The drug Agita: features of use against flies

02/28/2018 Category: Pest Control Author: Evgenia Suchkova

With the onset of warmer weather, many people are faced with the problem of an infestation of flies. In June-August their numbers reach their peak, and the inconvenience from the presence of these small insects becomes more pronounced. Many drugs have been developed against flies in different forms: adhesive tapes, aerosols, plates and liquids for fumigators. Today, the Austrian drug Agita is becoming increasingly popular. Manufacturers promise a quick effect from using the prepared solution.

  • 2 Agita: general information about the drug
  • 3 Advantages and disadvantages of Agita
  • 4 How to use Agita correctly
  • 5 Safety precautions when working with the drug
  • 6 Video: Agitation against flies
  • 7 Reviews

Description and composition of the drug

The drug Agita 10 WG against flies and other insect pests is a free-flowing substance consisting of small, water-soluble, beige, odorless granules.

Agita contains two main components: the insecticide thiamethoxam and the fly pheromone tricozene, as well as lactose and starch. Thiamethoxam has a contact-intestinal insecticidal effect. It affects pests, leaving them no chance of survival.

The second active component of Agita, tricozene, helps attract insects to the insecticide, and the presence of lactose and starch in Agita makes flies and other insects actively eat the drug.

Agita insecticide has a hazard class of 4. This means that when used correctly in strict accordance with the instructions, the product is practically safe. However, the drug is a toxic and deadly substance for aquarium fish and bees.

Agita product is produced in plastic hermetically sealed jars weighing 100 g and 400 g. Each Agita package is labeled in Russian, with a full indication of all current data. The drug must be supplied with detailed instructions for its use.

100 grams of the drug

Where to buy Agita fly repellent

You can find Agita in almost any veterinary pharmacy. It is better to avoid purchasing the product in markets or underground passages. There is no guarantee that you will be able to buy original products here. You can also contact a specialized online store.

Is it dangerous?

The drug is moderately dangerous, so pay special attention to its correct use. And yet there is a certain danger: . For man

Poisoning is possible in cases where safety measures have been violated. For example, when working without safety glasses, a drop of the product may get into your eyes. When spraying the drug without a respirator, you risk inhaling small particles of toxic substances.

For pets. Naturally, if the pet is in the room where the treatment is taking place, it will inhale toxic substances. If you take your pet out of the room and return it after treatment after a certain time, then the use of this product will not affect its health in any way.

  • For a person. Poisoning is possible in cases where safety measures have been violated. For example, when working without safety glasses, a drop of the product may get into your eyes. When spraying the drug without a respirator, you risk inhaling small particles of toxic substances.
  • For pets. Naturally, if the pet is in the room where the treatment is taking place, it will inhale toxic substances. If you take your pet out of the room and return it after treatment after a certain time, then the use of this product will not affect its health in any way.

Agita price

To purchase Agita, it is recommended to choose specialized retail outlets or Internet portals. They are also sold in veterinary pharmacies. The cost of the drug at different retail outlets does not differ significantly. So, the cost of a jar with a capacity of 400 g costs about 1600-1700 rubles. The drug is also packaged in 25 g sachets. Their cost is about 150 rubles. Naturally, if you need to process a large area, it is better to pay attention to a larger capacity. Also, some stores may offer promotions where you can purchase products at a discount.

Preparation of the solution and application procedure

The use of Agita should be in accordance with the instructions for use.

Work with the insecticide begins by dissolving the granules in warm water. The shelf life of the finished suspension is one day. During operation, it must be stirred regularly to avoid stratification of the solution. The suspension is applied with a large brush or sprayed in areas where there are large concentrations of flies or other insects.

For sprayer

To treat a room by spraying the solution, you need to mix the powder with water at room temperature in the proportion of 100 g of Agita: 800 ml of water;

When spraying a small package of the product, it is enough to treat a room of 20 square meters. m, large - 80 sq. m.

When treating pigsties and livestock farms with Agita, special care and attention must be exercised and the drug must be applied only in places that are guaranteed to be inaccessible to animals.

