Taboo - a reliable protector of potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle

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Published: 06/22/2019


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When growing potatoes, many gardeners are forced to look for effective means of protecting their crops from an insidious enemy - the Colorado potato beetle. The Tabu disinfectant, used to kill beetles and larvae, as well as wireworms and aphids, showed good results. By following dosages, instructions for use, and precautions, you can successfully solve problems and save the harvest.

  • 1 Composition and mechanism of action on the pest
  • 2 Types of disinfectants Taboo and release forms
  • 3 Advantages and disadvantages of the drug
  • 4 Instructions for use 4.1 Treatment before planting
  • 4.2 Handling during disembarkation
  • 4.3 How to prepare the solution
  • 5 Compatibility of the drug and analogues
  • 6 Precautions
  • 7 Reviews about the drug
  • What kind of remedy?

    Tabu is a remedy from the Russian manufacturer August, which helps protect potatoes from wireworms and the Colorado potato beetle. In addition, gardeners have found that it also repels other pests, including the fall armyworm, aphids, leafhoppers, Swedish and Hessian flies. In addition to potato tubers, it is recommended to treat the seeds of the following plants with the product:

    • rapeseed;
    • sunflower;
    • corn;
    • wheat;
    • soy;
    • flax;
    • sugar beets.

    The drug is available in the form of a concentrated aqueous suspension, colored pink. During processing, potatoes are covered with a special film, which dries on the skin and remains unchanged, repelling dangerous pests.

    Tabu is produced in large containers - plastic canisters with a capacity of 1 liter and 5 liters. Sold in specialized gardening stores. The approximate price depends on the volume of the container:

    • 1 liter canister – 900-1000 rubles;
    • 5 liter canister – 4500-4700 rubles.

    The drug can be purchased in bulk, as it has a long shelf life - 3 years at temperatures from -10°C to +40°C. After this time, the product should not be used, as it loses all its properties. In addition, it is important to consider that after opening it becomes ineffective in a short time.

    If Taboo is not used immediately after purchase, it must be stored in a “sealed” form, that is, the original packaging cannot be destroyed.

    Composition and mechanism of action on the pest

    Tabu is a new generation insecticide, the main active component of which is organic compounds from the group of neonicotinoids. Synthetic insecticidal neonicotinoids are substances with certain properties:

    • high biological activity;
    • resistance to hydrolysis;
    • low consumption rates;
    • powerful translaminar action (penetration into plant tissue);
    • low volatility.

    The poison is based on imidacloprid, which is moderately toxic to humans, but dangerous to honey insects. Its action against pests is based on blocking specific neurons in insects, which causes disturbances in the transmission of impulses and death. In addition to the main component, the composition contains:

    • adhesive (for adhesion to the surface);
    • special thickeners;
    • antifreeze (prevents freezing);
    • coloring pigment (indicator);
    • dispersants (special substances for dispersion).

    On a note! The presence of an indicator dye in the composition allows, when processing potato tubers, to mark those that have already been pickled with the drug.

    When spraying seed material, the active substance penetrates the tissue, then, during germination, rises through the vessels of the stem and shoots into the tops. Plants become poisonous to pests, and the protection period is at least 45 days.

    What is the mechanism of action?

    After processing the potatoes during growing in the garden, the drug “moves” into the stems and leaves. Pests, having eaten the treated plant in small quantities, are exposed to neurotoxic effects. In addition, the drug also exhibits toxicity upon contact with potatoes. Taboo has a depressing effect on the insect's nerve receptors, so it becomes paralyzed and dies.

    The drug acts for 40-45 days or until the third pair of true leaves grows.

    In general, this remedy does not last longer than 1.5-2 months on plants, since its effectiveness decreases under sunlight. In any case, during this time after processing, you should not eat potatoes!

    Forms of release and cost

    This product is available in two packaging options:

    • In the form of bottles with a capacity of 10 and 50 ml for one-time use, costing from 130 rubles.
    • In the form of canisters, with a capacity of 1 and 5 liters for spraying a large number of planting material, costing 900 and 4500 rubles, respectively.

    The Tabu product is consumed at the rate of 10 ml per 120 tubers.

    Interesting to know! The product contains a dye, which makes it possible to visually distinguish the treated planting material from the untreated one. As a rule, treated tubers acquire a reddish color.

    Compatibility with potato varieties and other drugs

    It must be remembered that not all potato varieties can be processed with Taboo. This applies to early ripening varieties, because the tubers can ripen much earlier than Tabu decomposes and becomes safe. In addition, you should not process young potatoes that are stored for storage, remembering that the drug evaporates only after 2 months.

