Application of Fas against bedbugs: features of use and precautions

Bed bugs in an apartment or private house is a really serious problem that requires special attention. Dealing with parasites is not as easy as it seems at first glance. They are very hardy, quickly adapt to a new place of residence and can live for a long time even in difficult conditions. Various means are used to remove bloodsuckers. Fas is one of them.

Description of the drug

The composition of the FAS includes: the active substance deltamethrin - a second generation rethroid (1%), as well as water-soluble fillers. The insecticide allows you to destroy various arthropod insects, including:

  • cockroaches;
  • mosquitoes (larvae and adults);
  • fleas;
  • bedbugs;
  • flies (larvae and adults).

Go to the store

The drug is produced in the form of gray tablets intended for dissolution in water. One package weighing 100 grams contains 35 tablets. The shelf life of the drug in unopened packaging is 2 years.

The residual activity of the product remains for 4-6 weeks. Maximum FAS activity is observed in the first week after treatment.

The insecticide was assigned the fourth hazard class - low-hazard substances. This makes it possible to use FAS both for professional disinfestation and for household treatment of premises against cockroaches without the involvement of pest control services.

Upon contact with undamaged skin, FAS causes mild irritation. The reaction occurs when the working solution comes into repeated contact with the skin. Upon contact with mucous membranes, a pronounced irritant effect is observed.

The insecticide can be used at various facilities, including residential premises, as well as medical, children's and food institutions.

Forms of release of the product

The drug has a wide spectrum of action and destroys not only bed bugs, but also fleas, ants and other insects. Fas belongs to the group of slightly toxic drugs, but can cause serious damage to the health of a mammal. Humans are most at risk from inhaling the vapors of the composition.

The following groups of funds are distinguished:

  • Super Fas against bedbugs;
  • Double Fas.

Let's consider each option in detail.

Features of Fas Double

The main active ingredients of the bedbug remedy Fas double are esfenvalerate and piperonyl butoxide. The first is a synthetic analogue of fenvalerate. Has a wide spectrum of action.

How it works: the principle of operation of the insecticide is the contact of the insect with the treated surface. As a result, the parasites die almost immediately.


Both types of drugs are powerless against bedbug eggs.

Remedies Fas Double and Super Fas for bedbugs

Description of the remedy for bedbugs Super Fas

The composition of Fas against bedbugs includes:

  • thiamethoxam;
  • pyrethroid zetacypermethrin;
  • additional compounds to increase the effectiveness of the product.

Destruction occurs after short-term inhalation of the product by insects. Reviews of Super Fas against bedbugs confirm the effectiveness of the product, quick results and ease of use.

Preparation and instructions for use

To carry out disinfestation, a working solution is prepared, the concentration of which depends on the type of parasitic insects to be destroyed. For 1 liter of water you need to take:

  • cockroaches – 5 tablets;
  • bedbugs – 5 tablets;
  • fleas – 4 tablets;
  • flies (larvae or adults) – 5 tablets;
  • mosquitoes (larvae) – 2 tablets;
  • mosquitoes (imago) – 4 tablets.

To prepare the working solution, clean water at a temperature of 20-25C is used. The tablets are added to water and the solution is constantly stirred until the drug is completely dissolved. The shelf life of the working solution is 8 hours from the moment of preparation.

Disinsection is preceded by preparation of the premises. Food, clothing, dishes, aquariums, indoor plants, electronics, equipment and various items that can absorb the insecticide are first removed from the room. If this option is advised against, these items are carefully covered. There should be no strangers or animals in the room where work is being carried out.

What is Double Fas and Super Fas from bedbugs?

Dry powders Fas are double action insecticides. They contain a pair of chemicals that act differently on different types of insects, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the product as a whole and prolonging its residual effect after treatment.

It is worth emphasizing right away that Fas also has an acaricidal effect, that is, it can also be used against arachnid representatives of a huge family of arthropod pests, for example, ticks and spiders.

Another positive quality of the product is the possibility of its use not only against household parasites, but against plant pests, which are a common problem for gardeners and gardeners - aphids, Colorado potato beetles, caterpillars, whiteflies and others.