If a pigsty is sprayed with Agita, the walls to a height of one and a half meters from the floor are left untreated. When treating premises for cattle with the drug, the height of the untreated wall surfaces should be already 2 meters from the floor.

Pets can be returned to the premises after treatment with Agita immediately after the walls have dried.

For brushing

When applying with a brush, the product is prepared at the rate of 100 g of powder: 80 ml of water.

Treatment with Agita fly repellent using a brush involves applying the drug in strips to the floor and walls of the room. A small package of product is enough to treat 40 square meters. m (8 strips measuring 10 cm x 30 cm), and a large one - 160 square meters (32 of the same strips).

Brush processing

If it is impossible to apply the product on the surface for some reason (large uneven areas, lack of a floor in the livestock building as such, etc.), you need to separately prepare strips of the specified size from cardboard or polyethylene, apply the product to them and lay them out throughout the room.

The anti-fly preparation can also be used in dry form by spreading a certain amount of Agita granules in places where there is a large concentration of insects. For best results, it is recommended to slightly moisten the dry preparation with water.

The principle of action of the insecticide Agita

Agita is a long-acting anti-fly drug, which, depending on the method of treatment, can last 6-8 weeks. The insecticide has an intestinal contact effect on insects - they flock to the treated surface, attracting them with a sweet aroma.

Flies and other insects begin to eat the product, which, after penetrating the gastrointestinal tract, is instantly distributed throughout all tissues of the body and begins to act.

Agita contains active ingredients that cause blocking of nerve impulses, rapid paralysis and death of the insect. Usually death occurs within 4-6 minutes after eating the poison.

The use of Agita fly repellent is recommended against various insects:

  • flies;
  • wasps;
  • fleas;
  • bed bugs;
  • red ants;
  • cockroaches;
  • mosquitoes

The manufacturer recommends using the Agita insecticide to combat not only domestic but also agricultural pests - Colorado potato beetles, aphids, cutworms, weevils, spider mites and moths.

An important advantage of the drug is that even with repeated use it does not cause addiction in insects.

Security measures

Since Agita is still a poison and can harm human health, it is advisable that any treatment with the drug is carried out by specially trained people. It is prohibited for minors and those who suffer from various types of allergies to work with the product.

Premises must be processed using personal protective equipment. There should be no strangers in the room, as well as animals and aquariums with fish. All food, animal feed and utensils must be removed from the premises during processing. Do not apply the product to porous, freshly painted or contaminated surfaces.

When preparing the solution, it is necessary to avoid contact of granules, dust from them, or the finished solution on the skin, eyes, and respiratory organs. After completing the treatment, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and rinse your mouth with water.

Unused solution and empty containers must be disposed of in a specially designated place, away from water bodies and agricultural areas.

Flies in the house: why are they dangerous?

Of course, flies are not the most dangerous insects that can appear in the house. They do not drink blood (with the exception of the burner fly) and do not cause such disgust as occurs when “meeting” bedbugs and cockroaches. Houseflies cause anxiety when there are too many of them. The buzzing of these insects is annoying. But the problem of being close to flies is not only their intrusiveness. They can cause many health problems, as they are carriers of infectious agents:

  • dysentery;
  • typhoid fever;
  • paratyphoid fever;
  • cholera;
  • tuberculosis;
  • polio;
  • helminthic and protozoal infestations, etc.

One fly on its furry legs carries up to 50 thousand pathogens.
If flies appear in an apartment, they will land on everything: dishes, food, personal items. This means there is a risk of contracting an infection.

First aid for poisoning

If the drug gets into the respiratory tract of a person, it is necessary to urgently transfer or move him to fresh air and call a doctor. The Agita product on the skin is washed off with soap and water.

Eye wash

In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of running water for several minutes. At the slightest symptoms of poisoning, you should immediately seek medical help.

Where to buy and how much it costs

The cost of "Agita" is not very high and anyone who needs it can buy it. It can be ordered from online stores or directly from specialized stores.

On the Internet you can find a product at a price of 120 rubles. up to 2700 rub.

The advantage of ordering goods in online stores is delivery of the product directly to your home, but there are not always guarantees of its quality.

In addition, Agita can also be found in stores specializing in insect repellent chemicals.

