The product "Raptor" is a universal drug in the fight against bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquitoes

Often, unwanted neighbors move into an apartment or house with people.

Cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, and midges pose a serious danger to people, as they are carriers of a large number of diseases, including severe ones.

Among the wide range of products aimed at combating parasites, the Raptor product line is popular.

  • 2 How does an aquafumigator work?
  • 3 Nuances of using an aquafumigator
  • 4 Rules of use
  • 5 Other forms of release
      5.1 Spray (aerosol)
  • 6 Preparing the room for treatment
  • 7 Places to treat bedbugs
  • 8 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 9 Conclusion
  • Description, release form and composition

    The Raptor brand has one effective remedy for bedbugs - an aerosol.
    Moreover, it is designed to destroy not only bedbugs, but also many other household pests. The main components of Raptor aerosol are the following substances:

    1. Cypermethrin (0.2%). This substance paralyzes the nervous system of sexually mature insects and, with somewhat less efficiency, their larvae. The greatest effect is achieved within 24 hours after application of the substance, but the toxic properties persist for another 20 days.
    2. Tetramethrin (0.2%). This substance is a nerve toxin and affects only wingless insects. It has a low toxic effect for humans and domestic animals.
    3. Piperonyl butoxide (0.5%). This substance by itself is ineffective, but when combined with tetramethrin it becomes a catalyst and enhances the overall toxic effect on pests.

    Insecticide for bedbugs Raptor

    The advantage of Raptor relative to other insecticides is that, once it gets on the limbs of the primary individual, it spreads further, independently. So the insect, on whose legs the toxin has settled, comes into contact with other individuals, simultaneously infecting them.

    What parasites is it used against and how does it affect them?

    The insecticide Raptor is intended for the destruction of the following types of insect pests:

    • bedbugs (including bedbugs), ticks, midges,
    • fleas, mosquitoes,
    • cockroaches and ants,
    • centipedes, mole crickets.

    Bedbugs often live under the bed

    The substances included in Raptor cause paralysis of the internal muscles of the insect, which leads to its relatively rapid death (within an hour or two). At the same time, as noted earlier, the infected insect itself becomes a breeding ground for the toxin, infecting its “relatives”.

    The result is a large autonomous network consisting of numerous infected insects that spread the toxin throughout the room. The advantages here are obvious: the autonomy of the process and the toxin getting into places where a person cannot reach on his own (cracks, ventilation ducts, shafts, and so on).

    At the same time, there is no threat to the residents of the house, since the amount of toxin carried by the insect is absolutely harmless to people and animals.

    Aquafumigator for bedbugs Raptor (video)

    Where to buy and how much does it cost?

    You can buy Raptor insecticide for bedbugs in almost any agricultural supply store. In addition, this product can be purchased in online stores, where, as a rule, its price is 5-10% lower.

    The price of Raptor against bedbugs at the beginning of 2022 is 250 rubles (225 milliliters), the cost of a 350 milliliter cylinder is about 320 rubles.

    Description and composition of “Raptor” anti-ant products

    produces high-quality preparations to combat various insects: cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, ants. Chemicals are produced in an innovative way. When used correctly, they are harmless to humans and pets. Raptor preparations for ants may contain a potent substance - fipronil. This slow poison begins to act after the infected ant returns from the “battlefield” to its colony and transfers valuable cargo to its fellows. Fipronil is not the only component of the drugs. They also include:

    • preservatives that allow you to extend its shelf life and effect,
    • special food attractants that lure insects to eat the delicacy.

    Depending on the form and the main toxic substance, Raptor products are divided into several groups.

    Rules of application

    Considering that the Raptor bedbug aerosol canister is under pressure, you should avoid dropping it and being near sources of fire or sparks.

    Immediately before using the aerosol, shake it thoroughly. The spraying itself is carried out only with open windows, vents and doors in the room. Plants, animals, aquariums and clothing must first be removed from the room.

    Although the use of personal protective equipment is not mandatory, it is still recommended. Glasses (even ordinary ones, for vision correction) and a respirator (in the worst case, a gauze bandage) are enough.

    You need to spray the toxin from a distance of 20-30 centimeters, holding the aerosol can at arm's length. It is necessary to spray the insecticide both in places where insect pests are actually located and where they are potential.

    Raptor series of anti-bedbug products

    When using Raptor in the kitchen, be sure to ensure that spraying does not occur near electrical appliances or a gas stove.

    Spraying must be done in a continuous line, since only in this case is there a guarantee that insects will not be able to avoid crossing it, where they will become infected with toxic substances. After disinsection, the room should be left to ventilate for 30-60 minutes, and all people should leave the room.

