Powerful and effective: Tanrek for the Colorado potato beetle and whitefly


  • Purpose and application
  • Composition and dosage form
  • Mechanism of action "Tanrek"
  • Processing regulations
  • a) Regulations for treatments with the drug “Tanrek” on private farms
  • b) Regulations for treatment with the drug “Tanrek” in agricultural production
  • Restrictions and security
  • Phytoxicity
  • Compatibility "Tanrek, VRK"
  • Analogues of the drug "Tanrek, VRK"
  • Advantages and disadvantages

"Tanrek" is a systemic insecticide with acute contact-intestinal action. The material includes purpose, composition, mechanism of action, regulations for use, compatibility, analogues, restrictions and safety.

Efficiency and analogues

The effectiveness of the drug lies in the fact that the toxic substance is carried with the plant juice only into the leaves, and not into the fruits (berries). It is often used with a drip irrigation system. The protection period lasts about a month. So, one to three treatments per season are sufficient. If you notice that the result after the first procedure is minimal, it is worth repeating the process, but using a different insecticidal preparation - an analogue of Tanrek.


  • "Confidor";
  • "Prestige";
  • "Taboo";
  • "Kalash";
  • "Bison";
  • "Respect";
  • "Monsoon";
  • "Confidelin";
  • "Biotlin Bau".

Their cost does not exceed 20 rubles per 1 ampoule of 1.5 ml.

Purpose and application

The drug is widely used in private farms to protect potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, flower and ornamental crops to combat a large number of different pests. Among them are aphids, whiteflies, Colorado potato beetles, apple flower beetles, thrips and many others. etc.

In agriculture it is used on wheat and other cereals for protection against harmful bugs and ground beetles, as well as for treating pastures and areas inhabited by locusts.

Suitable for protecting which plants

The majority of pests die during treatment, causing paralysis. It is also used to protect the following plant crops:

  • fruit trees;
  • roses;
  • currants;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • bell pepper;
  • cabbage;
  • viburnum;
  • dill;
  • raspberries;
  • indoor plants.

Note! With constant use of Tanrek, insects may develop resistance. That is, they will not react to it. So the drug must be alternated with other insecticides from this line.

Composition and dosage form

The basis of the drug is the active ingredient IMIDACLOPRID, 200 g/l. , chemical class neonicotinoids.

Preparative form - VRK (water-soluble concentrate), packaging for agricultural production - 1 liter jar, for private household plots - 1.5 ml ampoules and bottles of 10 ml and 50 ml.

For convenient use on private farms, there are two series of the drug, absolutely similar in composition:

  • “Tanrek - from aphids, whiteflies”;
  • "Tanrek - from the Colorado potato beetle."

Line of manufactured drugs "Tanrek, VRK", assessment of the authenticity of the drug


Andreev: Tanrek is the best remedy for controlling aphids on currants: the pests curl the leaves, and treatment with other drugs is ineffective, but Tanrek copes because it is a systemic drug.

Natalya: I would not say that Tanrek does not drip from the leaves of plants. It still drips, especially from the pubescent ones. But the drug is good, so I add flea shampoo to the solution, which helps Tanrek deal with ticks: I drop 5 ml of shampoo onto a bucket of working solution.

Nikolai: I don’t know a better remedy for the Colorado potato beetle, although I’ve tried everything in my life. Unfortunately, in rainy summers you have to treat potatoes more than once, because the drug is washed off. But next year I will add an adhesive to the working solution. Let's see how it turns out.

Irina: I poisoned the red lily beetle with Tanrek, which was disfiguring the leaves of the lilies, and there was no mention of my pest on the packaging in the instructions. However, the drug worked perfectly.

Tatyana: It’s not true that one treatment with Tanrek per season is enough. Especially during the rainy season. But the drug copes with the beetle better than all other products that I have used in the potato field year after year. So for now Tanrek is a champion for me.