Natalya: “For a long time we have tried a huge number of different means. They had a very unpleasant smell. Now we have a baby, and there is no opportunity to use such toxic products.

Friends advised me to try to purchase this wonderful remedy at a veterinary pharmacy. "Agita" works wonderfully against flies and is not so toxic for a child."

Tatyana: “We bought a product to control flies at the dacha. They diluted it with warm water in a plastic container, and there was no smell. We treated the panels in the house and the ceiling under the canopy.

The action was simply incredible: the flies just flew in and were already dying, we only had time to remove them. We dealt with butterflies, moths, mosquitoes and crickets in the same way.”

Nina: “For the first time this year I encountered a huge infestation of flies. This was a complete surprise to me. We moved to a private house and were simply delighted with the fresh air, silence and natural products. And here is such a misfortune. The neighbors raised chickens, ducks, cows, and because of this we had flies. First we used sticky tape.

She didn't help us much. But “Agita” became a real salvation. True, it had a slightly unpleasant smell, but this was not a hindrance. We sprayed it on some surfaces and as soon as the insects landed on them, they died right before our eyes. We only treated the yard, but there were no insects in the house either.”

Svetlana: I use Agita at work (we raise chickens), and it’s a very good product. After using it, flies die very quickly and new ones do not appear for a long time.

The disadvantage is the unpleasant smell of the powder, but this does not interfere, since this is the only disadvantage of the drug. As long as it is not diluted, it can be tolerated, but as soon as I add water, it feels like it stinks of rotten fish. But this stench goes away very quickly. At home, you can generally not add water, but simply sprinkle a little powder in places where flies congregate, but if you have pets, you need to be careful not to eat it, otherwise you won’t destroy the flies, and the pets will suffer.”

Marina: “Everyone knows how annoying flies are in the summer. We used Agita to kill these nasty insects on a dairy farm. The result was already a few hours after treating the area. We and the animals have become absolutely calm, since they no longer irritate us and do not damage our equipment.”

How to prepare the solution

A properly prepared composition does not lose its insecticidal properties. You can kill flies or other flying insects by either spraying or applying smears. Only for wasps, you need to leave the insecticide in granules and place it in a stable container near the wasp nest.

General recommendations for preparing an insecticidal solution vary and depend on how it will be used in the future.

Breeding Agita granules against flies for sprayer

Pour 100 g of granules into the spray tank and add exactly 800 ml of warm water. Stir everything for a long time until it has a homogeneous consistency. The preparation is enough to treat an area not exceeding 20 square meters. Only a third of the walls and ceilings attacked by pests need to be covered with the solution.

The first result occurs within 5 minutes, and the total validity period lasts up to 1.5 months. It is necessary to re-treat the room against flies only if it is partially open and hordes of insects interfere with work, violate sanitary requirements or bother animals.

Dilution of granules for working on walls with strokes

The proportion for diluting Agita for treating rooms with broad strokes differs slightly in water content. For 100 g of granules, take 80 ml of warm water to form a thick paste.

The drug is enough to make 10x30 cm smears in a room with a floor area of ​​40 m2. With a wide brush you need to paint at least 8 stripes indoors. If more working solution is needed, then it must be diluted in proportion to the recommended standards.

You should not spray the solution on surfaces made of natural porous materials; it is better to apply it in an alternative way. If you need to treat an area with Agita, then you can apply the preparation to strips of thick paper or film and hang it from the beams.

The effectiveness of wide bands increases the validity period up to 2 months. After a couple of hours, the room is safe for people and animals, provided that they do not come into direct contact with the places where the insecticide was applied.

Agita, primaki and sprays are modern means of combating cockroaches

Almost all chemicals for cockroaches are available in the form of powders and liquid preparations.
In such forms, the maximum effect from the use of insecticides that form the basis of these preparations is achieved. The problem of fighting cockroaches, which humanity has been waging since ancient times, remains relevant throughout the world to this day. Solving this problem is complicated by the fact that cockroaches have learned to adapt to pesticides that have been used to kill them for several decades. Developed resistance (resistance) to a certain substance is passed on from generation to generation, which forces us to improve control methods and remedies for cockroaches. It is especially difficult to fight cockroaches in multi-storey city buildings that have extensive sewer and water supply systems, garbage chutes, and ventilation ducts in which insects actively move, reproduce and settle.

