6 types of cockroach repellers - is there any point in buying them?

Ultrasound includes waves with a frequency of over 20 thousand hertz. Physically, a person does not hear them, but the body still perceives these vibrations and can react to them. Despite the range beyond their perception, people have long been using ultrasound in various areas of their lives. It is used in medical and biological research, industry, transportation and technical fields. It is used to create cleaning devices for jewelry, medical instruments and household items. The most famous “users” of ultrasound in nature are bats. It is he who helps them accurately navigate in the pitch darkness of the caves.

Dolphins, cetaceans, some birds, rodents and even mosquitoes communicate using ultrasound. Many animals do not use it for communication, but are able to hear it. This explains the effectiveness of ultrasonic pest repellers for home and garden pests. The higher the ability of parasites to perceive sound vibrations of a given range, the more effective such equipment is in combating them.

Such devices include an ultrasonic cockroach repeller, reviews of which are sometimes very contradictory. Why do some admire his work, while others consider it a waste of money? First of all, you need to understand that ultrasound does not kill, but only scares cockroaches, creates uncomfortable conditions for their life, which is why the insects leave the apartment after a while. Unfortunately, ultrasonic devices receive some complaints precisely because of a lack of understanding of the principle of their operation. The second problem is that cockroaches do not respond to the device at all. Most often this concerns recently hatched young animals.

The reason lies in the physiology of cockroaches. Long-term exposure is required for the expected effect. Just like humans, they do not hear these frequencies, but they are able to feel them. In marine terminology there is such a thing as “The Voice of the Sea”. This is infrasound, created by waves and wind in the range of up to 6-10 hertz, which can cause pain in the ears and a strong feeling of fear, even panic. Ultrasound affects cockroaches in much the same way. The third problem that can be encountered when using sound repellers is the impact on households and pets. Fortunately, this influence is selective, but still probable. Decorative rats or guinea pigs will inevitably feel it, cats and dogs - depending on your luck. In the case of people, exposure to ultrasonic radiation can manifest itself as side symptoms, which at first many do not even associate with repellers: headache, irritability, discomfort in the ears, weakness, poor sleep. The manifestation of these and other ailments is very individual and depends on the characteristics of the body. The human body may well not react to ultrasound at all. To avoid direct exposure, turn on the device when there is no one in the room - ultrasound waves do not pass through walls, wooden doors and glass, but are only reflected from them. However, for maximum effect, manufacturers advise keeping the devices turned on at all times.

If you have chosen an ultrasonic repeller, then a reasonable question arises: which one is better to choose?

Types of devices

Several types of devices are presented to the buyer's attention - electronic cockroach repellers, differing in their operating principle. Some of them emit electromagnetic waves, others – high-frequency sound waves.


Most often, an ultrasonic cockroach repeller is preferred. The device produces high-frequency sound waves that have a detrimental effect on parasites.

There is no effect of ultrasound on pets (dogs, cats, parrots, etc.) . Man is also not sensitive to sound.

The disadvantages of such a repeller include high cost and unsafety for pregnant women.


An electromagnetic cockroach repeller produces a low-frequency electromagnetic field that encourages pests to look for another habitat.

Electromagnetic devices can emit weak waves, then the device cannot be called effective.

But the device is absolutely safe for residents . More powerful equipment cannot be used in the same room with people. This is the unattractiveness of this type of electric repeller.

The best ultrasonic cockroach repeller

Ultrasonic cockroach repellers are absolutely safe for people, work without consumables and have a long service life. The device takes up little space and is very easy to use.

Riddex Plus Pest Reject

Works against all unwanted living creatures in an apartment or house - cockroaches, insects, rodents, rats, mice, bedbugs and spiders. The manufacturer stated an impact area of ​​200 m2, but this should be an open area - without thick walls.

Riddex Plus Pest Rejec

The emitter generates waves with a frequency of 20 to 42 kHz, which are perceived by pests as danger signals and force them to escape from the territory. The principle of operation is the physics of electromagnetic waves. The pulses work both directly and are amplified by alternating voltage currents in the network. Equally effective for both residential and industrial premises.

