Why does a cricket start in the house - interpretation of a folk sign

If a cricket appears in the house, carefully study the article and you will know what the sign warns about in your case. Many people believe that the sign has a positive meaning. But sometimes the appearance of this insect in the house carries a negative and even threatening meaning. To prepare for both good and bad events, you should know the beliefs. In addition, it is important to understand that killing a cricket is prohibited. This can bring great misfortune to the house. And if you follow the advice, the life of your household will be calm and happy.

Why did the cricket start - the meaning of the sign

There are many signs of why there is a cricket in the house. In Rus', visiting a grasshopper was considered a good sign. In addition, crickets were equated to meteorologists and the weather was checked against their appearance. Superstitions also say that a visit from an insect can be interpreted as a warning of danger.

If a cricket has settled in the house, signs can have positive and negative meanings. Slavic folklore says that the grasshopper helps to bring comfort and warmth into the house. It's nice to be in such a house. But if the insect is too active, you should pay attention to what it is trying to warn about. Perhaps this is a harbinger of a future dark streak.

How to prevent guests from returning

Sealing all cracks and cracks through which crickets can enter the house will help prevent re-infestation. Insects can enter a room if there are cracks and holes in the floor and baseboards near the sewer pipes.

Mosquito nets are attached to the windows so that insects cannot get into the home. The corners near the batteries are also treated with special sprays to effectively destroy the larvae. Be sure to close the trash can tightly so as not to attract the smell of crickets

It is important not to leave crumbs on the table and immediately remove leftover food. Dampness in the premises is unacceptable. It is imperative to warn employees of the management company or sanitary service employees about the accumulation of water in the basements

Residents of lower floors or private houses require special attention. In the evenings, it is necessary to close the curtains and lower the blinds so as not to attract uninvited guests from the world of insects with bright light

To illuminate the yard, it is recommended to use medium-power lamps, preferably yellow light. Ventilation grilles are covered with fine mesh. Compost heaps should be located at a distance from private houses, in the far corners of the plots. The greenery near the home is trimmed regularly; climbing plants are not recommended to be planted close to the home. If night trills do not cause insomnia, and the appearance of insects does not seem repulsive, then the neighborhood can be quite pleasant

However, there are ways to get rid of restless guests. And they should be used so as not to turn life into constant stress.

If night trills do not cause insomnia, and the appearance of insects does not seem repulsive, then the neighborhood can be quite pleasant. However, there are ways to get rid of restless guests. And they should be used so as not to turn life into constant stress.

Interpretation by type of cricket

Signs about crickets are often associated with the color of this insect. In nature, there are many different types of insects with different colors. There may be black, brown, green or even white cricket.

  • Black insect. There is a whole legend about how it appeared. According to her, the cricket was so funny that one day, laughing at another joke of his mosquito friend, he fell into the fire. And it burned, becoming like a piece of coal. Black grasshoppers are found in people's homes more often than others. They love comfort and hide in buildings at the slightest drop in temperature. If such a neighbor has settled in your house, expect financial prosperity. He warns about the benefits that he will do something unexpected and will remain in this house for many years. The longer the black grasshopper lives, the better for your well-being.
  • Brown. If you see a cricket of this color, beware of an impending illness.
  • Green. The emergence of hope for a bright future.
  • White cricket. Will give long-awaited love.

Listen to the crickets singing loudly late at night and wait for good news.

Reasons for appearance

Like all other insects that appear in a human home, crickets are attracted to warmth and the availability of food. In the summer, crickets mainly inhabit green areas near residential buildings, but with the onset of cold weather they begin to move into basements, and then into heated apartments, as well as into houses.

The ideal environment for their life is an abundance of food, acceptable humidity and temperature. In addition to all this, crickets are attracted to unsanitary conditions, as are cockroaches, flies, and ants. Before deciding how to fight insects, it is advisable to establish basic order in your place of residence.

Where exactly did the cricket start?

