How to effectively treat your house for cockroaches without harming your cat

Cockroaches in the house are one of the worst problems for housewives. Pests are quite tenacious and easily adapt to any conditions. Getting rid of them is not easy; you will have to spend a lot of time, nerves and finances. Cockroaches contribute to the spread of infectious diseases, so do not delay the fight against them. Cockroaches are nocturnal, so you can spot them in dark corners of the apartment or at night. During the day, insects hide behind furniture, in floor crevices, and baseboards.

Symptoms of poisoning in cats

Cats are wonderful fluffy pets.
Quite often, pets come into contact with all kinds of toxic chemicals. In addition, a cat can be poisoned by low-quality food and herbal ingredients. The owner of the animal must certainly know how signs of intoxication of the body manifest themselves and, at the first symptoms, go to the veterinary clinic for help.

Intoxication of the body is a pathological process in the body that develops due to the penetration of poisons and toxins into the body. In modern veterinary practice, a large number of different substances that affect various organs are separated.

Poisoning in cats occurs much less frequently than in other pets - dogs. Despite this, there are cats that are not particularly selective in food, capable of swallowing food in large pieces, without particularly sniffing the food.

Poisoning is facilitated by such instincts as licking one's own fur, catching rodents and birds (especially after deratization). Intoxication of the body can occur from chemicals used to treat the coat against fleas, ticks and other parasites.

A distinctive feature of poisoning of cats and dogs is that cats have increased susceptibility against the background of other metabolic processes.

Principles of using poison against cockroaches

When you plan to treat your home for insects, and a pet and family members also live at home, you need to act in such a way as not to harm the animal. Basic rules for self-disinfestation:

  • when spraying poison, the cat must be transported to another facility, and you cannot take it home earlier than 2 weeks, since the poison will be removed from the surfaces only during general cleaning (after 14 days);
  • if a gel is used, it is left inside furniture, on cabinets, behind appliances - where the pet cannot reach, but if the composition contains a bitter component, you can lay out the product in plain sight, but the owner takes responsibility if suddenly his pet turns out to be more curious than the manufacturer of the drug believed, and will eat the entire dose, kindly left for the cockroaches;
  • the gel is applied to cardboard, and the surface of furniture and coatings does not get dirty;
  • when spraying an aerosol or powder, you should wear a respirator and gloves; when using gel or chalk, you just need to protect your hands;
  • When treating a room with a volatile substance, plants and an aquarium are also removed;
  • lines are drawn with chalk in hard-to-reach places: under the bathtub, on the walls, around the perimeter of the ventilation hole.

Dead cockroach and insecticide powder

Symptoms of poisoning in cats

Symptoms of poisoning in cats are different and depend on the poison that has entered the body and caused pathological changes. The greatest danger is that some poisons do not have specific symptoms. The owner of the animal should be extremely attentive to his pet and with any minor symptoms of poisoning, contact a veterinary clinic for advice.

The appearance of neurological disorders, convulsive phenomena, eruption of gastric contents, breathing disorders, bowel disorders can not only indicate poisoning, but also be a sign of other equally dangerous pathologies.

The main signs of poisoning in cats are:

In what cases is the help of a veterinarian necessary?

Stories about cat poisoning do not always end well. In some cases, the pet receives a significant dose of poison that the body cannot cope with on its own. Symptoms of poisoning:

  • low physical activity;
  • vomit;
  • weakness;
  • nasal discharge, increased salivation;
  • lack of appetite.

The best option is to contact specialists

Treatment of cat poisoning

If you suspect poisoning in your pet, the owner of the animal should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. Some poisons are so strong that the animal can die within a few hours after poisoning. It is extremely important to indicate to the doctor what could have caused the intoxication.

First of all, detox is prescribed - diet and treatment. If toxic substances penetrate through the skin or mucous membranes, there is no need to rinse the digestive tract.