    Precautions and restrictions

    Manufacturers of Raptor claim that the use of protective equipment is not necessary. In general, this idea is quite justified: the drug has a targeted effect (like pepper spray) and the jet, if used correctly, cannot reach a person.

    Meanwhile, such adventures are the lot of professional exterminators. The average person should still use a respirator or gas mask, but in extreme cases, a gauze bandage is also suitable, which will not completely protect against toxins, but will significantly reduce their dose when it enters the lungs.

    If the aerosol itself gets into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth, then a thorough ten-minute rinsing of the mucous membranes with warm running water is required. If allergies or difficulty breathing develop, an immediate call to the ambulance is required, as the situation may become critical, which, however, rarely happens.

    Aerosol against crawling insects

    Consumers most often purchase Raptor aerosol, as it is convenient to use during processing. It effectively kills cockroaches when the insecticide is sprayed directly onto the insects. The aerosol quickly disappears and leaves no traces.


    The Raptor contains:

    • cypermethrin (a widely used insecticide);
    • tetramethrin.


    The product has a contact-intestinal effect. Cockroaches are not addicted to it, since the use of the main active ingredient, cypermethrin, began to be used recently.

    Terms of use

    Treatment of premises against cockroaches using Raptor aerosol against crawling insects is carried out sequentially, according to the following algorithm of actions:

    1. Preparation of premises. Cleaning is carried out: the products are carefully closed and hidden in an inaccessible place.
    2. Determine the area of ​​disinfestation. People who do not take part in the process of baiting insects, children and animals should not be in the apartment or house.
    3. Windows, doors, and ventilation openings are closed.
    4. Direct processing is carried out. Aerosol spraying is carried out in those places where cockroaches were most noticed: under sinks and bathrooms, around sewer pipes, in the trash can area, behind cabinets.

    The aerosol can should be shaken vigorously, surfaces and targeted areas should be treated at a distance of at least 20 cm. Windows and doors should not be opened for 15-20 minutes, after which the premises should be ventilated. It is recommended to use protective equipment during processing.

    The aerosol is sold in a 350 ml bottle. Shelf life – 3 years (from date of manufacture). Price from 153 to 240 rubles.

    Proper preparation for disinfection

    The instructions included with the device warn that the toxic substance is enough to treat 1-2 rooms.


    If the size of the room exceeds these values, then it makes sense to purchase a larger number of aquafumigators and place them at an equal distance from each other

    You should pay attention to areas where insects appear more often and treat them first.

    The device is not difficult to use; you just need to follow the steps described in the instructions step by step.

    1. Put food in the refrigerator.
    2. Place children's supplies, books, toys in a sealed bag.
    3. Do the same with dishes and personal hygiene products.
    4. Open all the cabinets, lay out the chairs and sofas.
    5. Seal the hood with any adhesive tape.

    It is better to use stationery or masking tape as tape. The hood is sealed to prevent insects from crawling into the neighboring apartment, from where they can return in a few days.

    Aquarium fish are not warm-blooded, so they should be moved to a safe place. Despite the fact that tsifentorin helps to quickly get rid of cockroaches, the aquafumigator is harmless even for hamsters when used. But there is a risk of individual intolerance to the toxic compound.

    It’s worth making an agreement in advance with friends or relatives and giving them the animals for a couple of days.

    After turning on the device, steam begins to form and quickly spreads throughout the room. For some people, the water suspension provokes a sore throat, watery eyes and cough. To prevent possible allergic reactions, you should leave the room during the treatment.

    How does Raptor work against crawling insects?

    In the spray zone, the aerosol takes the form of drops that fall on the bedbugs, are quickly absorbed into the entire body and kills them in a short period of time. The bugs manage to reach their nests and infect other individuals. The settled drops of the drug remain on surfaces for a long time, allowing you to kill insects one by one and reduce their numbers.

    Interesting! After contact with a poisonous substance, a bedbug can live on average for a day. The effect of the poison lasts up to 25 days, but its effectiveness gradually decreases.

    Another form of Raptor is an aquafumigator to combat bed bugs. It includes:

    1. Containers with toxic poisons.
    2. A bag of water.

    When both parts of the fumigator are connected, a reaction occurs and white smoke is released, which fills the entire house, filling all areas that are difficult for humans to reach.

    In addition to the aquafumigator, it offers a gel and a trap. But they do not give the expected result in the fight against bedbugs.

    Security measures

    The use of insecticides to control ants requires certain precautions. Their intensity directly depends on the treatment preparation:

    • work with traps and gel with gloves, wash your hands after contact with them,
    • granules, aerosol and aquafumigator are harmful due to their spraying, so use a respirator or bandages on your nose and mouth, avoid getting these products in your eyes, and after treatment, leave the room for a short time and ventilate it,
    • When working with any insect repellent, strictly follow the instructions,
    • do not use medications after the expiration date,
    • Discard the packaging immediately after processing if it is empty.

