3 services for complaints if cockroaches are crawling from neighbors. How to protect yourself?

  • Why will they come sooner or later?
  • Powers and responsibilities of management companies
  • What about in practice?
  • Where to go if your neighbors don’t poison cockroaches?
  • Litigation goes on - cockroaches multiply

The press service of Rospotrebnadzor published a disappointing forecast for the spread of cockroaches this winter. The first peak of invasion of apartment buildings and reproduction will occur in February, the second is expected in the summer. During these periods, insects experience more active reproduction. Citizens have time to prepare and find out who is responsible for poisoning cockroaches in apartment buildings and basements, what measures can be taken against neighbors who are not too clean, and to find out all the issues related to this topic.

Black and red cockroaches penetrate primarily into bathrooms and kitchens, rooms with an abundance of heat and moisture. The first preventive control measure is to block the ventilation grilles through which they can enter your apartment from neighbors, from the basement or entrance.

What to do

When cockroaches crawl from your neighbors, special companies that professionally exterminate such parasites know what to do. But even after a full-fledged professional disinfestation has been carried out on troubled neighbors, you cannot be absolutely calm and feel completely protected.

After some time, new individuals of cockroaches may appear, which will ruin the life of more than one family.

If they flee from other apartments

In an apartment building, cockroaches from neighbors often penetrate into any apartment. It is important for residents of adjacent living spaces, and especially those who have become a breeding ground for parasites, to agree to call a special service to carry out sanitary and hygienic measures.

Until this happens, so that cockroaches do not quickly fill the apartment, it is necessary to block their access to food supplies.

You can do this as follows:

  • take out the trash daily;
  • remove food debris and crumbs;
  • ensure that plumbing fixtures or water pipes are in good working order;
  • After using the bathtub or sink, wipe it dry;
  • install mosquito bars on all ventilation vents;
  • seal all cracks or crevices;
  • carry out a thorough cleaning of the house every week;
  • use prophylactic agents to combat parasites.

Blocking direct access to the apartment is half the battle. But if at least a few individuals remain, then they will not die out on their own and you will have to fight them long and hard.

You can repel cockroaches in your apartment or destroy them using the following means:

  1. Baits for cockroaches. For the best effect, it is recommended to place baits in close proximity to baseboards, in corners, under sinks, in cabinets where trash cans are stored and near water pipes. To maximize the effect, it is recommended to use 3-4 baits simultaneously over an area of ​​up to 7 square meters. They need to be changed every 3 months.
  2. Among the available remedies that are found in almost every home, you can use vinegar, ammonia, essential oils of mint, lavender, orange, or a decoction of bay leaves. They are added to the water during cleaning. In addition, it is recommended to use fragrant herbs: wormwood, tansy, peppermint. They are placed in the corners of the room to repel cockroaches.
  3. Egg with boric acid. To prepare the poison, dry boric acid powder is mixed with raw egg yolk. They also add a little water to form a dough-like mass. Balls are formed from it and placed in all places of greatest insect activity.

Insecticides, repellents, as well as electromagnetic plates used to combat cockroaches must be of a new generation. They remain valid for six months.

If other residents do not want to get rid of them

If cockroaches are crawling from your neighbors, and attempts to solve this problem together do not yield results, then you can bring them to justice in court. Usually only people who are not completely sane are inactive. Their behavior must be reported to the condominium association (association of co-owners of an apartment building) , the housing and communal services office, or a complaint must be made to the sanitary and epidemiological station.

The applicant must have strong evidence that the neighbors have cockroaches. And he himself must have ideal sanitary conditions at home, otherwise the SES may file a lawsuit against him.


Cockroach invasion. where are they running from?

If the tenants kill insects, and they run to you

Adequate neighbors should warn that they will be fighting cockroaches. But most often, the invasion of inhibited insects begins unexpectedly. Not everyone knows what to do if their neighbors’ cockroaches decide to move to a new house.

Of course, if you know about your neighbors’ actions in advance, you can take the following measures:

  • put mosquito bars on the vents;
  • set traps;
  • remove food products from public access;
  • lubricate the baseboards with attracting gel or other means;
  • eliminate plumbing problems;
  • treat all living areas with an insecticidal agent.

Such measures are sometimes not enough and you will have to carry out comprehensive disinfection using strong insecticides.


If neighbors agree to poison insects through joint efforts, it is recommended to seek professional help. In order for SES staff to carry out the appropriate processing, you must submit an application. Specialists will arrive 2 weeks after your application.

The service has at its disposal reliable means to which cockroaches have not yet developed immunity. The effectiveness of disinfestation in this case has a high degree of probability.

Processing several apartments at once is considered the preferred option. Firstly, there is confidence that insects will not come again from neighbors. Secondly, it is cheaper to carry out disinfestation in several rooms at once than separately.

Which services to contact?