The first aid for treating cats with food poisoning is gastric lavage to eliminate the toxic substance from the digestive system. It is not recommended to carry out this manipulation at home, as this can cause gastric rupture.

It is forbidden to give antiemetic medications to cats with food poisoning (the body must cleanse itself of toxins). At first, feeding a cat that is poisoned is prohibited; you can only give clean, warm water. You can add a little salt to warm water and pour it into the sick animal’s mouth.

It is important to ensure that your cat does not become dehydrated during diarrhea and vomiting. To do this, it is important to administer special medications to the patient - saline solutions. The amount of saline solutions administered should not be one-time or large; it is advisable to give a little at a time.

Toxic substances that enter the body must be bound. For these purposes, activated carbon is used, taking into account the weight and age of the sick animal. In addition, it is necessary to use enterosorbents such as Polysorb or Smecta.

A severely weakened animal requires a different approach - the administration of cardiac medications, as well as medications that stimulate the functioning of the respiratory center. In addition to enterosorbents, diuretics help remove toxins from the body as quickly as possible.

Intoxication of a cat’s body with non-food products requires the use of a different treatment regimen. When an animal is bitten by poisonous insects, cold must be applied to the affected area. This contributes to the immediate narrowing of small and large blood vessels, and toxic substances will spread more slowly to other tissues of the body.

If a pet is poisoned by phosphorus-containing substances, it is necessary to immediately administer a specific antidote - an antidote (dipyridoxime) and atropine. The dose of the drug must be prescribed by a veterinarian, otherwise an overdose may occur and the animal will die.

Contact with alkaline compounds on the skin involves the application of acidic substances (acetic or citric acid). If acidic substances come into contact with the skin, apply alkaline substances - baking soda or soap solution.

Cat intoxication with heavy metal salts can be treated by administering sodium sulfate.

Therapeutic measures for animal poisoning with isoniazides include several main points:

If an animal is intoxicated with zoocoumarins (poisons used to kill rodents), it is necessary to act immediately, without delay. The cat is artificially induced to gag and given a laxative enema. The drug to eliminate the effect of warfarin is vitamin K. In addition, medications containing iron are prescribed.

The pet should be under constant supervision of a specialist, since even a slight improvement in body parameters can be deceptive.

Boric acid is the best folk remedy

You can consider another viable option. This is boric acid/borax. The substances have similar structure and properties. They work the same way and give excellent results. Boric acid powder is slightly soluble in water, odorless and has no pronounced taste. This product is not dangerous for humans and animals. This is due to the fact that the substance does not contain highly toxic compounds.

However, boric acid in its pure form is unattractive to cockroaches. If you scatter the powder throughout the room in the hope that the insects themselves will encounter the poison, there is a chance that the substance will be tried by the pet. There is nothing wrong with this, because boric acid is just an outdated antiseptic. However, it is still better to avoid getting it into the digestive system.

To attract cockroaches and protect your pet, boric acid is mixed with egg yolk or other product, formed into balls and placed in hidden corners in different parts of the room. The insects will crawl on their own, and dogs and cats will not be able to reach the poison. However, results should be expected within 1-2 weeks. Boric acid acts slowly.


Preventive measures to prevent intoxication of the animal’s body include several basic rules. So, it is not always possible to protect your pet from dangerous poisonous plants, but you can try to prevent the animal from coming into contact with them. It is important to ensure that the cat’s nutrition is of high quality (properly selected high-quality food and clean drinking water).

It is necessary to carefully ensure that various solvents for paints and varnishes and household chemicals are out of reach of the cat. Treatment against fleas, ticks and other parasites must be carried out carefully, strictly following the recommendations and instructions.

Timely precautions taken significantly reduce the risk of intoxication in the animal, maintaining its health.

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Expert opinion

Expert opinion

Anastasia Nikolaevna Mikhailova

Expert on garden insect pests, biologist, chemist.

