Commander - instructions for using the drug against pests in the garden and reviews

Author: Elena N. Category: Insecticides Published: March 30, 2012Republished: February 26, 2019Last edits: March 16, 2021

Insecticidal preparations are divided into intestinal, which act on the pest after entering its digestive organs, contact, which affect the insect upon contact with any of its organs, and systemic, which penetrate the tissues of the plant and poison them with a poison that kills the pests that feed on the plant. And there are drugs that use all three mechanisms to destroy parasites. They are called systemic enteric insecticides. Commander is exactly such a drug, a new drug that will be discussed in this article.

Chemical composition and effects of the drug

The insecticide Komandor contains the substance Imidacloprid (200 g/l), which belongs to the class of neonicotinoids.

The following varieties of this drug are on sale:

Thanks to its effective active substances, Komandor is used to treat potato tops against the Colorado potato beetle, and is also sprayed on vegetable plants against whiteflies and aphids. This insecticide is also effective against pests that settle in pastures and meadows (including against locusts).

This product is also used for treating seed material:
potato tubers before planting, as well as seeds of corn, sunflower and a number of other crops.

The drug “Commander Plus” is enhanced with a stimulant, so it is used as a disinfectant for potato tubers, protecting them in the future from the Colorado potato beetle, mole crickets and wireworms (larvae of the click beetle).

This product is a pesticide of contact-intestinal action; after treating plants, it penetrates into their cell sap, from where it gets onto the integument of insects and into their body. As a result, the pests experience paralysis, they cannot eat and die 3-5 days after contact with the poison.

The active substance Imidacloprid exhibits high residual activity; as a result, the period of protection of crops by Commander can last from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the number of “harmful” bugs on the plants.

Systemic insect repellent Commander - video

Personal protective measures

The active substance on which the action of the poison for getting rid of the Colorado potato beetle “Commander” is based is classified as toxicity category 3, that is, moderately toxic to humans. Based on the real possibility of being poisoned by the vapors of the solution, work, from the beginning of preparing the toxic liquid and ending with washing the apparatus for spraying the poison, should be carried out with special protective measures.

  • Before mixing the product with water, you should wear a protective mask, goggles, hat, closed clothing, rubber gloves and boots.
  • Do not use food-grade utensils to mix the solution!
  • During work, regardless of the stage, you must refrain from drinking, eating and smoking breaks.
  • After completing the work, you must immediately rinse your mouth with plain water, then wash thoroughly with soap in the shower and wash your hair.
  • Clothing that was worn during work must be washed, gloves and boots must be washed with soap.

Important! The remaining toxic liquid should not be poured into the soil or body of water!

Advantages of "Commander"

The main advantages of the drug “Commander” include:

  1. effectively destroys gnawing and sucking pests on cultivated plants;
  2. the drug protects plants for several weeks after treatment, therefore destroying newly emerging or migrating pests;
  3. quickly enters the body of insects, as a result they cannot eat due to paralysis;
  4. Commander is effective at high air temperatures;
  5. since after treatment it immediately penetrates into the plants, it is not washed off by rain;
  6. the time of the Commander’s protective effect is long (from 2 to 4 weeks);
  7. the drug can be used throughout the entire growing season of plants;
  8. Processing the plantation requires a small amount of working fluid - the Commander is economical.

Security of the product

The drug “Commander” has the third class of danger for humans, that is, moderately dangerous. At the same time, the insecticide is very dangerous for bees (hazard class 1). Therefore, it is fundamentally important to limit the number of bees for 4-5 days after spraying. The border zone is 5 kilometers from the place where the drug is used. “Commander” is toxic to fish, so its use in fishery zones is prohibited.

You should alternate the use of Komandor and other insecticides to prevent the development of drug resistance in pests.


Preparation of working fluid

How to prepare the Commander working solution:

  • ingredients should be mixed in a container not intended for cooking;
  • pour a couple of liters of water into it;
  • then add a measured amount of the drug according to the instructions;
  • the solution is thoroughly mixed;
  • then add the rest of the liquid and mix again;
  • the solution is ready for use;
  • The foliage is moistened with this product evenly and quite generously.


For processing, the working fluid should be prepared immediately before the procedure. The remaining solution cannot be left for further processing, but must be disposed of immediately.

