Instructions for use of the drug Regent for the Colorado potato beetle

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Published: 06/22/2019


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The new generation of insecticidal preparations is characterized by a long-lasting and rapid effect, reliability, and ease of use. Regent has proven itself to be excellent in protecting potatoes and other vegetables from the insidious Colorado potato beetle.

  • 1 Main characteristics of the insecticide 1.1 Principle of action of the drug
  • 1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of the product
  • 2 Processing features
      2.1 Safety precautions
  • 2.2 Reviews
  • Composition and release form of Regent

    The active substance of this insecticide is the fipronil component. These are a new class of chemicals called phenylpyrazoles. It is thanks to him that you can overcome the Colorado potato beetle in the garden.

    There are two forms of Regent:

    • liquid suspension (ampoules of 5 and 1.5 ml);
    • dry granules (100 g bag).

    Following the instructions, you can prepare a solution to kill pests from both a liquid suspension and granules. Due to the fact that the insecticide contains an active component from a new class of chemicals, the product is not addictive to insects.

    "Regent" is fipronil

    The main active ingredient is fipronil. Additional agents (with pest control properties) are chlorophos and permethrin. Of course, in the liquid form of the drug, water becomes another substance. Fipronil powder appears as colorless crystalline granules with a musty odor.

    The molecule does not break down at room temperature, but begins to decompose when exposed to sunlight. It remains stable in a neutral or slightly acidic environment. In an alkaline environment it begins to decompose.


    The product is a modern general action insecticide. It is created on the basis of fipronil, which allows you to fight various insects. The component is used very widely as an insecticide. As reviews show, in addition to the Colorado potato beetle, it also eliminates domestic cockroaches.

    There are several forms of release of the product. These are water-soluble granules, ampoules with a viscous suspension. The second option is the most popular among gardeners. According to their reviews, results are noticeable after just one procedure.

    What pests is Regent effective against?

    The contact-intestinal insecticidal preparation has a long period of protective action and is intended to combat a wide range of insect pests. Effective against Orthoptera, Coleoptera and soil-dwelling insects. Regent 800 has a detrimental effect on cockroaches, bed bugs, Colorado potato beetles, mole crickets, leech beetles, bread bugs and locusts.

    The principle of action of the drug

    The active substance refers to compounds with systemic intestinal action. During crop treatment, the solution reaches not only the pests, but also the plant organs, which they actively eat. Therefore, the poison penetrates the beetle’s body in two ways – intestinal and through contact with foliage.

    The action of the drug is as follows:

    • gamma-aminobutyric acid is blocked;
    • the passage of nerve impulses through cell membranes is disrupted;
    • complete immobilization and paralysis occurs;
    • death.

    Reference! After spraying a vegetable crop with Regent, after 10 hours, complete immobilization and damage to the central nervous system of insects occurs. And a day later they died.


    Regent 800 for Colorado beetles is produced by a German company. Despite a number of positive qualities of the presented product, there are drugs that have an excellent effect, including:

    • Colorado is an effective means of ensuring effective protection of crops from pests. characterized by contact and intestinal effects on insects. Allows you to destroy both adult parasites and their larvae. The duration of the residual effect is noted. No re-spraying required. Provides the opportunity to restore the plant and increase productivity.

    • Imidor is a systemic insecticide that provides a good level of protection against parasites. Poisoning occurs in two ways - the poison gets on an insect when it eats a plant. The death of Colorado potato beetles occurs after 24 hours. The effect lasts for two weeks.

    • Tanrek - used once per season. Effectively removes adult insects and larvae. Poisoning occurs through intestinal and contact routes. Can be used together with other types of insecticides, as well as fungicides.

    • Image is another strong drug that has a detrimental effect on the nervous system of Colorado potato beetles after processing crops.

    Each product has a similar effect on pests when compared with Regent. Initially, the nervous system of the parasite is damaged, paralysis occurs, and then death.


    To attract beetles, aromatic compounds and food additives are used. Baits are prepared on the basis of mashed potatoes, vegetable oil, and various cereals. To protect grain crops and annual herbaceous plants, Triathlon is used, a three-component post-emergence herbicide with systemic action. If an area is heavily infested with mole crickets, ticks and whiteflies, use the contact acaricide “Sturm”, which destroys parasitic insects en masse and at all stages of development.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the product

    The regent is a poison, or rather a toxic chemical. The drug has not only its advantages, but also disadvantages that you need to know about before starting work.