  • in a private house you need to monitor your cat more carefully; if possible, he is not allowed to wander outside the yard, but this is difficult to implement, which means you need to examine the animal every time after he returns from a walk; early diagnosis allows you to prevent the development of complications due to intoxication;
  • first aid for a cat who has eaten something extra: put him on a diet - give only water, there is no need to load the body with food, which is struggling with intoxication;
  • Before you go to the veterinarian, you give the cat a drink, he must go to the toilet, the liquid helps eliminate toxins - it flushes the stomach.

Poisoning in a cat: poisons, household chemicals, food, flowers. Symptoms, treatment

One of the most severe pathological conditions in cats that practicing veterinarians have to deal with from time to time is poisoning. There are a lot of problems with them. Firstly, it is often impossible to quickly determine what exactly causes it, and therefore it is not always possible to prescribe an effective antidote. Secondly, in many cases of poisoning, the pathological changes in the cat’s internal organs are so strong (for example, the liver can be completely destroyed) that the animal can die even after proper treatment. Thus, every breeder should know exactly when to suspect poisoning in a cat, and when it is time to make an urgent visit to the veterinarian.

In general, it is believed that cats are more “refined” and careful eaters when compared to dogs. Because of this, they are (hypothetically) poisoned somewhat less frequently. But this point of view is not entirely accurate. Indeed, many cats are quite picky about food and will not eat just anything (most likely, it all depends on the animal). But cats themselves are much more curious. In addition, they often lick their bodies, so they also have plenty of opportunities for poisoning. But this determines the difference in etiological factors. If the same dogs are more often susceptible to food poisoning, then cats are much more likely to suffer from the effects of pesticides and household chemicals, since these substances enter the pet’s body through licking.

In addition, the biochemistry of the cat’s body and the behavior of these animals also play a negative role. Cats are always distinguished by secretive behavior, which is why the owner may not suspect for a long time that something is wrong with his pet. In addition, cats have a fairly high metabolic rate, which is why poisons quickly spread throughout their organs and tissues. Finally, if all the same dogs, albeit with a certain stretch, can be classified as omnivores, then cats are pronounced predators. Therefore, their liver is physically unable to produce many enzymes. Because of these reasons, cats are not only easily poisoned, but also have a long, difficult recovery, and death is not ruled out.

Cockroaches and how they get into the house

When cockroaches appear in the house, you begin to think: “Where did the insects come from?” There are many ways pests can enter your home. Let's look at the main ones:

  • Neighbours. It may happen that your neighbors have baleen pests, but in this area they do not have enough space and food to reproduce. They begin to move and develop new territories. This is how cockroaches may end up in your apartment. For this reason, after some time, the entrance and the entire house may suffer from unwanted insects.
  • Bullying. Your neighbors are suffering from an invasion of mustachioed “friends” and are beginning to actively fight them, creating conditions unsuitable for the life of cockroaches. During disinfection, not all pests die; a certain number of cockroaches can escape and run to the next apartment.
  • Purchases. Often, pests can enter the house along with purchases brought from the store. Often pests enter an apartment with the purchase of furniture, since the furniture is stored in warehouses where pests live in huge quantities.
  • Things. Many people buy things and furniture secondhand, and together with them they can acquire unwanted insects. Also, many people go on business trips or travel, and cockroaches can live at their place of residence (hotel or hotel). There is a chance that they will be able to sneak into your things unnoticed and go home with you.
  • Parcels. Nowadays it is common to order things online because it is convenient. It has been proven that delivery of items from other countries is the main type of transportation of exotic pests. This is how black cockroaches can appear in houses.

There are a number of factors that contribute to reproduction and further residence in your apartment. The main factor is the insect's access to food. Cockroaches are very unpretentious insects; they can feed on bread crumbs, waste in a trash can, and garbage on a dirty floor. Pests can live without food for about a week. Then they begin to move into the cabinets and feed on the bindings of books. It is better to keep the house clean and periodically carry out preventive baiting to prevent cockroaches from infesting your home.

