Trap Sturm gel paste against cockroaches (syringe), 30 g

Composition of Kapkan Sturm-gel-paste

The insecticide includes the following group of components:

  • Diazinon;
  • Alphacypermethrin;
  • Tasty bait.

A special bitter additive eliminates the possibility of it getting into the food of a pet or person. You will notice the effect after three days, when you notice the first victims. In a week, cockroaches will disappear from your life forever, and re-treatment will not even be required. The effect is ensured due to prolonged enteric contact action. When an insect takes poison, it dies within 12 hours and actively infects all its relatives.

Composition and principle of action of the gel Trap against cockroaches

Gel Pregrada Russian

The main component of the Pregrada Russian gel is fipronil 0.05%, which has an intestinal-contact principle of action. The product does not lose effectiveness at elevated temperatures and sunlight.

The drug depresses the nervous system of cockroaches and leads to the death of all individuals. Attractants - food baits, bitrex, canned food and gelling agents - auxiliary substances. Bitrex gives the drug a bitter taste.

Gelling agents thicken the product, so it does not dry out for a long time and adheres well to surfaces. Preservatives do not allow food baits to deteriorate, which attract household pests with their specific smell. The drug Kapkan is sold in a syringe with a volume of 30 mg.

Gel against cockroaches Kapkan Shturm

The main components of the Kapkan Sturm gel are insecticides: alpha-cypermethrin 0.05%, diazinon 0.3%, having a contact-intestinal principle of action, odorless. Both insecticides attack the nervous system of pests. The excipients are the same as in the Pregrada gel; it is sold in syringes weighing 15 and 30 grams.

The principle of action of both drugs is similar. Food flavorings - attractants lure pests with a specific smell, insecticides, when interacting with insects, inhibit the nervous system.

Cockroaches infect other individuals, carrying the bait on their whiskers and paws, and begin to die after two days. The greatest effectiveness of the drug occurs after two weeks.

Trap Sturm, containing two toxic substances, has a more lasting result compared to Pregrada Russian and is not addictive. But if you follow all the processing rules, both of these products are effective and the likelihood of re-infestation by harmful insects is minimal.

Preparations in gel form based on chlorpyrifos

One of the popular products in this group is Exil Schaben Paste or Global. This is confirmed by positive reviews. The concentration of the insecticide (chlorpyrifos) is small - 0.5%. However, this is a rather toxic drug, so even in this dosage the poison effectively kills insects. Global is sold in a tube (75 g). This amount is enough to treat an apartment of up to 80 square meters. m. Regent for cockroaches

The product does not have a strong odor, the color is light brown. In addition to the main component, the composition includes an attractant, a fatty base and a component that provides a bitter taste. Thanks to this, the drug cannot attract animals and is relatively safe for children.

Another product also contains chlorpyrifos - this is Absolute gel. The concentration is the same as that of Global (0.5%). Gel Absolute against cockroaches helps destroy red, black pests and ants. The consumption of the drug is significant. Tube capacity – 125 ml. This is enough to treat a room of 40-50 square meters. m. Absolute gel destroys insects in 2 weeks.

Gel Great Warrior contains chlorpyrifos (0.3%) and diazinon (0.2%). In addition, the composition includes minor additives. The product is sold in a syringe (45 g). This amount is enough to destroy insects in a room of 40-60 square meters. m.

Rules of application

Kapkan products are applied to pre-washed and dried surfaces around sinks, baseboards, refrigerators, vents, on the walls of furniture, in the bathroom using a syringe containing the drug. The gel is distributed in uniform stripes or pointwise at a distance of 5-20 cm, depending on the infestation of insects.

Cockroach repellent can also be applied to paper substrates, which are laid out on the floor or attached with tape to vertical surfaces. After a month, the remaining poisons must be washed off with a detergent.

Cockroach Killer Anti

  1. Powder manufacturer - China .
  2. Product form: insecticidal powder, light brownish or yellowish in color, odorless .
  3. Weight per package – 10 g.
  4. How to use the drug - sprinkle on baseboards, near the trash can, communication pipes and other places where cockroaches can hide.
  5. The approximate cost of the product is 175 rubles .

Review of the Cockroach Killer Anti:

Roman, Moscow. I am a student. I live in a hostel. We regularly encounter problems such as cockroaches. I bought Anti Killer powder at the market and immediately noticed how it worked. About half a day had passed since I scattered the powder in all corners of the room and corridor, and here and there I already came across dead crawling creatures. I liked the fact that the powder has no smell. But it’s a pity that there was no Russian translation on the bag - everything is written in Chinese.

Advantages, disadvantages and evaluation of the effectiveness of the gel

Reviews of gel preparations are mostly positive. This is due to a number of positive qualities:

  • prolonged action (1-6 months);
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • no odor;
  • moderate toxicity to warm-blooded creatures;
  • possibility of processing any surfaces;
  • The gel destroys all crawling insects.

There are no serious disadvantages to gel-based preparations. One can highlight the low speed of action. The drug kills insects slowly. On average, it takes a week to destroy pests. The more cockroaches, the longer you will have to wait for results. There is another drawback to the gel - it leaves stains. The product contains a fatty component, thanks to which the product does not dry out, but can stain the surface being treated.

