Biological insecticide Fitoverm: instructions for use, reviews, when to treat plants and how

Fitoverm instructions for use, reviews, when to treat plants will be discussed in this article. This is an insecticide with high efficiency and low toxicity, which is convenient to use for treating cultivated plants.

Fitoverm is an insectoacaricide of the latest generation of biological origin, which is produced by soil microorganisms. It has an intestinal contact effect.

Fitoverm is used to control pests of vegetable, fruit and berry crops and indoor plants in closed and open ground.


Fitoverm is a broad-spectrum drug that is directed against sucking and leaf-eating pests. Such as:

  • Plant mites.
  • Colorado beetle.
  • Scale insects.
  • Sawflies.
  • Leaf rollers.
  • Codling moths.
  • Moths.
  • Thrips.
  • Aphid.
  • Gall mites, etc.

The drug is used to combat mites and scale insects that infect indoor plants. The acaricidal activity of the product allows you to destroy the Schlechtendahl mite.

If indoor flowers were purchased with scale insects or scale insects, you can get rid of them in a couple of treatments. Even novice flower growers can cope with this.

Fitoverm protects for:

  • 1-3 weeks – cultivated plants with a closed root system;
  • 5-24 days – plants with an open root system.
  • for indoor plants, protection lasts longer, since the plants are not re-infected from a neighboring area.



Previously, I used Fitoverm only for treating indoor flowers; for some reason I considered it ineffective for the garden. The season before last, the cucumbers were attacked by spider mites, the situation was dire, I thought the bushes were already being thrown away. My husband insisted on treating it with Fitoverm; there was practically nothing to lose. The result was surprising: after 3 treatments, the mites were gone, and the cucumbers quickly recovered, but they couldn’t do without abundant “restorative” fertilizing with organic matter. Now I understand that the effect was so good because of the favorable, hot weather. What I don’t like: Fitoverm is expensive and smells unpleasant.


I carry out preventive spraying regularly, I visit the dacha once a week, I don’t want to lose the harvest. Fitoverm is effective for 3 weeks, but only in dry, warm weather, so it is not always possible to provide protection to cucumbers, and I do not accept chemicals. To combat aphids and thrips, I also use Fitoverm (in the greenhouse and OG), I appreciate the drug for its quick action, but you need to know the developmental features of insects and not miss the moment when adults emerge from eggs or larvae. After treating the cucumbers against aphids, there were no more Colorado potato beetles on the potatoes, apparently some of the solution got on the tops - a nice plus!

Operating principle

The biological substance is characterized by low toxicity. It is produced by distillation from streptomyces fungi living in the soil.

When the active substance gets inside the pest, it has a nerve-paralytic effect on it. First, the nervous system of the parasite is affected, it cannot move and feed, as a result of which it dies from starvation within 72 hours.

Watch the video! How to prepare a Fitoverm solution to kill spider mites

Fitoverm acts a little more slowly on sucking insects. They die within 5-7 days.

Advice! Sucking pests will need to be treated about 3 times to completely destroy them.

The drug is popular due to its relative safety. However, it loses its effectiveness after contact with water and quickly decomposes into the soil. In 2 days the product will completely evaporate and will not harm the soil.

Interesting! Analogs of the drug decompose in the soil in about 30 days.

Features of the drug

  • The action of phytoverm is intestinal and contact: penetrating into the pest’s body through the outer integument when sprayed or after eating treated leaves, the substance acts on the insect’s nervous system, causing its paralysis and then death.
  • Tested by the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection. The effectiveness of Fitoverm against mites on apple trees and black currants has been proven; it is 96-100%;
  • Fitoverm does not pollute the environment, quickly breaking down in water and soil;
  • Effective even in hot weather;
  • Exposure time - 6-8 hours after treatment in protected ground (and in the room), 8-16 hours in open ground;
  • Protects plants in closed ground from 7-20 days after treatment, in open ground depends on the weather, according to the experience of gardeners from 5 to 15 days;
  • Not phytotoxic. Do not mix with other drugs!


Fitoverm is one of the most popular insectoacaricides for treating indoor plants. Despite the good reviews from the manufacturer, in practice the drug does not always live up to expectations. In particular, the effectiveness against ticks often leaves much to be desired - pests quickly get used to it, and repeated tick attacks are common.

The effectiveness of the drug based on aversectin C (Fitoverm) largely depends on the air temperature. When it decreased from 24 to 17°C, the toxicity of the drug for the common spider mite decreased by 7.6 times, and when it increased to 32°C it increased by 4.8 times. Aversectin C is not detected in plant leaves 2-3 days after treatment, and in vegetable fruits on the second day. When applied to the soil, the substance does not enter the roots of plants. Information from the book “Chemical plant protection: means, technology and environmental safety”, author Zinchenko V.A.