General clinical picture

Unfortunately, as such, the overall clinical picture is either absent or very blurred. This is due to the incredible variety of potential toxins and poisons, the clinical manifestations of poisoning with which also vary significantly. Since many toxins enter the animal’s body through food, responses from the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting and diarrhea) are typical. The problem is that the first signs of neurological pathologies (tremor, wooden gait, seizures, excitability, depression or coma). All of them are characteristic of many viral and parasitic diseases, and therefore it can be extremely difficult to suspect poisoning in time.

Possible manifestations of damage to the respiratory system (coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing). When toxins penetrate through the skin, a response develops in the form of inflammation and swelling of the skin . They can easily be confused with symptoms of allergic reactions. The development of liver failure (jaundice, severe vomiting) and/or kidney failure (sharp increase in thirst, lack of appetite and weight loss) is very typical. Considering that the effect of many toxins is complex, all the symptoms described above can be combined and very blurred, which makes diagnosis extremely difficult.

It is important to remember that even stopping all signs of acute intoxication by administering an antidote (if it exists at all) does not guarantee a complete recovery of the affected animal. Moreover, in some poisonings, the liver and kidneys are irreversibly damaged (for example, due to improper treatment with antibiotics), which dooms the animal to constant treatment throughout its entire life. Let us also note that if the nervous system is damaged (which also happens quite often), the cat will almost inevitably develop various neurological disorders in the future, including seizures (reminiscent of epileptic attacks).

More information about traps and ultrasonic repellers

Baits are used against cockroaches. These are devices that contain a sticky pad or insecticide inside, and in addition, attractants that attract insects. This type of product is not dangerous for animals, since the poison is covered by the body. It provides only small entrances for insects. The number of poisoned pests will increase if you choose an insecticidal trap. To encourage cockroaches to crawl to the sticky area, any attractive product is left on it.

However, traps of different types are characterized by low efficiency. They are used for mild to moderate infection. Lures do their job well, but only as an aid. When there are a lot of insects, traps do not work.

Ultrasonic repellers are often advertised today. They only get rid of mosquitoes. However, cockroaches and other crawling insects do not generate ultrasound, so the repeller will not help get rid of them. There is no poison in the device, but this does not mean that it is harmless. Staying within the range of ultrasound for a long time affects your well-being. Radiation affects the nervous system, provokes sleep disturbances, and headaches, so it is better not to use the repeller in residential buildings.

What to do if you suspect poisoning?

How to help a cat with poisoning? We advise that you take your pet to a veterinarian immediately.

In addition, the following principles should be adhered to:

Take your pet to the vet immediately if you see the following signs of poisoning in cats:

The symptoms described above indicate extremely severe toxic damage to the entire body. If you delay and do not deliver the animal to the clinic in a timely manner, it will almost certainly die.


Marina, 29 years old, Oryol I barely gave my cat water, he didn’t go to the toilet for 4 days, he lay lethargic. They advised us to take him to a veterinarian, but we don’t have a good one nearby, and the animal had a weak appetite, which means he was poisoned by a small dose of poison. Nothing, I left him .

Elena, 41 years old, Bryansk Various insects appear in my private house, the cat was catching flies - he’s used to such food, he likes to hunt. But then one day he fell ill. There was vomiting, I lay weak all the time. The veterinarian prescribed treatment: mainly sorbents and drinks. It helped, but now the question is how to protect the animal in a private home, because a cat can find a poisoned cockroach from any neighbors.

Oleg, 29 years old, Tomsk I start fighting insects at every new rented apartment. The cat is moving with me, so he has already seen different things. For myself, I have developed an effective scheme: first I poison the barbels with a concentrate, during which time I take the cat to a friend. After 3 days I pick it up, but first wipe all surfaces. Cockroaches that did not die will die after applying the gel - I spread it everywhere where the animal cannot reach.

What to do if some harmful/toxic compounds get on your cat’s fur?