REXANT 71-0025

According to customer reviews, it is a very effective emitter, but produces a clear sound that can be heard by humans. If you turn it on only during the day, the effect is noticeable already on the third day - even rodents leave the house. In summer, it copes with flies, mosquitoes and other midges.

The electronic device has a built-in ultrasonic generator that emits ultrasonic waves into the room, covering an area of ​​up to 30 m2.

REXANT 71-0025

When connecting, consider the choice of installation location. It is important to remember that ultrasonic waves can be reflected from hard surfaces and absorbed by soft surfaces. As a result, the repellent effect can either increase or decrease. After the rodents leave the occupied areas, it is recommended to turn on the device periodically to perform preventive maintenance.

Tornado 800

The most powerful ultrasonic device for repelling insects and rodents. The design has 2 emitters located at an angle of 180° relative to each other. Recommended for rooms with an area of ​​at least 800 m2. It is powered by a 220 V network. It can operate at sub-zero temperatures and can withstand up to +80°C.

Tornado 800

You can install it at home, but take into account the location so that the waves are not absorbed. Ultrasound waves are most strongly absorbed by textiles, upholstered furniture and other identical surfaces. Walls and doors also act as barriers, although they allow some of the sound to pass through.

The device is connected to a 220 V outlet, and the indicators located next to the emitters on the front and back sides begin to blink red in time with the ultrasound.

How effective is the device?

Many people wonder whether ultrasound helps in persecuting pests as much as device manufacturers claim?

In the process of experimental work, scientists were able to find out that when using ultrasonic devices, the effect is selective. The signal from the equipment is transmitted to representatives of the colony, however, not all, but mostly mature individuals, are among the “informed”.

Residents notice that the young animals will continue to attack for a long time and even crawl on the device itself . There are cases when parasites leave only the room in which the repeller is working.

The low efficiency of ultrasonic cockroach repellers is sometimes the result of improper actions by residents:

  • ignoring the points of the annotation attached to the product;
  • incorrect choice of place to place the repeller;
  • discrepancy between the power of the device and the area being treated;
  • purchasing budget models that are not equipped with the option to prevent parasites from becoming accustomed to high-frequency waves.


Ultrasonic cockroach repeller in the “Live Healthy!” program on Channel One

Preventing population growth

Buying and installing an ultrasonic cockroach repeller is half the battle. It is also important to slow down and stop reproduction in order to eliminate all pests. As soon as uninvited guests appear on the horizon, they immediately begin to fight them. First of all, they do a general wet cleaning, then they eliminate favorable factors that promote reproduction.

Main places where pests are located

The main areas favorable for insects to live are the kitchen, bathroom, and toilet. They are the ones who deserve close attention. The kitchen is a source of food, water, warmth, where cockroaches often grow and raise offspring. Population growth is especially facilitated by unsanitary conditions: open food, dirty plates, crumbs, leftover food on the floor and tables. What to do:

  • Wash dishes regularly, especially at night.
  • Store food in airtight packaging, in the refrigerator, or take it to a cold place: cellar, barn, balcony.
  • Dispose of waste regularly, and it is especially important not to leave trash out overnight.
  • The floor is swept daily, leaving no crumbs or food residues. It is advisable to wash it every day with disinfectant liquids.
  • The tap is turned off and the sink is wiped dry to limit individuals’ access to water.

Pipes under the sink, bathtub, toilet in the hygiene room and toilet are a Klondike for uninvited guests. To drive them away, do the following:

  • Remove soggy bars of soap, open cosmetics, and personal hygiene products from shelves and soap dishes.
  • Wipe the floor dry after bathing or washing, and turn off the taps to prevent water from dripping.
  • The rooms are ventilated several times every day to prevent condensation from accumulating on the walls, ceiling, and other surfaces.
  • Clean regularly, especially in hard-to-reach places, using disinfectant solutions, powders, and gels.