When using Fitoverm on fruit and berry crops in the garden, the waiting period from spraying to collect berries and fruits is 3 days. This is both good (other drugs remain in fruits for an average of 20-30 days) and bad - the protective effect quickly ends and re-treatment is required. Therefore, in gardening, it makes sense to spray with phytoverm in the most critical periods, for example, immediately after flowering during the formation of ovaries (if the temperature contributes to the frantic rate of pest reproduction).

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the drug Fitoverm the following can be noted:

  • Effectively fights about 20 types of pests.
  • It does not penetrate into the plant or fruit through plant membranes, therefore it does not accumulate in the fruit.

Important! Fitoverm can be used during fruiting without harm to human health.

  • Can be used at any phase of plant development when parasites appear.
  • Becomes more effective at high temperatures.
  • Does not inhibit treated plants.
  • Disintegrates quickly in the ground.
  • Does not have resistance.
  • It is sold in containers of different volumes, so it is convenient to use a specific dosage.

Over the many years of using the drug, several disadvantages were discovered:

  1. High price. Fitoverm is several times more expensive than other insecticides.
  2. Relatively weak efficiency. Since this is a biological substance, plants must be processed several times to obtain the desired result, but it does not cause significant harm to crops.

  3. Cannot be combined with other pesticides.
  4. Harmful to honey insects.
  5. Has an unpleasant odor.
  6. Not suitable for soil treatment, as the substance quickly evaporates.
  7. Loses effectiveness upon contact with water. Therefore, during processing, an adhesive substance must be added to the solution. For example, soap.

Plants must be processed in clear weather without precipitation, otherwise the procedure will not bring results.

For spraying use a fine spray. The product is evenly distributed over the leaves.

Advice! Treatment is carried out in the evening, since in the dark avermectin B1 slowly decomposes and the effect of the drug will be longer.

Spraying is not carried out during precipitation and at air temperatures below +17 °C.

Instructions for use

When using the drug, you must follow the instructions given on the package. Crops growing outdoors and in greenhouses are treated during the growing season, indoor crops - when pests appear.

Working solution

You should not buy the drug for future use. The working solution cannot be stored even for short-term storage. During cooking, you need to make sure that the emulsion does not separate, otherwise the mixture will be spoiled. Then Fitoverm will have to be poured out and a new portion made more carefully.

Preparation of working solution:

  1. 4/5 of the required amount of water is poured into the spray bottle.
  2. Prepare an intermediate solution. The required dose of the drug from the bottle or ampoules is poured into a small glass container. Larger containers are filled with 20% of the total amount of water. Pour in the concentrate in a thin stream with constant stirring.
  3. The mixture is carefully and little by little added to the water bottle.
  4. The sprayer is shaken several times and treatment begins.

Processing of vegetable crops

It is possible that when treating a garden with Fitoverm, the mixture will have to be prepared several times. The concentration of the solution varies depending on the pest.

Processed cropPestSolution concentration
Used on potatoes and other nightshade cropsfitoverm from the Colorado potato beetledissolve 2 ml of emulsion in 2 liters of water no more than 3 times per season
For tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers and other vegetablesaphidcarry out treatment with a solution of the drug (2 ml) and water (250 ml) three times with an interval of 2-3 weeks
Fitoverm preparation for cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, processing of tomatoesspider mitedouble treatment is required, for which 2 ml of the drug is mixed with 0.2 l of water
For cabbage and onion, which is not included in the instructionsfor the destruction of typical pests2 ml of concentrate is diluted with 500 ml of water

Application on fruit and berry plants

When processing a garden or berry patch, the Fitoverm solution is made less concentrated than for a vegetable garden. Large plants should not just be sprayed, but the above-ground part should be completely moistened, so that the consumption of the drug does not decrease.

To control pests on fruit trees and shrubs, dilute 2 ml of Fitoverm in 1-1.3 liters of water. The amount of working solution required to treat one plant differs:

  • apple and pear – 5 l;
  • currants – 1 l;
  • sweet cherries, sour cherries – 2 l;
  • plum, peach, apricot – 3 l.

For grapes, the volume of vegetative mass of which greatly depends on pruning, the amount of the drug is calculated per area occupied by the vine. For 1 sq. m use 1 liter of working solution. Similarly, determine the consumption of insecticide for raspberries and blackberries.

There was no place in the instructions for use of Fitoverm for strawberries. The bed is treated completely, using 1 liter of diluted preparation per 1 square meter. m area. Particular attention is paid to the soil under the bushes - most of the pests hide on the underside of the leaves and on the surface of the ground.

Processing of ornamental plants

Beautifully flowering and decorative leafy crops do not produce edible fruits. It would seem that it would be better to treat them with potent chemicals that have a prolonged effect. But they have a phytotoxic (poisonous) effect on plants, which can lead to chlorosis, bending of stems, deformation of flowers, and general oppression of the plant.