    It is safe to use anti-ant medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding if you follow the instructions on the package and follow the necessary safety precautions.

    Rules of application

    Aquafumigator Raptor
    Both Raptor and other types of aquafumigators contain potent poisons. When working with this product, safety must be observed to avoid poisoning.

    After preparing the premises, open the packaging and take out the container. A small amount of water is poured into a plastic jar (a bucket of ice cream, mayonnaise, etc.). The container is placed inside the jar. Placed in all rooms. Removed from the apartment before the active steam release phase.


    The room should remain locked for at least 3 hours, but the effect will be greater if you do not return to the apartment for 6-8 hours. Upon returning, all rooms must be thoroughly ventilated. Wash your hands with soap.

    The Raptor aquafumigator for cockroaches, reviews of which can be seen below, is recommended to be used again after 3-4 weeks: after new cockroaches hatch from the eggs.


    Somehow we missed the moment when cockroaches appeared, not paying attention to them while there were few insects. We caught ourselves when they were almost walking over our heads. My wife and I decided that nonsense like gels and sprays would not save us. We decided, fortunately in Moscow there are no problems with this. Before the call, I began to monitor what was currently being produced in this area. Well, I saw aquafumigators. I decided to try it before calling specialists. The family had just left for the sanatorium, and I and the men were getting ready to go fishing.

    I placed them everywhere: in each room, in the kitchen, in the hallway, in the bathroom and toilet. I wanted to stand and see how it would all happen, but already at the initial stage of steam production I could not breathe. Left. Three days later I returned, the house no longer stank much. I aired everything out, removed the corpses of insects, and washed everything. There were no complaints from neighbors about the smell. And with just one treatment they disappeared! Of course, a month later there was a repeat, but not so much - I installed only three things for the entire apartment. Well, I sealed all the cracks so that this disgrace would not happen again.

    Mikhail, Arkhangelsk

    How to use ant repellents

    Instructions for using poisonous ant repellents are usually the same for everyone. Here are the main steps:

    1. Carry out a general cleaning of the premises.
    2. Provide yourself with protective equipment: respirator, gauze bandage, gloves.
    3. Start treating the contaminated area:
        in places where ants are most concentrated, apply the gel with a dotted line,
    4. Place the aerosol and aquafumigator in the center of the room. Spray the first one upward, place the second one on a flat surface,
    5. scatter the powder around the perimeter of the room in dry form or sprinkle with a solution of granules diluted in water at the main places where insects appear,
    6. Place traps at the epicenter of a cluster of ants.
    7. If necessary, when working with certain drugs, leave the room during disinfection.
    8. Upon returning to the treated area, ventilate it for 30 minutes.
    9. Repeat the procedure 3-4 weeks after the initial treatment.

    The rules are universal for working with any chemicals aimed at getting rid of annoying insects. They will allow you to do this as efficiently and safely as possible for your health.

    Instructions for use of Raptor

    Of course, choosing a drug that gives the maximum effect is very important. It is worth considering that if a product has been on the market for a long time, then there is a high probability that pests have already become accustomed to it, and therefore you should not expect the desired result from it.

    Even if this is not the first time you are poisoning pests in the same house, it is important to give preference to new drugs that were released relatively recently. . One of the active agents is “Raptor” aerosol against crawling insects

    It is often chosen to combat bedbugs and other nasty guests in our homes. Below are instructions for its use and reviews from those who managed to use it.

    One of the active agents is the Raptor aerosol against crawling insects. It is often chosen to combat bedbugs and other nasty guests in our homes. Below are instructions for its use and reviews from those who managed to use it.

    The composition of "Raptor" against bedbugs is unique. The manufacturers of this product combined three main components with a modern organic solvent. Thanks to this combination, insects have no chance of adapting to this product. In addition, it will not leave behind any unpleasant marks.

    The most effective remedies and poisons for cockroachesXulat C25 and Xulat micro for bedbugs: instructions for use, reviewsElectronic fumigator - a device for exterminating insectsFufanon: instructions for use, composition and properties

    Let's take a closer look at the composition of the product:

    1. Cypermethrin. The share in aerosol is 0.2%. Affects parasites through the intestinal contact route. Its action spreads to the nervous system, which first paralyzes and then kills them. The peak activity of the component occurs in the first 2–3 days. The maximum validity period is from 15 to 20 days.
    2. Tetramethrin. The amount in the total mass is 0.2%. Acts similarly to cypermethrin. Spreads throughout the insect's nervous system, leading to its death within the first 24 hours after contact. Practically not dangerous for fish, birds, animals and people.
    3. Piperonyl butoxide. Part of the total volume – 0.5%. Plays the role of a catalyst that enhances the effect of previous components.

