How and with what to treat potato tubers before planting against the Colorado potato beetle

The importance of potatoes in the Russian diet can hardly be overestimated, so everyone who has a plot of land tries to grow such a valuable vegetable. And it is clear that the expectation of a good harvest and tasty potatoes, which will feed the family for almost a year, until new vegetables are harvested, should be justified.

Every year, on the eve of garden work, the question of how to treat potato tubers before planting against the invasion of the Colorado potato beetle and the damage that pests cause to the new crop becomes relevant.

Treatment of potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle

Treatment of potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle should be planned wisely so as not to deteriorate the quality of the crop:

  1. Process early potatoes when the first egg deposits appear on the vegetation. Repeat the procedure after two weeks.
  2. Medium and late ripening varieties should be sprayed if many Colorado potato beetle larvae and adults are noticeable.
  3. It is important to destroy harmful insects in the absence of strong wind, rain, or heat. High soil moisture reduces the effectiveness of drugs. Processing in hot weather is dangerous to human health, since toxic fumes will be formed when exposed to solar energy and heat.
  4. The best time for the procedure is morning from 9 to 10 o'clock and evening after 18:00. But first you need to make sure there are no dew drops on the leaves.
  5. You should not use chemicals during the period of abundant flowering, during the formation of tubers, as you can destroy beneficial pollinating insects and provoke the saturation of potatoes with harmful compounds. At this time, it is better to give preference to manual assembly, and if it is ineffective, to biological substances and folk methods.
  6. Remember about protective equipment for personal safety: when working with any drug, wear special clothing, gloves, a gauze bandage or a respirator.
  7. Before using any of the drugs, study the instructions and strictly adhere to the dosage, processing technology and other recommendations of the manufacturer.

Carry out the treatment 2-3 weeks before harvesting, otherwise the crop will not be suitable for consumption.

Tuber preparation

Seed material is removed from storage and sorted, selecting damaged tubers or those with signs of viral diseases. Potatoes are germinated indoors at a temperature of about 18°C.

A prerequisite is that the tubers germinate when exposed to sunlight. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the skin of the fruit begins to turn green and releases solanine.

This organic compound is called a toxic glycoalkaloid (glycoside), which can cause significant harm to soil pests such as:

  • wireworm;
  • golden cyst nematode;
  • cicada;
  • bear

When insects consume the peel, the body is poisoned. First, the nervous system of the pests is affected, and then the red blood cells begin to decompose and the insect dies.

When the tuber sprouts reach a height of 4 cm, they can be processed. After the procedure, the fruits are dried and planted in a permanent place.

Chemicals for spraying bushes

Insecticides are the most effective way to eliminate Colorado potato beetles, since they contain potent poison. When choosing, you need to pay attention to popular and proven chemicals:


Synthetic insecticide Tabu of a new generation, it contains highly active substances - imidacloprid from the group of neonicoritoids, compounds that provide neglect, adhesion, and protection from freezing. The presence of a dye makes it possible to mark tubers treated with an insecticide.

The main advantages of the drug:

  • high efficiency;
  • resistance to hydrolysis;
  • low degree of volatility;
  • rapid penetration into the composition of vegetation;
  • low consumption.

After the Colorado potato beetle enters the body, Taboo blocks the perception of nerve impulses and provokes rapid death.

The product is moderately toxic to humans, but poses a danger to bees.


Contact-intestinal insecticide, which is used not only in the fight against beetles, but also against household pests: cockroaches, ants. The drug can have different forms of release: waterproof granules, concentrated emulsion. The active ingredient is fipronil from the phenylpyrazoles group.

Positive aspects of the insecticide:

  • high speed of action;
  • long-lasting protective effect;
  • the possibility of pest resistance to the product is excluded;
  • Possibility of use in hot summer conditions.

Upon external and internal contact with an insect, it has a negative effect on its nervous system, which causes the death of the pest.

Regent belongs to the second class of danger to humans and is extremely toxic to honey bees.


Prestige is a high-quality insecticide and fungicide. The composition is dominated by two active ingredients - imidacloprid and pencycuron. The drug is able to block the spread of all major potato pests, as well as stop the development of fungal diseases: scab, rhizoctonia, wet rot.

Advantages of the drug:

  • long-term protection of culture;
  • fast action, the result is observed after 2-3 hours;
  • increasing plant immunity;
  • increasing the percentage of germination and yield.

When an insecticide enters the body of a pest, it stops the functioning of the nervous system and ensures rapid death due to paralysis.