Where exactly you were able to see a cricket has sacred significance:

  1. In the house. The grasshopper can settle not only in a residential building, but also in a garage, but prefers to live closer to people. This insect hides as soon as summer ends and it gets cold. It brings benefits, protecting the house from parasites, giving prosperity, harmony, and good luck. Family troubles and problems will not appear. If a grasshopper sits in the kitchen, you will soon become rich. When a sick person lives in the house, the disease will recede. For young people, a grasshopper in bed promises a whirlwind romance.
  2. In the apartment. Most often, the insect can settle on the balcony. When a grasshopper visits an apartment where unmarried young people live, there will be a wedding soon. A pregnant woman will give birth to a healthy baby, and the birth will be easy. But if the trill of a cricket wakes you up in the middle of the night, you will get sick. A morning trill indicates a quarrel.
  3. On the street. When you hear a cricket singing in the yard, expect pleasant changes and the onset of long-awaited events. If someone heard the singing of an insect from a window, pleasant events and long-awaited changes are coming ahead. If the trills were heard in the morning and not at night, the household will have disagreements.
  4. In the bath. This room is humid and warm, and grasshoppers love such places. Let him sing his songs - they will attract good luck. A constant and regular trill attracts wealth. If crickets chirp in the bathhouse during the day, there will be a quarrel. The sudden disappearance of a cricket after its long presence promises trouble. If you see a white cricket in the bathhouse, someone will die soon.
  5. At work. Do indoor crickets interfere with your work? Don’t be angry, because his songs mean a promotion, a salary increase or a lucrative business offer.

Don't panic if the cricket suddenly goes silent. Perhaps he died a natural death, because these insects do not live long and sing only during certain periods.

How are house crickets different?

Crickets are similar in appearance, except for color, to grasshoppers, but with a strong body. Both of them chirp at night.

Street or field crickets love to visit warm houses, but prefer their own burrows. These shy insects are black, dark brown or coffee brown in color. Straw-fawn or yellow-grayish crickets are also found. The thighs and spots near the elytra are orange. Habitat: steppes and forest-steppes.

House crickets choose to live in multi-storey residential buildings and cottages. This species is not so shy. Body color is gray-yellow, black or with brown tints. Stains or stains are visible on the body.

Chirping sounds are made by males to attract females. The first sounds are for luring, then - persuasion with serenades, after which - warning rivals. Sounds are made by the elytra, similar to playing with a bow.

Why you shouldn't kill crickets in your home

A cricket in the room may interfere with sleeping or watching a movie, but you shouldn't kill it. The insect probably carries an omen of things to come. If you kill the messenger, your luck will run out. You will demonstrate disrespect for higher powers who wanted to warn about wealth or misfortune in order to prepare a person.

The Scandinavians have an interesting belief on this topic. They believe that the cricket under the window is the guardian of an evil spirit. Having killed an insect, evil will break out and begin to rule the house. Therefore, you need to throw the bug away, but not harm it.

Don't scare away your luck

Crickets are loud tenants; not everyone can sleep to their musical performances. What to do, how to evict them so as not to offend fate?

  1. Track where the crickets have settled, carefully catch them, for example, cover them with some kind of container and release them outside. The easiest time to find a cricket in the house is at night, when it makes characteristic sounds.
  2. If you can’t do this, you should make sure that there is no water available to the insects, this will complicate their life and drive them away. Carefully wipe up puddles in the bathroom, close the taps tightly, and do not leave containers with water anywhere.
  3. Insect repellent is a last resort, because killing a cricket based on signs will not turn out to be anything good. But sometimes it is easier to endure the displeasure of otherworldly forces than sleepless nights. You should apologize to the crickets later.

Other signs with crickets

If a cricket chirps, people have come up with many signs of events that they can talk about by singing:

  • The singing is heard by girls and boys who are not engaged in a romantic sense - soon they will meet their fate and get married.
  • A pregnant woman noticed the chirping - the birth will be easy, and the born child will be strong.
  • If a cricket lives in the house for a long time, the family will gain wealth and prosper. This also applies to work, but success will come from your career, not your personal life.
  • The trill sounding on the eve of Christmas promises a lot of money in the coming year.
  • When a grasshopper sings in a room near a sick person, he will soon recover.
  • Women who have recently lost their husbands may believe that their deceased spouses have returned to them. Now they will protect the house from evil forces in this guise.