    The treatment of the room must be especially thorough. Only in this case can the maximum result be achieved, because insects become infected only through direct contact with this product.

    Rules for mandatory disinfestation

    Although Raptor is quite intense, it is no secret that it is also quite toxic. Due to this feature, safety requirements must be observed.

    1. First of all, clear the room of animals, small children and people who will not take part in processing the room.
    2. Wear personal protective equipment: thick rubber gloves, goggles, protective suit and respirator.
    3. Lay out all the furniture as much as possible, remove all fabric items, which also include curtains and drapes, hermetically pack dishes, food and hygiene items in plastic bags.
    4. Treat the room with a spray. The container needs to be shaken and the stream directed to hard-to-reach places, where clusters of parasites are most often found. It is necessary to go over all upholstered furniture several times, because there is a high probability of insect nests under the fabric of mattresses and sofas.
    5. The drug should not be brought closer than 20 centimeters to the surface to be treated.
    6. While spraying, walk around the perimeter of the room, and then along its center. As a rule, the volume of one can can destroy bedbugs in an area of ​​50–60 square meters.
    7. Do not use the aerosol near switched on electrical or gas appliances.
    8. Spraying should be a continuous stream in a straight line. Following this advice will help you be sure of the death of all unpleasant guests.

    What to do next

    After carrying out all these procedures, you should leave the room for half an hour. Upon return, be sure to ventilate it thoroughly. It is necessary to carry out general cleaning after 1–2 days.

    In this case, wipe all objects, walls in the room, floors and ceilings, if they can be washed, with a damp cloth previously soaked in a soda-soap solution. Remove and wash all upholstered furniture and fabric items.

    It is not worth living in these rooms for the next two days. If this option is not possible, wipe all surfaces that will be touched. In addition, the smell from the spray completely disappears from the spray site after a maximum of 2–3 hours.

    It is best to treat the room again a few days after the general cleaning, this time for preventive purposes, since during this time new individuals could hatch from the remaining eggs.

    Aerosol concentrate Barrier

    The concentrated drug is a professional product used to kill cockroaches. The aerosol contains a formula that has no analogues in the world. This creates an effective barrier for insects. Its effect lasts for six months.

    Aerosol concentrate


    The product formula contains 3 active ingredients:

    • bifenhtrin;
    • Cypermethrin;
    • piperonyli butoxydum.

    The aerosol has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects, providing a long-lasting effect. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in rooms with a large number of cockroaches or to provide a barrier effect.

    The active substances evaporate gradually. This effect is achieved thanks to a special formula. On the treated base, the effect of the drug lasts for a month. By coming into contact with active substances, cockroaches infect their relatives. Both of them die after a short period of time. During spraying, toxic components instantly enter the body of pests. The barrier penetrates well through ventilation barriers, into cracks and other hard-to-reach places.

    Instructions for use

    To obtain the desired effect, the manufacturer advises spraying the product on surfaces that do not absorb liquid. Such materials include: plastic, tile, linoleum, metal. If you treat porous substrates, the duration of the spray is reduced. The room is processed in stages:

    1. The can should be shaken vigorously. Hold it vertically while spraying.
    2. To ensure a barrier effect, the places where cockroaches enter are treated: entrance doors, windows, loggias, balconies, ventilation shafts, cracks.
    3. To destroy existing insects, the places where they are most concentrated are subject to treatment.

    The aerosol is sold in an 80 ml can. It can be used for three years. Average price – 220 rubles.

    How to use Raptor aerosol against bed bugs

    Compared to semi-finished formulations in the form of a powder or liquid suspension, Raptor against bedbugs is supplied in the form of an aerosol, so the purchased product is immediately ready for use.

    Before treating the area, it is recommended to carry out a superficial cleaning - be sure to remove all unnecessary items, wrap or cover personal hygiene products with plastic, and seal food products. As for upholstered furniture and sleeping places, pillows and bolsters should be thoroughly knocked out, and the soft base should be vacuumed.

    Before the first spray, the can should be shaken slightly to mix its contents. During the spraying process, the bottle should be in a vertical position, the optimal distance to the surface to be treated is 15-20 cm.

    First of all, you should spray the places where bedbugs are most concentrated - these are the frames of beds and sofas, the undersides of wardrobes, baseboards and thresholds, window sills and the area behind thermal radiators, the inside of carpets. On average, one bottle of raptor is enough for high-quality treatment of 50-70 square meters. meters of area, which is approximately equal to the territory of a 2-room apartment. However, in advanced cases, you will have to double the recommended dose.