    In other cases, Taboo can be used, even in combination with other means that complement its action. For example, it cannot destroy fungal diseases, so to fully protect the crop it must be combined with fungicides. These include:

    • Bunker;
    • Vitaros;
    • Vial Trust.

    Additional drugs dissolve in water along with Taboo, but if a precipitate is obtained, then they are not compatible and should not be used together, since the liquid must be homogeneous.

    What is better Prestige or Taboo

    Many gardeners know another disinfectant - Prestige. When comparing these 2 products, it turned out that they are similar in that only 1 treatment is needed to protect potatoes, they have the same toxicity class, you need to work with them in special clothing, and the waiting period is also the same - 2 months. They are not suitable for processing early potatoes.

    Now the differences. Tabu protects potatoes longer - 45 days, Prestige - only 37, Prestige has fungicidal properties and can stimulate the growth and development of the crop. Tabu does not have these qualities, but it can be used to process not only the tubers themselves, but also the soil. And finally, the cost of the 2 drugs - the prices are different, but, in general, Prestige turns out to be more expensive than its competitor. Comparing both means of agrochemicals, the vegetable grower must decide for himself which one suits him better.

    Potato processing methods

    There are 2 ways to treat potatoes. Each should be considered separately, but in any case, you need to take into account that the time of irrigation work depends on the weather. It is important that it is dry, sunny and windless, because after processing the soil must have time to dry out. Only then will Taboo be able to show its effectiveness.

    Treatment before planting

    Before planting, potatoes undergo vernalization, during which the eyes sprout 1 cm. Only after this can processing be carried out, and it is advisable to do this 2 hours before planting. The technology is as follows:

    • Prepare Taboo solution. To spray 100 kg of potatoes, you will need to take 8 ml of the drug and dissolve it in 1 liter of water. It is advisable to first dilute the product in a glass of water, and then pour it into the main container.

      If more than 100 kg of tubers are planted, you need to calculate the correct dose of Tabu. To do this, divide the weight of the seed by 100 and multiply by 8. For example, if you plan to plant 150 kg of potatoes, the optimal dose is 12 ml (150:100×8).

    • Spread the potatoes ready for planting in one layer on a tarpaulin or oilcloth.
    • Sprinkle the tubers with the preparation. The treated side is painted pink.
    • Turn the tubers over and spray again. It is necessary that each potato is at least 3/4 colored.

    The seeds are not planted until Tabu is completely dry. If the potatoes are large, they will need to be cut into halves, but it is better to do this during vernalization to allow the wounds to heal, since it is not recommended to process freshly cut potatoes.

    Processing during disembarkation

    The method involves spraying holes or furrows where potatoes are directly laid out. Allows you to significantly save on preliminary preparation time. The method is carried out as follows:

    • Prepare a solution at the rate of 4 ml Taboo per 10 liters of water. This is enough to spray holes on 1 acre. If the tubers are planted on 2 acres, the optimal dose is 8 ml per 20 liters of water, if on 1.5 acres - 6 ml Taboo and 15 liters of water. The universal formula is as follows: multiply the number of acres by 4 to obtain the dose of the drug and by 10 to obtain the volume of water.

      When preparing a solution, the drug must first be dissolved in 1 liter of water, and then the remaining water must be added to the required volume.

    • Place the tubers in the holes and sprinkle with the prepared solution at the rate of 30-35 ml for each potato.
    • Bury holes.

    If a little of the drug remains after processing, it cannot be stored, so all remains must be disposed of.

    For safety reasons, it is not recommended to dig up potatoes earlier than 2 months after planting.

    Application of solution (how to process tubers)

    The instructions for use state that:

    1. The tubers should be spread evenly on a tarpaulin or plastic awning.
    2. Apply the liquid evenly to the tubers, stirring them.
    3. Allow the planting material to dry.
    4. And you can start planting!
    5. Important!!! It is necessary to follow safety precautions - there is also information about this on the packaging!

    We sprayed the potatoes directly in the boxes using a sprayer:

    One side was processed - carefully mixed so as not to break off the sprouts. Then they sprayed again on the other side, but in smaller quantities. The prepared solution was just enough for our quantity of seed potatoes.