It is the dual composition of this seemingly modest product that provides it with such an integrated approach in the fight against arthropod parasites and pests. Among other things, the price of a bag of powder is notable for its low cost.


FAS is applied to the surfaces to be treated using a brush, sponge or spray equipment of various brands. At the same time, all places where insects accumulate and the routes of their movement are treated with an insecticide. Particular attention is paid to cracks, gaps, and baseboards. If the degree of infestation is high, the premises in which parasites were observed, as well as the premises adjacent to them, must be treated.

The consumption rates of the FAS solution depend on the type of surface being treated:

  • moisture-absorbing – 100 ml/square meter;
  • hard, non-absorbent moisture – 50 ml/square meter.

All disinfestation work indoors is carried out with the windows open.

After completing the work, it is necessary to ensure the room is ventilated for half an hour.

The FAS solution applied to the surface is left for 5-8 hours, after which it is washed off with a soda-soap solution prepared at the rate of 27 grams of laundry soap and 50 grams of soda ash per 10 liters of water (bucket). When carrying out wet cleaning, you need to use rubber gloves. Only open surfaces with which people and animals come into contact are subject to treatment. In hard-to-reach places, do not wash off the solution.

Unused insecticide solution must be inactivated. Without prior inactivation, discharging FAS into the sewer system is prohibited.

The premises are re-treated when insects appear or live larvae are found. Disinsection is recommended to be carried out no more than once a month.

Composition and mechanism of action on cockroaches

Fas is a series of broad-spectrum insecticides, characterized by the use of “professional” toxic substances.
The main component in any product in this series is cypermethrin at a concentration of about 1%. This synthetic pesticide is used in medical, sanitary and household pest control to kill flightless insects. Cypermethrin can enter the cockroach's body through the digestive, respiratory system or hair follicles. Like other pyrethroids, it causes synaptic disruption, leading to paralysis and death. Due to its resistance to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes, it remains on treated surfaces for a long time.

One of the most popular products in the series is Super Fas. In addition to cypermethrin, it contains thiamethoxam, which is a neonicotinoid. Very toxic to insects; if ingested, it causes chemical toxicosis; resistant to hydrolysis and exposure to light. This substance began to be used relatively recently. Cockroaches can adapt to cypermethrin, if used alone; It is the combination of two diverse poisons that makes the poison highly effective.

In addition to cypermethrin, Fas Double contains another pyrethroid, esfenvalerate. This is a powerful contact insecticide that blocks the nervous system of insects. The mutual effect of the two poisons is enhanced by the synergist piperonyl butoxide. This combination made it possible to increase the effect on cockroaches and other insects several times.

Precautionary measures

When processing premises, FAS pays special attention to maintaining the safety of exterminators. When working, it is mandatory to use personal protective equipment:

  • general-arms gas mask or respirator with a gas mask cartridge, grade “A”;
  • latex gloves;
  • smock;
  • protective glasses.

Smoking and eating are prohibited in the treated area. After working with the drug, it is recommended to rinse your mouth and nose, as well as wash your face and hands with soap.

Allergy sufferers should use FAS with great caution. It is important to avoid contact with eyes and skin. Remove the solution from the skin with a rag or cotton swab. If the drug gets on the mucous membrane or in the eyes, rinse them with plenty of water or a two percent solution of baking soda. In case of poisoning through the respiratory tract, the victim is taken out into clean air, his work clothes are removed and he is allowed to rinse his mouth and nose with water. After this, the victim needs to take a warm drink to which baking soda has been added (1 teaspoon per glass of liquid).

Gel face

Another form of insecticide from the Fas brand is also quite toxic. Gel Fas against cockroaches is produced in a special tube, similar to a syringe, with a volume of 20 and 75 ml with a convenient spout.

The gel should be applied in dotted lines with a distance of 2-3 cm in places where unwanted guests were noticed, on the back walls of kitchen units, sinks, and bathrooms.

Disadvantages - the poison affects larvae and adults; the poison has no effect on insect eggs. But the poison is long-lasting, which allows you to poison already hatched cockroaches.