Official website and manufacturer's recommendations: https://dacha.avgust.com/catalog/tanrek-ot-koloradskogo-zhuka/

Mechanism of action "Tanrek"

"Tanrek", having an acute contact-intestinal effect and pronounced systemic activity. Imidacloprid enters all parts of the plant (leaves, stem and roots) through sap flow and affects the nervous system of harmful insects, blocking nerve connections and suppressing signal transmission through the central nervous system of pests. Insects die from overexcitation, then stop feeding and die within 24 hours.

It is important to note several distinctive features of the drug:

  • the drug acts on both adult insects and larvae of different ages;
  • unlike pyrethroids, Tanrek reduces its effectiveness at high air temperatures, and is also quite resistant to washing off by rain and exposure to sunlight;
  • The mechanism of action of the drug "Tanrek" is different from pyrethroids, organophosphorus compounds, and carbamates, which allows it to be used effectively when alternating insecticides of different chemical classes.

The period of protective action is at least 14 - 21 days after treatment (depending on the pest and crop).

The speed of initial impact is within a few hours after treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tanrek is part of the group of insecticides with intestinal and contact action. Judging by the reviews, it has proven to be an effective drug, especially in cases of large insect infestations on agricultural land.


  • fast action (after 3-4 hours the plants become poisonous to pests), after 24-26 hours – death of insects;
  • 100% destruction of insects;
  • the drug actively “works” against individuals that are located on the underside of the leaf;
  • effective regardless of weather conditions and temperature indicators;
  • Tanrek has no resistance, which allows its use, subject to the rules, for a number of years in one area;
  • there is no phototoxicity (subject to compliance with dosages and volumes of consumption);
  • can be used for treating soil, as well as for soaking seed material;
  • Sharing with Fitosporin is acceptable.

The product can be used for treatments using aviation (relevant for planting on an industrial scale). The insecticide provides protection for up to two to three weeks, while the consumption rates are insignificant.

Processing regulations

Treatments are carried out by spraying. The concentrate is dissolved in 1/3 of the required volume of water, mixed thoroughly, and water is added to the full volume. The working solution cannot be stored and must be used on the day of preparation. During operation, stir periodically.

a) Regulations for treatments with the drug “Tanrek” on private farms

Regulations for the use of "Tanrek, VRK" for private household plots

b) Regulations for treatment with the drug “Tanrek” in agricultural production

Regulations for the use of "Tanrek, VRK" for agricultural production

Gardeners' opinion about the drug

Reviews of the insecticidal agent Tanrek indicate its destructive effect not only on the Colorado potato beetle, but also on aphids, cutworm caterpillars, and spider mites. The solution adheres well to the leaves of the treated plants. But for better adhesion, it is better to add shavings of laundry soap to the working liquid, mixing thoroughly.

Summer residents advise that if you dilute the drug, you should use it immediately. It is not recommended to store Tanrek in solution, since the toxic substance can poison animals and children. It is also dangerous for beneficial insects. By treating potatoes with insecticide, they protect the respiratory tract and eyes from toxic liquid getting on the mucous membranes.

Vegetable growers rate Tanrek on a ten-point scale of seven to eight points, which indicates the effectiveness of the insecticide. The drug is convenient because it is useful for treating fruit and berry crops and indoor plants against pests.

Restrictions and security

a) For humans and warm-blooded animals - hazard class 3 (moderately dangerous compound). When working with the drug, follow generally known personal safety standards and use PPE. The work is carried out in accordance with the current regulations GOST 12.3.041-86 and SanPiN 1.2.2584-10.

DATES FOR LEAVING people to carry out manual and mechanized work:

  • open ground - 3 days;
  • protected ground – 1 day.