    Leaving the sprayed product untouched for 10-15 minutes, after a quarter of an hour you need to ventilate the room to eliminate microparticles of the product flying in the air. After just an hour and a half, you can be in the rooms without harm to your health, there will be no unpleasant odor left, and the process of fighting bedbugs will continue without your intervention.

    After 1-2 days, you can do a general cleaning, wiping and vacuuming all previously treated areas; this is necessary to remove dead bedbugs and remove product residues on the walls of the furniture. As a preventative measure, after the final cleaning of the area, spraying of remote areas can be repeated; this guarantees the final death of all possible insects, including undeveloped larvae and egg clutches

    Composition and release forms

    A well-known company produces several types of anti-parasite products. Dichlorvos Raptor, as well as the aquafumigator of this line, will help get rid of bedbugs. Each of these drugs has its own composition and its own characteristics of action.

    Before you buy Raptor for bedbugs, you should familiarize yourself with the features of each product in this line, read reviews, and study possible contraindications. Although Raptor drugs are considered safe, even they are contraindicated for some people.

    Aquafumigator Raptor for bedbugs

    A traditional fumigator, which is plugged into an outlet, has no effect on bed bloodsuckers. A special remedy for bedbugs, Raptor, has been invented against them in the form of an aquafumigator that functions when in contact with water. It is sometimes called a smoke bomb.

    The active substance of the drug was the poison cyphenothrin. It has a strong nerve-paralytic effect on bloodsuckers, while it has a long-lasting residual effect. The composition also includes a vapor-forming agent and a binder.

    The aquafumigator is convenient because it helps to poison pests even in the farthest areas of the apartment: ventilation ducts, under baseboards. For those who don’t know where to buy and how much the drug costs, just look at one of the online stores. The price for it is quite affordable - from 450 to 500 rubles. In addition, the product can often be found in the hardware departments of department stores.

    Store addresses are available on the Internet. There are also photos of the preparations, as well as the processing process itself.

    Reviews about the Raptor autofumigator for bedbugs are quite contradictory. Here is one opinion:

    I believed the advertising of this product. It was written that insects, cockroaches, midges and other living creatures die from it. But it turned out that Raptor is absolutely useless against cockroaches and bedbugs. After processing, I found a few dead insects, and that’s all. The infection was in the house and continued to creep. But the apartment had to be washed and ventilated for a long time. It would have been better to immediately call the SES, but I would have lost money.

    Tatyana, Moscow

    Spray aerosol Raptor against bedbugs

    Aerosol Raptor against bedbugs 225 ml volume is another popular product. It is convenient to spray it in an apartment, but if it is heavily infested, the effect may be disappointing. Unlike the Raptor smoke bomb, the bedbug spray works by contact. There are two active components here:

    • Cypermethrin at a concentration of 0.2%. This substance immobilizes parasites, prevents them from orienting themselves in space and leads to death.
    • Tetramethrin, which also contains 0.2%. It paralyzes the nervous system of the bloodsucker and has a cumulative effect.

    Piperonyl butoxide is used as an additional substance, which enhances the effect of other insecticides. The poison penetrates the pest's stomach through the chitinous shell and legs. The insect quickly loses its basic vital functions, which leads to its death in about a day.

    The residual effect will continue for about 3 weeks, but every day the product loses its effectiveness. The result may be weak due to the low concentration of the poison, moreover, some of it simply dissolves in the air.

    The spray is sold in supermarkets and hardware stores. Its average cost is about 250 rubles. The can must be stored away from heating devices, otherwise it may explode.

    On the Internet there are both positive and negative reviews about the Raptor aerosol against bedbugs. For example, like this:

    When this infection spread from neighbors, they began to urgently choose a suitable remedy. I wanted to find something effective, but not too toxic. We read on the Internet whether Raptor helps against bed bugs, and were satisfied: the reviews were not bad. We bought and treated the entire apartment, every centimeter. These creatures disappeared at first, but after two weeks they were full again. The result is wasted time and money, since the product is not the cheapest.

    Olga, Novosibirsk

    Types of fumigators

    A fumigator is a device that is used to repel and kill insects using steam or gas. Devices can be divided into two categories:

    • traditional electric;
    • aquafumigator.


    Traditional fumigators are most often designed to protect against mosquitoes. An aquafumigator is used to treat a room from various insects. Raptor is a broad-spectrum remedy that gets rid of flying and crawling insects, including ants, cockroaches, fleas, and bedbugs.

    Traditional fumigators

    A traditional fumigator is a small device with a heating element inside. The device is powered either from the mains or from batteries or accumulators. The device contains a plate impregnated with an insecticide or a chemical in the form of a liquid. When turned on, the temperature of the heating element increases. Under the influence of heat, the substance begins to evaporate, poisonous vapors are distributed throughout the room within the radius of action of the device, destroying insects.

