Complaint to the sanitary and epidemiological station regarding unsanitary conditions against neighbors or organization

Home / Real estate / Housing rights


Published: 02/18/2021

Reading time: 13 min



– Please explain, is it possible to somehow influence the neighbors who have turned their apartment into a garbage dump and are making it difficult for the entire entrance to live? I bought an apartment two years ago, and my neighbors were a girl from a not very prosperous family. There have always been problems, but in the last six months the situation has worsened - guests constantly come to her, they drink heavily and turn the apartment into a breeding ground for cockroaches. There are cigarette butts everywhere, the trash hasn't been taken out for weeks, and cockroaches have been spotted more than once. The apartment, in my opinion, has not been cleaned for several years - dirt, dust, smell and flies everywhere. The entire entrance already smelled, and their “living creatures” scattered throughout the house.

– Living in an apartment building has many nuances related to the form of housing. A special feature of such houses is general utilities, in particular, water supply and a central heating system. All laid pipes connect the apartments located in the building into a single network. Therefore, the appearance of even one “bad apartment” can ruin the lives of all neighbors - unpleasant odors from unsanitary housing easily spread through ventilation shafts, and cockroaches and rodents easily move through laid pipes. By law, apartment owners are required to monitor the cleanliness of their homes, but in practice, it is most often possible to influence sloppy tenants only after going through several authorities, right up to the court.

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