Insecticide Prestige: instructions for use, composition and reviews

Description and composition of the drug Prestige

The Prestige disinfectant contains two main active ingredients - imidacloprid and pencycuron. This is a unique combination of two substances. They are both poisonous. However, their decomposition ends after 40 days. They are gradually removed from the fruit. After 50 days, we can safely say that there is not a single mg of Prestige insecticide left in the crop.

Thanks to its unique composition, the Prestige working solution freezes over the crops after treatment, forming a very thin film. During the specified time of action, the drug works, destroying both larvae and adults. The chemical does not need to be washed off with water.

Purpose of the drug

Prestige is used when crops are damaged by the Colorado potato beetle and other insect pests; it also works against larvae, eliminates fungus and related diseases. After treatment, the plants are protected throughout the growing season.

The insecticide has shown effectiveness not only against the Colorado potato beetle, but also against other harmful insects.

The list continues with the following insect pests:

  • aphids (protection from 35 to 40 days);
  • midges;
  • wireworm (the protective effect extends throughout the entire period);
  • thrips;
  • sawfly;
  • mole.

In the photo there is a sawfly

Prestige is effective against plant diseases such as rhizoctonia and scab. The protection takes effect immediately. For example, when processing potatoes, the tubers end up in the planting hole. Basic substances form a protective environment around young plants.


The poisons included in the Prestige insecticide do not accumulate in potato tubers. Treatment, on the contrary, has a positive effect on young crops, increases resistance, immunity, stimulates the formation, growth and development of plants. As a result, it becomes easier to care for the crop, and less effort and time is spent on pest control.

Chemical composition

The main component of the poison against the Colorado potato beetle Prestige is imidacloprid (one liter of Prestige contains 140 g), which is characterized by excellent contact and systemic action.

In addition, the composition also includes pencykuron . Its quantity in one bottle is 150 g. Thanks to these two components, potato tubers grow faster and become less susceptible to the effects of the Colorado potato beetle, as well as other pathogens.

Release form

The manufacturer of Prestige fungicide is the world famous German company Bayer.

There are different types and packaging available:

  • syringes in a blister with a volume of 6 ml;
  • bags (30 ml);
  • bottles of 60, 150, 500 ml.

These types of packaging are convenient for the buyer. In fact, you can buy almost any volume of Prestige, based on the number of treatments required and their area.

Advantages of Prestige insecticide

Gardeners have long used a variety of insecticides. Prestige is an innovative drug in this category.

It has a lot of undeniable advantages:

  1. low level of toxicity;
  2. no need to do frequent processing;
  3. the duration of action of the drug Prestige is 40 days - enough to properly eliminate pests, protect plants, strengthen and promote normal development;
  4. does not accumulate in fruits;
  5. high efficiency of Prestige against the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm, fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms;
  6. stimulates photosynthesis;
  7. rapid penetration into plant tissue, which leads to the death of insects, while maintaining safety for humans and the environment.

The disadvantages include the high cost of the drug Prestige, but the costs are fully recouped by the 100% result.

Testing the effectiveness of the drug "Prestige" against the Colorado potato beetle

Safety regulations

The drug Prestige is used for processing potatoes according to the instructions. Before agricultural work, carefully study the rules for spending funds. To avoid poisoning, use:

  • respirator or gauze bandage;
  • protective clothing;
  • tight mittens.

If chem. If the product gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, they should be immediately rinsed with clean water until the discomfort disappears. If a toxic substance enters the stomach, it can be harmful. To save a person from a pesticide, it is necessary to rinse. Absorbent medications are used (activated carbon, Polysorb), after which they turn to a medical institution for help.

Sources: -zhuka-prestizhitator/
Article on the topic: At what age can a child have potatoes (when complementary feeding)

Prestige: instructions for use

Fungicide Prestige is used for pre-planting treatment of potato tubers, before germination and to provide protection for plants from the Solanaceae family. You must carefully read the instructions, including dosages.

Prestige treatment of potatoes before planting

Among the activities for growing potato crops, special attention is paid to the disinfection treatment of tubers immediately before sowing. This is also a preventive measure to prevent the emergence of infectious agents.

It also increases the protective properties of the crop. Further, it is still necessary to carry out prevention of the following diseases: fusarium, late blight, alternaria.

Consumption rates for the drug Prestige

Prestige potato processing includes the following procedures:

  • 50 ml of the drug is diluted with 500 ml of water;
  • mix everything thoroughly;
  • potato tubers are laid out on film or other material with sufficient density;
  • Spraying is carried out on one side;
  • wait until completely dry;
  • turn the tubers over;
  • carry out processing on the other side.


It is necessary that the working composition of Prestige covers the entire surface of the tuber. This is important to follow.

