How to properly use ammonia for garden roses

Aphids are small insects that cause great harm to various ornamental crops, which include roses. Pests use plant sap to feed. In addition, aphids can cause the development of a viral disease, as a result of which rose leaves turn yellow and curl.

The pest is also capable of secreting a sticky substance, which produces an unsightly black sooty fungus. Not every gardener fights aphids, considering this parasite not so dangerous.

How does ammonia work on aphids?

Strong-smelling (10%) ammonium hydroxide contains active volatile substances. They cause paralysis and depress the respiratory system of aphids. The active ingredients penetrate the pest's body, causing burns of the mucous membrane, swelling, and convulsions. This mechanism of action explains why gardeners actively use ammonia against aphids on roses and other flowering crops.

The pungent odor repels insects. Treatment allows you to get rid of not only aphids, but also caterpillars, spider mites and other parasitic pests. Ammonia does not cause any harm to the flower itself, but only if certain rules are followed. Otherwise, you can damage the delicate flower.

Garlic infusion for treating roses against aphids

Many garden pests do not like its pungent smell: and aphids are no exception. To prepare, take a glass of peeled, chopped garlic and add a liter of warm water.

The container is closed with a lid and infused for 6 days. Dissolve 45 ml of this tincture in a bucket of water. Affected rose bushes are sprayed once a week for 2 months.

The folk remedies used to treat roses against aphids can be used in turn to achieve greater effect.

General rules of application

It is strictly prohibited to use ammonia in its pure form. The concentrate causes burns on roses. It is dangerous even for humans. The skin and mucous membranes can also be seriously damaged. You cannot prepare the solution in reserve. It must be fresh. The active component quickly evaporates and the composition becomes unsuitable for use.

To carry out the treatment, you will need a garden watering can equipped with a wide nozzle. This allows the droplets to completely cover the entire bush and even the lower shoots, where most aphids usually live. If the treatment is carried out not in the garden, but at home, the watering can can be replaced with a spray bottle.


In order for roses to develop well and bloom luxuriantly throughout the season, of course, they need to be fertilized. We talked about how to feed roses in the spring for growth and lush flowering in the garden in this article.

It is better to alternately use organic and mineral fertilizers. And in no case should you try to overfeed the plants by applying an excessive amount of fertilizer according to the principle “you can’t spoil the porridge with oil.”

For example, too much nitrogen fertilizer will lead to active growth of green mass, but will delay the formation of buds.

Everything needs to be done in moderation and in a timely manner. Then the roses will definitely respond to your care and delight you with their magnificent blooms.

Best regards, Alexander Tkachenko.

Recipes and recommendations for preparing the solution

There are several recipes for preparing ammonia for roses to control pests.

Recipe 1

The folk remedy is prepared from:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 60 ml of ammonia;
  • ¼ bar of laundry soap.

Soap is grated on a fine grater. This allows it to dissolve much faster. All components are mixed until dissolved. Pour the solution into a watering can or spray bottle. Cracking is performed.

Recipe 2

Completely repeats the first one, but they use liquid rather than bar soap.

Recipe 3

For preparation take:

  • 25 ml salicylic acid (2%);
  • 0.5 l of settled warm water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.

The prepared components are combined and mixed until smooth. Carry out sanitization, making sure that the entire plant is moistened.

Recipe 4

Prepared from:

  • 40 ml of ammonia;
  • 20 g washing powder;
  • 1 bucket of settled water at room temperature.

The components are thoroughly mixed. The composition is used twice with a break of two weeks.

Recipe 5

For preparation take:

  • 50 ml of ammonia;
  • 2 handfuls of wood ash.

Pour ash into a bucket of settled water and pour in ammonia. Everything is mixed and used for its intended purpose.

How to spray with ammonia correctly?

The rose must be prepared before spraying. First, the bush is inspected, parts of the plant damaged by aphids are removed, and then they are burned. This helps prevent re-infestation by the pest. Only after this event they begin to treat with ammonia.

Spraying is done on each side of the leaf. It is recommended to distribute the solution using a brush. Pests most often hide on the inside of the leaves. To achieve a greater effect, the bush is covered with film for a while.

It is recommended to carry out treatment every 10-15 days. For preventive purposes, ammonia is used for roses once every 30 days. The composition is made weak. Add 1 ml of ammonia per liter of settled water.

Transition to summer rose care

In summer, in June-July, roses especially need a lot of nutrition. For better absorption of nutrients, rose bushes need to be fed once every 2 weeks.

Like any other plant, during budding they need feeding in strict proportions, without excess. This procedure should be carried out as follows:

  • First, water the rose bushes.
  • Then add food.
  • Next, water the rose garden again and loosen the soil.

If you decide to spray with a nutrient mixture, be sure to wait for clear weather. Spraying on a rainy day will not bring any benefit. The manipulation will have to be repeated again.

What to apply at the root? It is important to choose those minerals that contain potassium and completely remove nitrogen. A good solution is to fertilize with potassium chloride or potassium sulfate .