Photo instructions for use from the manufacturer

The drug Commander: instructions for use against pests

This drug is used to treat plants against pests, as well as to treat seed material.

Commander for potatoes

To treat tubers before planting, it is necessary to use up to 25 ml of the drug per 100 kg of seed material. Number of treatments – one. This procedure is carried out immediately before planting the tubers in the prepared soil.

To spray potato tops with Komandor against the Colorado potato beetle, prepare the working liquid as follows:
dissolve 2 ml of insecticide in a bucket of water.
Treatment is carried out when pests appear on potato bushes. For every hundred square meters of plantation you need to use 5 liters of working solution. The time for plant protection after spraying is 3 weeks.

The drug Komandor for aphids on cucumbers

This vegetable crop in greenhouse conditions is sprayed with Komandor’s solution against aphids

Treatment is carried out when these pests appear on cucumber vines. The solution is prepared as follows: dissolve 5 ml of the drug in a bucket of water and mix well.
For every 20 m of plantation, 2 liters of working fluid are required. The protection period for cucumbers after treatment with Commander is 3 days. Usually, a single spray of cucumber vines is sufficient.

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Spider mites on cucumbers

Commander for tomatoes and cucumbers in greenhouse conditions

These vegetable crops in greenhouses and greenhouses are sprayed against greenhouse whiteflies, thrips, and nightshade miner

. Treatments begin from the moment of mass appearance of pests on plants. Prepare the working fluid as follows: dissolve 5 ml of the drug in a bucket of water.

For every 20 m of bed, 2 liters of working fluid are required. A single treatment of tomato and cucumber bushes with Commander is carried out, the exposure time of the drug after treatment is three days.

Preparation Commander for flowers

Flower crops in the garden and indoors are sprayed with a solution of this insecticide against aphids and Californian thrips

. Treatments are carried out during the period when pests appear on flower crops.

The spray solution is prepared as follows:
5 ml of the product is dissolved in a bucket of water, the ingredients are mixed. At 20 m, 2 liters of working fluid are required.

Processing order

Treat in dry weather

Despite numerous reviews from gardeners who assure about the ability of the insecticide to protect potatoes to maintain its effective action even in rainy weather and with abundant watering, in order to achieve a high result with a greater likelihood of combating the Colorado potato beetle, it is recommended that they treat the plants in dry and windless weather, when There is no rain in the forecast for the near future. This will allow the active toxic substance to be better absorbed into the cells of the potato plant. On the day of spraying vegetables, experienced gardeners do not recommend watering the bushes.

Preparation of working staff

Prepare a liquid for spraying or watering potatoes at the rate of 2 ml of active agent per 10-liter bucket of water. It is convenient to do this by first dissolving the specified amount of insecticide initially in a liter of liquid, mixing it thoroughly to form a suspension, and then increasing the volume of the working composition to the required amount.

It is recommended to process vegetable crops using a watering can when watering, or with a sprayer if the method is chosen in the form of spraying. This can be done in one of two possible ways:

  • by spraying on foliage and stems or watering potato bushes already planted in the soil, while the instructions for the product recommend that in order to obtain the most effective result, spray the plants using a freshly prepared composition, wetting the foliage evenly with it,
  • method of using commander to treat potato tubers before planting them in beds, for which they are laid out in a row, carefully processed and then dried; many people prefer to cover the potato tubers treated before planting with film, and after they are completely dry, they are planted in the soil using the usual method.

Hazard class and precautions

The drug Komandor is classified as hazard class 3 in relation to people and warm-blooded animals, hazard class 2 in relation to soils, and hazard class 1 for bees and inhabitants of water bodies.


In a number of European countries, pesticide preparations based on Imidacloprid are prohibited for use due to their high toxicity to soils and beneficial insects.

Since the Commander insecticide is dangerous for bees, it is recommended to warn beekeepers about the timing of use of the product so that they limit the number of years of these insects for about a week after treating the plantations. It is also undesirable to use this pesticide during the flowering period of plants.

Commander should be used with caution near bodies of water, as this pesticide is dangerous for fish and other inhabitants.