All residents of apartment buildings should know where to complain about cockroaches crawling from neighboring apartments, or where to complain about neighbors who improperly poison parasites and do not warn residents of adjacent apartments about their actions. First of all, the sanitary and epidemiological station is responsible for disinfestation and deratization, so you need to contact them there.

A representative of this service must come, conduct an investigation, record all violations and then issue a conclusion to the applicant. Before inviting such a specialist, it is necessary to describe the current situation to him in detail and make sure that he has the right to issue documents that would confirm the inspection.

An official document allows you to go to court or write complaints against neighbors to various authorities. Only this approach will make it possible to force a neighbor to carry out pest control of the apartment.

You can also call or write to the housing and communal services office . Sometimes you need to go to the service; they don’t take calls seriously.

Besides, don’t complain, but the cockroaches won’t get away with it. Sometimes you can’t do without commercial services that provide professional disinfection. If you are lucky and all the neighbors are adequate, then you need to agree on simultaneous complex processing.

To do this, you will need to leave the apartment for a while. We also need to jointly carry out a general cleaning of the premises and entrance.

Writing a complaint

The management company must monitor the cleanliness and compliance with sanitary standards in a multi-story building. Specialists are required to inspect all publicly accessible areas in the house and carry out disinfestation.

The service is provided free of charge, because its cost is included in the rent. But this does not apply to residential premises. The owners are responsible for the condition of their own apartments.

If the management company does not take any action despite receiving verbal requests, it is recommended to file a formal complaint.

Places where cockroaches enter an apartment

When cockroaches flee from their neighbors, they enter the apartment through the following places:

  • kitchen hoods;
  • cracks on the walls, on the ceiling between panel blocks;
  • ventilators;
  • window frames;
  • the space between door frames or walls;
  • garbage chute;
  • gaps in sewerage or electrical wiring.

Cockroaches manage to find any openings between apartments, gaps, gaps or cracks in order to penetrate into the adjacent living space. Accumulated garbage, leftover food on the dining table, unwashed dishes in the sink, or other unsanitary elements serve as a source of food for cockroaches.

Comprehensive methods of getting rid of pests

Getting rid of nimble longhorned beetles on your own is quite problematic, but still possible.

The first step is to find the places where insects have laid larvae. A proven remedy – boiling water – will help you get rid of both adult cockroaches and their future offspring. Pour it directly into the nests of annoying pests. After this, remove all water and disinfect the room with bleach. This will protect you from unwanted neighbors appearing again.

The next step is treatment with store-bought chemicals. There is a wide selection of products: crayons like “Mashenka” - cheap and effective; Gel syringes like “Dohlox” are a little more expensive.

Special traps for cockroaches have proven themselves well. They must be placed in places inaccessible to children and pets.


To avoid having to painfully fight cockroaches in the future, it is advisable to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  1. Clean the house regularly. Food must be stored in airtight containers. Always remove crumbs from the table and wash bowls from which animals eat. It is useful to regularly inspect kitchen drawers to identify spilled cereals. After each meal, dishes should be washed immediately and not stored with leftover food in the sink.
  2. Take out the trash regularly. You need to have a good habit of walking to the trash cans or garbage disposal every day, and have a container with an airtight lid in the kitchen.
  3. Fix plumbing problems in a timely manner. In addition to food, cockroaches also need water, without which they cannot live for a long time. If the joints of pipes, sinks are leaking, or the toilet tank is faulty, then this is very attractive to parasites. In addition, they like the humidity in the bathroom after bathing procedures. All plumbing faults must be corrected in a timely manner, and all bathroom items must be wiped dry.
  4. Repair all kinds of cracks. It is important to inspect the walls, ceiling or corners of the room for cracks. If they are identified, you should definitely resort to using putty. And mosquito nets must be installed on all ventilation openings to prevent insects from entering.

But when living in an apartment building, it is important to coordinate your actions with your neighbors to combat cockroaches.

If a problem arises, it is important that all residents are prepared for large-scale pest control , including basements.

If only one apartment attempts to fight, then after a while new unwanted guests will begin to enter it from untreated premises.

Unique features of “uninvited” neighbors

Red cockroaches appeared on earth many thousands of years ago, saw dinosaurs and mammoths, and survived many natural disasters and environmental disasters. All thanks to their unique ability to adapt to any living conditions.

Insects calmly tolerate many toxic substances, eat absolutely any food, and are not afraid of hunger (they may not eat food at all for about a month). It is especially unpleasant that all the means created by man to destroy them sooner or later become ineffective.

Cockroaches have one interesting deceptive gene, which, when the body receives a portion of poison, gives a command to the body and the insect enters a state close to fainting. People, seeing the corpses of pests, calm down and throw them in the trash, not suspecting that after a while the cockroaches will come to their senses and again scatter throughout the apartment wherever they please.

Therefore, it is necessary to remember that it is best to wash the corpses of pests down the drain.