Only in the mildest cases, when poisoning does not pose a direct danger to the life of the pet, treatment at home is allowed. As a rule, in such situations, only reliable isolation of the cat from the source of toxic substances is required.

If your cat has an anti-parasitic collar, be sure to remove it from the animal’s neck. It would not hurt to take him to the veterinarian, since the source of poisoning could be the drugs used in the manufacture of this care item. In addition, traces of toxins that caused poisoning in the animal may remain on the collar itself. If your pet is a representative of long-haired breeds, it is recommended to cut off the entire coat, as too many toxic compounds may remain on long hairs. Without this manipulation, washing long-haired cats is strongly not recommended, since toxins, when reacting with water or detergents, can become even more dangerous.

In addition, it is not recommended to dry the animal with a towel after washing , as mechanical rubbing will promote accelerated absorption of toxins into the blood. In cases where some toxic compound with an oily structure has come into contact with the cat’s fur, it is recommended to trim the fur and then carefully wipe off the contaminant using a cotton pad and pure vegetable oil (since the oil will dissolve in the oil). Only after this can the injured cat be washed in warm water and soap.

If you suspect that your cat has eaten poisons, there is no need to give the animal any “hairdressing” executions. He should be taken to the nearest veterinary clinic immediately. However, in such cases, some owners managed to enlist the help of doctors from ordinary hospitals - you obviously cannot perform gastric lavage on your own. It won't hurt to take your pet to the vet in any case.

While you wait for the vet, give your cat plenty of drinking water. Even in cases where the poisoning seems to be mild and you have isolated its source in time, the animal must be placed in a separate room and its behavior must be carefully observed throughout the day. If no threatening symptoms develop during this time, your pet is incredibly lucky. To “calm your conscience,” you can prescribe Gamavit 0.1 ml/kg once a day, three times a week.

What to do if neighbors poison cockroaches. How to secure your home

If one day a cat gets poisoned after eating a barbel, it is recommended to take measures to reduce the risk of a similar situation happening again.

If you find out that your neighbors are poisoning cockroaches, it's time to worry

Shut off the ventilation

The main transit of insects takes place through the ventilation duct, since not all apartments connected by such communications have protection.

Needs to be secured

on the holes there is a mesh with small cells (the side size of each of them is less than 1 mm).

It is worth blocking the ventilation holes for a while, or additionally protecting them with a mesh.

Seal all cracks and leaks

If at home you seal all leaks around the perimeter of each room in the apartment, pay attention to the joints of walls and floors, areas where pipes enter the bathroom, door frames, and window openings, then cockroaches will physically not be able to crawl onto a new clean object when they flee from the apartment that was their home Until recently.

Traces of insect activity near the interior door

Flush the drain regularly

Black cockroaches most often appear from the drain hole. This happens when the pipes are dry inside (the water seal does not function). You can permanently cover the drain with a metal mesh or periodically clean the pipes with chemicals. But the second option has negative consequences for communications. It is better to use the tap more often to flush the drain.

If there is water in the pipes,

insects will not crawl.

Rinse the drain thoroughly!

Replace door seals

Insects can also enter the apartment through the cracks between the door leaf and the frame. Insects have a flat body and a hard shell. They can easily tolerate temporary mechanical loads.

The seal needs to be replaced

this will protect the residents from the mustachioed “travellers.”

Pay attention to the door fastenings

Keep it clean

Cockroaches come in a whole horde where there is a lot of food. They are led by a “scout”. At the same time, insects assess the availability of food. Residues of food everywhere are the reason why the longhorned beetles have taken root in this apartment. It is necessary to carry out general cleaning more often.

If this is not possible,

It is enough to immediately pick up fallen crumbs, wipe the surfaces on which drinks and liquid dishes have spilled.

Carrying out sanitary days is an important rule of the hostel

Do not leave food open

Even if the apartment is shiny, the floors, walls, household appliances are all clean, cockroaches may appear. The reason is products that are stored in the public domain: on tables, in cabinets.