    Tips for use

    Like any drug, Tabu has instructions that are attached to a cardboard backing and read as follows:

    • Before processing, be sure to wear a respirator, rubber gloves and protective clothing, since the product is toxic and direct contact with it must be avoided;
    • use a sprayer for processing, as it is easy to use and saves money;
    • during planting, do not handle tubers without gloves;
    • make sure that there are no children or animals nearby;
    • avoid exposing potatoes to the sun for a long time, as Taboo quickly disappears under its rays;
    • After treatment, take a shower and wash your body with soap.

    If you follow these recommendations, you can avoid all the negative consequences of contact with the drug and get only benefits from it.

    Precautionary measures

    Insecticides are poison, so when diluting compounds, as well as spraying, you must strictly follow the rules:

    • use only special containers for diluting concentrates (the use of food containers is prohibited);
    • work with gloves, a mask and a respirator;
    • prepare the solution and spray the tubers and rows only in special clothing made of dense material.

    Attention! It is forbidden to use potatoes that have been processed before planting.

    At the first symptoms of poisoning (nausea, loss of coordination of movements, dizziness), immediately contact a doctor.

    During storage, the packaging with the drug is kept out of the reach of children and pets. There should be no food, medicine, or drugs nearby. In terms of packaging time (canisters, ampoules, bottles in a sealed state) they are stored for up to three years.

    When spraying rows and holes, prevent the diluted concentrate from getting on honey plants. They also maintain distances to the main security facilities:

    • to residential buildings – 15-20 meters;
    • to reservoirs - according to the cadastre protection zone;
    • to recreation areas - 150-200 meters.

    Particular care must be taken to carry out treatments using Tabu Neo and Tabu Super, which contain additional active substances.

    Toxicity Taboo

    If you plan to process potatoes, you must remember that Tabu is a poisonous drug. It has a toxicity group of III and is considered dangerous not only to the life of insects, but also to other animals and even people. So, when planting potatoes, you need to keep an eye on your pets. They should not be allowed to be in the treated area, as they may become poisoned.

    This drug is particularly disruptive to the functioning of the liver, as it acts as a barrier to the drug's poisons. Symptoms that indicate that a person is susceptible to poisoning appear as:

    • difficulty breathing;
    • swelling in the eye area;
    • trembling limbs;
    • slowness of movements;
    • dizziness;
    • nausea;
    • weight loss.

    Despite its toxicity, Tabu is considered a reliable remedy that protects potatoes from various pests, but does not cause harm to human health. It evaporates 60 days after treatment, rising up the stems and not going down to the root crops.

    After harvesting the potatoes, the solution remains in the ground for some time and then evaporates on its own.

    Description of the drug

    Tabu is a modern potato disinfectant from a large Russian company, which is a leader in the production of pesticides for agriculture. The main purpose of Taboo is to combat all kinds of potato pests, which include:

    • Colorado potato beetle and its larvae;
    • wireworm;
    • bread ground beetle;
    • flea beetles;
    • leafhoppers;
    • cereal aphid;
    • winter armyworm and others.

    Moreover, to protect against all these insects, potatoes need to be treated with this preparation only once. Such a one-time treatment is more than enough to protect potato bushes during the initial, most sensitive stage of growth.

    Chemical composition

    In its chemical composition, Tabu is very similar to another popular disinfectant - the foreign drug Prestige. Despite the similarity of compositions, these disinfectants are not analogues, but can be used together. The main active ingredient of these drugs for protecting potato tubers is imidacloprid. It is part of the neonicotinoid class of insecticides.

    In Tabu, the concentration of imidacloprid will be 500 grams per liter. This concentration of the active substance is moderately toxic for humans, but it will be destructive for insects. Once in the body of an insect, imidacloprid blocks its nerve receptors, causing severe paralysis and further death.

    Important! Imidacloprid may have negative effects on children. The children's nervous system has not yet reached full maturity, so imidacloprid can negatively affect it, reducing neuronal activity.

    In order to avoid such an effect, processing potatoes with this or other products containing imidacloprid should be carried out without the participation of children.

    In addition to imidacloprid, the Tabu disinfectant contains the following substances:

    • antifreeze;
    • dispersants;
    • adhesive;
    • thickener;
    • wetting agent;
    • dye.

    Mechanism of action

    The taboo begins to act within 24 hours from the moment of treatment. Moreover, its activity period lasts 45–50 days. During the treatment of tubers, the insecticides included in its composition are absorbed into the potatoes. Moreover, due to the presence of a dye in the preparation, the treated tubers turn pink.