WAITING TIMES before harvest:

  • for open ground (wheat, pumpkin, potatoes) – up to 20 days;
  • for protected soil (tomato, cucumber, leafy greens, salads) - at least 3 days;
  • on flower and ornamental crops – the period is not regulated.

b) “Tanrek” belongs to the 2nd class in terms of resistance in soil. The drug is toxic to earthworms.

c) For bees – 1st hazard class (highly dangerous). Treatments are carried out in accordance with the “Instructions for the prevention of bee poisoning by pesticides” (Moscow, 1989). It is necessary to notify local apiary owners about treatment zones, treatment times, the product used, etc. Treatment during the flowering period and during the active flight of pollinators is completely prohibited. Plants are sprayed only in the early morning or late evening, at wind speeds of up to 2 - 3 m/s. The border protection strip for bees is at least 4 - 5 km, the flight of bees is limited to at least 96 - 120 hours.

d) Fishery assessment - 2nd hazard class. The use of the drug in the sanitary zone of fishery reservoirs is permitted, subject to compliance with the regulations. It is prohibited to discharge the drug into any water bodies, including sewers and septic tanks.

DOWNLOAD/VIEW (.doc file) “Safety data sheet for the use, storage and transportation of the pesticide “Tanrek, VRK”

Instructions for use

The working composition cannot be stored, so prepare the solution immediately before use.

On a note! The insecticide solution prepared according to the instructions is produced within six hours.

Basic Rules:

  1. Plantings are processed on a clear day, preferably without wind.
  2. The time of day does not matter, but for safety it is better to schedule work in the morning or evening.
  3. The type of pest, the characteristics of the crop being treated, and the area are taken into account.
  4. Any model of sprayer (metal, plastic) is suitable for treatment, since the drug is neutral in relation to materials.
  5. Consumption is strictly according to the instructions.
  6. Application is indicated only in cases where all other options and methods of protection have been exhausted, and the entire harvest is at risk.

Treatment for all crops is one-time. Knowing how to breed Tarnek from the Colorado potato beetle, you can add other means to it for effectiveness.

It is allowed to mix in tank mixtures with some fungicides, as well as anti-tick medications:

  • Topaz – from the mycelium of fungal pathogens;
  • Horus is a broad-spectrum fungicidal agent;
  • Bi-58 – from sucking and gnawing insects;
  • Omite is from the category of acaricides.

On potato plantings

On potato plantings, Tanrek against the Colorado potato beetle is used against all generations of the insect. Prepare a solution by dissolving one milliliter of the product in a bucket, spending five liters per hundred square meters. Before digging the tubers, wait at least 20 days.

On tomatoes

It is effective to use an insecticide in a tomato greenhouse, where there is a high risk of plants being damaged by the Colorado potato beetle or the insidious whitefly.

Working solution for plants in greenhouses - take 5 ml of concentrate per bucket. Consumption – 1-3 liters per 10 square meters. meters (taking into account the number of pests) and the age of the plants.

On cucumbers

For greenhouse plantings, the working mixture is prepared in the same proportion as for tomatoes. All bushes are sprayed completely; harvesting greens is allowed after three days. It is believed that Tanrek helps against aphids and whiteflies better than other drugs.

On the apple trees

The drug has shown itself to be effective against aphids and apple blossom beetle. Treatment is allowed before the apple trees begin to bud or after, when the apples begin to set.

Dilute the composition in a proportion of 3 ml per 10-liter bucket, spray 2-5 liters per tree. For seedlings the volume will be less (2-3 liters), for adult apple trees - 5 liters.

On currants

Aphids cause great harm to berry bushes. Tanrek is diluted in a ratio of 3 ml per 10 liters of water, sprayed at 1.5 liters per bush.

On a note! Treatment of any fruit and berry plantings is carried out before flowering. Less often - after flowering, in the stage of ovary formation.

On flower crops

The main enemies of gardeners are leafhoppers, aphids, whiteflies, and thrips. The use of Tanrek is effective, but it is necessary to observe the proportions and consumption of the compositions for plants in beds and those growing at home on window sills or balconies.

Solution: 3 ml per ten-liter bucket of water (open ground) or 5 ml per the same amount of water for indoor flowers. Spraying during the growing season, also before flowering.

In orchids and conifers, distinguished by delicate leaf blades, yellow spots may appear. But if the dosage is observed, these phenomena disappear after 1-2 days.