Barbels are omnivorous,

they will eat crumbs from the floor with equal appetite, as well as baked potatoes with meat and sauce prepared for family members.

Store food in places inaccessible to pests!

Don't give water

Eliminate opportunities for insects to obtain liquid: repair faucets, do not leave condensation on the pipes, wipe the bathtub and sink.

Do not do it

store containers of water on tables and floors.

Do not leave water in places accessible to pests!

Common causes of poisoning

Very often, even in a veterinary clinic, specialists are unable to understand what exactly the cat was poisoned with. But experienced veterinarians suspect that the animal is almost certainly being poisoned by something from a wide range of household chemicals:

Other household hazards

Always ensure that all of the above products are stored in areas that are guaranteed to be protected from the penetration of cats. If for some reason this cannot be guaranteed, then at least place all potentially hazardous substances in durable and hermetically sealed containers.

Never try to treat cats with medications intended for humans without first consulting your veterinarian.

The following principles will help avoid accidental poisoning:

Some of the dangers are specific and depend on where the cat lives. So, in rural areas, where houses in many cases continue to be heated with wood, carbon monoxide poisoning . This, however, also happens to cats who like to sleep in the garage: if the concentration of exhaust gases from a running engine reaches a certain concentration, the animal runs the risk of not waking up. This type of poisoning is extremely dangerous, since standard products (Polysorb, for example) do not help much. The only reliable treatment is blood transfusion. In severe cases, the cat will most likely die.

In any case, only emergency veterinary care can significantly increase your pet's chances of survival. If poisoning in a cat is not detected in time, it will die with a probability close to 100%.

Poisoning with rat poisons

First, we would like to separately consider the type of poisoning that is most typical in the case of cats. As you can already guess, we are talking about intoxications caused by eating poisoned mouse-like rodents . In the practice of any experienced veterinarian, there will probably be several very sad stories related to poisoning by rat poison... Believe me, the pet’s chances of survival after it are very low.

Less dangerous is poisoning with first-generation zoocoumarins (more precisely, this is a huge group of toxic compounds with similar properties). This includes, in particular, WARF 42, Dethmore, Rodex, Prolin, Ratron and others. First-generation poisons themselves are safer than their second- and third-class counterparts, but remember that they are much more likely to cause severe consequences (assuming the animal survives at all, of course).

Second generation coumarins include: Contrac, Maki, Ratimus, brodifacoum, bromadiolone, etc. The third class includes: diphacinone, chlorophacinone, valone, and pindone, Promar, Diphacin, Ramik, Afnor, Caid and others.

All of these poisons quickly inhibit the enzymes responsible for the functioning of blood clotting factors. The only “dignity” of these substances is that they take time to act. If you immediately induce vomiting or give the animal an antidote, severe consequences can be completely avoided. In cases where help was provided late, everything is completely different... A lack of blood clotting factors causes the animal to bleed, since blood clots do not form even in the smallest scratches.

Note that the most insidious are the first generation coumarins, which can accumulate in the cat’s body for a long time until their concentration reaches a critical level. The danger of these poisons is also that the symptoms of poisoning may not develop immediately, but after five or seven days from the moment of ingestion.

But still, coumarins of the second and third generations are much more dangerous: as a rule, they kill with the first dose. If a cat ate a mouse poisoned with such poison, then if help is not provided within the first hours, it will die.

Of course, there are cases of successful treatment even after the onset of symptoms, but therapy in such cases is carried out without any guarantees.

Lethal doses and treatment principles

Depending on the specific drug, the lethal dose of first-generation coumarins is considered to be 2.25-13 mg for every four kilograms of live weight at once, or 0.5 mg per kilogram of body weight for five days. The second generation is much more toxic: 11 mg is enough to kill a cat in any case (regardless of its body weight), smaller doses often cause prolonged bleeding in the parenchyma of internal organs, which also leads to death (but not immediately).

Note that the clinical picture of coumarin poisoning is quite typical.

