How to behave if cockroaches appear in the kitchen: ways to get rid of insects

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Good day, dear readers. Surely each of you has met a cockroach at least once, and after the fateful meeting, you hastily ran to the nearest hardware store for all kinds of insecticidal products. Has it ever happened that after a seemingly successful persecution of uninvited guests, they soon returned as if nothing had happened? In today’s article I will talk about the reasons why insects appear in apartments and about remedies that will help get rid of cockroaches in the kitchen. In the article you will find information about the ways in which insects enter our homes, methods of exterminating them and preventive measures, and also learn what factors make your kitchen an ideal place for these nasty creatures.

Why do they appear?

These pests can appear in your kitchen for a variety of reasons, including:

  • The most common reason for the appearance of small cockroaches in the kitchen is the unacceptable sanitary condition of the room. Very often, barbels live in the kitchen or bathroom, in the most favorable environment. They always have access to food and water (crumbs on the table, a layer of fat on the walls or floor, a bag of garbage, a leaking faucet or pipe), and such conditions completely suit them.
  • A pet feeding plate can perform another function - giving food to Prussians. For this reason, you need to carefully remove food debris on the floor and the plate itself, out of the reach of insects.
  • Red or black pests can survive without food for more than a month, but if you leave them without water, they will not last even a couple of weeks. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the plumbing and eliminate all leaks. This will allow you to get rid of the Prussians in a shorter period of time.
  • Holes or cracks in walls. Because of such places in the kitchen you can see a cockroach. You should quickly repair all the cracks and be calm about the condition of the kitchen.
  • Longhorned beetles can “come” from a neighbor who has a lot of such insects, and he decides to poison them. Such cases are fraught with a rapid invasion of parasites in your kitchen and other rooms. Sometimes only one individual is enough, which “settles” into a new place already pregnant. It is capable of rapidly renewing its population.
  • There are frequent cases of Prussians appearing through the purchase of goods and furniture that have already been used. Or an equipment warehouse may be infested with similar specimens that like to hide in boxes.
  • Pests can appear if they got into your work bag, or you were on a business trip.
  • The popular method of shopping online cannot guarantee that several individuals will not be delivered to you along with the parcel. The development of online commerce has contributed to the spread of Prussians.

Chemical weapons against mustachioed colonialists

When insects appear in the house, it is necessary to use special means - insecticides. These are pesticide-based chemicals designed to rid your home of bruins. You can buy such drugs at any hardware store, market or in a specialized department of the supermarket.

Ask a sales consultant, he will select the appropriate product and explain how to get rid of pests with it. Today, manufacturers produce a variety of products, and the average consumer can easily get lost among all these boxes and jars of insecticides. Insect repellent can be presented in the following forms:

  • gel;
  • chalk or powder;
  • spray;
  • trap.

Insecticides are also divided according to the route by which they enter the insect’s body:

  • fumigators (respiratory tract);
  • intestinal (edible poison, oral route);
  • contact (enter the body through the skin);
  • systemic (used in agriculture and not suitable for home use).

Regardless of the form, the principle of action of these substances is based on the following: one individual, upon contact with an insecticide, is poisoned and, returning to the nest, infects others. Let's try to figure out how insecticidal preparations work and which one is better to give preference to.

Insecticidal powders

Powders are popular because of their relative safety for people and animals. However, before treating the premises, it is better to play it safe and limit children and pets’ access to cockroach poison. The most famous insecticidal powders are the following:

  • Boric acid.

An affordable drug, you will find it at your nearest pharmacy. The method of application is quite interesting: the acid is scattered in the sink, toilet and bathtub, while the drops are wiped off and the water is reforged. Cockroaches can go a long time without food, but not without water. And boric acid, scattered in all sources of moisture, makes it impossible for insects to drink, and they die. This method has one significant drawback - the processing time. It will take more than one week to kill all the individuals with thirst.

  • Pyrethrium.

This beautiful word refers to ordinary chamomile flowers, dried and crushed. This powder has a detrimental effect on pests, paralyzing their nervous system. In addition, pyrethrium repels new cockroaches. The product is perfect as a preventive measure if your neighbors have parasites and you don’t want them to settle in yours too.

  • Borax.

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To control pests, borax is mixed with powdered sugar, which attracts insects, and scattered in places where cockroaches may be. If you don’t want to waste, you can pour the resulting mixture onto a piece of paper and leave it in the kitchen.

  • Medilis Cyper.