Cockroaches not only pollute living quarters and bring discomfort to human life, but are also carriers of infectious diseases, such as dysentery.

Before using cockroach repellent, you should seal all the cracks in the walls and floors, behind baseboards, near pipelines, behind central heating radiators, that is, in those places where they nest. It is important to ensure that there are no food residues on the table, in drawers, under the table, and even in the trash can. At night, you need to thoroughly wipe the sink and bathtub to deprive cockroaches of water sources.

Almost all chemicals for cockroaches are available in the form of powders and liquid preparations. In such forms, the maximum effect from the use of insecticides, which form the basis of cockroach remedies, is achieved. They have the ability to act for a certain time (residual effect), after which wet cleaning of the treated areas must be carried out. Perhaps in 2-3 weeks you will again find cockroaches in the house. In this case, you should not think that the cockroach repellent used is ineffective. The fact is that the destruction of these very tenacious insects is extremely difficult. You should be prepared to re-process the same areas as before.

Some powdered cockroach repellents are slow-acting. After applying the powder to the favorite habitats of cockroaches, their death can begin only after 5-7 days. In this case, the drug acts for a long time. Due to the low toxicity of the product, you can take your time with wet cleaning (after two weeks), and re-treatment may not be necessary.

Certain anti-cockroach products contain an attractant - a bait substance, which ensures reliable contact of insects with the drug, and also significantly accelerates their death. Cockroach repellents, the active ingredient of which is the pyrethroid neopiamine, cause severe anxiety in insects, which forces them to leave their shelters and flee. There is no need to rush to remove the powder (no earlier than two weeks), because cockroaches that accidentally survived or newly arrived ones will again find a reliable shelter. Some cockroach repellents can also kill flies, fleas, bedbugs, and carpet beetles. Liquid repellents for cockroaches enjoy a good reputation, which are the “record holder” for the duration of the residual effect (up to a month).

The insecticide Agita 10 WG will help you successfully fight cockroaches . The method of exterminating cockroaches using Agita is as follows. Treat the habitats of cockroaches and the ways they enter the room: cracks along baseboards and adjacent areas of walls and floors, along water pipes, sewer systems, cracks in walls, behind door frames, etc.; behind furnishings (buffets, tables, shelves, racks) from the back. The consumption rate of 1.1% aqueous suspension is 50 ml per 1 m2 of treated surface. It is possible to use substrates (feeders) made of non-food materials at the rate of 3-5 pieces of 0.5 g of dry granules of the product per room of 10 m2, installed in places inaccessible to children and pets (behind kitchen furniture, in closed cabinets for communications, etc.) . Treatment is carried out simultaneously in all rooms where cockroaches are found. When there is a large infestation of insects, adjacent rooms are treated to protect them from infestation by cockroaches. Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications.


There are no side effects when using the drug correctly and following safety rules.

It is contraindicated to disinfest flies with Agita in the following cases:

  • age under 18 years;
  • people with allergies;
  • for respiratory diseases;
  • Do not treat surfaces where human hands or animals will come into contact.

It is contraindicated to work with a toxic substance without personal protective equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Agita is a popular insecticidal drug that has proven its effectiveness in the fight against flying and crawling insects. The product receives consumer trust and a positive assessment from experts due to the following advantages:

  1. Effective even against those pests that have developed an addiction to organophosphorus poisons.
  2. Safety – the product is assigned the lowest hazard class IV, subject to compliance with the attached instructions.
  3. Non-toxic. The product does not smell of anything either in dry or diluted form.
  4. Speed ​​of action. Agita begins to act within 3-4 minutes after contact with the fly.
  5. Economical. In residential premises, 1 treatment is enough; in rare cases, disinfestation is repeated after 3 weeks.

However, the drug also has weaknesses, including:

  • toxic to fish and reptiles;
  • the need to remove dead insects, since flies die in flight;
  • instability of the drug during outdoor work (washed off by rain).
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