are preferred over others. The active component does not penetrate into the air, does not affect human well-being, and does not harm animals. Convenient to use for prevention. But there is one drawback.

On a note!

In a multi-storey building, all conscientious residents are protected with gel. Very convenient, safe, cheap. Cockroaches, constantly dealing with poison, develop immunity. Over time, the protection ceases to be effective. Hence the negative reviews about the uselessness of the gel.


  • affordable price;
  • economical consumption;
  • does not emit harmful substances;
  • long intestinal effect;
  • does not cause addiction with prolonged use.

Principle of action: the active components of the drug, penetrating the pest’s body, affect cholinesterase (an enzyme that transmits nerve impulses). Cholinesterase binds, causing it to lose its activity and cannot cause acetylcholine hydrolysis. The latter begins to actively accumulate in the synaltic cleft, which leads to disruption of the normal passage of nerve impulses. Tremor occurs, turning into paralysis. The product also works according to the domino principle: one individual that eats the poisoned bait infects its relatives, contributing to the rapid destruction of the colony.

Basic precautions when using the gel

Before using an insecticide, carefully study the description in the instructions. To get rid of cockroaches, you must follow all the manufacturer's instructions.

Since the insecticidal agent against cockroaches contains unique components, all work must be carried out carefully. If you are not careful, the likelihood of poisoning will increase.

The skin on which the component comes into contact is thoroughly washed under running water. After this, the area is soaped and washed off. The mucous membranes on which drops of the gel have fallen are washed with running water. If irritation appears on the skin or vision problems arise, then a visit to the doctor is required. After all, you won’t be able to cope with this problem on your own.

A good remedy, Great Warrior, is used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. As soon as the treatment procedure is completed, the syringe is closed and the packaging is thrown into the trash. If there is gel in the container, then its storage is allowed. To do this, choose a place that is away from food and pets.

Before using the gel, you need to do the following:

  • All food products are placed in food containers or sealed packages. After all, when active substances enter the human body, poisoning occurs.
  • The room is sealed. To do this, seal all the cracks through which insects penetrate inside. The ventilation shaft is covered with a mosquito net.

Along with the gel, manufacturers advise using lenses that are designed to combat arthropods.


The Absolute gel is based on chlorperifos, a very common poison used to combat various insects. It is safe for humans, but if the paste gets into your mouth, you must immediately wash off the contamination with running water.

By the way, the “plus” is that this gel can be used in children’s institutions, which indicates a fairly high level of harmlessness. The effect of the poison is slow; before death, the insect will have time to infect the entire anthill, including the uterus.

The preventive effect lasts for about 2 months, but after its completion, re-treatment should be carried out. It has no odor as such, but the gel attracts ants. The product costs 250-300 rubles, but a kilogram package can be purchased for 1200 rubles.


Ants really like this gel and eat it with pleasure. And, of course, they die after that. It’s fast and painful, which is especially pleasing. Long-term exposure was limited to 2 months, after which the ants returned. I processed it again until there was silence.

Alexey, Astrakhan

Security measures

You should always remember that an insecticide is used at home, which can harm the health of both humans and animals if you do not follow the instructions and do not adhere to safety measures. You cannot work with the drug without gloves. Work very carefully, do not allow the poison to come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes. In case of contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of soap and water. In case of contact with mucous membranes, rinse the container and if negative symptoms appear, consult a doctor. If symptoms appear during work, stop the procedure and go out into the air and consult a doctor.

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The gel should be applied in hard-to-reach places; it should not be on surfaces with which people come into contact. This aspect is especially important when children and animals live in the apartment; they should not have access to the drug. If ingested, serious consequences may occur.


Tatiana, 32

About six months ago, our family faced a problem such as cockroaches. I’ll say right away that we have two children, and also a dog, and therefore I was very afraid of using chemicals. I started with folk methods, used vinegar, ammonia and other methods, spent a lot of time and effort, but it’s not that it didn’t bring results, there were even more of them. And then, naturally, I had to buy insecticides, and settled on the Great Warrior product. Fortunately, this happened during the holidays, so the children and the dog went to their grandmother, and I started processing it. For two weeks all I did was collect dead Prussians, and I was pleased with the results. But unfortunately, after another 2 weeks I noticed new cockroaches and started all over again. As they explained to me later, it is imperative to use preventive measures, especially if it is an apartment building.

Victor, 29

In our multi-storey building, cockroaches are a real problem, there are apartments where they feel great, run around the neighbors and create a lot of problems. The service was called a couple of times, but after a while the same problem. I bought the Great Warrior, which solved the problem in a week, though only in my apartment.

Veronica, 35

I never thought that such a nuisance as cockroaches would happen to me. I always monitored cleanliness and order, but as it turns out, even in such conditions they can feel great. My husband bought the Great Warrior, did everything as written and for the first two days they thought that all the procedures were in vain, the cockroaches continued to run. But then the dead Prussians appeared and after 1.5 weeks they disappeared completely.

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