Despite the harmlessness of this insect, there are some negative signs associated with it:

  • Expect a fire if the grasshopper rushes around the house.
  • Grasshoppers sing mainly in the evening, when it is still relatively warm, and if you hear a trill during the day, a big quarrel is possible. Until the departure of one of the people living here.
  • The unexpected disappearance of a cricket means trouble awaits the house.
  • If you woke up in the middle of the night to the trill of a grasshopper, you might soon get sick.

There are superstitions associated with grasshoppers in many countries. The Chinese and Japanese themselves inhabit this insect in their homes, believing that it helps a person live for a very long time, protecting him from negativity and lulling him to sleep with his songs. The Indians are not so scrupulous; they make a tincture from crickets, hoping to gain more strength, endurance and improve their health.

Foreign superstitions

There are many myths about insects that are relevant among representatives of different nations. Chinese

We are confident that they help prolong life. Therefore, they believe that they should be started at home.

Acheta domesticus


They used crickets to prepare a special tincture that helped a person become more resilient, faster, and physically stronger.


They believed that musical insects could be tamed and settled them in their home. It was believed that sitting next to the house, crickets sing for their owners, thereby lulling them to sleep. But if someone unfamiliar approaches the house, the insects immediately fall silent, warning that a stranger is coming to the house.

In Brazil

They believe that the singing of an insect attracts death.

There are many superstitions associated with crickets - they can warn of both bad and good events, and attract happiness and good luck into the house. Therefore, do not rush to drive away such a little messenger, even if he disturbs sleep with his night trills.

In order to understand how to get rid of a cricket, you first need to recognize the “enemy in person.” So, a cricket is a jumping insect with two wings that lives mainly in humid climates. Crickets are often confused with grasshoppers due to the similarity of their “chirping” sounds. However, there are several ways to distinguish them:

  • By size (grasshoppers are larger);
  • By color (grasshoppers are often green or gray, crickets are light yellow and brown).

Crickets feed on small insects and plants. They often “chirp” in the dark, but like grasshoppers - in the light. Crickets are divided into two types: field and house crickets. They live in meadows, fields, farms and industrial premises, basements, country houses, respectively. The optimal temperature for these insects is 30-35 degrees, and at 20 degrees or less they fall into an apathetic state and stop eating and reproducing.

Why get rid of them?

The biggest problems are associated with house crickets, since in cold weather they move to warm rooms and disturb their owners with their chirping. Another reason why it is advisable to get rid of crickets is unsanitary conditions, which immediately appear due to insects in the house. They can also damage furniture and wallpaper in the house.

In addition to these reasons, there are certain signs associated with the appearance of these insects in the house. Although they vary, we can highlight the main “dangers” that cricket tenants may face:

  • A cricket flying around the house means a fire;
  • Flew away from home - to grief or illness;
  • Stopped chirping - to poverty or illness;
  • Started chirping during the day - to a quarrel;
  • Noticing a white insect means death.

How to get rid of an insect without harming yourself

Not everyone is moved when a cricket sings, especially if it does so loudly. At night, trills and chirping interfere with sleep, causing insomnia and nervous breakdowns. It is impossible to kill an insect even in such a situation. Just send him to please someone else with his songs. There will definitely be connoisseurs of such creativity on the street. But finding a little neighbor is difficult. You'll have to resort to tricks:

  • place a bowl of sugared water near the place where the chirping is heard;
  • use an insect trap.

When you catch a grasshopper, transplant it into a jar and take it outside.

How Do House Crickets Reproduce?

One male cricket takes care of 5-6 females, keeping competitors away. Reproduction occurs year-round, but these insects mate more often in warm weather, and after preliminary “dances.”

Using a long ovipositor, piercing the ground, the female cricket lays clutches of 30 eggs. At 30 degrees Celsius, the productivity of white elongated eggs increases. The female house cricket lays one or a bunch of eggs, hiding them in crevices.

The timing of maturation of the larvae in the egg is affected by the ambient temperature. More often, nymphs emerge after 1-2 months. Outwardly, they look like adult crickets, but in order to turn into a mature insect, they have to molt 9-10 times in 1.5-2 months.

At first, the juveniles stay in a flock, hiding in secluded places. They scatter into their own burrows after the third moult. After overwintering, they crawl out, and at this time the last molt takes place. After this, the cricket lives for 1.5 months. The life of tropical crickets is 5 months longer.

If a grasshopper sat down on a person...