Prestige is safe and has minimal harm to humans, birds and beneficial insects, but precautions should be taken during the treatment period.

Treatment of early potato varieties with Prestige is undesirable, since the chemicals are completely eliminated by the plant after 60 days.


Systemic insecticide Corado guarantees complete elimination of the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae on potatoes. The drug contains imidacloprid (20%). Form: water-soluble concentrate.

Advantages of the drug:

  • increased efficiency;
  • duration of protective action;
  • operability in all weather conditions: the product is not sensitive to heat and is not washed off by rain;
  • economical consumption.

Within an hour after the treatments, massive death of insects from paralysis is noticeable.

Corado belongs to the third class of danger for humans; during the processing period it is recommended to use special clothing and a respirator.

Cannot be used during flowering due to strong toxic effects on bees.


The most effective and proven contact-intestinal insecticide of systemic action based on imidacloprid from the class of neonicotinoids, suitable for the extermination of the Colorado potato beetle, aphids and whiteflies.

Commander's advantages:

  • speed, wide spectrum and duration of action;
  • low consumption rate;
  • lack of resistance, phytotoxicity;
  • possibility of use throughout the growing season, except for the flowering period;
  • positive results even in hot weather.

The drug quickly penetrates the insect's body, causing disruptions in the nervous system, paralysis, convulsions and death. As a result of treatment, the effect will be noticeable within 3-5 days, and the period of protective action lasts up to 28 days.

The insecticide is moderately toxic to humans, but is especially dangerous to bees. The manufacturer indicates that use is prohibited in areas close to water bodies.


The systemic insecticide Tanrek contains the active substance imidacloprid, which ensures complete disposal of the Colorado potato beetle.

The advantages of the drug include:

  • long period of protection;
  • low consumption;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • low cost;
  • Possibility of use as a prophylactic agent.

The drug, penetrating the pest’s body, provokes convulsions, paralysis and leads to death. Tanrek belongs to the third class of danger, but is dangerous for bees and, if used incorrectly, can cause harm to humans in the form of dizziness and nausea.

To achieve the effect of the drug Tanrek, the instructions recommend alternating its use with other insecticides. This will prevent the emergence of resistance.


Aktara is the most powerful insecticide among all poisons. It is used to destroy pests and their larvae. The main active ingredient is thiamethoxam.

Advantages of the drug:

  • long period of protective action;
  • UV resistance;
  • no risk of reduced efficiency under the influence of weather factors;
  • profitability due to low consumption rates;
  • versatility;
  • Ease of use.

The drug has a contact-intestinal effect, stops the functioning of receptors, prevents food intake, as a result of which the body becomes depleted and dies.

The insecticide poses a threat to the main pollinators: bees, wasps, hornets.


Bankol is a contact-intestinal insectoacaricide. The active ingredient is bensultap.

Among the main advantages:

  • no strong unpleasant odor;
  • the product does not accumulate in the soil or in plants;
  • Colorado potato beetles do not become accustomed to the drug;
  • resistance to precipitation.

The insecticide exterminates all pests in 3 days and protects crops for 2 weeks. The active substance penetrates the insect’s body, suspends the functioning of the nervous system, subsequently the ability to eat and move is lost, and the body dies from exhaustion.

Bankol belongs to the third class of danger to humans and nature. It is low toxic to fish and birds.

Avoid contact of the product with flowering plants to preserve the vital activity of bees.


A universal systemic and contact insecticide consisting of acetamiprid from the neonicotinoid group. Mospilan has a negative effect on all possible pests of vegetable and horticultural crops and retains biological activity for 21 days.

Positive aspects of the product:

  • the ability to destroy adult insects, larvae and eggs;
  • efficiency at elevated temperatures;
  • low consumption rate;
  • is not addictive and does not exhibit phytotoxicity.

The product quickly penetrates the insect's body, interferes with the transmission of nerve impulses, and within an hour convulsive movements of the beetles occur.

A valuable drug for industry, since it has virtually no harmful effect on pollinators.


Many summer residents have a positive attitude towards Aktara due to its excellent effect. It causes paralysis of the pests, after which they die. In addition to the Colorado potato beetle, the product perfectly destroys wireworms and some other parasites. Plants will be protected for a long period, in addition, Aktara has a fairly economical consumption.