    Features of the product:

    • efficiency;
    • low price;
    • economical to use;
    • no pungent odor;
    • is not phototoxic;
    • uniform distribution among bushes;
    • action in rain and heat.

    Disadvantages include toxicity to bees. Also, if you do not follow the instructions and exceed the concentration, you can not only destroy insects, but also get poisoned to the human body.


    But as buyers confirm, the product also has disadvantages. The drug has class 2 toxicity, so it must be handled with care. And this applies to powder and emulsion. During disinfection, people must leave the premises.

    Disadvantages include long-term destruction of pest populations. This does not happen instantly, but over several days. During this time, the cockroaches should receive the dose and die.


    Physical methods for exterminating agricultural parasites involve the construction of special traps using toxic substances. A trap based on a broad-spectrum biological product is a real eco-killer. It destroys harmful insects on an industrial scale.

    Parasites are lured into pits with manure. Cypermethrin or chlorophos is used as a toxic compound. After 3 weeks, the contents are removed and burned. To protect potato crops, holes are formed with a pesticide. Karbofos and carbide work well. To activate the poisonous properties of the latter, watering or damp weather is required.

    Preparation and use of a working solution for the Colorado potato beetle

    Each package contains detailed instructions that will tell you how to properly prepare the solution and then apply it. First you need to prepare the sprayer for uniform spraying.

    To exterminate the Colorado potato beetle you need to follow this scheme:

    1. Fill a ten-liter bucket of water and pour 5 ml of the drug from the ampoule. Mix well.
    2. The powdered regent is also used in the form of an aqueous solution. To do this, following the instructions, pour the contents of the package into a bucket of water. Stir until completely dissolved.

    Spray the bushes only with fresh solution. Basically, 1 ampoule or 1 pack of granules diluted in 10 liters of water is enough for 1 hectare of potato beds.

    Combination with other methods

    For reliable and long-term protection of the cultivated area from the invasion of parasitic insects, an integrated approach is used. It consists of combining disinfestation with pesticides with the parallel use of other methods of exterminating pests. They attract natural enemies to the site, plant plants with repellent odors, and use environmentally friendly homemade recipes.

    Ultrasonic repellers

    The operating principle of such electronic devices is based on irritating insects with acoustic wave radiation that is not detected by the human ear. As a result, orthoptera beetles leave the territory where they have become uncomfortable. This method of combating garden parasites is often used along with treating the cultivated area with pesticides.

    Ultrasonic repellers are effective not only on mole crickets, but also on moles, shrews, and small rodents. If they are attracted to the site specifically to eat orthopteran beetles, this method is undesirable.

    Folk recipes

    The most common home methods for killing parasites are creating baits and food traps. Dust, iodine, washing powder and any household chemicals are used as toxic substances. Making a simple trap will not take much time. A plastic bottle or glass jar will do.

    Safety precautions when working with products

    Regent is a strong insecticidal drug that is moderately toxic to humans and animals. Therefore, during processing and upon completion of the procedure, safety precautions should be observed.

    Things to remember:

    1. Carry out work only in special clothing that will protect the skin from contact with the drug. This must include gloves, overalls made of thick fabric, goggles and a respirator.
    2. When spraying the solution, there should be no animals (for example, cats or dogs) or people without special clothing nearby.
    3. During the procedure, drinking, eating and smoking are prohibited.
    4. You cannot use the insecticide close to the apiary, otherwise the honey plant insects may die.
    5. After finishing the etching, you should take a shower and wash your clothes in hot water, after soaking them for 5 hours.
    6. Wash the container where the solution was and was prepared well with boiling water.
    7. If the solution remains unused, pour it outside the garden.

    By following simple safety rules, you can treat vegetable bushes against the Colorado potato beetle and not harm your health.

    Restrictions and security

    Insecticide "Regent" refers to:

    • classified as class 2 for humans, the drug is safe for earthworms and soil microorganisms;
    • Class 1 hazard for bees, the drug is extremely dangerous and toxic for them.