    In addition to mosquitoes, you can try using fumigators to get rid of fleas in your apartment. But using a traditional electric fumigator to clean the house of cockroaches and bedbugs is not recommended. In this case, the effect of the device is ineffective; treatment with more aggressive agents is required. The universal aquafumigator Raptor is used to kill fleas, bedbugs and cockroaches.


    The principle of operation of an aquafumigator is similar to a traditional device - it is the evaporation of the active substance. But in this device, steam is formed due to a chemical reaction that occurs when water and a steam-forming agent come into contact.

    The active ingredient cyphenothrin is a broad-spectrum insecticide that has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects and causes their death. The use of an aquafumigator is also effective because cyphenothrin has a prolonged action and continues to work even after it settles on the surface.

    Insecticide vapors quickly fill the entire room, penetrating even the most inaccessible corners. Thanks to this, the Raptor aquafumigator shows good results in the fight against parasites that hide in secluded places most of the day, such as bedbugs and cockroaches.

    General information about Raptor

    The main advantage of the Raptor manufacturer is the ability to select individual products for almost every type of insect. Moreover, each such product contains different insecticides, and the form of the product is also different, so we can say that the manufacturer takes into account the specific characteristics of different insects. Of course, this approach is the most effective in combating parasites.

    Raptor has several remedies against bedbugs:

    • Bed bug spray is a unique product that is used to combat only bed bugs.
    • An aquafumigator is a set of tools that provide instant elimination of any insects using an effective method of spreading insecticides throughout the treated area.
    • Anti-crawling spray is a remedy that is equally effective against bed bugs and other types of wingless insects, such as ants, cockroaches, and so on.

    Let's look at each type of Raptor separately and evaluate its performance characteristics.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Raptor anti-ant products

    The main advantages of the company that I would like to pay special attention to:

    1. Safety. Research is being conducted to test the safety of ant repellents for animals and humans. Close cooperation with NIID Rospotrebnadzor and European laboratories. Today, Raptor employees are concerned with the production of new generation drugs - bioinsecticides. These are environmentally friendly products that are absolutely harmless to humans and animals. They are made from natural products, are odorless and do not cause allergies.
    2. Efficiency. Constant modernization of production and preparations, allowing us to achieve maximum results in the fight against ants.
    3. Quality. In addition to the fact that Raptor has its own quality assessment system (both raw materials and finished products), cooperation with European factories is always under the close supervision of experts in this field.

    Among the disadvantages of Raptor products against ants, many users cite poor effectiveness and short duration of action. According to the manufacturer, all these disadvantages can be eliminated by carefully and correctly reading and following the instructions. Disadvantages of certain ant repellents expressed by some customers:

    • toxicity of aerosols and aquafumigators that distribute their active substance in the air,
    • one tube of anti-ant gel is enough to treat 10 m2,
    • indoor traps are not always attached to the surface,
    • When cutting the grass on the site, traps for garden ants have to be pulled out of the ground.

    How does an aquafumigator work?

    The active substance is in a metal container. When water is added, a reaction occurs that produces steam. It is able to penetrate everywhere, destroying cockroaches even in the most secluded corners. This makes it possible to get insects everywhere. Cyphenothrin is a nerve agent. The effect of the product lasts for a long time.



    I had an awful lot of cockroaches. All sorts of gels didn't help much. For some reason I didn’t trust such means as an aquafumigator. But I decided to try it one day. She brought it, installed it, and left the house with the children. We also had to take the animals with us. We returned home about 4 hours later. There was a strong fog in the apartment, the stench was terrible. I sent the children and the dogs for a walk and rushed to get some air. Although by the time I got to the balcony, I thought I was going to cough up my lungs. The reaction to this smell is very unpleasant. But my cockroaches didn’t like this either. And immediately there were a lot of dead people, and then they continued to die. But still, I’m unlikely to risk using it again if I can’t find somewhere to go for a day - the eldest child managed to get pretty sick.

    Olga, Krasnodar

    Instructions for use

    Aerosol against bedbugs Raptor does not require special preparation before use, and its form is already ready for immediate processing. The manufacturer recommends the following algorithm of actions, compliance with which will significantly increase the effectiveness of the product:

    It is necessary to remove all small things from the room that is to be treated - remove bedding from the bed, collect soft toys, equipment, electronics, and so on. It must be remembered that all these things may contain live bedbugs and their eggs. Therefore, in order not to infect the rest of the apartment with insects, you need to take things out in hermetically sealed plastic bags. It is best to open them and get things out on the street, and if this is not possible, then preferably in the bathroom, which will then need to be treated with hot water. All fabric items must be washed in hot water at a water temperature of at least 60 degrees. As for other items, they need to be disassembled and carefully examined for the presence of bedbugs.