When working with the drug, you must wear a protective suit, protect your nasopharynx with a respirator, and wear rubber gloves on your hands. From the moment of preparing the working fluid until the completion of work, you should not eat, drink or smoke.

At the end of the work, wash your hands and face with warm water and soap, and it is also advisable to take a shower. Protective clothing must be washed separately from other items after each treatment.

If drops of the solution get on your face or hands, rinse the affected areas with running water. If the product is ingested, drink a lot of water and induce vomiting. You can also take a few tablets of activated carbon. If there are signs of poisoning, you should consult a doctor.

How are insecticides used?

The low toxicity of any insect repellent does not mean that it can be used without fear for your health

This means that the purchase and use of such drugs requires compliance with certain precautions.

Spraying potatoes

Let's look at them:

  • it is necessary to purchase only drugs that have been certified and comply with standards
  • It is prohibited to use insect control products that have expired
  • inaccessibility during storage for children or pets
  • storage conditions for drugs must comply with their instructions; it is usually a dry, dark and cool place
  • dissolving the poison in water (or other solvents) is carried out exactly according to the instructions and in the doses indicated there; an overdose of the drug can be very dangerous for both people and the environment
  • each drug is compatible (or not compatible) with any other drugs; this information must be indicated in the instructions; the use of incompatible drugs in the same place at the same time is prohibited
  • Spraying solutions should be prepared only before their use (at the earliest – two hours before spraying)
  • It is best to spray potatoes in the morning or evening in dry weather
  • the person spraying must be dressed in specialized clothing - a suit that protects the skin from possible contact with the drug; the use of protective equipment such as goggles, a respirator and gloves is mandatory
  • during spraying it is forbidden to eat, drink, smoke; It’s also not advisable to talk
  • If the insecticide gets on the skin, it is recommended to wash it off with plenty of running water.
  • the remaining solution must not be poured into the sewer; they need to be poured into a dug hole in the ground somewhere in a vacant lot, then this hole needs to be buried
  • At the end of spraying, it is necessary to wash the sprayer, wash work clothes thoroughly, and the worker himself should take a shower, washing himself with laundry soap
  • each insecticide acts for a certain time; re-processing before this period is not allowed; the time is indicated in the instructions.

TOP 5 Ways to combat mole crickets in the garden, garden plot: current means and preventive measures | (Photo & Video)

The drug Komandor - analogues

Of the analogues of this insecticide, the most popular ones should be noted, which can replace Commander if necessary:

  • Biotlin, VKR;
  • Zhukoed, SK;
  • Zubr, VRK;
  • Imidor Pro, KS;
  • Imidor, VRK;
  • Golden spark, VRK;
  • Corado, VRK;
  • Prestige, KS and a number of other means.

Protection against insect pests means Komandor - video

The drug Commander: reviews from gardeners and gardeners

Oleg, 40 years old, Moscow region: On my plot I grow a large number of potatoes - early varieties and for storage. My wife and I were very tired of the Colorado potato beetle, we tried various means, and finally settled on the Commander. After treatment, the very next day not only the adults died, but also the larvae and testicles. The treatment was carried out before flowering, so as not to kill the bees.

Alena, 39 years old, Samara region: I plant potatoes every year and constantly have to fight the Colorado potato beetle. Thanks to the drug Commander - I treated my plantation once against this pest, and now I live peacefully all season. The drug may not be much better than others, but it kills the beetle in one use.

Mikhail, 50 years old, Penza region: Last season I treated my potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle, now this season I plan to use it to get rid of aphids and whiteflies in my greenhouse, where I grow cucumbers and tomatoes. I hope that no more pests will appear on my site.

Maria, 55 years old, Tambov region: The year before last she treated tomatoes and cucumbers in the greenhouse with Commander to get rid of aphids. I am satisfied with the result - after one spraying with the Commander, these insect pests disappeared. I noticed that almost simultaneously with the aphids, my ants also disappeared; probably, the aphids got drunk from their “sweet” milk with poison and also died.

The drug Komandor can be used to control plant pests in open ground and in greenhouses.

The product is highly effective; usually one application per season is enough to get rid of pests in garden beds. This drug is also used as a disinfectant for seed material and potato tubers before planting in open ground. Therefore, Commander has recently become very popular among Russian vegetable growers.

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