Reasons for the appearance of black cockroaches in an apartment and methods of dealing with them

A person in his home is faced with a huge number of pests, one of which is the black cockroach, the very name of which already causes discomfort. How dangerous it is and how you can fight it, we will consider in detail in this article.

Article structure

  • 1 Where is the black cockroach common?
  • 2 What does he look like
  • 3 Where and how does the black cockroach live
  • 4 Body parts or what is inside them?
  • 5 Damage caused by cockroaches
  • 6 Methods for exterminating cockroaches
  • 7 Interesting facts

What black cockroaches look like, photo

Black cockroaches are distinguished by their characteristic coloring. At the same time, adult individuals have some differences in comparison with adults. A representative of the genus Blattidae is shown in the photo below.

Males and females exhibit sexual dimorphism. In this case, there are common signs in the description of adult individuals:

  • Flat, uniform and oval body with a reddish-brown appearance;
  • The location of numerous appendages at the end of the flattened abdomen;
  • Isolation of yellow eyes on the movable head;
  • The mouthparts are of the gnawing type with platbands lighter than other parts;
  • Long, bristle-like antennae;
  • Elongated paws with slightly flattened pads;
  • Arrangement of small suckers between small claws;
  • Long spines on the legs and thighs.

The size of black cockroaches is much larger compared to red parasites. Signs of the appearance of the female and male black cockroach are discussed in more detail in the table below.

Part of the bodyMaleFemale
TorsoOblong, slender body 20 to 26 mm long.Body length from 18 to 30 mm.
HeadThe forehead is connected to a rounded crown. The eyes are well developed, the whiskers are of a length comparable to the size of the body. A distinctive feature of females is the presence of a large distance between the eyes in comparison with the length of the antennae.
Front backrestOval drop back. At the same time, the rear part is larger than the front with a smooth transition from the rear edge to the sidewall (6.5-8.5-6). It has a convex shape and is well visualized. The transition from the back to the side is quite pronounced (8-10.5-6.7).
AbdomenAbove the genital appendages there is a genital plate with an arcuate back. The anal plate looks like a short rectangular protruding blade. The lower half rings of the abdomen have a reddish tint. The anal plate is triangular, roof-shaped. At the top is the egg.
WingsBrownish wings, the same length as the elytra (10–17 mm), covering 2/3 of the abdomen.Females have almost no wings, and the elytra are quite short (no more than 4.2–6.8 mm), so they do not reach the abdomen.

If small cockroaches were found in the apartment, then these are nymphs (developing small individuals), which are smaller in size and lack sexual appendages. An insect goes through 6 main stages of development.

The presence of a black cockroach with yellow stripes in a living space indicates that the insect came from other latitudes along with transported items.

Reproduction and lifespan

The offspring of cockroaches are produced by the mating of a male and a female, which forms an edema containing up to 60 eggs. Within 24 hours, the female bears an ootheca, which is a sealed capsule. then leaves it either by burying it in the ground or leaving it on the surface of the earth.

The small black cockroaches that appeared in the house are a new generation of black cockroaches. Its hatched larvae repeat the appearance of their parents. They grow slowly, increasing in size.

The extraordinary vitality of cockroaches often raises questions about the real duration of their life. Black cockroaches are insects that can live from two to fifteen years. A black beetle that looks like a cockroach creates a significant problem

This insect is a leather beetle, which can spoil not only food. Fabrics, clothing, leather and leather products are items that will be damaged by the carpet beetle. Despite the presence of wings, a black flying cockroach has never been seen in nature.

A huge black cockroach that catches your eye in a house or apartment indicates that somewhere there is an environment favorable for it. If kept perfectly clean, a black cockroach will live a little over sixty days. Without access to water, his death occurs within a week. Such conditions are considered the most effective method of exterminating black cockroaches.

Insect development stages

A sexually mature female black cockroach can lay eggs for further reproduction. This process is carried out regularly (about 22 times) until the insect becomes an imago (about 7 months).

The female carries the capsules for 2 weeks, and then leaves it in a warm and protected place to reproduce on its own. It contains from 8 to 20 eggs. At the moment of opening, no more than 65% of the nymphs hatch, which quickly spread throughout the living space of the room.