What promotes the reproduction of individuals

  • 1) Favorable temperature conditions
    . Insects live where it is warm: near heating radiators, in ventilation ducts, cracks in baseboards and walls, warm pipes, under wallpaper near radiators, inside household appliances, gas stoves. Having noticed the first unexpected guest, carefully check the ventilation holes and seal them with fine mesh. Seal baseboard cracks, cracks in walls, floors, clean out old pipes, clean out bookshelves, cabinets and drawers.
  • 2) Constant access to food
    . A bucket of waste, piles of dirty dishes, food left on the stove - a source of food, especially at dusk. Things scattered around the apartment, shelves, drawers filled with rubbish are a favorable habitat for cockroaches, making it difficult to fight them.
  • 3) Sources of water
    . Insects can starve for a long time, but thirst is fatal to them. During a pest invasion, all sources of liquid are blocked as much as possible. They repair broken taps, wipe dry condensation and remaining moisture in the bathroom, kitchen sink, and bowls. Flowers are watered into a flowerpot, not from a tray, and pets' drinking bowls are removed at night.

An ultrasonic insect repeller is an effective but auxiliary product. To completely expel uninvited visitors and stop population growth, regular cleaning and disinfection are necessary.

The principle of operation of repellers: how does the device work on cockroaches?

The device for repelling cockroaches includes a high-frequency pulse generator and a speaker. Does the device really have such a detrimental effect on cockroaches?

If you believe the results of scientific research, the principle is to influence the nervous system of mustachioed pests - the parasites experience discomfort and leave their previous home . Thus, the cockroach repeller does not kill the insect, but only creates an unfavorable environment.

Before you figure out how to install and get rid of cockroaches once and for all, it’s worth taking into account a few recommendations for choosing an ultrasonic device.

How to choose

When choosing a repeller, you should pay attention to the radius and duration of action. Most often, these indicators are indicated in the technical characteristics of the device. Ultrasound cannot penetrate walls or other obstacles, so in a multi-room apartment you may need several devices at once.

The duration of operation depends on the type of power supply. There are stand-alone battery-powered devices. They are perfect for a summer cottage or village. Stationary repellers operate from the network. They are easier to use at home.

Tips for choosing a device

To choose a good cockroach repeller, it is worth considering a number of key criteria for evaluating models:

  • device dimensions;
  • repeller power;
  • functional fullness of the model;
  • method of powering equipment.

There are devices from foreign and domestic manufacturers on the market. Based on customer reviews, it can be argued that the following models of devices have become the most popular and well-proven:

  1. Tsunami. Product from a domestic manufacturer. Powered by mains. The device is compact in size and can operate in an unheated room. When you turn on the equipment, a blue indicator appears on the device body and a ticking sound is heard, which “speaks” of a constantly changing wave frequency. The repeller does not have advanced functionality. Can be used in a room up to 200 m2.
  2. Electric cat Turbo. The device is capable of operating in a room up to 400 m2. The domestic repeller operates from the network and in autonomous mode changes the frequency of ultrasonic oscillations. In this case, both light and sound influence the pests. The device can be turned on during the day and at night.
  3. Hail. In the ranking of the best repellers, this device is the most powerful - it is capable of expelling cockroaches from a room of up to 1000 m2. The equipment can be used not only in the room, but also outdoors - the effectiveness of the Grad does not change when conditions change. The equipment is powered from the mains, battery, cigarette lighter. The power indicator of the device can be adjusted . The model has advanced functionality and is capable of operating in the following modes: silent, influence on mosquitoes, repels rodents, exterminate small pests (can scare off cockroaches, ants, beetles).
  4. Pest Reject. American device model. Equipment is used on an area of ​​no more than 200 m2. Judging by customer reviews, the device is considered one of the most effective, fast and reliable. The model can be used in the fight against cockroaches, moths, ants, and mosquitoes. The repeller is even more effective when traps are used together.
  5. Clean house. Model from a Russian manufacturer. Can be used in rooms up to 150 m2. The repeller emits ultrasonic waves all the time without changing their frequency. The functionality of the device has not been expanded. Among the shortcomings of the equipment, it is important to emphasize the impossibility of using the device in a room without heating.
  6. Typhoon. The country of origin of the device is Russia. The model is made in the shape of a square, it affects pests all the time by changing the frequency of ultrasonic radiation. Reviews about the device are satisfactory - after 1-2 weeks the parasites partially disappear.
  7. Ultrasonic duet. A favorite among competitors. The device operates in three modes, differing in ultrasound frequency. The range is about 550 m2. The first effect from using the device can be noticed after 2-3 days.