The second amazing feature of domestic cockroaches is the ability to regulate the size of their population in a single room. It is still not known for certain how they manage to do this.

If there is pest control in the house, they are constantly poisoned or simply beaten with a slipper, the offspring in one larva is reduced to 20 - 30 individuals. In the opposite situation, when no one bothers the cockroaches to live and they have enough food and water, 60 babies are hatched at once.

The third feature is related to the ability to quickly restore population size. For example, the owners of an apartment decided to get rid of annoying insects and destroyed 95%. In less than a month, the survivors will not only return to their original numbers, but will also increase them.

Where you can't poison

Regarding the destruction of sewer cockroaches, we contacted the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Water of Crimea”. The company assured us that the sewer networks undergo hydrodynamic cleaning as necessary. This cleaning of sewer pipes is considered an effective technology that ensures the standard condition of the wastewater disposal system. But the company maintains and cleans sewer networks only up to the home.

Thus, if you are concerned about cockroaches or other insects and small rodents, contact the management organization that services your high-rise building. She will disinfect the basement and attic using the funds you pay for the service. As for treating your apartment with poisons, it’s worth thinking about. It may be possible to deal with insects using other, less hazardous methods.

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Judicial precinct of the magistrate No. 50 - Cheryomushki


Name of institutionJudicial precinct of the magistrate No. 50 - Cheryomushki
Email[email protected]
Organization addressMoscow, Novocheremushkinskaya street, 49, building 1
Phone number+7 (fax) (inquiries)
When it worksMonday-Thursday: from 09:00 to 18:00, break: from 13:00 to 13:45 Friday: from 09:00 to 16:45, break: from 13:00 to 13:45 reception of citizens Monday: from 14 :00 to 18:00 Thursday: 09:00 to 13:00
Organization websitehttps://mos-sud.ru
In which region of the Russian FederationMoscow

Judicial precinct of the magistrate No. 429 - Cheryomushki

Where to contact

Name of institutionJudicial precinct of the magistrate No. 429 - Cheryomushki
What area is it located in?Cheryomushki
Operating modeMonday-Thursday: from 09:00 to 18:00, break: from 13:00 to 13:45 Friday: from 09:00 to 16:45, break: from 13:00 to 13:45 reception of citizens Monday: from 14 :00 to 18:00 Thursday: 09:00 to 13:00
Institution websitehttps://mos-sud.ru
In what regionMoscow
Phone number+7 (inquiries)
Institution addressMoscow, Novocheremushkinskaya street, 49, building 1
Mail[email protected]

Garbage in the yard is not removed, illegal spontaneous dump - where to get legal help in Moscow (Cheryomushki district) in 2022

Address on the map

Judicial precinct of the magistrate No. 48 - Cheryomushki

Where to go

EstablishmentJudicial precinct of the magistrate No. 48 - Cheryomushki
Mail[email protected]
In what region of the Russian Federation is it located?Moscow
Phone numbers+7 (fax) (inquiries)
Organization addressMoscow, Nakhimovsky prospect, 56
Opening hoursMonday-Thursday: from 09:00 to 18:00, break: from 13:00 to 13:45 Friday: from 09:00 to 16:45, break: from 13:00 to 13:45 reception of citizens Monday: from 14 :00 to 18:00 Thursday: 09:00 to 13:00


Compilation rules

The general rules for drawing up a complaint to the SES, both in written and electronic form, are enshrined in Article 7 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 N 59-FZ (as amended on December 27, 2018) “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation.”

There is no need to rewrite this article, but rather write down what needs to be written and where.

  • Document header. In this part you need to indicate the name of the body, namely the territorial branch of the SES. A little lower you need to write the applicant’s full name, his postal address (email address if the complaint is not sent in paper form).
  • Main part. In this part, the applicant must indicate the essence of the claim, that is, the reason why this appeal was written. If there is any evidence confirming a violation, indicate it. At the end of the main part, the applicant’s demands should be described, that is, what he wants to achieve with this complaint.
  • Final part. Everything is simple here, the date of preparation of the document is indicated and the personal signature of the applicant is placed.

Why carry out pest control

Few people might like such sudden proximity, especially since guests have the unpleasant tendency to constantly increase their number and behave like a boss: spoil food supplies, bite, and create an unsanitary environment. And it’s really bad that they carry pathogens that are dangerous to humans. For example, cockroaches can spread tuberculosis and salmonellosis.

At the first meeting with fleas, lice, cockroaches, flies, ticks, bedbugs, ants, especially if there are several of them, you should think about disinfestation. These species are of sanitary and hygienic importance.

Disinsection is a set of specialized preventive measures to destroy and prevent the reappearance of synanthropic (living near humans) arthropods. These measures are primarily aimed at preventing infectious and parasitic diseases.

Deratization in apartment buildings is the responsibility of the management organization


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