One of the most common causes of death in this case is hemothorax, that is, compression of the lungs with blood. In this case, the organs cannot function normally, and the cat dies from suffocation.


If you see that your pet has eaten a “pill” of rat poison, immediately take him to the clinic. Some breeders advise forcibly giving the cat water and inducing vomiting, but without the appropriate experience, such manipulation will probably end sadly: the animal will choke or inhale vomit (which will almost certainly lead to the development of aspiration pneumonia).

If you already have vomiting or diarrhea, don’t be disdainful - collect them in a bag and take them with you to the veterinarian (with analysis, the specialist will be able to understand what exactly the cat was poisoned with). Oddly enough, the therapy is quite simple. It is practiced to prescribe loading doses of vitamin K (injections every few hours during the day) and specific antidotes (if they exist in principle). Let us clarify that after the development of severe symptoms, this is ineffective.

It is VERY desirable to transfuse blood to poisoned animals , but in modern realities this is a fantasy: not every major city has blood banks for pets.

To keep the animal as calm as possible, the use of sedatives is recommended (less movement means less chance of internal bleeding).

But! We warn you once again that at least some guarantees of successful treatment can be given only if help was provided to the animal no later than an hour and a half from the moment the rat poison was ingested.

In such situations, the prognosis for recovery is good. In other cases, it ranges from cautious to unfavorable. So, if a cat begins to bleed from the nose, eyes, urethra and anus, even the best veterinarian is unlikely to be able to help him. Here everything depends solely on the luck of the pet, alas.

Intoxication with toxic agents used in agriculture

Note that modern pesticides, provided they are completely dry on the surfaces being treated, are relatively safe for warm-blooded animals. If you use them at home, be sure to store the products in separate rooms where pets and small children cannot enter. In ideal cases, all such products should be stored in “tightly” locked cabinets. If you carry out any “chemical” work in the garden or garden, lock the cat at home and warn your neighbors so that they also do not let their pets out for a walk.

Are there cockroach repellents that are safe for cats?

It is recommended to use preparations that are odorless and do not emit volatile substances. The most suitable means for fighting cockroaches in an apartment are those that can be hidden inside furniture, on top of cabinets, behind appliances, for example, gel, chalk, powder, traps.

These drugs are not dangerous

for animals, because pets cannot swallow them.

Drugs that can be used:

  • Dohlox gel: contains fipronil, the insecticide kills cockroaches, but the product is not dangerous for cats, despite the strong-smelling bait in the composition;
  • Globol: an effective drug, contains chlorpyrifos, as well as an attractant, which ensures the rapid death of pests, they are attracted by one substance, and death occurs from another;
  • Lethal force: the active component is fipronil, the composition also includes an attractant, the principle of action of this drug is the same as that of the previously discussed analogues;
  • Hector is a powder based on diatomite, the composition also includes boric acid, it damages the chitinous shell, and the rock (diatomite) absorbs moisture, this combination of components accelerates the death of pests;
  • Kombat traps - there is a toxic substance inside, but the cat cannot get into it, which means that nothing threatens him, while cockroaches can easily crawl inside, they are attracted by the attractant.

In many gels

contains a component - a bitter substance, thanks to which pets are not interested in the poison that is spread around the apartment.

Even if the pet tries the drug, he will not like the taste, and the cat will no longer attempt to eat the substance.

Hector from cockroaches

Poisoning with antiparasitic drugs

A characteristic sign of poisoning with antiparasitic drugs is thick, foamy and profusely secreted saliva, as well as sharply increased thirst. If it comes to trembling, very high body temperature and convulsions, immediately take your pet to the veterinarian.

In order not to endanger your cat’s life, carefully (!) read the instructions for using antiparasitic medications, and also consult a specialist before administering them.

And further. Never, under any circumstances, use products intended for treating dogs to kill fleas on a cat! They contain completely different concentrations of active substances, and therefore the likelihood of poisoning increases by orders of magnitude.

