"Zhukoed, SK" - a three-component preparation for the Colorado potato beetle

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Author of the article

Yakov Pavlovich

Professor, Head of the Department of Vegetable Growing

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The Colorado potato beetle is a harmful insect that, during massive invasions, can destroy entire potato plants. To eliminate this parasite, various chemicals are used - the only means that can destroy it. According to the instructions for using the “Beetle Eater” remedy for the Colorado potato beetle, this drug can rid the garden of insects and protect the plant throughout the month. The drug has many advantages, but it is important to know the processing rules.


  • Purpose and application
  • Composition and dosage form
  • Mechanism of action of "Zhukoed, SK"
  • Resistance
  • Application regulations
  • Phytotoxicity
  • Compatibility
  • Restrictions and security
  • Advantages and disadvantages

“Zhukoed, SK” is a drug that contains THREE active ingredients belonging to different classes of chemical compounds that differ in their mechanism of action and physical properties.

The material includes composition, mechanism of action, operating regulations, restrictions and safety, compatibility, etc.


Beetle poison is available in the form of a concentrated emulsion, which should be diluted with water before use. The finished product has a slight specific odor. Packaged in 9 ml bottles. Allowed to be used in summer cottages, vegetable gardens, fields with potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants.

Composition and dosage form

The drug "Zhukoed, SK" contains three active components:

  • IMIDACLOPRID , 100 g/l and
  • KLOTIANIDIN, 50 g/l.

They are one of the most effective substances in the chemical classes of neonicotinoids and pyrethroids.

Preparative form – SC (suspension concentrate).

Release format/packing – 5 ml ampoule, 9 ml bottle, the drug is protected by the manufacturer from counterfeiting with a special code authentication system.

The registrant and manufacturer is CJSC Firm “August”, one of the leaders on the Russian market in the development and production of pesticides for plant protection. "August" is a member of the Russian Union of Manufacturers of Plant Protection Chemicals.

Consumption rate

For each type of insecticide for the destruction of harmful insects, as well as for products from different manufacturers, its own consumption rate of the drug is determined. Read more about the insecticide consumption rate below.

The most popular types of insecticides for potato protection have the following consumption:

From the Colorado potato beetle

  • sumi alpha - 0.15 kg (l)/ha;
  • actellik -1.5 kg (l)/ha;
  • Kerber - 0.1-0.2 kg (l)/ha;
  • senpai - 0.15-0.2 kg (l)/ha;
  • arrivo - 0.1-0.16 kg (l)/ha;
  • tanrek - 0.1-0.2 kg (l)/ha;
  • commander - 0.1 kg (l)/ha;
  • bulldog - 0.15 kg (l)/ha.

Insecticides to combat the Colorado potato beetle can be purchased at a specialty store.

From aphids

Insecticides for aphids are as follows:

  1. Bi-58 - 2-2.5 l/ha.
  2. Danadim (seed plantings) - 2-2.5 l/ha.
  3. Shar Pei (seed plantings) - 0.48 l/ha.
  4. Vitan - 0.48 l/ha.
  5. Rogor-S (seed plantings) - 2-2.5 l/ha - one of the most effective means against aphids.

Insecticides against aphids can be purchased at specialty stores.

Insecticides for slugs are as follows:

  • SlugSTOP – 0.3 kg/ha;
  • Slug eater – 0.3 kg/ha.

Insecticides for cockchafer larvae are a small range, for example:

Fastak - 0.07-0.1 l/ha.

Mechanism of action of "Zhukoed, SK"

In terms of action, “Beetle Eater” is an insecticide, in terms of penetration method it is a contact-intestinal pesticide, and in terms of the nature of action it is a systemic pesticide.

Neonicotinoids have high biological activity, are well accumulated by receptors found in insects, block the transmission of nerve impulses, as a result of which they die from nervous overexcitation. Pyrethroids penetrate the integument of insects, causing rapid destruction, and affect the nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death.

a) Alpha-cypermethrin provides a contact effect, acts instantly (pests stop feeding within 1 hour after treatment and die)

b) Imidacloprid provides a systemic effect, is quickly absorbed by the leaves and redistributed throughout the vascular system throughout the plant. In addition, imidacloprid provides anti-stress resistance (drought and other unfavorable conditions)

c) Clothianidin provides distribution and long-lasting protection.

The duration of the protective effect is 15–20 days.

The speed of the initial impact is that the pest’s feeding activity ceases within an hour after treatment, and death occurs within 24 hours.

General features of the pest

The Colorado potato beetle, or as it is also called the potato leaf beetle, consumes the leaves of plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, and sweet peppers as food. On average, the length of an adult is from 8 to 12 millimeters, they are characterized by an orange body color with black spots or stripes. Insects have wings, which give them the opportunity to spread over long distances from the breeding site.

The length of the larvae is within 1516 millimeters - they have a black head, black dots on the side of a bright yellow body. They are often confused with ladybugs, which benefit vegetation. Wintering is carried out underground at a depth of 20 to 50 centimeters. In the spring, they begin laying eggs of a light orange hue along the perimeter of the surface of the leaves. They can lay from 5 to 80 eggs per day, and over the entire summer - about 700. The larva is born after 517 days.