    After the potatoes are planted and germinate, the active substances penetrate the young shoots of the tubers through the vegetative system. When insects attack these shoots or their underground part, insecticides enter their body. There they have a neurotropic effect on the insect’s nervous system. 24 hours after this, paralysis of the main organs of the pest occurs, causing its death.

    Release form and packaging volumes

    The insecticidal disinfectant Tabu is available in the form of a water-suspension concentrate. This greatly simplifies its use. After all, such a solution mixes extremely quickly with water.

    As for the volume of packaging of the drug, you can choose from two options:

    • bottle with a capacity of 1 liter;
    • canister with a capacity of 10 liters.

    Positive and negative sides

    The following positive aspects of the drug can be highlighted:

    • after spraying there is no need to worry about the safety of the crop - all pests die within 24 hours;
    • has a prolonged effect, so you don’t have to worry about any insects damaging the potatoes for about 2 months;
    • the Colorado potato beetle does not develop an addiction to this poison, so the same remedy can be used again the next season;
    • Tabu fights aphids (although they are small insects, they are carriers of fungal infections);
    • it is very convenient to apply the product, since it colors the potatoes pink and you can immediately see what area has been treated;
    • The effectiveness of the drug is not affected by weather conditions, so it protects the plant in rain, frost and heat.

    Even with a large number of positive qualities, Taboo also has negative sides:

    • You cannot process tubers unless you wear a protective suit;
    • before etching you will need rubber gloves, goggles, a respirator, and boots;
    • it is necessary to remember the toxic properties of the drug and take precautions - during contact with Taboo you should not consume food or water, and smoking is dangerous.

    Safety and restrictions on use

    In terms of phytotoxicity, the drug “Taboo” does not pose a danger to plants at recommended consumption rates. If the regulations for use are observed, cultivated plants exhibit a fairly high level of tolerance to the drug.

    Belongs to hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous compound) and class 2 for persistence in soil. At recommended doses it is moderately toxic to mammals, birds and earthworms. Absolutely safe for bees, taking into account the specific application.

    When using, precautions should be observed in accordance with SanPiN 1.2.2584-10 “Hygienic requirements for the safety of processes of testing, storage, transportation, sale, use, neutralization and disposal of pesticides and agrochemicals.”

    How to provide first aid in case of poisoning?

    In case of drug poisoning, the following steps must be taken:

    1. Take the victim away from the place where the potatoes were pickled.
    2. Remove his protective suit and allow him to wash himself with detergent.
    3. If the drug is ingested due to some careless action, it is advisable to rinse the stomach and rinse the mouth with water.
    4. If you have activated carbon, take 1 tablet.
    5. If the drug gets on the skin, the area should be wiped with wet wipes, and only then washed with soap. If the drug gets into your eyes, you need to wash with running water.
    6. If you feel unwell, call an ambulance.

    Wireworm protection

    If the Colorado potato beetle attacks potato shoots, then the wireworm is aimed specifically at the tubers themselves. To protect the plant, additional soil tillage should be carried out before planting potatoes. To do this, spray each well with the solution. Thanks to this, a protective layer is formed around the root system.

    Moisture helps imidacloprid distribute around the tuber, and then the plant will gradually absorb the substance from the soil. Thus, the substance reaches all parts of the plant. Now, as soon as the beetle bites off a piece of the leaf, it will immediately begin to die.

    Attention! The drug "Tabu" is harmless to pets, bees and worms. The main thing is to observe the dosage of the product.

    Reviews about the use of the drug

    We bring to your attention reviews from gardeners who have already used Taboo:

