How to make simple and effective do-it-yourself cockroach traps

A DIY cockroach trap can be made in a matter of minutes. We use improvised means that are available in every home. A cheap but effective substance is used as a poisonous substance - boric acid.

Modern cockroaches are far from the naive creatures they were several decades ago. They manage to bypass the baits, they don’t eat the powder, and the chemicals don’t attack them. All that remains is to catch! In hardware stores you can buy a ready-made device and place it in the right places. Making a cockroach trap with your own hands gives you more pleasure.

Types of traps

  1. Adhesive - a sticky substance is applied to the base, with bait in the center. Cockroaches stick before reaching the food.
  2. Poisonous - in general they resemble a house or a box. The bait containing poison is laid down. Cockroaches eat, smear themselves, dirty others - a chain reaction. In the end, everyone dies.
  3. Electric - the name speaks for itself. The bait is placed on a certain surface to which the current is applied. The device turns on. The cockroach begins to crawl and receives a fatal electric shock. A dead insect releases pheromones that act better than any bait for other relatives.
  4. Ultrasonic waves are imperceptible to humans, but for insects they are a real torment. They cannot stand the sound and leave the room.

Making poisonous and glue traps is not difficult. Electrical and ultrasonic ones require some work.

Recipe No. 2


  • yolk from a hard-boiled egg;
  • aromatic sunflower oil;
  • 40 g boric acid.

How to prepare and use:

Similarly, as in the previous recipe, all ingredients are mixed and balls are made.


The result is also the same. The smell of oil attracts cockroaches from a distance, and the acid eaten in the bait will do its job.

Cockroach bait RAID MAX

There are specialized RAID MAX baits that come with a reproduction regulator. The baits contain an insecticide inside, which does not kill the cockroach immediately, but allows it to return to its relatives and infect them too. Thus, RAID MAX causes damage to insects on two fronts at once: it poisons those who are baited and in contact with an infectious individual, and also deprives the remaining ones of the ability to reproduce.

The effectiveness of traps with bait is not very high, therefore, it is worth fighting cockroaches in several ways at once.

How to make a trap from a plastic bottle

You will need a bottle with a capacity of 1.5 l, 2 l, 2.5 l. Conventionally, it is divided into 3 parts, 1/3 of the part along with the neck is cut off. It looks like a watering can.

  • Most of the bottle is filled with water up to halfway. They throw products that can float on the surface. For example, sausage, cheese, meat. It is desirable that the products are aromatic. After all, they will be the ones who attract cockroaches into the trap.
  • The cut-off part of the bottle is lowered upside down. Secure it around the edges with tape so that it does not move to the side. The edges are greased with vegetable oil.
  • The trap is placed in places where pests like to be. Near the trash can, under the table, near the sink, and so on. a “ladder” in the form of a wooden pencil or stick is placed on the side so that the cockroaches can climb up.
  • The principle of operation of a plastic bottle trap is as follows. Cockroaches pick up the aroma of food and rush to get to it. They fall into the top part of the bottle, lubricated with vegetable oil, and quickly fall into the water. They are unable to get back. The disadvantage of this device is the inability to spread the strong smell of the bait. Only a faint aroma comes out through the narrow neck.

Reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in an apartment

Cockroaches in a house or apartment are a fairly common occurrence. It is believed that insects are interested in apartments where basic sanitary standards are not followed. Although there are cases when cockroaches settled in apartments where cleanliness and order were maintained. And yet, this indicates that even such apartments somehow attract unpleasant insects. In some cases, they simply had nowhere to go, and they sought refuge in a neighboring apartment.

The main thing that attracts cockroaches is the abundance of food in an accessible form and the presence of water. If such conditions are absent, cockroaches will never stay in such a living space. Therefore, it is believed that cleanliness is the first enemy of baleen insects.

Therefore, cockroaches appear in the apartment:

  • Due to irregular garbage disposal, open access to food or food residues, the presence of water droplets near the sink or condensation on the pipes of water supply systems.
  • Due to late washing of dishes. There is a practice when, after eating, unwashed dishes are left in the sink for a long time, until the next meal. This does not go unnoticed by various insects, including cockroaches.
  • If an active fight against insects has begun in the neighboring apartment, then they will certainly try to get into the neighboring apartment, regardless of whether it is dirty or clean.
  • Since insects can live inside cabinet furniture, they can move with it to another owner when purchasing used furniture.

If no one in an apartment or house monitors the serviceability of the water supply systems, then leaks of various origins create all the conditions for the life of cockroaches. At the same time, easy access to water reduces the effectiveness of toxic substances used to combat these insects.

How to get rid of cockroaches at home FOREVER

How to make a trap from a jar

The operating principle is similar. But when using a wide-necked jar, there is a disadvantage with

odor is neutralized.

  1. A 0.5 liter jar is greased inside with sunflower oil or Vaseline. This is done to prevent the cockroach from getting out.
  2. The bait is laid out at the bottom of the jar. In this case, anything can happen. Right down to the Olivier salad. The main thing is that the smell is strong.
  3. The outside of the jar is wrapped in a sheet of paper in the shape of a cone. The top part should cling well to the neck of the jar. The paper will make it very convenient for pests to climb up.

The advantage of a jar trap is its large capacity. Disadvantage: olive oil and Vaseline dry out. If you don't keep an eye on this, the cockroaches will freely get out.

What to do if pests don't go away

Freezing the room
A less popular method is repellers. Electric repellers are used mainly against mosquitoes, but they do not always work against cockroaches. Although a good, expensive device will almost certainly remove parasites if used correctly.

Another method is freezing. But it only works in winter. And then, only when it is possible to turn off the heating. Cockroaches flee or die from the cold. If it is cold enough, open all doors and windows and leave the apartment for at least half an hour. It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times every 5 days.