Products in demand

There are Chinese, European, and domestic products available for sale.

Typhoon LS 500

Outwardly it looks more like a Soviet radio receiver. A powerful device affects cockroaches and mice. It has several frequency ranges that should be switched periodically so that the test subjects do not get used to it. According to the manufacturers, the Typhoon LS 500 repeller provides protection within a radius of 80 m. Such ultrasonic power should even drive people out of the room. The cost of the device is about 1000 rubles.


We fought against cockroaches in the hostel. We were exhausted and didn’t know what to use or what to do. We got Typhoon with special hopes. Alas, they were not justified. Only poison can cope with the invasion of the Prussians!

Igor, Perm

Zenet XJ-90

The device is made in China. It is equally effective against mosquitoes, midges, bedbugs, cockroaches, and fleas. It costs a lot - about 500 rubles. Sold primarily online. Has several operating modes. The result is the same - it doesn’t even work on mosquitoes.


I bought an ultrasonic repeller on the Internet and embarrassed myself in front of my husband. So she defended the effectiveness of the advertised thing, but it didn’t even drive mosquitoes out of the house. The cockroaches don't care at all about this box. At least 1, at least 10.

Oksana, Moscow

Pest Reject

American made product. It looks like an ordinary mosquito fumigator. On the Internet, the cost of an ultrasonic repeller is at least 600 rubles. Operates from the electrical network, range is up to 220 sq.m. It is recommended to use this powerful device in the first weeks of work in conjunction with gel traps, baits and other cockroach repellents. Efficiency – after 2 weeks. It’s just not clear why there is an ultrasonic repeller.


Our swindlers came up with an idea about fighting the Prussians with ultrasound. Pest Reject is used in America against mosquitoes and works well. It has absolutely no effect on the Prussians, but I realized this only later. I wanted to quickly get rid of the cockroaches, but I lost time.

Alina, Moscow

Safety and effectiveness

An ultrasonic cockroach repeller most often works from the mains; to turn it on, you just need to plug the plug into the outlet. Some models have buttons to press before starting work.

Before using the device, you must read the manufacturer's instructions. Following the recommendations presented in the annotation will ensure not only the safety, but also the effectiveness of the device. So,

  • the distance from the floor to the device should be within 1 m, the device should be open on all sides: if there are objects in the path of the ultrasound, the effect of using the repeller will decrease;
  • Damaged or disassembled devices should not be used;
  • it is necessary to prevent impacts on the repeller and liquid getting into the equipment;
  • It is recommended to observe the temperature regime: the device should not get too hot or cold;
  • To achieve maximum effect, you should use several devices at once, placed in different rooms of the apartment or house.

How the devices work and their advantages

Ultrasonic cockroach repellers affect insects regardless of their age and size. The devices help disrupt the normal circulation of fluid inside the body of pests. Due to the transformation of liquid into a thick substance, the cells of the cockroaches body burst from excess pressure.

Once in the affected area, the body of cockroaches heats up sharply, which causes excessive vibration of the cellular system, disrupts metabolism, and destroys neural connections. You cannot get used to such an effect, which makes insect repellers effective in 100% of cases during long-term or short-term operation.

Humans and large animals (cats, dogs) do not hear the sound signal, which makes the cockroach device safe for them. The main thing is that the modules work perfectly against cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, fleas and other insects, but are harmless to owners of apartments and houses.