Fas is an anti-cockroach gel that will quickly get rid of cockroaches and ants that have infested your home.

The drug is a mildly toxic substance, which allows it to be used at various facilities where people and children stay.


Alexander Petrovich

It really gives results - before that I used 3 types of poisons and the effect was only for a week. After two sprays, the cockroaches disappeared. 2 months passed - so far I have not found a single living cockroach.


Just a shock! I tried a lot of products, but this surprised me because I didn’t expect such an effect. I washed the floors with the solution, wiped the tiles in the kitchen with a sponge, and sprayed it with a flower sprayer in other places where it was available. In the morning, a huge number of cockroaches were lying on the floor with their legs up. Still alive, but it was clear that they were already getting there. I didn't expect there to be so many of them. I'm very pleased. I recommend FAS cockroach repellent.

Efficiency is the key to success

This effect became possible due to the combination of drug particles and chemical elements that were included in the composition. Manufacturers have thought through everything to the smallest detail to make use convenient and the product is sprayed only in those places where it is necessary (special packaging - pollinator). In order to completely treat an apartment, one pack will be enough, since the packaging is designed for an area of ​​up to 60 sq.m.

The article is for informational purposes only, and if you decide to use one of the insecticidal substances at home, it is better to familiarize yourself in more detail with the technology of use and the composition of each drug in person. The instructions, composition and all precautions are written very fully and well on the packaging of powder or tablets. Depending on which drug suits you, anyone can come to the store and ask for the necessary package. Please note that only the person himself is able to make a choice and decide what is suitable for him to destroy parasites.

An expensive substance is not always able to bring benefits and neutralize all living creatures that spoil the lives of apartment residents. As practice shows, only after people tried several substances and then purchased fas, peace came in the living room and they did not have to get rid of the furniture, since most of the drugs offered are not able to help.

Indoor use

Delicia Powder for Ants

Ants climb to the upper floors of houses, settle in walls, under the floor, and insulating material. It is quite difficult to get rid of them using folk methods, since it is necessary to kill the head of the family - the queen, who does not show herself outside, hides in the nest. Anti-ant powder ensures infection of the pest colony within 24 hours.

  • The paths are sprinkled in places where a cluster of ants was discovered, the location of the nest was found, along the trajectory of the insects’ movement. Be sure to treat baseboards, window sills, areas near the trash can, and behind furniture.
  • If the nest is located under the floor, in cracks on the walls, prepare a solution. The powder is diluted in water at room temperature, stirred thoroughly, poured into a spray bottle, the surface is sprayed, and the solution is poured into the cracks with a syringe. This method was invented by the buyers themselves.

Delicia is safe for humans when used correctly. It is necessary to carry out work in rubber gloves, and immediately after the procedure wash your hands with soap. Failure to comply with safety measures, powder getting into the esophagus or respiratory tract causes nausea, headache, weakness, dizziness, and diarrhea. On the skin it provokes an allergic reaction.

Mechanism of action

“Fas” powder against cockroaches has a wide spectrum of damage, capturing any invertebrates with a chitinous covering, from fleas, bedbugs or cockroaches. The drug also acts on beetles, centipedes and ticks (30 species).

In dry form, this product will kill the insect within 24 hours after it gets on its legs or body; when diluted with water, it will kill it after 19 hours. But in order to spray an insecticide on a pest, you will have to open the places of mass accumulation and spray it in the thickest part.

It’s easier with a dry form - scatter along the paths, place on cardboards, plus slip under furniture or appliances, make delicious baits with egg yolk, boiled liver, flour or vanilla sugar.

Even after the complete destruction of insects, it is better to leave the bait and dressing for 1-1.5 months, the substance will be active throughout this period.

Penetrating through chitin, the active component causes stimulation of the nervous system, and then paralysis of the insect. Regardless of the route of entry of the toxic chemical into the pest’s body (through the digestive tract or through the outer integument), the substance dissolves in fat cells, enters the bloodstream and poisons the entire body. And particles of powder on the body of the parasite will fall on their relatives, poisoning the entire population.

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