Removing cockroaches from an apartment - effective means

When cockroaches appear in an apartment, you need to pay attention to the areas that are usually their favorite habitat. And oddly enough, such places include household appliances. Here insects feel warm and reliably protected. The equipment is equipped with “stuffing”, but it also has voids where you can reliably hide from the owner’s eyes. How to bring out and destroy red invaders?

Boric acid

I would like to start with one of the most effective folk remedies - boric acid.
Although it has been used to combat cockroaches since the end of the last century, it still remains the most optimal solution among non-specialized options. The uniqueness of boric acid is that cockroaches, which are famous for their vitality, have not been able to adapt to it. To combat cockroaches, boric acid is most often used in powder form, which is mixed with egg yolk. Then, bait balls are formed from the resulting “dough” and placed in the cockroaches’ favorite places. You can also add vanillin to the bait, which will attract insects.

Although boric acid is harmless to humans in small quantities, you should take precautions and wear gloves when working with it. You should also make sure that the balls are kept out of the reach of animals and children.

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Thanks to fine spraying, the aerosol penetrates into the farthest corners, small crevices and cracks. Well, if a cockroach gets under the stream, then the product knocks it down on the spot. It is also merciless for larvae. One can of standard volume is enough for approximately 60 sq.m. It certainly has a smell, and it is quite noticeable, but not unpleasant. The only thing is that over time, cockroaches get used to the product, and it loses its effectiveness. This can be solved by increasing the concentration of the drug.


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Another equally effective folk method of fighting cockroaches is ammonia. Unlike boric acid, its task is not to harm the insect, but to scare it away. Cockroaches have an extremely well-developed sense of smell, so when they smell an unpleasant odor, they will try to avoid it.

To combat cockroaches, ammonia is diluted with water based on the proportion: one teaspoon of ammonia per liter of water. The resulting solution is used to treat “approaches” from which uninvited insects can come, for example, a gap under the front door or holes in a plumbing unit. The procedure is carried out every 2-3 days and is repeated until the cockroaches lose interest in your apartment.

Why cockroaches don't die in the microwave

Cockroaches have learned to adapt to environmental changes.

Why cockroaches don't die in the microwave:

  • insects quickly reproduce and restore their numbers under the influence of radiation;
  • They quickly get used to strong chemicals; repeated treatment has no effect on either adults or offspring.

You can get rid of cockroaches that have developed immunity to poisons using the following methods:

  1. Pests do not like very high temperatures. If you expose the microwave to the sun on a hot day, they will scatter. The device is turned on for 30 minutes, setting the temperature to more than +50°C. This method is used in extreme cases, as it can lead to equipment failure.
  2. Cockroaches are heat-loving insects; they feel comfortable at temperatures from +28 to +35°C. To drive insects out of a microwave oven in winter, place it outside at a temperature no higher than -1°C for 5-6 hours. Freezing at a temperature of -10°C and below will lead to the complete death of insects in 2-3 hours.

This is interesting:

How to remove food moths from the kitchen.

How to clean the inside of toasters from crumbs at home.

How to get rid of bugs in cereals in the kitchen forever.


As a “nuclear strike” in the fight against cockroaches, one can consider one of the oldest and most controversial methods - freezing. As you might guess from the name, this method of control involves reducing the temperature in the room to near-zero or negative values. The fact is that cockroaches, like other insects, cannot warm themselves, and therefore are not able to withstand such frosts.

This method is used only in winter. To do this, open the windows and closet doors to allow cold air to reach every crack. However, before you start freezing, you need to turn off the central heating to avoid bursting the pipes. The apartment remains in this form for about 4 hours.

The only problem with this method is that with a high degree of probability it can result in damage to the water supply or household appliances. And if you forget to turn off the heating, then so do the batteries. Therefore, this method should be resorted to only in extreme cases.