Before planting, those potatoes that have been processed do not need to be cut.

The specified amount of insecticide is enough to treat 50 kg of potatoes.

Treatment before germination

The drug performed well when disinfecting potatoes before sprouting. To do this, take seed tubers for planting and process them three to four weeks in advance. The whole procedure is the same as during planting: the tubers are laid out on a material made of dense fabric and sprayed with Prestige on all sides.

Processing potatoes with Prestige

Prestige insecticide consumption rates: for 600 liters of water – 50 ml of product. Spray using a spray bottle. Only completely dried tubers are collected in boxes for germination. You can carry out the treatment while combining it with growth stimulants.

Description of the product Prestige from the manufacturer

Seedling protection

Prestige is great for crops grown in seedlings. The Colorado potato beetle likes to eat not only potatoes; it is also dangerous for tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and berry crops.

To protect the culture, make a solution of the drug in a proportion of 10 ml per 1 liter of water. Plant roots are placed in the prepared solution. Leave for at least 7-8 hours before planting.

There is another option for preparing a solution for treating the roots. It will additionally protect against insects gnawing leaves, parasites in the soil, and flukes.

A special mixture is made from the following ingredients:

  • clay – 800 g;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • compost or humus – 800 gr.

The components are mixed, making a kind of “chatter”. Separately, 20 ml of insecticide is diluted in 1 liter of water and added to the rest of the “ingredients”. Mix thoroughly again. Only the roots are immersed in the mixture. This volume of liquid is enough for the number of bushes from 30 to 40.


It is recommended to plant tubers and treated plants directly into the soil. Otherwise, the toxic components will not act as effectively.

Processing seedlings with Prestige by soaking the roots

When planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants in a permanent place, their roots are treated in the “Prestige” solution. This helps protect against pests, prevent diseases and increase yield. To obtain a solution of the required concentration, use a medical syringe. For 1 liter of water take 1 cube of the product.

Photo of processing seedlings by soaking roots


Prestige is used to treat seedlings of tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants, cabbage and other vegetables.

Do this with rubber gloves. The toxic liquid is poured into a container and the roots of the plants are dipped into it for 5-6 hours. The stems should not touch the product. If there are a lot of seedlings, use shallow but wide dishes, for example, a basin up to 10 cm high.

Prestige treatment will help protect eggplants and tomatoes from Colorado beetles, cabbage from flea beetles, and peppers from aphids. The product contains additives that help prevent the development of late blight and other diseases in nightshade crops. The drug remains in the plant stems, breaking down after 40 days. It is not stored in plants until the fruits ripen.

How to dilute Prestige for processing: potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant, fruit and berry crops

Preparation Prestige: consumption rate for different crops

Different crops have their own individual consumption rates for Prestige.

So, for potatoes, take from 70 to 100 ml of Prestige insecticide per 1 liter of water

. The resulting solution is sufficient to process 100 kg of potato tubers.


According to the instructions for use of the drug Prestige, you should purchase 10 ml of the product for every 10 kg of seed potatoes.

For soaking before planting in a permanent place of growth of the root system of eggplants, tomatoes and cabbage, 100 ml of Prestige per 10 liters of water is required.

Processing potatoes using TABOO AND PRESTIGE means - video

To pickle the seeds of onions, carrots, cabbage you will need 10 ml per 1 liter of water

. The seeds are kept in the prepared solution for only half an hour. This procedure protects the plantings from thrips, flea beetles, and flies.

For soaking seedlings of fruit plants, take 15 ml per 1 liter of water.

. The above describes a “chatterbox” made of clay and humus. It is into this that the solution is added. The roots are placed in the liquid for 3 hours.

Mode of application

Prestige must be used strictly according to the instructions:

  • prepare a solution based on how many potatoes will be planted (you can check this by weighing the tubers or measuring them with a bucket);
  • spread a plastic sheet on a flat surface onto which to pour the vegetable;
  • spray the prepared tubers and mix them thoroughly;
  • give time to dry a little (no more than 2 or 3 hours);
  • start planting on the land.

Toxicity of Prestige

Insectofungicide Prestige belongs to hazard class III

. It is safe for humans, warm-blooded animals, and processed plants. Despite this, it is very important to follow the processing times specified in the instructions and take into account the characteristics of the crop being processed in terms of vegetation.

On a note:

In the central zone of the country, the drug Prestige is used only in the mid-season or late stages of potato harvesting. This is done to ensure that all the active substances of the insecticide are completely released by the time of harvest. In the south, it is recommended to process varieties with early and medium ripening periods.