Cockroach repellers have a wide list of advantages:

  • Quiet operation. Domestic cockroaches are afraid of any sounds, light and can react to odors, which makes other models ineffective. An ultrasonic device for cockroaches does not make noise or vibration, which is why it is considered the best.
  • No smell. Allergy sufferers are familiar with the feeling of hopelessness when they need to save themselves, but it is impossible to breathe the aroma of insecticides. The electronic repeller is completely safe, there are no restrictions on use.
  • The room does not require preliminary preparation. Installation of the device is simple - install it in the desired area, plug it into the network. Compact modules fit comfortably into limited areas. Small-format models can be lowered into the ventilation hole, from where domestic cockroaches most often crawl into the apartment.
  • Versatility of use. The anti-cockroach device will work equally well in a factory workshop, a temporary or permanent home, an apartment or a basement. The main requirement is to select a high-quality mechanism with the required power and coverage area. All parameters are specified in the technical data sheet, so you should carefully read the instructions before purchasing.

Cockroach repellers are reusable units with a long period of action. Remote modules provide quick and long-lasting results. For prevention, the models are put into operation for another 2-3 days for a short time, after which you can forget about insects.


In conclusion, it is worth answering a number of the most frequently asked questions within the topic.

Is the repeller harmful to household members (adults, children, pets)?

The ultrasonic repeller targets only cockroaches (or other parasites); the ears of people and pets are not susceptible to the emitted sound.

Are cockroaches really afraid of ultrasound?

High-frequency sound waves affect the nervous system of pests - the parasites experience discomfort and run away, but do not die.

Is it possible to be in the same room with a working repeller?

The safety of a device depends on its power. Some models exclude the fact that people are in the same room with the device turned on. To avoid negative consequences, before using the device, you should read the instructions from the manufacturer.

An ultrasonic cockroach repeller is a truly effective and, in some cases, absolutely safe means of pest control.

However, often due to the low awareness of buyers on this pressing issue, households tend to give preference to alternative methods (most often chemicals).

The best electromagnetic cockroach repeller

The instructions for such devices say that after connecting to the power supply, the device immediately creates a magnetic field in a certain area, which cockroaches cannot tolerate.

RIDDEX Pest Repelling Aid

The only one in the entire line of electronic repellers that uses a combination of ultrasound and electromagnetic radiation. On one side, waves with a sound frequency of 20 to 42 kHz are generated. On the other hand, electromagnetic waves are amplified by household electrical wiring. Such a complex effect does not allow insects to penetrate inside, and those that have already settled in the house or apartment are driven out. It should be noted that the device does not kill cockroaches and rodents, but only expels them. Fields are produced only when the emitter is turned on; the rest of the time it is completely ineffective.

RIDDEX Pest Repelling Aid

In private homes, it is recommended to use 2 devices simultaneously - in the basement and attic, so that the fields intersect and form a vicious circle.


Based on low-frequency radiation of a certain spectrum, affecting the nervous system of cockroaches. Does not create dangerous or destructive vibrations and radiation, does not affect the operation of household appliances, and does not interfere with the waves of television and radio signals. It is universal, absolutely safe for humans and animals, which is why it is ineffective against rodents, but it copes with cockroaches just fine.


Power supply - 220V 50/60Hz. Power consumption - 3 W. The amplitude of electromagnetic waves is more than 900 Vp-p. The operating area is 80 m2, the thickness of the walls does not affect the operation of the emitter.

Please note that electromagnetic waves affect only adult individuals, without having any effect on already laid eggs - they mature on average in 3-4 weeks. In other words, the device must work for at least a month and a half to ensure that parasites are removed from the house or apartment, and then turned on for prevention.


The emitter creates pulses that travel through a magnetic field around electrical wires in any home or building. The pulses are modulated by alternating voltage and amplified. The device does not kill pests - rodents, cockroaches, woodlice, spiders, flies, mosquitoes, etc., but forces them to leave the place where they come under its influence.


Creates a low frequency electromagnetic wave that affects the nervous system of cockroaches. Powered by electricity. The operating area of ​​the device is 230 m2.

Harmless to people, does not affect the operation of electrical appliances, television and radio waves. Does not make sounds during operation, and at night can be used as a night light.

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