Fatsia, schefflera, and streptocarpus are also sensitive to Tanrek.

On cereals

Most often, the insecticide is used on wheat plantings. Seedlings or crops are sprayed against ground beetles and harmful turtles during the growing season. Dilute 20 ml per 100 liters of water, this amount is enough to spray one hundred square meters of field.

In the pastures

The danger for pastures is posed by hordes of locusts, instantly devouring all plants and turning green lands into deserts. Tanrek has shown itself well in the fight against locusts.

For treatments, prepare a composition of 5 ml per 100 liters of water, spray the areas at the stage of larval development.

They spend approximately 20-50 liters per hectare, while access to pastures after treatments is allowed no earlier than 14-16 days later.

Analogues of the drug "Tanrek, VRK"

Analogues of “Tanrek, VRK” are drugs based on imidacloprid: “Akiba”, “Borey”, “Biotlin”, “Zhukoed”, “Zubr”, “Iskra Zolotaya”, “Imidabel”, “Imidor”, “Colorado”, “Kortlis”, “Korado”, “Commander / Commander Maxi / “Commander Plus”, “Contador”, “Confidelin”, “Kalash”, “Klubneshield”, “Confidor / Confidor-Extra”, “Prestige”, “Prestigator” , “Patron”, “Taboo”, “Espero”, etc.

Read more: INSECTICIDES - summary table of drugs used (by composition/active substance)

Terms and conditions of storage

Any insecticidal preparation must be kept away from children and animals. Storage temperature from –25 to +35 degrees Celsius. The shelf life is 36 months.

To prepare the solution, you need to use unnecessary utensils that are not used for preparing and eating food.

When using it, be sure to read the instructions, since if the prescribed dosages are not followed, side effects may occur on plant crops. So, if you exceed the norm, the leaves of the flowers may turn yellow. And there is no way to stop this action. Therefore, it is important to know how to use the Tanrek aphid remedy.

Hazard class, precautions, expiration date

The drug Tanrek has a hazard class for humans and warm-blooded animals - 3 (low toxicity). For inhabitants of reservoirs and bees, the insecticide hazard class is 1.

Therefore, Tanrek is prohibited from spraying near rivers, lakes or ponds. Also, plants should not be treated with this product during the flowering period, so as not to kill the bees.

In soil, the half-life of the product is approximately 6 months.

When carrying out treatments, you should wear protective clothing that covers the entire body, cover your nasopharynx with a respirator, and cover your hands with latex gloves. Closed shoes are worn on the feet.

If the product gets inside, various health problems may occur, at the first signs of which you should consult a doctor.

The shelf life of the drug Tanrek is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Toxicity level and human exposure

Tanrek is characterized by moderate danger (class 3) for people and animals. If the application rates are observed, it does not suppress the growth and development of crops. The active component does not accumulate in fruits.

Imidacloprid poses a moderate hazard to freshwater animals, so its use near bodies of water is permitted. However, due to the fact that the drug can have a toxic effect on bees, it is impossible to treat plants during flowering.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Attention: The active substance contained in the Tanrek insecticide can negatively affect the fragile nervous system of children, leading to a decrease in memory and learning ability.

Additional tips and tricks

The most common mistake of most summer residents is preparing an insecticidal solution in double volume. The remainder is left for the next day, thinking that its effectiveness will continue, but this is not the case. Use the composition immediately after dilution, and there is no need to prepare a large volume at once.

Useful tips:

  1. If it rains, postpone treatment until tomorrow. Ideal weather is sunny and calm.
  2. Be sure to wear a waterproof cape and respirator. "Tanrek" has level III toxicity.
  3. It is better to dispose of the remaining insecticidal composition; it is no longer suitable for next use. If you hate to throw it away, you can give it to your neighbor.

By following all these recommendations, it will be possible to increase productivity and minimize the appearance of various insects. "Tanrek" is an effective remedy against aphids, adults, whiteflies and other garden pests.

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