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Given favorable conditions, cockroaches quickly go through their life cycle until the onset of the adult stage (about 7–12 months). If there is a sharp drop in temperature, then the larvae can wait in the wings for several years.

Structure of a black cockroach

Black cockroaches have a simple structure of the gnawing type mouthparts:

  • The upper jaws have teeth that are used for digesting food;
  • Taste buds are located in the appendages of the oral cavity;
  • The inner side of the oral apparatus has an identical structure in comparison with other insects;
  • The body cavity also has a similar structure in comparison with other arthropods. The peculiarity lies in the merging of the primary and secondary parts;
  • Muscles are attached to the external skeleton.

The digestive system consists of the following parts:

  • Oral cavity;
  • Pharynx;
  • Goiter;
  • Masticatory stomach;
  • Esophagus;
  • Digestive secretion that promotes the digestion and absorption of food;
  • Hindgut for removing excrement from the insect's body.

Body parts or what is inside them?

Parts of the body
The body consists of the head, abdomen and chest. There are antennae on the head that extend while moving forward and act like antennas, subtly capturing all odors and the smallest vibrations in the air. The thoracic region is divided into segments: prothorax, metathorax and mesothorax.

The black cockroach has 3 pairs of legs. The foot has claws and a suction cup, which allows the cockroach to move across different surfaces.

There are wings at the top. The abdominal region consists of segments. The first seven sections are large, and the rest are reduced. On the last segment is the anus, where the sensitive processes, the cerci, are located.

The male has protrusions called styli on the ninth segment. They provide protection to the genitals. Cockroaches do not use their wings for their intended purpose. Females have no wings. The oral apparatus is represented by powerful jaws. Throughout the intestines, food is digested with the help of enzymes.

The chewing ventricle is an organ in which food is thoroughly crushed and processed by special bacteria. Such digestive organs allow them to eat solid food (cardboard, leather shoes). An insect can live without food from two weeks to six months

The danger of black cockroaches

The main harm that black cockroaches cause is that they enter living quarters from unsanitary places and successfully carry various infections and pathogens on their limbs:

  • Helminthiasis;
  • Typhoid fever;
  • Dysentery;
  • Diphtheria.

Insects can spoil household items and products, so when they appear, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to destroy them.


Of course, it is better to prevent the appearance of these harmful insects than to fight them. Moist, warm rooms with sufficient water and food become comfortable for their living. They appear at night. Therefore, it is important not to leave water and food available overnight.

Maintaining cleanliness and order will ensure that unwanted guests will not appear in your apartment or house. And to prevent them from getting in from your neighbors, you need to close all the cracks and monitor the ventilation.

Ways of insects getting into living quarters

Black cockroaches can appear in an apartment even under perfectly clean conditions. For safe crawling of insects, a close proximity to the nest of parasites is sufficient.

Main routes of entry:

  • The presence of cockroaches in neighbors, since this method is considered the most common. Parasites easily move into the apartment through existing cracks and holes;
  • Sewer passages that are located around the entire perimeter of the apartment;
  • Basements, ventilation shafts, and garbage collectors are considered the most favorable places for cockroaches to breed;
  • Large black cockroaches most often appear in an apartment along with brought things (bag, suitcase, other items);
  • When purchasing household appliances, furniture, or hand-me-downs, there is a risk of transferring parasites into your own home.

These insects like to hide in secluded places (cracks between furniture, sewer holes, baseboards, areas behind wallpaper, sofas, cabinets and other furniture).

About the benefits and harms of black cockroaches

The mere mention of cockroaches evokes a reaction of disgust in many. Although in the old days their ancestors respected them, considering blacks to be the guardians of wealth in the house and a talisman of happiness.

In the East (particularly in China), large black cockroaches are a feature of the national cuisine (they belong to protein foods). It is believed that the vitality of the insect is transferred to the eater, giving it strength. Tibetan healers practice treating certain diseases with dried cockroach powder.

In modern Russia, there is a slightly different view of small animals - they are considered parasites, which cause complete harm. In fact, this is so, because the black cockroach blatta orientalis finds its food in garbage waste, sewage, and then carries harmful particles around apartments on its paws.

It's no secret that insects often “walk” on dining tables, dishes and food forgotten on the kitchen table. Even a microscopic particle of harmful pollen from the paws is enough to cause an intestinal “catastrophe”.

