"Bars" from cockroaches: reviews, instructions for use. How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever

Author: Michael Potter Updated: September 23, 2021

Bed bugs have been annoying people for several centuries, but they became a widespread household problem during World War II. Since then, they have tried to get rid of them using a wide variety of pesticides, but this did not bring the expected result. Their nocturnal and secretive habits, coupled with a lack of public awareness of the dangers of these insects, have contributed to their rapid spread throughout the world. The fastest way to get rid of these pests is a spray, but which one should you choose? We will help you make the right choice. Here you will find the 10 best sprays against bedbugs - both with natural composition and professional insecticides.

Until today, no specialist has yet been able to accurately determine what actually leads to an increase in bedbug activity on a global scale. It has been proven that most pests are found in hotel and hostel rooms. This is why such insects are primarily associated with travel, rather than with poor sanitation or simply poverty. Unfortunately, this is true: cleanliness in the house and social status do not protect against infection. Ultimately, this all leads to the “million dollar question” of how to get rid of bed bugs in hotels, homes, commercial buildings and public transportation.

If the pesticides have no residual effect, surviving bedbugs continue to travel freely and safely. They simply move from your suitcases straight to your bed, which is the beginning of a new infection in a new place. Fortunately, today's pest control methods can completely and permanently get rid of bedbugs. The solution to the problem of infestations in hotels, motels, inns, houses and apartments is the right insecticides.

But as VDACS research shows, “There are not many insecticides registered for indoor use. Those that are registered mainly belong to one chemical class - pyrethroids. Many bedbug populations in the United States are resistant to their effects, so no single insecticide can eliminate them completely.” Scientists do not recommend relying entirely on repellents and IGRs (insect growth regulators) , since they cannot completely kill pests, and along with them, use products such as liquid insecticides, powders and, of course, aerosol insecticidal sprays.

Why are cockroaches dangerous?

In the apartment, red insects cause a lot of trouble. Crawling on food products, they transfer pathogenic bacteria, fungal spores, and helminth eggs to them. They often cause allergic reactions and dangerous diseases.

Prussians often become the culprits of failure of electrical equipment and expensive household appliances. If dark traces of insect feces and remains of chitinous shells are found in a living room, then you must immediately begin to fight them. The cockroach repellent “Bars” is suitable for this purpose.

Characteristics of the drug

There are a lot of insecticides for killing red Prussians in the retail chain. As a result of long-term use, cockroaches have already become accustomed to most of them. But “Bars,” designed to kill fleas and ticks on four-legged pets (cats and dogs), is something new for cockroaches. That is why the product actively copes with their destruction. The drug is sold in the form of aerosols of 100 or 200 ml in pharmacies and pet stores. It is made on the basis of a strong insecticide, fipronil, which has a nerve-paralytic effect. In insects, nerve receptors are blocked, convulsions, paralysis occur, breathing stops and death occurs.

Numerous reviews indicate the harmful effects of the drug. “Bars” for cockroaches helped to get rid of harmful insects once and for all, when many different poisons had already been tried, and hope for their destruction was lost, users say. It should be noted that the product contains repellents that repel pests, and they are forced to leave their homes. The drug, created to kill insects in animals, does not have a specific odor, which is very convenient for treating any premises.

Top 10. BOZ

Rating (2021): 3.97

73 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozone, Otzovik, IRecommend

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 148 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredient: fenthion, deltamethrin
  • Validity period: up to 4 months
  • Smell: yes
  • Weight: 100 g
  • Toxicity to humans and animals: low hazard (toxicity class 4)

BOZ dust allows you to get rid of bed bugs relatively quickly. This is a product from a Russian manufacturer; it is based on two active components that have a complex insecticidal effect. This makes it more effective in the fight against bedbugs that have managed to adapt to poisons. According to user reviews, BOZ dust is simple and easy to use and allows you to quickly destroy pests. Among the shortcomings, there is a rather pungent odor, so it is advised to leave the apartment at the time of treatment, and then thoroughly ventilate it. Many people appreciated the interesting design of the drug’s packaging, made their choice precisely because of it, and as a result they also received decent effectiveness.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Highly effective, two-component insecticide
  • Helps get rid of insects with developed resistance
  • Easy to use
  • Long residual effect (up to 4 months)
  • Strong smell

Precautionary measures

The product does not pose a danger to pets and humans. But when using Barsa (cockroach spray), you still need to take the following precautions:

Food should be bagged and stored in a cupboard or refrigerator. For processing, use rubber gloves and a mask so that toxic components do not get on the skin or into the respiratory tract. Spraying should be done in the absence of children.

If safety rules are violated, headache and nausea may occur. If unpleasant symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


  1. Manufacturer – Russia.
  2. The form of the product is a powder without a pungent odor, which must be used dissolved.
  3. Packaging weight, plastic bottle – 250 g , 1 kg
  4. The active ingredient in the composition is Acetamiprid 20%.
  5. How to use the powder - you need to prepare a working solution of 1-2 grams of powder per 1 liter of water and spray it not only over all horizontal surfaces in the room, but also inside upholstered furniture , under mattresses, in cabinet drawers, and so on.
  6. The effect occurs after an hour of exposure of the treated area, or after a couple of hours .
  7. It is allowed to leave the product in the applied state for 2-3 weeks without washing it off . After this, you can wash everything and wash it with soap and soda.
  8. Product consumption – 100 ml of raster per 1 sq. m.
  9. Precautionary rules - you must handle the room wearing gloves and a protective mask on your face, and best of all, a respirator.
  10. The toxicity of the product is low.
  11. Approximate prices – 1500 rubles. for 250 grams, 5000 for 1 kg

​​ BUY


Natalya Ivanovna, Moscow. I'm so tired of these bugs that I just don't have the strength. The whole family was bitten! We decided to try Aspidn instead of other remedies that we had already used several times. But this time, over the phone, the exterminator advised us to pay attention to the vents of the ventilation shafts; if they were open, then they had to be covered with a fine mesh and some insecticide sprayed there. Because, most likely, it is from our neighbors that bedbugs come to us. We all did just that and we finally succeeded!