Ineffective methods

Among the ways to expel cockroaches from a microwave, there are also absolutely ineffective ones.:

  1. Household chemicals and fragrant herbs. They use decoctions or infusions made from fragrant herbs or household chemicals with a pungent odor. Prepare a solution, soak cotton pads in it and thoroughly treat the microwave with the product to repel cockroaches. Pests do not like this smell, but only a few die from it. However, this method can be supplemented with insecticidal microwave treatment. Or you can use it for preventive purposes.
  2. Ultrasonic repellers. Fleeing insects from the cockroach family do not have sensory organs that perceive ultrasound waves. It is not advisable to use such repellers to combat these parasites. Cockroaches in the microwave will not disappear from such devices.
  3. Magical ways. Some housewives are absolutely sure that you can get rid of cockroaches using a variety of magical rituals. But esotericism has nothing to do with pest control. If you place your hopes on such methods of influence for a long time, the population of cockroaches will fill the entire living space.

To combat running pests, experts recommend combining several products at once . Primary treatment is carried out with instant-acting agents, and then, to consolidate the result, odorless preparations are used that are safe for people and pets, but have a prolonged effect.


From folk remedies we will smoothly move on to the achievements of modern technologies. One of them is special gels that are applied in the habitats of cockroaches. Having touched such a gel, the cockroach becomes a carrier of the poison, spreading it throughout the colony on its paws. After some time, the gel begins to act and destroys the insect.

Although gels generally do not have an unpleasant odor and do not release toxic substances, they are extremely dangerous for humans and pets. Therefore, they should be applied only in places inaccessible to children and pets, for example, behind a kitchen unit.

Reasons why cockroaches appear in the microwave oven

If the microwave oven is rarely cleaned, food and grease residues will accumulate in it. This may attract cockroaches. They love the heat that a microwave oven produces. It especially attracts them during the cold season.

Insects find neutral places in the device where radio waves do not reach, take up residence in it and begin to multiply, quickly filling the entire apartment. When heating and cooking food, they crawl into it, contaminate surfaces with waste products, spread worm eggs and various diseases. When the microwave oven is operating, insects may cause fire and fire.


An alternative to gels are specialized crayons, which are used to draw thick lines in places favored by cockroaches, for example, behind furniture. If a cockroach crosses such a line, it will contain an insecticide that will kill the insect in a few hours.

It is recommended to use crayons once every couple of months, remembering to erase old lines first. When working with them, you must follow safety rules and use protective equipment: masks and gloves. Cockroach crayons are also toxic to humans. Therefore, this product should not be used if there are small children or pets in the house.

Step-by-step instruction

To get rid of cockroaches, it is not enough to simply spray insecticide or set a trap. Disinsection will be successful if you prepare for it properly. To do this, we recommend following a few simple steps.

Step 1: Hide the food

The first priority is to deprive the cockroaches of food. Place grains, flour and sugar from bags and cardboard boxes into tightly sealed containers. Replace your regular trash can with a sealed one with a lid. And don't forget to hide bowls of pet food at night.

Step 2: Remove water sources

Cockroaches need water no less than food. If they can survive without food for a month, then without moisture - no longer than two weeks. Therefore, before carrying out pest control, it is necessary to repair the plumbing. There should be no dripping taps or leaking pipes in the house.

In addition, before going to bed, it is recommended to dry sinks, tiles and bathtubs, and close the drain. Wet sponges, rags and toothbrushes can be stored in a plastic ziplock bag at night.

Step 3: Clean up

Even if you have all your food and water safely hidden, cockroaches can survive on accidentally spilled drops of oil or soy sauce. Do some general cleaning - clean the stove and microwave, wipe down the kitchen cabinets, sweep out dried bread crumbs from under the refrigerator. Make new rules: wash the countertop immediately after using it and never leave dirty dishes in the sink.

Step 4: Seal the cracks

Work on protecting the apartment: eliminate all the cracks, the slightest cracks, holes around the pipes. This can be done using putty, a glue gun, polyurethane foam, ordinary nylon or reinforced tape. In addition, cockroaches love to hide in household appliances - seal the loopholes with tape. They should have no hiding places or escape routes.

Step 5: Warn your neighbors

Step 6. Prepare the poison

Ultrasound generators

One of the latest technologies in the fight against cockroaches is ultrasonic repellers, which make the room unsuitable for insect life. Moreover, in most cases they are completely safe for humans.

Prices for such equipment start from several hundred rubles, but I do not recommend buying the cheapest models. Unfortunately, there are a huge number of fakes on the domestic market, the housing of which does not even contain a source of ultrasonic waves. Therefore, such repellers should be purchased only in trusted stores, after reading reviews about the selected model.