If you find small black cockroaches in the kitchen or other rooms, you should immediately take measures to eliminate them. But to do this you need to know the enemy by sight.

What do these insects eat?

The peculiarity of the structure of the oral apparatus of black cockroaches allows them to be omnivores, so they can consume the following foods, plants and materials:

  • Confectionery;
  • Sugar, cereals;
  • Fish, meat;
  • Fruits vegetables;
  • Indoor flowers;
  • Leather Products;
  • Paper, soap, glue, books.

At the same time, black cockroaches most like to feast on leftover food and prefer beer, as it is often used as bait. The process of food absorption occurs mainly at night, when the rhythm of life in the apartment subsides.


Black longhorned beetles are omnivores. Any food of natural origin, including plants, is suitable for food. Cockroaches' favorite foods are bread crumbs, leftover fruits and vegetables, dairy and meat waste.

During periods of famine, insects are capable of cannibalism (eating their own eggs and dead brothers). However, in the complete absence of suitable food, adults can suspend their metabolism, which allows them to live in a state of hungry hibernation for up to 60 days. Even the most inedible things at first glance are eaten by black cockroaches.

These include thick cardboard, bars of soap, paper, leather products. Such indiscriminate eating is determined by the living conditions of the longhorned beetles and the lack of more suitable food. Water is vital for black cockroaches; they drink a lot of it, which is why they choose a shelter near a source of moisture.

Reproduction of black cockroaches

The life cycle of cockroaches is divided into 3 main forms of development (egg, larva, adult). Summer time is considered a favorable period for the reproduction of insects. Females begin to lay eggs in a chitinous cocoon containing 16 embryos.

The female, who is preparing to increase her offspring, has a slightly enlarged belly, and for several days she leaves the eggs in a quiet and secluded place. The period of development and hatching of new individuals is 44 days. After this time, new individuals begin their life cycle of development, which can range from several months to 5 years.

Who is more dangerous, red or black cockroaches?

Residential premises can be infested with black or red cockroaches, but the two types of insects do not get along with each other, since they claim the same living conditions.

In such a fight, red cockroaches have an advantage, since they reproduce much faster in comparison with their black relatives.

The appearance of the black cockroach is alarming, since the body length is up to 5 cm with a corresponding color and sparkling tint, emanating an unpleasant odor.

If we talk about the danger of both species, then these insects can carry various infections and diseases on their limbs, which causes a potential risk for humans. Therefore, when they appear in an apartment, it is necessary to carry out appropriate disinfection measures.

Interesting Facts

  • Cockroaches run fast. In one second they are able to cover a distance of 75 centimeters .
  • Easily and quickly change the direction of their movement.
  • They can easily live 10 days without a head , a month without food and water.
  • They can hold their breath for 40 minutes . Breathe with the whole body.
  • Able to survive extreme radiation.
  • If a cockroach falls on its back, it is unlikely to be able to roll over back.
  • They travel easily and settle in a new place.

The black species is one of the representatives of the cockroach family. Settle in human habitation. To survive, they need stable temperatures above zero, water and food. Finding cockroaches in your home is a health hazard, as they act as distributors of various diseases. Maintaining a clean house and proper plumbing is the key to a long life without cockroaches.

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Basic methods of controlling black cockroaches

Methods of combating black cockroaches involve the use of various techniques with certain effects that make it possible to completely exterminate these parasites.

Mechanical restoration

One of the main methods of controlling cockroaches is mechanical action using a fly swatter or an ordinary slipper. Moreover, this technique is effective for a single detection of the parasite.

If there is a whole colony of cockroaches in the apartment, then simple mechanical extermination will not give the desired result and other disinfection measures will be required.

Carrying out heat treatment

Heat treatment is based on freezing the places where parasites accumulate. If cockroaches are infested in an apartment building, then this method will not work, since you will have to completely turn off the central heating, which is quite problematic.

Using repellents

Repellents are certain substances that have a repellent effect on black cockroaches. Parasites react poorly to various odors (rye during flowering, bay leaves, elderflowers).

The use of the technique is safe for humans, since these products are of natural origin. At the same time, the parasites quickly get used to them and begin to reproduce safely.