Indications for use

As indicated in the instructions for use of the drug "Bars", it is intended for the destruction of domestic four-legged ticks, fleas, lice and lice. It contains substances that have a detrimental effect on the nervous system of pests, causing paralysis and subsequent death. There is also a deterrent effect. In addition, it was found that this drug works well against cockroaches. It not only kills insects, but also repels them. This product is recommended for use in cases of low infestation.

general description

Avalon has an insectoacaricidal effect on a number of parasitic insects that live in human homes.

Type of drugCompoundInsects against which it is used
Acute insecticideTemephos (main component, 50% of the total composition)Bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquitoes, flies, rat mites

Based on its effects on the human body, the product is classified as a moderately hazardous substance.

How to use "Bars" against cockroaches?

When using the product, you must adhere to the following rules:

    Prepare surfaces for treatment: do wet cleaning and take out trash. Place food in the refrigerator and dishes in the closet. Pets should be removed from the apartment. Move furniture away from the walls, close windows and doors. Wear personal protective equipment. Shake the can and treat baseboards and places where insects accumulate. Keep the can at a distance of about 25 cm from the surface. Leave the premises for two hours. After this, ventilate the apartment and remove dead insects.

Is it possible to remove cockroaches from an apartment permanently using Bars? The spray only lasts for two weeks, so re-application is required. The fact is that the product does not affect the larvae of cockroaches, which during this time can hatch and attack the hosts again. In addition, for greater effectiveness, glue insect traps are hung on the walls.


  1. Production – Russia .
  2. The form of the drug is insecticide powder.
  3. The mass of the substance in the bag is 1 kg
  4. Active substance – Alpha-cypermethrin 5%.
  5. How does Karbofos act on bedbugs? Once in the creature’s body, malathion will begin to disintegrate into malaoxone, which leads to the complete death of the organism .
  6. Application - dilute the powder at the rate of 10 grams per liter of water, the solution is consumed approximately 100 ml per square meter.
  7. Cost – 1400 rub.



Nikita Seregich, St. Petersburg. Oh, we were once tinkering with bedbugs - where did such a disgusting thing come from! We decided not to bother too much about fashionable products, so we bought Alfatrin powder. After a few days, we completely forgot what a bug in the house was.

Advantages and disadvantages

The effectiveness of Bars in killing cockroaches was tested by users through an experiment. It turned out to be effective and with timely treatment, insects completely disappear from the living space. The advantages of the drug include:

Safety for human health. When making it for processing animal hair, manufacturers provided all the requirements for its toxicity. Easy to use. The product is sprayed from a can. Economical use. The can is enough for a large area of ​​the room. The remaining funds can be stored and used as needed. No unpleasant odor. You may not leave the premises for a long period of time.

The only drawback is its cost, which is 300–400 rubles, which is more expensive than some other drugs. But considering its versatility (suitable for killing insects in animals and indoors) and effectiveness, the price is completely justified.

Top 7. Ecokiller

Rating (2021): 4.15

88 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozone, Otzovik, IRecommend

The longest period of action Ecokiller powder is diatomaceous earth dust, which remains effective throughout the entire period of presence. Being in crevices and hard-to-reach places, it is capable of destroying insects for up to three years.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 576 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredient: diatomite
  • Validity period: up to 3 years
  • Smell: no
  • Weight: 1 kg
  • Toxicity to humans and animals: safe

This insecticide does not contain poisons or any other chemicals. The principle of influence on insects is mechanical. Particles of diatomite powder enter the joints of the chitinous shell of the bug, destroy it during movement, after which dehydration of the pest begins and it dies. The product is very effective, but the result will take longer than when using pesticides. It often takes 2-3 months until the parasites are completely destroyed. At the same time, Ecokiller powder penetrates into hard-to-reach places. The product is odorless, completely harmless and hypoallergenic for animals and people. But after use it becomes noticeably dusty.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • High efficiency
  • Complete safety (mechanical impact)
  • Suitable for use in homes with children and allergy sufferers
  • Non-addictive
  • For greater effect, the powder must be applied directly to the bug.
  • After use, the room becomes noticeably dusty
  • It takes a long time to see the effect

"Bars" from cockroaches: reviews

An effective spray to protect animals from insects has been produced by the manufacturer for a long time. And recently, it has often been used as an effective means of combating domestic cockroaches. There are a large number of positive reviews about this drug on the Internet, which note the following points:

A good result is if Bars is used immediately after insects are detected. Helps in the preventive fight against cockroaches; they do not appear after treating the premises. If there is a significant concentration of red locusts, it is necessary to use several times, and sometimes additional drugs. The product is suitable for killing insects in animals and cockroaches at the same time. Economical: the can is enough to treat a large area. Some consumers are not entirely satisfied with the price of 400 rubles.

As a review of reviews shows, “Bars” for cockroaches is quite effective and satisfies a large number of consumers. Some of them got rid of the Prussians after long failures only thanks to Bars.


Effective analogues of Avalon are the following::

  • liquid Forsythe;
  • Zonder concentrate;
  • MedLIS Super spray;
  • liquid Avgust Bedbug beetle;
  • Cyclops.

Suspensions against bedbugs and cockroaches Executioner, Ecodust and Extermin-C can also be used as analogues.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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