Manufacturers of poison

Which manufacturers of cockroach killers are considered the best?
There are a lot of cockroach removal products on the market in various forms. Among them are those that buyers choose most often.

German brand Global

demonstrates the effectiveness of its paste, which begins to act literally an hour after the insects get to it.

American products Raid Max

Russian buyers like it for its effectiveness and the ability to choose products, from aerosols to traps and other options.

Long-familiar “Mashenka”

retains its popularity due to the low price of the products, however, cockroaches are already resistant to some of the manufacturer’s products, and this is worth taking into account.

Among the modern and safe ultrasonic repellers, we can highlight the Russian brand “Typhoon”

- the manufacturer is constantly working to improve products and offers reliable devices that can cover rooms with an area of ​​80 square meters. m.


Aerosols are often recommended as an instant remedy for cockroach control. However, their main disadvantage is high toxicity and spread through the air. For this reason, you can only work with aerosols to combat cockroaches while wearing a respirator. At the same time, there should be no pets, children or people without protective equipment in the apartment. After using the aerosol, the room must be thoroughly ventilated and extensive cleaning carried out.

Prevention of cockroaches

The main preventive measure to prevent the appearance of cockroaches in the microwave oven and apartment is maintaining cleanliness. The microwave is periodically cleaned of food debris and traces of fat.

The room is regularly ventilated - cockroaches do not like dry and cool climates. Prevent the formation of cracks in which pests can settle and multiply.

They monitor the serviceability of plumbing fixtures, repair leaks in time, and do not leave water in sinks, bathtubs, dishwashers or washing machines, as cockroaches love a humid environment. Food should not be left on the table or shelves for a long time.

Primitive traps

You probably noticed that almost all of the above methods have restrictions for use in apartments where there are children or animals. For those who have exactly this situation, ordinary glue traps are perfect. Once caught in such a trap, the cockroach will no longer be able to get out.

At the same time, I want to note that we are talking about the simplest traps, which do not contain insecticides or anything else capable of destroying the insect. Of course, such a remedy can hardly be called highly effective. However, planned reduction of the cockroach population works almost flawlessly in the long term.

Note! If you have large black cockroaches, then select traps based on their size. Cockroaches simply cannot get into some of them.

To summarize, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that cockroaches primarily settle in places where there is dampness, food sources, for example, unwashed dishes, and many hidden places. Therefore, before you run to the store for one of the above products, do a thorough cleaning of your house and get rid of the excess. It is quite possible that this will be enough.

Particularly difficult cases

We have already said a few words about what to do if the breeding ground for insects is in the entrance or basement.

Getting rid of cockroaches in an apartment that is literally infested with insects is much more difficult than in standard cases. There is no need to say that this cannot happen to me. Maybe. And everything. Whether such an apartment was inherited, the neighbors are alcoholics or elderly people who are already having difficulty caring for themselves. Or you had to rent an apartment, and it was such a disgrace.

If you really understand that you won’t be able to cope on your own, it is better to call special services that will treat your premises. At the same time, you will still receive a guarantee. In case of problems with neighbors, you will have to write a statement to the SES, since only this organization has the right to issue an order to treat other people's apartments. Quite often you have to contact the local police.

Special attention should be paid to places with large crowds of people: dormitories and hostels. At times the situation can approach critical, especially when it comes to dormitories. It is impossible to cope without calling the special services.

Removing cockroaches with the help of professionals in a few hours is a very real task, even taking into account the treatment of basements and attics.

How to remove cockroaches from household appliances?

The back wall of the refrigerator, processors, microwave ovens, stereos, and televisions are also habitats for insects. Heat comes from the switched on appliances, and you can always find food in the kitchen if desired.

Uncleaned crumbs on the table, greasy stains on the stove, splashes in the microwave - the cockroach does not disdain anything.

If the insects are not removed from there in time, then there is a possibility of their voluntary movement, for example, to the dacha - for this you just need to transport the TV.

To quickly remove cockroaches from household appliances, you can use insecticidal chalk (draw lines directly on the back of the body) or ammonia. To do this, just wet a cotton pad with ammonia and place it next to the inlet holes. After some time, the cockroaches will leave there.

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