External means

Poisoning with sulfur ointment is quite dangerous. It is used for many types of scabies (i.e. demodicosis, notoedrosis, etc.). Remember that this drug must be applied so that the animal cannot lick it off. If this is not possible (and in most cases it is), a surgical collar is placed around the animal's neck. It limits the pet’s “acrobatic” abilities, preventing it from reaching those parts of its body that are treated with sulfur ointment.

Why cats hunt cockroaches

Animals were not always domestic. They have a hunting instinct, and therefore there is always a victim. And it’s not always a mouse, as many people think. Cats can also catch insects. For their prey, such pets are the most dangerous, because they don’t just let go. Cats are playful; it is not so important for them to get enough as to play with the caught pest.

Pets receive nutritional components from food given by humans. This explains why cats almost never purposefully catch rodents and insects to eat.

How cruel

It may sound like it, but the main task of hunting for modern pets is play or entertainment.

Cats enjoy playing with the escaping cockroach

Poisonous insect bites

Fortunately, these types of poisonings are extremely rare in our country. In extreme cases, a cat may be stung by a wasp or a bee, but intoxication as such does not occur. The development of an allergic reaction is much more likely (which, however, is in no way safer for the cat). All this is treated with antihistamines. If you live in the southern regions of the country, where poisonous spiders/scorpions can be found, always keep the serum on hand (and this is relevant not only for treating animals). If you suspect that your pet has been bitten by someone and he does not get up, be sure to visit a veterinary clinic. We advise you not to delay this!

"Plant" poisoning

Contrary to popular belief, any garden or vegetable garden, not to mention wild meadows and fields, is full of “flowers” ​​that can cause either a severe allergic reaction or poisoning from poisonous plants. In addition, no less dangerous vegetation can often be seen... in flower pots. So a cat’s passionate desire to “chew the grass” growing on the windowsill can end very badly.

As a rule, cats living in rural areas and regularly walking outside will not eat poisonous plants. But in cases where a cat is occasionally taken out to the country, he does not have the relevant experience, and therefore can eat any sprout he likes. First aid if this is suspected is to give plenty of fluids and, if possible, induce vomiting.

Dangerous plants

In addition, kittens are at particular risk: due to their natural curiosity, they taste a lot. To prevent your cat from going hungry, grow oats or regular lettuce on the windowsill. They are quite enough to “vitaminize” the animal’s body, which, in addition, will not encroach on more valuable (and possibly poisonous) indoor plants.

As for initially poisonous flowers, the classic example is Dieffenbachia . Moreover, the plant is so “ambiguous” that it is extremely unwise to grow it in a home where there are small children or animals. A cat can be seriously poisoned by lilies. In the latter, not only the leaves, but also the flowers (more precisely, their pollen) are poisonous. Just one lily flower (!), if eaten by a curious pet, can lead to death from acute renal failure.

ficus is even worse : the plant itself belongs to the Euphorbiaceae (all representatives of this family are poisonous). Popular in the CIS countries, ficus, when consumed internally, causes strong spastic contractions of smooth muscles. They are so pronounced that pregnant cats have miscarriages, and other cats “decorate” the entire house with vomit and feces. If such signs appear, take your pet to the doctor immediately!

A similar thing can happen with tulips . These beautiful flowers are full of alkaloids. When they enter the body, severe neurological seizures develop, the intensity of which makes one think of epilepsy.

Food poisoning

Food poisoning in cats is quite rare. This is due to the fact that the cat (unless in extreme exhaustion) will not eat food that has spoiled. Much more problems arise because the owners, wanting to “pamper” their pet, give it those foods that are extremely dangerous to feed to animals (which we already talked about at the very beginning of the article).

But! Even eating regular and healthy dairy products can lead to bad consequences. Vomiting, diarrhea, and other signs of digestive problems develop. This is due to the fact that adult cats have practically no “lactic” enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract. However, ordinary food poisoning in cats cannot be ruled out.


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