Operating principle

The insectofungicide affects adult representatives of the Colorado potato beetle colony that have survived the winter, and parasite larvae that have hatched from eggs. It is worth noting that the drug is effective for 40 days, if we talk about insects, but if we take into account fungal infections, then protection is provided for the entire growing season.

Active protection begins immediately after planting the tubers in the holes. Thanks to the active substance, the safety of young crop shoots is ensured. Potato seedlings absorb the working pesticide, after which it passes along the entire perimeter of the tissues and cells of the plant.

It is important to say that the poison does not accumulate in the tuber, so you don’t have to worry about your own health. Each substance will be removed by harvest.

Treatment with the presented drug is a guarantee of a beneficial effect on the crop, since resistance to negative environmental factors increases, growth and development of planting is accelerated. It should be noted that the labor intensity of the work is reduced, since you will not need to waste time fighting Colorado potato beetles.

Precautionary measures

The drug belongs to the class of low-hazard drugs. However, it is necessary to strictly observe the consumption rates so that there is no overdose, which can lead to poisoning.

Prestige treatment is carried out wearing protective clothing, gloves and a mask. After the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your face and hands, rinse your mouth, and put your clothes in the wash.

Tubers are processed on dense material or film. After complete drying, they are transferred to a permanent place of growth in bags. The treated seedlings are sorted into bags or boxes, always placing the roots down. Afterwards, the landing is carried out immediately.

Features of processing before germination

The product has proven to be an excellent treatment for potatoes before sprouting. This procedure involves spraying seed tubers with a prepared solution on all sides before planting (20-25 days before).

The working suspension must be prepared in the following proportions: 50 milliliters of product per 0.6 liters of water. Spraying should be done from a spray bottle, wait until it dries, and then put it in a box for germination. It is possible to combine several drugs, including growth stimulants, for spraying tubers.

Insecticide Prestige: analogues

The composition of Prestige is unique due to the presence of two active ingredients. Therefore, there are no analogues with exactly the same effect.

Insecticide Confidelin Spark double effect Tabu VSK and Tabu TRIO from the Colorado potato beetle
However, there are similar products that are more affordable:

  • Aktara fungicide;
  • Confidor;
  • Mospilan;
  • Actellik.

Baktor, Rector, Tanrek are considered more similar in action.

Precautions when working with the solution

Being an insecticide, Prestige from the Colorado potato beetle belongs to class 3 danger and must be used in compliance with strict rules. Do not spray the product on the skin, nose or mouth.

. Work is carried out in personal protective equipment. They use a respirator and rubber gloves, put on special shoes that completely cover their feet, and clothing. You cannot eat, drink or smoke while spraying poison.

Personal protective equipment - photo

After completing the treatment procedure, you must take a shower. Things are washed, shoes are washed with soap. If the treatment of tubers is not carried out in the field where they will be planted, they are delivered to the site in tightly closed bags. By following safety rules, the risk of poisoning and allergic reactions is minimized, and the procedure is quick and unnoticeable.

Question from readers: is the Prestige product capable of harming humans or animals?

— The annotation from the manufacturer Bayer states that when used correctly, the drug “Prestige” is safe for humans and animals.

Brochure from the manufacturer Prestige

Drug Prestige: price

The cost of the drug Prestige in specialized stores is 600 rubles per bottle (60 ml).

Prestige is an innovative, highly effective insectofungicide that works against pests such as the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm, thrips and others.

Helps with fungal infections and related diseases. The use of Prestige in agriculture greatly simplifies the work of growing fruit crops.

What to do if Prestige did not help

It happens that while working with the drug, the gardener makes mistakes. For example, dressing was carried out a month or more before the expected planting date. Or the treatment was incomplete, some of the tubers did not receive the required amount of solution. Another common mistake is not following the dosage. In this case, Prestige may not help.

Even if the product did not cope with the task, and the Colorado potato beetle or other misfortunes appeared, repeated treatment is prohibited. It is not recommended to use the drug on adult bushes. The reason is that toxins will not have time to decompose into safe components. Even though the poison does not get into young tubers, potatoes sprayed during growth should not be consumed.

Experienced gardeners advise spraying potatoes on which the Colorado potato beetle has appeared with another chemical that has insecticidal properties. But you cannot use industrial products that contain components included in Prestige. Specifically, Imidacloprid. Among the products that include this insecticide are the following:

Products without the substance Imidacloprid are suitable for spraying potatoes. Such drugs include:

Prestige for potatoes is a recognized effective means of protecting the crop from pests and diseases. According to reviews, it prevents the appearance of the Colorado potato beetle well, while increasing the immunity of the plant, which better withstands adverse weather conditions. Despite the fact that this is a chemical, it does not have a negative effect on the soil and plants. It is completely neutralized 2 months after etching has been carried out. But when working with the drug, safety precautions must be observed.

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