It is good to fertilize blooming roses with chicken droppings . Take 0.8 liters of litter, fill it with a bucket of water, and let it sit for several hours. Then pour it under the root. Every other day, sprinkle the soil with ash for better absorption of organic matter.

When the roses are picking up buds, but not all have bloomed yet, focus on phosphorus fertilizing . Prepare the following mixture: 20 g of potassium salt and 40 g of superphosphate per 1 sq.m.

Common Mistakes

Improper use of ammonia leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the folk remedy:

  • Incorrect dosage. In order for ammonia to have the desired effect, you must strictly adhere to the recipe.
  • Preparing the composition in reserve. It is recommended to prepare the solution before each treatment. If it sits for a while, the active substances will stop working.
  • Lack of prevention. There is no need to refuse spraying after getting rid of aphids and other pests. Preventative treatment is necessary because aphids move from one plant to another.
  • Too much "distance". The distance from the spray gun should be small. Otherwise, the ammonia will not get on the shoots and leaves.

Ammonia should be sprayed on neighboring plants, which may also be affected by the pest. If this is not done, the aphids will attack the roses again.

What harm does aphids cause and why fight them?

Today it is known that there are about four thousand species of aphids in nature. In particular, approximately 1000 species live on the territory of Russia, each of which selects individual plant species as its habitat.

The danger of aphids, like many other insect pests, lies in their diet. Large colonies of insects settle on plants and suck the juices from young leaves, shoots, and fruits. By parasitizing seedlings, aphids do not allow the fragile plant to develop, reducing the availability of necessary nutrients.

In addition, aphids are carriers of dangerous viral infections. According to statistics, 30% of plants suffering from parasitic aphids soon show signs of viral diseases.

Thus, the appearance of aphids on the site threatens the following consequences:

  • Young shoots of affected plants gradually become deformed, stop growing and die;
  • Some plants become infected with a viral infection from aphids, which also leads to their death;
  • The fruits are eaten by ants that have joined the aphids, which significantly reduces the yield;
  • After completely suppressing one plant, the aphid moves on to a new one, thereby increasing the scale of the damage.

Efficiency of the method

Ammonia, as evidenced by reviews from flower growers, is destructive to aphids. It is enough to wait a few hours to see the result. Insects will no longer bother roses.

The cooking recipe should not be violated. Ammonia contains a high concentration of nitrogen, so overfeeding with this substance can cause yellowing of the leaf blade.

Additional tips and tricks

There are some nuances of processing with ammonia:

  1. In the garden plot, spraying is carried out with the onset of spring, when the covering material that protects the bush from frost is removed. Indoor roses are treated with ammonia around mid-March.
  2. After planting flowers in open ground, they are processed on a windless day without precipitation (rain), and then the next. Otherwise, the composition will simply wash off. Flower growers advise spraying bushes in the evening or early in the morning, when aphids are not so active, which allows you to quickly get rid of the pest.
  3. Processing must be carried out in a respirator and rubber gloves. This is especially important for people prone to allergies. Volatile substances enter the body through the nose and mouth.

There should be no anthill in the garden next to the roses. These insects eat the waste of aphids. They deliberately place this pest nearby. A strong ammonia solution helps fight ants, and then cover with polyethylene. This allows volatile substances to act longer.

Neighboring plants

There are plants that have a strong aroma. They are able to repel aphids, which cannot tolerate strong odors. Such green allies should be planted closer to rose gardens. This will help keep your roses safe and blooming vigorously.

Aphids repellent

Plants that help in the fight against aphids:

  • sage;
  • mint;
  • dill;
  • marigold;
  • parsley;
  • lavender;
  • daisies.

These are common and unpretentious crops that are not difficult to plant on the site.

Attracting aphids

There are bushes and flowers that attract green midges like a magnet. It is better to plant them away from roses. Select a place in the distant flower beds.

Attract aphids:

  • begonia;
  • decorative poppy;
  • petunia;
  • nasturtium;
  • mallow;
  • cosmos.

Roses should not be planted next to viburnum, mulberry, linden or bird cherry.

Ammonia as a fertilizer

Ammonia is used not only for pest control. The high nitrogen content allows the use of ammonia as a fertilizer for roses. It stimulates growth and has a positive effect on inflorescences and leaves. It is used for root and foliar feeding.

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In the first case, take 25 ml per 10 liters of water, and in the second, add 1 teaspoon of ammonia per 1 liter. Fertilizing is carried out at the beginning of the season, which allows roses to gain better vegetative mass. The rest of the time it will lead to excessive growth of greenery, suppressing flowering.

Security measures

When using ammonia, be sure to follow safety precautions. Inhalation of undiluted vapors leads to burns of the mucous membrane and poisoning.

  1. Ammonia cannot be combined with other active substances.
  2. Dilute the solution directly in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.
  3. When working, wear rubber gloves, a respirator, as well as trousers and clothes with sleeves.
  4. Avoid contact of ammonia with the skin and eyes, but if this happens, rinse the area well with water.

Simple measures can help protect against the negative effects of ammonia.

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