    The next stage is to vacuum all surfaces. The mattress from the bed must be removed and vacuumed most carefully and scrupulously. It is best to use a disposable bag, which you should then burn.

    Wet cleaning of hard surfaces in the room, especially the floor, is mandatory, since dust and dirt will collect the working chemical, thereby reducing its effectiveness. It is better to rinse surfaces with warm water with the addition of products containing chlorine.

    Before using the product, shake the can thoroughly. It is better to spray the aerosol against bedbugs from a distance of 15 cm from the surface to be treated. It is especially necessary to treat areas where insects are most concentrated, not forgetting about folds in the mattress, joints and cracks in the base of the bed, bedbug hiding places under window sills, behind socket covers, in cracks behind baseboards, behind paintings and wall clocks, between the wall and peeling wallpaper. and so on.

    Spraying should be carried out at an ambient temperature of not lower than +10 degrees and not higher than +30 degrees Celsius. Fabric surfaces that a person touches cannot be treated with the product, especially the sleeping surface of a mattress, the head of a sofa, and so on.

    Upon completion of surface treatment, it is allowed to spray the product into the air of the room, in the direction from the center to the periphery. It is necessary to work in safety glasses, a respirator and rubber gloves. Clothing should be made of rough fabric and should not expose exposed skin.

    At the time of treatment, there should be no small children or pets in the apartment. Any living creatures must be removed from the room. Birds and aquarium fish are especially sensitive to permethrins.

    After 15 minutes, the room should be thoroughly ventilated, trying not to create drafts in the direction of the rest of the living space. Armed with a bucket of warm water with a soap-soda solution, gloves and soft rags, you should wipe all surfaces in the room with which people come into contact. This will eliminate possible allergic and toxic reactions.

    Mode of application

    Before each use, the bottle with the product must be shaken so that all active ingredients interact. Before you start treating the room, you need to remove dishes, food, children's toys, and living plants from it. Animals, birds and even fish tolerate the product very poorly, so they should be removed or taken out of the room.

    At the end of the procedure, the treated room should be left for 30 minutes to an hour so that the aerosol particles reach the most inaccessible places and settle there. After this, the room must be ventilated and wet cleaned. To completely remove the aerosol, you need to use detergents.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

    Despite numerous reviews, the product, like many others, still has both positive and negative aspects of use.

    safety for warm-blooded creatures,It is not intended specifically for bedbugs (for all domestic insects), so the probability of exterminating larvae and eggs is not 100%.
    no toxic odor,toxic to aquarium fish and indoor plants.
    wide distribution (no problems finding the product in stores),
    ease of use (no need to mix, dilute, monitor proportions, as, for example, in the powder form of poisons),
    does not leave streaks on furniture and other surfaces,
    convenient packaging (you just need to press a button and the extermination process starts),
    duration of action,
    cost-effectiveness correspondence. One bottle is enough for use over 50 m².
    affordable price (you can buy an aerosol within 280 rubles, an aquafumigator, 590 rubles).

    Gel "Raptor"

    Raptor cockroach gel is no less effective than an aerosol and has several features.


    Gel Raptor

    The drug contains the active component lambda-cyhalothrin. This insecticide is not so common, but it is effective. The drug also contains food attractants, which act as bait and make the composition attractive to pests. You can also find a preservative in the composition, which preserves the activity of the components, and a gelling agent, which retains moisture and prevents drying.

    How does the gel work?

    The active component has a detrimental effect on the central nervous system and causes paralysis. But the effect is delayed, so that the infected pests, unsuspectingly, return to their habitats and infect other individuals. As a result, the entire population dies.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The gel has a number of advantages:

    • This product is one of the most effective. Reviews show that the product is really effective. It allows you to destroy all pests.
    • The gel form is characterized by low toxicity and relative safety for animals and people. The active components do not enter the air, therefore they cannot penetrate the respiratory tract or mucous membranes (provided there is no close contact with the gel).
    • Since the gel contains food attractants, pests will definitely pay attention to it.
    • Long lasting effect. Since the gel does not dry out, its activity remains for a long time.
    • Easy to use. It is enough to apply the composition to the surface. The narrow spout of the tube makes application very convenient.


    • Not the most economical expense. One package is enough to treat a room with an area of ​​no more than 10 square meters, which is less than one average room.
    • This form is not suitable for quickly eliminating pests; complete destruction may take several weeks.

    How to use?

    The gel is applied to the feeding and following areas of the cockroaches with a dotted line (about two centimeters of the composition and about 2-4 centimeters of free space).