Note! Another effective way, but also costly, is to call professionals from the sanitary and epidemiological station. They will certainly finally remove the annoying parasites if the previous methods did not work.

Boric acid trap

Boric acid powder is used in its pure form to fight cockroaches - sprinkle on paths near sinks, along baseboards, around the trash can, behind furniture. To speed up the process of parasite poisoning, traps are made with boric acid. The poison begins to act after ingestion, which means you need to force the insects to eat it. Boric acid itself is odorless.

especially the taste. Cockroaches will not attack it, but as part of a fragrant treat, it’s a different matter.

  • Boil a chicken egg. Use the yolk. Boric acid is mixed into it and a little water is added. They make balls.
  • Boil potatoes in their jackets. Poison, sour cream, and egg are added to it. Form small balls.
  • Boric acid is added to the minced meat and balls are made.
  • The finished treat is simply laid out along the paths where cockroaches run or special houses are made. As practice shows, pests love to climb all sorts of boxes. You can use the top of a matchbox. A small ball of poison is placed inside and placed in the required place. Another option that combines a trap and bait is adhesive tape. Double-sided tape is placed along the baseboards. Place bait on it. One part of the insects will stick, the other will be poisoned.

    A little imagination and the number of parasites will decrease significantly!

    Fighting methods

    Homemade trap Cockroaches
    are fought with a variety of means, here are the main ones:

    • Chemical and folk remedies.
    • Freezing.
    • Electric repellers.
    • Traps.
    • Call the SES service.

    An important condition is that the apartment is clean and there is no open food. It is its smell that mainly attracts these parasites. It is also recommended to carry out a thorough spring cleaning and empty the trash bin in a timely manner.

    Important! In addition to dirt and the smell of food, cockroaches are attracted to moisture. Puddles left on the floor or table, a leaking faucet - parasites can come running to all this.

    If any of this attracts pests, they will start looking for ways into the apartment. They can crawl through cracks in the floor, walls, ceiling and windows, then hide in secluded places: behind cabinets, upholstered furniture, under the sink, under peeling wallpaper. After cleaning the room and making the necessary preparations, you can begin processing.

    DIY glue trap

    You will need a cardboard box or a regular sheet. It is more convenient to use the box, since after

    filling the trap with cockroaches, you will have to pick it up and throw it away.

    The main component is double-sided tape or RaTrap glue. The glue does not dry completely and a layer of sticky mass is created on the surface.

    The bottom of the box is covered with tape or RaTrap is applied. An edible bait with a strong aromatic odor is placed in the corners, in the center of the surface. It is desirable that there is an egg there. Leftover salad after a feast is fine.

    The box is placed in the place where the pests were noticed.

    Using the principle of an adhesive mass, a trap is made from a jar. A piece of bread soaked in kefir, an egg, and a little beer are placed at the bottom of a glass jar. The outside is wrapped in paper so that you can crawl in easily. The inside walls are coated with Vaseline and vegetable oil. Cockroaches climb for food, but cannot get out.

    The trap is set for 2–3 days, then changed. During this time, the oil on the walls of the jar dries out.

    Another option is to use double-sided tape on baseboards, the area near the trash can, sinks, and other favorite places for cockroaches.

    "Dohlox" - effective for a whole year

    Insecticidal trap of intestinal action based on fipronil. The drug is characterized by average effectiveness and functionality. It has low toxicity to humans, but is lethal to insects. The poison is in a plastic washer, so neither animals nor children can reach the poison.

    Traps can be placed in close proximity to cereals and other products. The washer is placed in a cabinet, and there it can stand and remain effective for almost a whole year. One package is enough for an average-sized apartment. Kills, in addition to cockroaches, woodlice, ants and other insects.


    • ease of use;
    • has a long-term preventive effect;
    • allowed to be used in children's and educational institutions, in catering establishments;
    • wide spectrum of action;
    • price.


    • immunity can be quickly developed;
    • you need to collect and throw away dead cockroaches.

    Price: 120 rub. per package (6 pcs.).

    How to get rid of cockroaches quickly and forever: A simple solution to an unpleasant problem

    Cockroaches are unpretentious and surprisingly tenacious insects. But having them in your apartment is quite unpleasant. In addition, cockroaches can become carriers of infection. How to remove them forever? Here are the most effective ways.

    Cockroaches are surprisingly tenacious and stubborn creatures. They are not afraid of Spartan living conditions or meager rations. It can be extremely difficult to remove cockroaches for the reason that if you decide to carry out a large-scale action to eliminate mustachioed tenants, they urgently pack their bags, take their cockroaches and wives under their arms and safely move in with your neighbors. But these are jokes. But seriously? How to remove cockroaches from an apartment?

    "Argus" - no toxic substances

    A special feature of the Argus glue trap is the inclusion of an aromatic bait in the sticky layer. It looks like a cardboard house with holes. Cockroaches, sensing the smell, make their way inside the trap and get their paws stuck in the sticky layer.


    • absolute safety for the life and health of humans and domestic animals;
    • the trap is quickly and easily assembled;
    • no need to put bait in the trap;
    • does not cause allergies or other skin reactions;
    • compactness.


    • periodically have to be changed - as it is filled;
    • does not provide 100% effectiveness.

    Price: 200 rub. per package (5 pcs.).

    “Mashenka” is universal and safe

    Glue trap, effective against a wide variety of crawling insects. It is completely safe as it does not contain poisons. It is a cardboard box with a sticky substance inside. The effect lasts for 2-3 months.


    • can be stored nearby with food;
    • does not pose a threat to children and animals;
    • neutral smell;
    • price.


    • does not guarantee the absence of insects - visiting “aliens” may not immediately fall into the traps set;
    • Several traps are required at once to get the effect.

    Price: 120 rub.

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