On your head

Changes: both in thoughts and dreams, and in reality. Rethinking life and your goals, changing your guidelines.

The grasshopper can point to the wind in your head and advise you to come to your senses. Sometimes it means moving and a change of scenery.

On the body

If a grasshopper lands on a person, it is a good omen. Consider it as giving you good luck for the whole day. It can mean unexpected profits, a pleasant pastime, recovery from a protracted illness.

The jumper will give inspiration to creative people, and unexpected profits to businessmen. For married ladies, it promises an addition to the family.

On clothes

The meanings of the signs are the same. But the implementation of the grasshopper’s promises is slightly delayed, or will bring less tangible benefits. In any case, if a grasshopper jumped on a person, this is a good sign.

On hand

The sign promises pleasant (and sometimes useful) acquaintances. Young people are looking for entertainment in the company of new friends, while older people are looking for business contacts.

For girls, the grasshopper promises a meeting with a mysterious stranger (hurry to meet them, otherwise they will take you away), for married women - an adventure “on the side.”

Married men will also be able to find an adventure of their own.

Signs about black grasshoppers

Black grasshoppers are often called crickets because they are quite similar to each other. It is considered a rare occurrence for a cricket to get into an apartment, but if it flies there, then for some reason it is difficult to find it. The insect whistles its songs while the owners of the home look for it in the corners, armed with a slipper just in case. Popular superstitions say that this is in vain. A cricket caught in the walls of a house “tells” only good things.

Attention! The insect is considered a symbol of good luck, which is why some superstitious people deliberately catch it and keep it at home in a box or even a small terrarium.

The cricket is credited with many other good qualities - family well-being, financial stability, coziness and comfort. He is called the keeper of the house. Therefore, there is no need to hunt him and get rid of him using cruel measures. Of course, esotericists do not force people to keep a cricket at home against their will. It should be found, carefully caught and taken away from the house.

Crickets are guardians of the house; you cannot kill them, but you can carefully catch them and take them out

Preventive measures

Simple and accessible actions will help protect your home from many insects that may appear in the house or apartment. What should be done:

  • Hang mosquito nets on the windows.
  • Seal all cracks where insects may be hiding.
  • Make sure that the trash can is emptied on time and that no food remains are left on the dining table.
  • Make sure that there is no excess moisture in the apartment.
  • Monitor the condition of basements and attics.
  • This is especially true for those who live on the first floors. The inhabitants of basements first appear on the lower floors, through cracks that are located at the points of entry into the housing of various communications (cold and hot water, sewerage, gas, electricity).
  • Set up lighting in the yard. Do not use high power lamps.
  • Install fine-mesh grilles on ventilation systems.
  • Compost heaps should be located as far as possible from the home.
  • As soon as it gets dark, close the blinds and curtains, since bright light always attracts insects, including crickets.

Important! If you follow these fairly simple rules, then you can sleep peacefully and no “concerts” can disturb a person’s sleep. If, nevertheless, a cricket appears in your home, it is better to get rid of it immediately, otherwise after a while it will no longer be alone if the conditions are favorable. At the same time, you need to think about what attracted these insects, but for this you need to know what the nocturnal “musicians” live and eat. If this issue is not addressed in time, then after a while you will have to spray chemicals, and no one wants that.

A cricket has settled in the bathroom

The man with the scar

Man with a Scar Scar

William Somerset Maugham

It was the scar that I first noticed on him, because it ran, wide and red, from his temple to his chin. This scar spoke of a terrible wound, and I wondered whether it was caused by a saber or a shell fragment. it was unexpected for this round, fat and good-natured face. He had small facial features and his face was strangely combined with his large and fat body. He was a powerful man greater than normal height. I've never seen him in anything other than a very shabby gray suit, a khaki shirt and an old sombrero. He was far from clean. He entered the Palace Hotel in Guatemala City every day during cocktail hour and tried to sell lottery tickets. I never saw anyone buy, but from time to time I saw him offering to drink. He never gave up on it. He walked between the tables, lingering at each table, offered lottery tickets with a slight smile, and when no one noticed, he moved on with the same smile. I think he was mostly a little drunk.

I stood One evening in a bar, a man with a scar approached me with an acquaintance. I shook my head for the twentieth time since arriving


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