You can use the insecticide in one of two ways:

  1. Before planting the crop, water the furrows with a solution prepared as follows: take 4 g of granules or 4 ml of suspension per 10 liters of water. This mixture is enough for 100 linear meters. Protection will last about 2 months. There is no need to process the tops.
  2. Spray the tops. For two hundred square meters, a solution made from 1.2 g of granules or 1.2 ml of suspension dissolved in 10 liters of water will be sufficient. It is advisable that there is no precipitation on the day of manipulation. The effect of the product lasts for a month.

You can combine Aktara with growth stimulants Epin and Zircon. After applying the drug to the soil, it is forbidden to eat potatoes for 3 months. Therefore, very early varieties can only be sprayed.

For humans, hazard class II or III, and for bees – I. Aktara poses a slight danger to birds and worms.

The best biological preparations for the Colorado potato beetle

To grow a good potato crop, a gardener needs to put in a lot of effort. In addition to proper care, reliable protection against the Colorado potato beetle is also required. In solving this problem, not only chemicals will help, but also biological preparations, which are safer for the environment.


A triple action insecticide (contact, systemic and intestinal) guarantees instant destruction of all pests. The active substance is the neonicotinoid imidacloprid.

Advantages of Colorado:

  • environmentally friendly product;
  • low consumption rate;
  • possibility of use at high temperatures;
  • has a healing and protective effect on vegetation;
  • stimulates growth and increases yield.

The drug, penetrating the insect’s body, causes rapid death due to paralysis and convulsions. The protective effect lasts for 14-28 days.


The intestinal insecticide is capable of destroying about 80 species of pests. Made on the basis of microbiological synthesis of spores and crystal-forming bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis.

Among the advantages of the drug:

  • wide spectrum of action;
  • moderate cost;
  • non-toxic product.

Endo and exotoxins suppress all vital processes of the Colorado potato beetle and provoke rapid death. Bicol is washed off by rain and during watering, so before processing you should familiarize yourself with the weather forecast for the next 2-3 days. The drug is not dangerous for humans, domestic animals and pollinating insects.


Acaricide and broad-spectrum pesticide in the form of a colorless liquid with the active substance Aversectin-S.

Positive sides:

  • the ability to destroy many types of insects;
  • economy in use;
  • affordable price.

Within 6-8 hours after treatment, the drug causes paralysis, as a result of which the beetles stop feeding and die from exhaustion. Protective effects last up to a month, treat 3 times per week.

The product is safe for the environment, disintegrates quickly, does not accumulate in tubers, and can be used 48 hours before harvesting.


A new generation contact action drug. It is used not only in open ground to eliminate pests. The basis of the product is a specially processed rock called diatomite.

Advantages of Eco Killer:

  • based on natural substances;
  • without adding chemicals;
  • increases productivity indicators;
  • retains moisture and fertilizers.

After treatment, the active substance damages the protective cover of the pest, as a result of which the insect dies from dehydration.

Perform the procedure in dry weather. After precipitation and watering, repeat, since upon contact with water the powder loses its effectiveness.


A biological insecticide capable of exterminating pests at all stages of their development. The drug contains entomopathogenic nematodes, which, after entering the insect’s body, begin to actively develop in the hemolymph and damage internal organs. The pest dies after 1-3 days. It is noteworthy that the affected organisms are dangerous to their relatives and can infect them.


  • guarantees rapid destruction of pests;
  • ecological product, safe for humans and animals;
  • the drug is easy to use.

The product remains effective for 2 years.


An environmentally friendly insecticide that has long proven itself among consumers. The drug consists of spores of pathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis. The exotoxin of the drug has a detrimental effect on garden crop pests and is safe for vertebrates and pollinators.


  • a reliable and proven product by experienced gardeners;
  • lack of addictive effect;
  • environmental safety;
  • low price.

After the pest enters the body, intestinal poison aggravates all vital processes and stops digestion. Guarantees long-term protection of potatoes (20 days), complete death occurs after two weeks.

Description of the bear and pre-landing protection against it

A large burrowing insect up to 8 cm long with a dark brown back and olive abdomen lives in the ground, but can swim, jump, fly, and at night makes trills and chirps that are louder than the singing of a cricket or grasshopper. The pest has powerful jaws and front paws, which allow it to build underground passages and oval chambers (nests). There is a shell on the neck, in which the head is partially hidden, and the abdomen ends with two thread-like appendages. The eyes are clearly visible on the head, and there are antennae.

Amateur naturalists catch mole crickets and keep them together with the larvae in insectariums and observe their development. For some, mole cricket breeding is a business because there is a belief that these insects help cure tuberculosis and cancer.