When compared to other types of preparations, the gel stands out greatly. For example, concentrated solutions must be used to treat all surfaces, even the smallest crevices, otherwise there will be no result. Aerosols operate on a similar principle. These drugs have a strong odor. Simpler means (traps, bait) give poor results, although they are easy to use and inexpensive.

The high efficiency of gels is due to the fact that pests, upon contact with the active substance, spread it to their nests

How to use gel paste

Before disinfestation, clear the room of dust and debris. Remove waste buckets and other possible food targets. Cover the water containers. Then apply the gel thinly into crevices around baseboards, under sinks, behind cabinets, near hoods, and other areas where insects gather and move. The manufacturer recommends applying the gel in a dotted line: 2 cm of gel – 4-6 cm of untreated surface, depending on the number and type of cockroaches (to combat black and American cockroaches, the dose of the drug is increased).

For convenience, it is permissible to use substrates - 50 mg of product for each. For a room of 10 square meters you will need 4 substrates.

The residual effect lasts up to 2 months; repeated treatments can be carried out no earlier than 3 weeks after the initial disinsection.

It is not recommended to use the gel together with contact insecticidal preparations - emulsions, dusts, aerosols.

Operating principle

The enteric-contact drug contains food additives that attract cockroaches. Insects die 10 hours after “Sturm-gel-paste Kapkan” penetrates inside. During this period, poisoned individuals manage to start a chain reaction and scale the effect on other insects. Cockroaches killed by the gel paste remain a source of lethal doses of the insecticide, resulting in the death of the population within 3-5 days after treatment. The trailing residual effect of the drug is 1-2 months. The product is effective in preventing the spread of cockroaches “escaping” from neighbors.

Pros and cons of Kapkan drugs for cockroaches

Kapkan preparations in gel form have a large number of advantages that are appreciated by thousands of customers.

  • The products are odorless, food flavorings - attractants are felt only by insects. This property allows you to comfortably use gels in residential premises - apartments, houses, since there is no need to ventilate the rooms for a long time.
  • Kapkan gels are easy to use; using a syringe, it is easy to dose when applied to surfaces.
  • The preparations are universal, affecting all types of insect pests that come into contact with it.
  • Economical, one syringe is enough to treat a room with an area of ​​30 sq.m.
  • The gels are easy to use; there is no need to treat the entire room; the product is applied only in the habitats of cockroaches.
  • Gel Trap against cockroaches is not dangerous for people and pets, does not emit odors, and therefore does not enter the human respiratory tract. The bitter substance contained in the composition repels animals if they try it.
  • Long-acting preparations, due to their jelly-like state, do not dry out for a month.

Kapkan gels for cockroaches also have negative aspects: a low rate of reduction in the number of individuals - cockroaches do not die instantly and this brings some inconvenience. Fatty substances contained in Kapkan gels leave stains on surfaces that need to be washed off.

Kapkan gels are affordable and easy-to-use preparations for exterminating all types of cockroaches and have received many positive reviews from users.

How safe is the drug?

According to the hazard criterion, the insecticide belongs to class 4 of low-hazard substances (GOST 12.1.007-76). Does not cause local irritation upon single contact with skin. Does not require the use of respiratory protection.

It is advisable to wear gloves when working with the insecticide; after treatment, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Do not use in areas accessible to children.

From a safety point of view, the product is suitable for treating residential, office premises, medical, food, trade, and educational transport organizations.

Composition, principle of operation

The gel against cockroaches is effective due to special components:

  • insecticide;
  • fat base;
  • attractant.

Insecticide kills insects. The composition can be single-component or multi-component. If the drug contains one type of insecticide, it may be a chemical substance from the group of pyrethroids, organophosphorus compounds or neonicotinoids. Multi-component gel for killing cockroaches is more effective. It contains insecticides of different groups. Substances of the class of pyrethroids and organophosphorus compounds are most often combined. This option is preferable because pests gradually develop resistance to the active substance as a result of using single-component products.

Cockroach repellent gel attracts pests. This is due to the presence of attractants in the composition. They give off an almost imperceptible odor, but pests sense it and run to the poison. The gel contains a fatty component. Thanks to this substance, the poison does not dry out and continues to act for a long time.

Gel against cockroaches is the most effective remedy. The form of release of the gel can be different: a syringe against cockroaches, a tube. This will not affect the efficiency level. The method of application is also the same for both options. The remedy for cockroaches in a syringe and tube works according to the same scheme: upon contact with the poison, the pests die. This happens in two cases: when the insecticide gets on the chitinous covers and during food intake. Most types of gels inhibit the nervous system of insects and disrupt intercellular processes. The poison causes paralysis in cockroaches. As a result, they die.

How can you destroy cockroaches in an apartment forever?

The high efficiency of gels is due to the fact that pests, upon contact with the active substance, spread it to their nests. Particles of the toxic substance remain on the chitinous covers. Thanks to this feature, one cockroach infects another. In addition, the consumption of the drug is significantly reduced and one tube is enough to treat the room.

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