It is worth noting that their life expectancy can reach three years - this is possible due to the ability to hibernate for many years, which makes the process of fighting such insects several times more difficult.

The beetle beetle is a complex drug that affects flying and crawling pests, including not only adult representatives of the colony, but also larvae. To get rid of Colorado potato beetles, one treatment of the plantings at the beginning of the growing season is sufficient. The composition of the product includes components that make it possible to restore plants, as well as form root crops.

Application regulations

CulturePotatoes, nightshade crops
Harmful objectColorado beetle
Norm of use of the drug1.5 ml./ 3 l. water
Time of processingDuring the period of vegetative development of crops (late May - early September)
Processing methodSpraying with working solution
Working fluid flow3 l./ 100 m2
Number of treatmentsonce
Waiting period before harvest20 days

Biological insecticides to combat the Colorado potato beetle

Insecticides of biological origin are harmless to humans and do not accumulate in different parts of the plant. After the Colorado potato beetle larva eats a leaf treated with the product, it will experience digestive upset. Having lost her appetite, she will soon die, but the fruits and vegetables will remain clean and can be eaten after 5-7 days (if the treatment took place before harvesting).

Biological insecticides do not affect egg laying, so treatment should be carried out weekly and at least 3 times per season.

Rain and watering reduce the effectiveness of the drugs, so treat plants on a clear and dry day

For ease of study, we have placed some drugs in this group in the table.

Drug nameRelease formImpact on the Colorado potato beetleEffects on beneficial insects, fish and birdsDuration of protection
AkarinEmulsion concentrateKills pests on the 2-3rd dayHighly toxic to bees, slightly toxic to fish and birdsUp to 6 weeks
BitoxibacillinPowderWeakens the beetle's appetite, which leads to its death; reduces the number of viable eggs Slightly toxic to bees and fish, toxic to silkwormsFew hours
FitovermLiquidKills the beetle within 2-3 days; maximum effect – on 5-7 days Moderately hazardous to bees and fish7-20 days
Anthonem-FEmulsionContains cultures of nematodes that parasitize beetles and their larvae, thereby causing disease and killing the hostLow risk2 years or more

Potato varieties resistant to the Colorado potato beetle - myth or reality? Is there a variety of potato in nature whose bushes the Colorado potato beetle “bypasses”? It turns out there is! We found several such varieties and are ready to talk about them.

Restrictions and security

a) Hazard class for bees – class 1 (highly toxic). The use of an insecticide requires compliance with the basic provisions of the “Instructions for the prevention of bee poisoning by pesticides, Moscow, State Aviation Administration of the USSR, 1989.” Notifications about upcoming treatments and

b) Hazard class for humans and warm-blooded animals - class 3 (moderately dangerous compound). When working with the drug, you should follow the measures according to SanPiN 1.2.2584-10. When carrying out treatments, use personal protective equipment, isolate children and pets, and other measures. Store the drug separately from medications and food products, out of the reach of children. The release time after treatment is 3 days.

c) Hazard class for persistence in soil – class 2. If the drug spills, sprinkle the contaminated area with sand or other non-flammable material until completely absorbed. Collect contaminated sorbents in containers for subsequent neutralization. The area of ​​the spill indoors should be washed with water and soap or soda (200 grams of soda per 10 liters of water), and the area of ​​the earth should be dug up.

DOWNLOAD/VIEW (.pdf file) “Full instructions for using the insecticide “Zhukoed, SK”

Precautions when using poison

To ensure that the chemical components present in the product do not have a detrimental effect on health, it is important to take precautions. When using poison, you must adhere to the following safety rules:

  1. Arm yourself with protective equipment: rubber gloves, a respiratory mask, goggles and thick clothing that covers your hands. The solution should not come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. Irrigation is carried out only in calm and dry weather. Evening time is best.
  3. When performing the treatment, it is prohibited to eat food, smoke or drink drinks.
  4. Children, animals and pregnant women should not be near the site.
  5. Do not mix the drug with other chemical components.

After processing the beds, you need to wash your clothes and shoes. After this, it is recommended to take a shower and gargle. If you follow the rules for using this product, you can get high yield returns.

See also Why potato leaves curl: causes and treatment

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using the three-component insecticide “Zhukoed, SK” include :

  • a unique combination of three active ingredients, which eliminates resistance and ensures maximum effectiveness;
  • high speed of initial impact;
  • one-time treatment ensuring the destruction of the entire pest population;
  • impact even on individuals resistant to one of the components;
  • lack of dependence on weather factors and work in a wide temperature range;
  • system for protecting the drug from counterfeiting.

Among the disadvantages is a high class of danger for bees and other pollinators.

Effect on the human body and first aid for poisoning

An insecticide can harm the health of a gardener only if safety rules and precautions are not followed. In case of carelessness and poisoning with the product, you must follow the instructions:

  1. If the drug gets inside, rinse your mouth with water and drink several glasses of warm liquid with activated charcoal, and then induce vomiting.
  2. If inhaled, the victim should move to fresh air.
  3. If the product gets on the skin, it should be removed with a piece of cloth and the affected area should be washed with soap.
  4. If the product gets into your eyes, quickly rinse your mucous membranes with running water.

Immediately after providing first aid, if necessary and severe injuries, you will need to consult a doctor.

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