The mole cricket lives underground, but can fly at an altitude of up to 5 meters

In summer, the female lays eggs, from which small mole crickets emerge. At first they look like grasshoppers. In the southern regions, young offspring become sexually mature in the same year, and, for example, in the Leningrad region, the full development cycle lasts 2–2.5 years. Pests are omnivores, they feed on everything that gets in their way when building burrows: beetles, worms, plant roots, and they love to feast on root vegetables and young potatoes.

Folk remedies for the Colorado potato beetle

Experienced gardeners, in order to protect themselves from possible poisoning, decide to abandon the use of chemicals to combat the Colorado potato beetle in favor of folk remedies.

Tar soap

The most effective folk remedy for Colorado beetles is tar soap. The solution will require 1 bar of soap, pre-grated, and 9 liters of water, heated to 50 degrees. Mix the solution until smooth. Spray every 3 days from germination to harvest, since the solution cannot protect against repeated attacks by pests that eat vegetable shoots.


With the help of mustard powder, you can get rid of the pest even on huge potato plantations, since processing does not require significant effort and time. To do this, you need to sprinkle the product on the plantings, leaving a large dose exactly where they accumulate. The powder will remain on the shoots for 4 days, this time will be enough for pests to leave the beds and avoid them in the future. For greater protection in the future, it is recommended to re-treat the field. Adults will run away due to the unpleasant smell of mustard, and the larvae cannot tolerate its bitter taste.


For prevention, it is recommended to place fresh plant branches in the holes when planting. If you need to save already damaged potato plants, juniper infusion is suitable. To prepare it, you will need to add several shoots of an aromatic plant to 10 liters of water and leave for 4 hours. Strain and start spraying. Once will be enough to scare away. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Ash and onion peel

As a preventive measure, when planting, pour a handful of onion peels and ash into each hole. For affected plants, use infusions. To do this, place the onion peel in a 3-liter jar so that it occupies 1/3, and fill it with hot water. Let it brew for 2 days, strain and spray each bush.


Celandine plant juice contains natural iodine, which can harm insects. The infusion will have an unpleasant, rich odor, which will destroy the clutches and repel adults. To prepare 1.5 kg of herb, pour 10 liters of warm water and leave for 3 hours. Strain and add 50 g of soap shavings. Spray 2 times a week for a month.

Hot pepper

Dilute 100 g of crushed red pepper in 10 liters of heated water. For better results, add 30 g of grated laundry soap. Let the solution sit for 3 hours and treat the shoots of potato crops with the preparation using a spray bottle. Pests will not like the taste of pepper and will make them go elsewhere. If it is necessary to repeat the treatment, a large amount of pepper will damage the digestive system of the Colorado potato beetle and destroy the larvae.


The unpleasant smell and bitter taste of wormwood on potato leaves will quickly drive the Colorado potato beetle away from your summer cottage. To prepare the infusion, combine 300 g of crushed plant, 250 g of ash with 10 liters of hot water. Leave for 4 hours, strain and process the plantings.

Repeat the treatment every 2 weeks with a fresh solution throughout the season, the last procedure is carried out 20 days before harvest.

For effectiveness, you can use a strong three-day infusion.


For a solution of 100 g of crushed elecampane roots, pour 10 liters of boiling water. Cover with a lid and wait until it cools completely. Treat potato plants with the resulting infusion. One procedure will be enough for the pest to escape due to the unpleasant odor and disgusting taste of the leaves.


Garlic contains phytoncides, which release a strong unpleasant aroma that repels Colorado potato beetles. For infusion, take 200 g of cloves and arrows of garlic, pour 10 liters of warm water and infuse for 24 hours. For best results, add 50 g of crushed tar soap to the solution and mix. Spray potato crops 3 times a week, after 14 days repeat a similar series of spraying.


It is recommended to treat plants with table vinegar (9%). Greens treated with acetic acid are inedible for the Colorado potato beetle, and the smell is intolerable. Due to unfavorable living conditions, the pest will soon leave the area.


This is a new generation drug used before planting. About 10 ml of product is needed for 120 tubers. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve 8 ml of Tabu in a glass of water and shake thoroughly. Then add water, bringing the volume to a liter. Spray the tubers that are ready for planting; a dense colored film should appear on them. As soon as everything is dry, the planting material should be placed in the holes.

The manufacturer also recommends spraying furrows or holes with spread potatoes. Then the dilution rate is 4 ml per 10 liters of water. The treated areas are covered with soil from the next row.