Traps are used to eliminate black cockroaches when there are small concentrations of them. As bait they take foods that he likes to feast on. The devices must be placed in places that are clearly visible to insects.

Types of traps:

  1. The necessary delicacy can be placed in a glass jar with sunflower oil, since if it gets in, the cockroaches will no longer be able to get out of it;
  2. The desired effect is achieved by lubricating the cockroaches’ paths to the treat with an adhesive composition;
  3. The design of modern traps is equipped in such a way that when cockroaches get into them, they die from exposure to electric current;
  4. Carrying out disinfestation using an electric discharge.


Insecticides are aggressive chemicals that act on the cockroach’s body and contribute to its complete destruction. This technique is considered one of the more effective and is used by various disinfection services.

The relevant stores offer a wide range of such products. Effective insecticides in liquid consistency:

  • Cucaracha has class 2 toxicity and is capable of destroying all existing parasites in one go;
  • The substance helps to destroy cockroaches due to exposure to each other and damage to the intestines, which leads to their death;
  • Delta Zone. A drug with intestinal and contact effects. The product is safe for people and pets;
  • Ksylat 25. The substance has a high efficiency and degree of toxicity, therefore it is used only by professional disinfectors;
  • Lambda Zone. The product does not have a negative effect on the human body, plants or pets. Does not cause addiction among parasites.

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Insecticides in the form of gels have a potent effect and are discussed in detail in the list below:

  1. Trap Gel-paste Sturm . When using the product, all individuals gradually die over 2–3 days. The effect lasts about 2 months. Application is done pointwise.
  2. Gel Globol . An effective remedy that has a fairly high cost. The drug is presented in the form of a convenient tube that easily penetrates hard-to-reach places. Kills up to 500 cockroaches with one treatment.
  3. Gel Fas. The product has toxicity class 4 and can be used when processing any equipment, as it does not leave any traces behind.

The aerosol form of insecticides is often used by professionals. Common uses include the following:

  • Raptor allows you to completely destroy crawling and flying insects;
  • Combat has a pleasant lemon scent and helps kill cockroaches while simultaneously freshening the air in the living room.

Powders are popular among insecticides used because they are easy to use:

  • Pyrethrum. The composition of the product is based on the content of plant components of natural origin (chamomile flowers), which effectively eliminate various types of insects;
  • Borax. The powder is mixed in equal proportions with sugar or flour, and then the affected area is treated;
  • Medilis Cyper. It has an effect on home and garden parasites, therefore it has a wide range of applications

What do cockroaches eat if there is no food anywhere?

Cockroaches consider many foods as food sources. For example, in search of starch, cockroaches will eat not only potatoes, bread or pasta. The group of food starches for them includes book bindings, paper, wallpaper and glue on the back side.

For protein, cockroaches consider dead insects, animal skin (such as the soft inside of the skin), and even human hair and nails as viable food sources. They will also eat their young if food becomes scarce. In fact, cockroaches have been known to bite people, although this is extremely rare and only occurs when the infestation reaches catastrophic levels.

Cockroaches prefer callus skin, eyelashes, dead skin flakes and nails rather than living tissue. This is because the cockroach's jaws are quite weak. Their sideways moving mandibles are great for carrying and chewing bits of their diet, but those same jaws will have a hard time piercing your skin. It is easier for them to feed on the keratin and protein found in your nails and hair.

It rarely happens that a scavenger like a cockroach does not have enough food. Outdoors, cockroaches can eat decaying plants and dead wood. In sewer systems, they make the most of waste, sewage and water, especially since many species of cockroaches thrive in damp, dark places. So what do cockroaches eat if there is nothing around? Nothing really. Many species of cockroaches can live up to a month without food if they have water. Even if you set out roach traps and bait, even if you clean your home, it may not be enough to stop the roaches waiting outside or inside your walls. You can't starve them. Only a pest control professional who can guarantee pest safety and relentlessly protect your home will give you an absolute advantage.

Is it possible to eliminate black cockroaches forever?

Complete destruction of black cockroaches is almost impossible if you treat the premises yourself. If the cleaning is carried out by the SES, then the extermination rates are much higher, but such treatment requires massive contamination of a residential apartment building.