Spraying ornamental crops with Fitoverm is carried out according to the following scheme.

PestApplication diagram
From spider mites2 ml of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of water, 2-3 treatments are carried out with an interval of 7-10 days
from aphids2 ml of emulsion is mixed with 500 ml of water
from thripsonly strong concentration of the drug - 2 ml per 250 ml

For indoor flowers

Flower growers readily use Fitoverm for indoor plants. Before its appearance, pest control was difficult; there was simply no alternative to toxic Actelik. Treatments were often carried out with laundry soap, and severely affected plants were thrown away.

Fitoverm has become a real salvation for orchids. Previously, at the slightest suspicion of infection with mealybugs or scale insects, the plant was usually thrown away.

Important! A low concentration of emulsion for potted crops is ineffective.

Instructions for use for indoor flowers:

  1. Fitoverm is diluted in a concentration of 10-12 g/l.
  2. Flowers affected by pests are taken to a separate room. A glazed loggia or barn would be suitable.
  3. The plant is treated every 3-4 days with a fresh emulsion solution until the pests are completely destroyed.
  4. After spraying, the room is closed for a day, then ventilated.

Security measures

Despite its natural composition, Fitoverm is a toxic product with a hazard class 3 for humans, so it is necessary to work with it while observing safety precautions:

  • Wear protective equipment: gloves, goggles, respirator.
  • Clothing should fit the body well and cover it completely.
  • The solution is prepared only in special containers. Do not dilute the insecticide in kitchen utensils.
  • When working with the drug, do not drink, smoke or eat.
  • When spraying, there should be no children or animals nearby, as well as ponds and aquariums.

Important! In case of contact with mucous membranes, the area should be rinsed well with clean water.

If Fitoverm gets inside the body, you must induce vomiting, drink activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight and consult a doctor.

After use, wash the container thoroughly and put it out of the reach of small children and animals. Clothes are washed and showered.

The solution must be used immediately after preparation.

Important! Do not use the insecticide after the expiration date.

Doses for plants

This is how the drug “Fitoverm” is used. The instructions for use discussed above, as you can see, do not include too many steps.

One ampoule of the product usually contains 2-4 ml of the drug. The table below shows its dosage for popular plant species.

CulturePestDose (ml/l water)Periodicity
Pumpkin, tomatoesMite2As it appears
Thrips0.215-20 days
Apple treeTicks, leaf rollers1As it appears
CurrantTicks, moths, leaf rollers1
CabbageCaterpillars of armyworms and white moths0.5

As you can see, the dose is usually not too high. For some other plants, a stronger solution of the Fitoverm preparation should be used. The instructions for use for strawberries given above confirm this. The fact is that ticks on this plant, unlike bushes and fruit trees, are very difficult to remove.

In order for this drug to work, it must enter the insect's body. The pest must eat leaves during treatment. However, some insects feed periodically every other day. Therefore, after a couple of days it is advisable to carry out a control treatment. The above doses must be observed. This is a guarantee of operational safety and effectiveness of the Fitoverm drug. The instructions for use must also be followed exactly. Do not spray plants in cold weather or during the heat of the day.


Fitoverm is compatible with:

  • Pyrethroids;
  • Organophosphate insecticides;
  • Fertilizers;
  • Growth regulators (Zircon, Epin);
  • Fungicides, except those that have an alkaline reaction!

Important! If Fitoverm precipitates when mixed, then the drugs are not compatible.

Sellers offer, in addition to the drug Fitoverm, also “Fitoverm CE” and “Fitoverm P”. They differ:

  • Fitoverm CE is an anti-acaricidal agent for the fight against ticks. It is more effective against ticks than Fitoverm.
  • Fitoverm P is a means to combat nematodes.

That is, Fitoverm is a complex drug, and Fitoverm CE and Fitoverm P are not complex products.

Treatment of cucumbers with Fitoverm

The more abundant the spraying, the better the result.

The drug shows the greatest effectiveness in hot and dry weather.

If the temperature drops below +15 degrees, it is better to postpone the procedure to a warmer day.

The work is carried out early in the morning or 1-2 hours before sunset, since the active substance is quickly destroyed under the sun. Evening spraying is advisable if you want to treat flowering cucumbers, but are afraid of harming bees and bumblebees . Lack of wind is also an important condition.

It’s good if no rain is expected in the next 1-2 days after applying the solution. If even a little moisture gets on the leaves, Fitoverm will lose its strength within 3-5 days.

If the cucumbers have already set fruit, before the operation, pick ALL the greens, even the tiniest ones. This is done so that they do not outgrow, because in the next 3 days it will be impossible to pick cucumbers.

Processing cucumbers with Fitoverm is simple. Plants are densely irrigated with a fine spray solution, and the leaves are generously moistened on both sides. It is permissible to lightly shed the soil around the most infected plants with the remainder.

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