Protection lasts about 45 days from the moment of emergence. The effectiveness of Tabu does not depend on weather conditions, in addition, in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, it does not pose a danger to insects and animals. Additionally, the drug will protect plantings from wireworms.

It is worth remembering that the product does not protect plants from fungus, so it is recommended to combine it with Bunker or Trust, Vial. It's not worth it with others.

Treatment must take place on the day of disembarkation, since the toxicity of the poison decreases during prolonged exposure to the air or under the sun.

To prepare the solution, you need to use special containers; during work you need to use special clothing, a respirator and gloves. After the manipulations, it is advisable to take a shower. Naturally, processed tubers are prohibited for consumption.

Price – from 145 rubles per package, designed for 125 kilograms of potatoes.

Natural enemies of Colorado potato beetles

To destroy pests within a deadline and get a rich harvest without using harmful drugs, you need to find out who eats the Colorado potato beetle. It, like any other organism, is part of the food chain, so it will be enough to find its natural enemy and move it to your site.

Lacewing, or rather its larvae

The lacewings themselves eat nectar, so they are not able to regulate the number of pests in the area. But its larvae engage in predation and feed on the clutches of the Colorado potato beetle, preventing its spread and reproduction. They avoid adults.

To attract beneficial insects to participate, early flowering plants should be planted closer to the potatoes.


Ladybugs are unfriendly to overseas guests and can also join in the fight against pests by eating their larvae. It will be enough to collect a small number of these insects and move them closer to the potato bed. But even without human help, the ladybug often independently visits summer cottages overrun with Colorado beetles.

Guinea fowl

Domestic guinea fowl are capable of eating large quantities of adult beetles. But an adult bird will not try them; this should be taught from childhood by adding crushed pests to the food. There is an opinion that chickens of the Faverol breed can also be introduced to eating these insects.

Ground beetles

Ground beetles, in search of food, climb to the very tops of potatoes and destroy the clutches of the Colorado potato beetle and their larvae. It is most active in the first half of the day, so it is better to postpone pesticide treatments until the evening so as not to kill the beneficial insect.

Environmentally friendly destruction methods

There are many ways to control pests. Many people prefer methods that do not contain chemical components. They do not always help to get rid of them completely, but they will reduce the number of pests.

  1. Using mulch. After the emergence of seedlings, the mowed grass is distributed between the rows. It will prevent insects from breeding. Bark, hay, straw, and large sawdust are used as mulch.
  2. Perillus bug. Natural enemy of the Colorado potato beetle. If it appears on the site together with the striped pest, the plantings will be saved without the use of chemicals.
  3. Pest traps. Simple in design containers with filling are placed around the perimeter of the site. Periodically, the beetles are destroyed and the filling is refreshed.
  4. Herbal infusions for spraying. Plant-based solutions (wormwood, calendula, mustard) can be used as control agents.

It is effective to use such methods in small summer cottages. And for large areas it is impossible to do without chemical insecticides.

Advice from experienced gardeners

The invasion of the Colorado potato beetle is a real disaster for every summer resident, so experienced gardeners have developed several effective rules, thanks to which the appearance of a pest in a summer cottage will no longer be a problem on a global scale:

  1. Before planting, it is imperative to treat the planting material with special substances. This will help the seedlings take root and go through certain stages of the growing season without the negative impact of the pest.
  2. Scare away the beetle with unpleasant odors. To do this, plant marigolds, nasturtium, calendula, and coriander next to the potato plantings.
  3. Try to get rid of pests by attracting their natural enemies.
  4. Do not neglect all agrotechnical care techniques, carry out fertilizing and preventive measures in a timely manner. The Colorado potato beetle often settles on sick, weak plants.
  5. Small potato plantations can be rid of beetles using a simple mechanical method. Adults are collected by hand, and if larvae and eggs are present, the leaves are usually simply torn off.
  6. When choosing means to kill an insect, the period of crop development should be taken into account. Try more gentle methods first; if they are ineffective, use strong chemicals, strictly following the instructions.

To completely remove Colorado potato beetles from your plot and obtain a healthy, high-quality potato harvest, it will be enough to follow the recommendations of knowledgeable gardeners.

A little overseas guest is capable of destroying vegetable crops in a short time. Therefore, treatment of potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle should be carried out carefully and regularly; the procedure should not be neglected. This event will allow you to harvest a rich harvest of tasty and healthy vegetables.

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