    Natalya, 55 years old, Moscow region. Every year I treated the potatoes with different fungicidal agents, but they were effective for a short time, so it was necessary to periodically re-treat them.
    A neighbor advised me to use the drug Tabu. I read the instructions, purchased a respirator and gloves. I spread a tarpaulin on the ground, laid out the potatoes in one layer, and sprayed them with the product. The land was not irrigated. I haven’t noticed a single bug on potatoes all summer. The harvest was excellent. ★★★★★
    Mikhail, 66 years old, Rostov region. In the spring I found the drug and treated the potatoes and holes just in case.
    I haven't seen Zhukov all summer. The harvest was much higher than usual. I was pleased with the drug. ★★★★★
    Sergey, 54 years old, Saratov region. For 2 years I observed that my neighbors treated their potato seeds before planting.
    I was afraid to try everything myself. What frightened me was that the drug had toxic properties. At first I wanted to try planting treated potatoes in a small area, but I still treated all the seeds. In the summer I specifically looked for it, maybe I’d at least see one beetle, but I didn’t see it. I didn’t worry about the potatoes all summer, I just hilled and weeded them. The harvest also made me happy. The tubers were not damaged by wireworms, the potatoes turned out beautiful and smooth. ★★★★★
    Maxim, 59 years old, Kostroma region. The saleswoman recommended the drug to me.
    At first I didn’t want to take it (after all, it’s a toxic chemical, and the tubers themselves need to be treated), but then I decided that the beetle still caused more concern. I tried to fulfill all the requirements according to the instructions. I planted potatoes and really didn’t see any beetle larvae on the leaves or stems. The harvest turned out to be good, the tubers were not damaged. ★★★★★
    Lyudmila, 45 years old, Penza region. Last year I thought that it was better to buy potatoes at the market than to suffer through collecting beetle larvae from a planted plant every day.
    But then I acquired Taboo. It is very easy to apply, but what an effect it produces. There were no beetles on the potatoes, I got a good harvest and was satisfied with my purchase. Hide

    Add your review

    So, the drug Tabu simplifies the process of growing potatoes, protecting its tubers from harmful insects. It is easy to apply by treating tubers or spraying holes. Within 24 hours Taboo will destroy all pests. It disappears on its own within 60 days. It is worth noting that the drug is not poisonous to earthworms and plants growing in neighboring beds do not suffer from it.



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    Drug Taboo for the Colorado potato beetle - reviews of those who have used the product

    Olga, 50 years old, Nizhny Novgorod: Last year I treated potato tubers and sprayed the bottom of trenches against the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm. I want to say that as a result there were no such pests; the tops and the harvested crop had no visible damage from these pests. I will continue to use Taboo in the future.

    Natalya, 48 years old, Barnaul region: I can say the following about Tabu - the drug is very effective, preparing the solution and processing potatoes is very simple. The only drawback of the drug, in my opinion, is its cost.

    Oleg, 44 years old, Tula: After treatment with the Tabu insecticide, Colorado potato beetles completely disappeared from the potato beds. But I have a nagging doubt: maybe the use of this insecticide is not so safe. Maybe it accumulates in the tubers that we then eat?

    Elena, 56 years old, Kazan: In my opinion, Tabu is a very effective drug. I don’t see any disadvantages to this insecticide.

    Despite the fact that the Tabu insecticide is a relatively new drug, today its effectiveness in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm is not questioned by those vegetable growers who have used the drug on their plots at least once.

    Period of protective action

    Tabu is a pesticide that protects young seedlings for 45 days. The effective formula of the drug acts immediately after planting the vegetable in the ground and protects potato plantings from overwintered harmful insects.

    How the mechanism of the protective properties of the wireworm and Colorado potato beetle taboo works:

    • the root crop is impregnated with a toxic compound;
    • when the tuber germinates, the poison enters the juice of the shoots;
    • pests consume poisoned leaves and die;
    • the toxic substance spreads upward from the tuber, so potatoes are safe to eat 60 days after treatment;
    • After the vegetable is planted, re-spraying is not required.

    The potato beetle does not pose a danger to mature plantings.

    Existing analogues

    There are several similar drugs that will also help to effectively and safely preserve the crop and destroy the Colorado potato beetle.

    Analogues of Taboo:

    • Prestige - fights pest beetles and protects plants from certain diseases;
    • Commander - fights the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm, aphids;
    • Tubershield is an effective disinfectant for planting material, which effectively destroys the Colorado potato beetle;
    • Provotox – provides comprehensive protection, fights pests and protects against fungal diseases.

    Use any product according to the attached instructions.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Like any insecticide, it has its positive and negative sides.

    Among the features are:

    • the pest dies after 20-24 hours;
    • the drug works not only against the Colorado potato beetle, but also against wireworms and aphids;
    • lack of phytotoxicity (you don’t have to worry about crop poisoning);
    • clear instructions;
    • beetles do not get used to the poison, so the product can be used next year;
    • the drug can be used both for treating tubers and tops;
    • thanks to the dye, the treated area of ​​the beds is clearly visible;
    • rain, heat or frost will not affect the effectiveness of Taboo.

    See also Instructions for using the Colorado potato beetle beetle

    There are quite a lot of positive aspects. But despite this, there are also disadvantages that are worth knowing about. Taboo is quite expensive. For example, a 1-liter canister will cost about 1,000 rubles. Also, small bottles have an inconvenient volume for preparing a solution.

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