A drug based on cypermethrin is an insecticidal substance that was discovered back in the seventies of the last century. The drug was widely used to control pests in agriculture, and later began to be used to kill household insects, and quite successfully. Among the advantages of powder insecticides are the following:

  • efficiency;
  • safety for people and their pets;
  • versatility.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. For example, the duration of the process of exterminating insects. Any of the above remedies will require several weeks, or even months, to completely get rid of the mustachioed conquerors. Places where Prussians may live will have to be treated regularly and very carefully. When it comes to such vile roommates, you want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Daylight negatively affects powders, reducing their activity. Thus, pyrethrium left in the sun becomes safe for pests, which means it is necessary to ensure that the poison is not exposed to sunlight and daylight in general. If a couple of neighbor's cockroaches wander in, the powders will help, but, unfortunately, they won't be able to cope with an entire population.

How do they repopulate?

Oddly enough, these insects reproduce sexually. The male fertilizes the female, in which eggs develop in the abdominal region (ootheca). This capsule gradually enlarges as the eggs develop and become larger in size.

When the time comes, the female separates the edema from herself in a certain place where humans and other animals have no access. This is done to protect their offspring. The period after which small barbels appear lasts about 2 months. After hatching, they will grow rapidly and molt several times. After only 3 months, small nymphs turn into adults capable of continuing their race.

Causes and consequences of cockroaches appearing in kitchen appliances

Very often, cockroaches live inside kitchen appliances. Most often they inhabit the microwave, but they can also live in the refrigerator or dishwasher. There are several explanations for this attraction of pests to kitchen appliances:

  • many secluded corners that a person cannot reach;
  • food residues, crumbs, grease and smudges on the walls;
  • a constant source of heat that is released during operation of the device;
  • regular arrival of new products, which the owners put away for storage (in the refrigerator) or heat up (in the microwave).

Cockroaches inside kitchen appliances pose a danger to people primarily because they crawl on food, leaving dirt, helminth eggs and microbes on it. In addition, the presence of insects can cause overheating or damage to the device.

Infected equipment

Therefore, if you find cockroaches in a microwave or other device, you should not think long about what to do, but immediately start cleaning and disinsection.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the kitchen

As soon as Prussians appear in the kitchen, you need to immediately take action aimed at exterminating them.

  1. The first step is to thoroughly clean the infected room. A more effective way to eliminate pests is to make minor repairs. This way you can cover up all the holes formed in the walls and floors - the favorite habitat of cockroaches.
  2. Use special poisons or fight with traditional methods, for which you should know the recipe for preparing the poison.
  3. To reduce the chances of cockroaches appearing in the kitchen, preventive measures should be taken.

You should know!

Whiskered insects can appear in any room where optimal conditions are created for them. If all sources of food and water are removed, the Prussians simply will not be able to survive in such an apartment.

Preventing the reappearance of insects

If repeat offenders are not part of your plans, it makes sense to think about prevention.

  1. Firstly, you need to monitor the cleanliness of your home and the entrance as a whole. Take out the trash on time, remove food from public access at night, regularly clean the premises, and prevent faucets from leaking.
  2. Secondly, after business trips, vacations and trips, carefully inspect your personal belongings. After all, as we remember, cockroaches can be accidentally brought from a hotel, guests or store.
  3. Thirdly, regularly ventilate the apartment and control the humidity level - cockroaches love houses where it is warm and damp.
  4. And fourthly, once a year it would be a good idea to place a trap or two somewhere on the mezzanine, even if the cockroaches have not appeared since the last baiting. In the end, it is better to be vigilant, not waiting for uninvited guests, than to later fight with vile creatures that suddenly descend on your kitchen.

Any epidemic is easier to prevent, including cockroaches. Keep your apartment and common areas clean, do not leave food out in the open, wipe the sink dry at night, and then, most likely, the nasty red scourge will bypass your home.

Following these simple recommendations will allow you to protect your home from nasty creatures. Be vigilant and help your friends do the same by telling them about my article. In order not to miss new articles, subscribe to blog updates, and may the insecticidal gel, powder and trap protect you from uninvited mustachioed guests. All the best, dear friends, and see you soon.

We fight cockroaches in the kitchen with several types of drugs

First you need to find out the size of the colony living in the room. If it is small, then one treatment of the apartment will be enough. Otherwise, you will be fighting a long battle against parasites.

Stores sell various types of chemicals that work well in killing Prussians.

Such drugs include:

  • aerosols and sprays;
  • crayons;
  • gels;
  • powders;
  • dusts;
  • traps.

Those who don’t like buying poison in stores can make their own substances against barbels. To do this, you should learn the secrets of folk remedies, and within 2 weeks you will get rid of “undesirable neighbors.”

For small colonies of pests, you can use special traps that have bait and an adhesive base. Electric traps are very effective. Their only disadvantage is the need for a constant connection to the electrical network.