    The cost of a 75 milliliter tube is about 230-240 rubles.

    Follow the instructions when using.


    Reviews about the gel:

    1. “The gel didn’t help. I once tried to watch cockroaches, and they avoided the gel. But the remedy turned out to be effective in the fight against ants.”
    2. “As soon as cockroaches appeared, I bought this product. It helped us, at least we didn’t see the pests anymore.”

    Description of the product

    The Raptor company is one of the leaders in the production of insecticides and has a wide range of products against all types of insects. The quality of their products and the results have earned them a good reputation, which is confirmed by many reviews of their products. In the fight against bedbugs, Raptor offers several types of the drug: Raptor aerosol for bedbugs, Raptor gel for insects, aquafumigator for all types of insects, fumigator for flying insects and Raptor traps.

    Fun fact: Bedbugs can easily be brought home in a travel bag or on clothing, putting tourists and travelers at increased risk. Bedbugs also enter homes with sofas and other furniture purchased second-hand or even in a store. Bed bugs do not have wings, so they cannot fly into your apartment.

    Now about each separately:

    • Aerosol Raptor for bedbugs - it contains 3 main products:

    Cypermethrin 0.2% - paralyzes the nerve endings of the insect, is most active on the first day of use, the residual effect is up to 20 days. Resistant to direct sunlight.

    Tetramethrin 0.2% is a nerve-paralyzing poison for parasites. It has low toxicity to humans and warm-blooded animals.

    Piperonyl butoxide 0.5% - enhances the effect of Tetramethrin, is slightly toxic, but enhances the work of other insecticides. The spray is ready for use both for direct destruction and for prevention. It is low toxic and does not have a sharp specific odor.

    • Gel Raptor is based on the substance lambda-cyhalothrin and has a contact-intestinal effect. It has a long-term repellent and residual (30 - 40 days) effect, photo stable. The preservative included in the composition protects the gel from drying out and does not lose its effect for a month.

    • Aquafumigator Raptor - active substance cyphenothrin. The peculiarity of its work is that when it interacts with water, it turns into steam and is sprayed throughout the apartment. Steam penetrates into hard-to-reach places and, when interacting with an insect, causes blocking of nerve endings, subsequent paralysis and death of the bug.
    • Electric fumigators are designed to kill mosquitoes, flies and midges. Actively used in spring and summer. Operates independently from mains or batteries. It has no odor and is not dangerous for people and warm-blooded animals.
    • Raptor traps - mainly used to combat cockroaches, ants. It looks like all kinds of boxes.

    Alternative to Raptor

    There are a large number of insecticides available in the market in various forms. The operating principle is the same for most.


    The Raid brand produces aerosol spray and ant traps. The first option is the most common. It contains imiprothrin and cyfluthrin - active insecticides - with admixtures of auxiliary substances. The average duration of residual action of the aerosol is 4 weeks. Traps operate on the same principle as those of the Raptor.


    Combat has three types of drugs in its arsenal:

    • SuperSpray is an aerosol designed to kill crawling insects,
    • Multispray is an aerosol that fights both crawling and flying pests,
    • SuperAttack and SuperBait are trap discs with bait inside.

    Reviews about these drugs are mostly positive.

    There are many more insecticidal powders sold in garden stores. They are mainly aimed at eliminating street ants. If desired, they can be used at home, but with great care and carefully study the instructions. They are more toxic and harmful to humans. Remember to follow safety rules when working with such drugs.

    Domestic insects are a disaster and a disaster. But thanks to such effective and high-quality tools as Raptor, fighting them will no longer cause you horror. Despite the shortcomings that users encounter in the use of anti-ant preparations, it is possible to choose the form that best suits you in terms of financial and quality characteristics. The main thing: do not forget to follow safety rules to protect yourself from poisoning.

    Quality of the drug

    Raptor fumigators have a number of advantages:

    • Efficiency. This quality is ensured by the content of a substance such as Japanese-made cyphenothrin in the disinfectant. This is what helps to get rid of the problem of insects in the house once and for all.

    • Easy to use. You don’t need anything other than water to activate the work of a product like Raptor against ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ticks and other insects.
    • Safety. This quality is laboratory confirmed. The only safety condition for using the presented product is strict adherence to the instructions from the manufacturer.
    • Uniqueness. By minimizing human contact with chemicals during disinfestation, the active substance will effortlessly control pests even in the most inaccessible corners of the apartment.
    • Versatility of application. “Raptor” against mosquitoes, ticks, and ants will help get rid of unwanted pests in your summer cottage. For apartment residents, this same product will become an indispensable assistant in expelling cockroaches, flies and other insects from their homes.
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