The main factor in exterminating cockroaches is eliminating the main source of parasite reproduction. As a preventative measure, you can also use a combination of chemicals with proven folk remedies.

To obtain the required impact effect, it is best to treat all infected apartments on one day, since in this case the remaining individuals will have nowhere to hide.

Safe and effective folk remedies

Most people prefer to use folk remedies in the fight against cockroaches. They often turn out to be quite effective, since the methods are proven, and they have practically no side effects.


Let us outline several advantages of such traditional folk methods.

  • The recipes are elementary. The products are really easy to prepare and use.
  • Typically, such options are the most profitable from an economic point of view.
  • Safe to use in families with children.
  • You can safely use it if there are animals, birds or fish in the room.
  • Such folk techniques are optimally suited for people with hypersensitivity. They do not provoke irritation or allergic reactions.

There will be no problems when using folk recipes for elderly owners or people with various chronic diseases.

Several effective traditional methods

First of all, take care of the lack of water. It should not be accessible to pests, since with its help they will get rid of poisoning. Check for leaks, remove all water from the kitchen and bathroom, and keep it only in closed containers.

Let us dwell on several folk methods of combating parasites in a private home.

Boric acid

  • Duct tape. It is sold ready-made. It is best to place the tapes in different places, in areas where insects are likely to pass: near food cabinets, baseboards and cracks, and ventilation holes. It's a good idea to use these types of tapes and baits at the same time.
  • Freezing. At low temperatures, the insects themselves and the larvae die. It is enough to bring the temperature to a level of five degrees below zero and leave the apartment like that for three to four hours.
  • Essential oils. When fighting black cockroaches using traditional methods, ethers are used. These pests cannot tolerate strong odors. And with essential oils diluted in warm water, you can successfully treat various surfaces.
  • Acetic acid. A good remedy that also allows you to quickly scare away. Acetic acid is diluted with water, and then sprayed onto baseboards, perimeter rooms, spaces under furniture and behind cabinets. Particular attention is paid to the bathroom and kitchen. Unfortunately, the smell may irritate sensitive people. This method cannot be used if there are children or animals in the house.
  • Boric acid. It needs to be mixed with yolk and potatoes to reduce the smell. This product is guaranteed to kill insects within a couple of days.
  • Plants. Of the houseplants, geranium fights insects best. They cannot stand its smell, so they will leave the room.

Choose the appropriate methods, combine different means for a comprehensive effect.

Preventive measures

Prevention of the proliferation of black cockroaches in residential premises is based on following simple recommendations:

  • Keeping your own home clean and carrying out regular cleaning;
  • Carrying out wet cleaning at least 2 times a week;
  • Keeping food in proper place;
  • Sealing the ventilation window with a thin mesh to prevent parasites from entering the room through the ventilation;
  • Closing sockets with special plugs;
  • Eliminating the presence of water in the sink or on the floor;
  • Prohibition of leaving unwashed dishes in the sink for a long time;
  • Carrying out all necessary measures in consultation with neighbors if parasites have been identified.

Description and features

The black cockroach is a large crawling insect known to mankind for 350 years. Other names for this species are oriental, water, and sewer cockroaches (due to their preference for places with a humid microclimate).

Why do you dream about black cockroaches?

The appearance of a large black cockroach in a dream when studying many dream books indicates that a person may have various kinds of troubles, discord with loved ones, or a deterioration in business ties.

If a person killed a black cockroach in a dream, then this phenomenon is considered an omen of a favorable outcome in the planned matter. Seeing a parasite on the threshold of significant events (moving, marriage, birth of a child) is good news in these matters.

At the sight of a dead insect, a person’s plans may not come true. It is bad when in a dream a cockroach attacks a sleeping person or crawls on him, as this means the emergence of additional problems and misfortunes in a person’s life.

What to remember

Black cockroaches are carriers of dangerous diseases. Therefore, you should take action immediately upon noticing such “guests” in your home. You can get rid of cockroaches in the following ways:

  1. Use insecticides - insect poison.
  2. Get rid of cockroaches using boric acid.
  3. Place herbs around the apartment. They repel pests with their smell - it is better to do this after you have already treated the insects.

Do all of the above together with your neighbors to prevent the insects from returning in the future. Disinfestation in the basement will not be superfluous.

See you in the next article!

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