Features of pest control in household appliances

You should get rid of cockroaches in kitchen appliances (microwave, refrigerator, coffee machine, etc.) as soon as possible, but you must act carefully so as not to damage the appliance. Procedure:

  1. Disconnect the device from the power supply.
  2. Remove all debris and thoroughly wash the body outside and inside, removing all shelves, drawers and other removable parts (you can add ammonia or vinegar to the water).
  3. Remove the back cover. Use a dry cloth or brush to remove dust and debris from all parts.
  4. Disinfect the device, paying special attention to the back surface (aerosols are most preferable, since toxic vapors penetrate even the most inaccessible places.

To remove cockroaches from the microwave, both chemicals and folk remedies are used. Most often, the outside of the device is treated with insecticides, and safer means are used for the inside, for example, wiped with ammonia or vinegar.

After waiting the required time after disinsection, dead insects are removed (you can use a vacuum cleaner), and the device is thoroughly washed again with soap or soda solution. After it is completely dry, it can be used.

Gels and crayons

Gels are one of the most effective substances that can quickly cope with the Prussian population. In addition, they are economical due to the method of application (gel drops are applied at a distance of 15-20 centimeters).

The composition contains substances that attract pests. The barbel hurries to feast on it, swallows the poison and picks it up on its paws and body. After which it crawls into its lair and infects other individuals.

The use of crayons does not give a positive result, and this remedy is only suitable for preventing the appearance of parasites.

Boric acid

This is an absolutely safe substance for people and pets, but it has a detrimental effect on Prussians.

When Prussians come into contact with this product, their whole body begins to itch very much. This subsequently leads to their death, but each poisoned insect manages to return to the nest, where the infection of the rest of its relatives occurs.

Such a chain reaction leads to the destruction of the entire pest population. Boric acid is used to treat all spaces near water sources, the area near the trash can, and baseboards.

You can mix it with food, roll it into balls and place it where cockroaches most like to gather.

Folk remedies

The most popular folk method of getting rid of cockroaches in the kitchen and other rooms is boric acid.

To prepare a product that will kill barbels, you will need:

  • add a little vanilla sugar to the acid;
  • mix it all with the egg yolk, adding water;
  • add flour to form balls.

These balls are placed in the most contaminated areas. The result can be seen after a few days.

Professional Services

If home methods and store-bought products do not help, then the extermination of cockroaches should still be entrusted to professional services. They have special equipment, qualified personnel and access to high-quality safe drugs. The list of disinfestation measures mainly consists of the following stages:

1. initial survey, which determines the extent of the infestation; 2. selection of suitable methods for exterminating cockroaches; 3. carrying out disinfestation.

It is much more effective to carry out the treatment together with neighbors and in common areas.

Purchased traps

The market provides a diverse range of devices for catching cockroaches:

  • adhesive;
  • insecticidal;
  • electrical;
  • ultrasonic.


This type of trap is created in the form of a cardboard house-like structure with holes on the sides. Inside there is a sticky sticker designed to place pill-shaped bait and catch insects.


A round or square hollow box with bait soaked in poison is attached to cockroach habitat areas. This type of trap frees people from cleaning up dead insects. In their dying state, they crawl into their nests and become poisonous food for other cockroaches. This is how the insecticide spreads.


The device is housed in a plastic or metal case. The current passes along the bottom. The bait is installed inside. Cockroaches killed by the discharge are swept out with a special brush. The device is effective, but requires compliance with safety measures.


The device operates on the basis of electromagnetic radiation. Ultrasonic waves can repel insects. The device is a box powered by electricity. Ultrasonic waves exit through the holes. The disadvantage of the trap is its dependence on electricity and unknown effects on other organisms.

Glue against cockroaches

Home improvement stores sell cockroach glue. The product must be applied to paper scraps and placed in the insect habitat. This is not a very successful trap option, as it is suitable for rooms without children, dogs and cats.

Homemade traps

In order not to spend money on expensive devices for catching cockroaches, they use improvised means at a minimum cost. To improve the effectiveness of traps, you need to promptly clean them of dead insects. Danger signals emitted by prisoners and the smell of dead specimens repel living specimens. It is worth remembering the need to regularly replace the bait.

Sticky trap

You will need a sheet of cardboard or thick paper measuring 20X20. One side of the cardboard sheet is covered with double-sided adhesive tape. It is advisable to use the stickiest type of tape. Regular or masking tape is not suitable. If you can’t find one, coat the surface with glue that dries for a long time.

Instead of a sheet, you can use an unfolded box. After coating the inner surface, it is reassembled. A piece of food with a strong smell is placed in the central part of the sheet or box. The trap is ready. Its only drawback is that it looks unpleasant.

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