    When working with the drug, generally accepted precautions should be observed:

    • do not use food containers for breeding;
    • use PPE - gloves, respirator, protective clothing, etc.;
    • During work, it is strictly forbidden to eat, drink, or smoke;
    • After work, wash your face and hands with soap and rinse your mouth.

    When spraying the working solution, children and animals should be removed from the work area.

    The manufacturer prohibits mixing the drug with other pesticides.

    Storage conditions: should be stored separately from food and medicines, out of the reach of children. Storage temperature 0…+25C.

    G" (from BASF)

    Rules of application

    To achieve maximum effect from the Regent, you must follow the instructions exactly. The algorithm of actions is presented below.

    1. Pour the poison into the sprayer. It must be freshly prepared, as it loses its strength if kept for a long time.
    2. Regent should be used either in the morning, before 10 a.m., or in the evening, from 6 to 10 p.m., in dry and windless weather. If it rains within 5-6 hours after spraying, there will be no result.
    3. Potato plants need to be irrigated so that all the leaves are wet.
    4. The poison should not get on either other plants or you. Wear a protective suit that covers your entire body and arm yourself with a respirator mask or special goggles to protect the mucous membrane of your eyes.
    5. After treatment, leave the room or garden bed for 10 hours.

    If you unquestioningly follow the instructions for use, Regent will cope with its task to the maximum and will not harm anyone except Colorado potato beetles. Including the potato fruits themselves can be eaten. However, some farmers do not trust the drug's safety in humans. If it kills pests so quickly and effectively, couldn’t it also cause harm to humans? Answer: no. The insecticide is minimally toxic and has no effect on humans - provided that the waiting period is met. During treatment, children and animals must leave the premises. Other plants nearby should be covered with film.

    After working with the Regent, thoroughly wash your hands, soak your clothes and boil them. Wash used containers thoroughly and discard any remaining preparation.

    Terms of use

    According to reviews, “Regent” against cockroaches is easy to use. You must follow simple rules:

    1. There should be no animals in the premises.
    2. It is necessary to remove food, close windows, and protect items that can absorb product vapors. Indoor plants should also be taken to another room.
    3. Since Regent is toxic, you need to use protective equipment. Before the procedure, put on old clothes with long sleeves, a respirator or medical mask, and rubber gloves. Clear plastic glasses are required for the eyes.
    4. Then you need to dilute the ampoule or granules according to the instructions, create a solution of the required concentration. The milky white liquid is poured into a spray bottle to make it more convenient to treat all areas of the room.
    5. You can spray the product on areas where pests live. The floor, baseboards, cracks, window sills, areas near sewer pipes, and the area under the bathtub must be treated. The solution is applied near the trash can, sink, cabinets, and furniture.
    6. After this, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, take off your suit, rinse your mouth, and wash your face.
    7. You need to leave the premises, and you can return after 1.5-2 hours. Ventilation is necessary. The composition has no odor, but toxic components can be in the air, which can lead to allergies, headaches, and respiratory tract damage.
    8. It is necessary to perform wet cleaning of the room. Do not treat hard-to-reach areas so that the product works for a long time.
    9. The secondary procedure is performed a week later. During this time, individuals hatch from the eggs. Without additional use of the product, the effectiveness will be low: new cockroaches appear, which increase the population.

    Regent 25 is used for cockroaches in a similar way. Reviews indicate the effectiveness of the product only when used correctly. With these drugs you will be able to completely get rid of pests in a private home and apartment.

    Terms and conditions of storage

    To store the drug Regent you do not need to follow any special rules. Temperature readings can range from -30°C to + 30°C. It is better to keep the insecticide away from animals and children. The substance retains its effectiveness perfectly throughout the entire expiration date indicated on the package. And even if there is only a month left before its end, the product can be safely used to destroy the Colorado potato beetle.

    Expert opinion

    Stanislav Pavlovich

    Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

    Ask a Question

    Reference! The manufacturer does not recommend storing the prepared solution for more than 3-4 hours, otherwise the drug will lose its effect.

    Compatibility with other substances

    The regent cannot be used with other poisons, as the drug will lose its effect. Compatible with fungicides, excluding copper-containing ones. Before preparing the mixture, it is recommended to conduct a compatibility test with the drugs that are mixed.

    See also the subtleties of growing, description and characteristics of potatoes of the Udacha variety

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