“Combat” from ants: features and rules of use

“Combat” is one of the most effective drugs against ants. If ants appear in the house, housewives rush to fight them promptly. A sugar bowl full of small swarming insects, cereals mixed with ants and insects endlessly scurrying around the windowsill does not please anyone. Of course, it is easier to destroy pests when there are only a few individuals involved, but sometimes you have to deal with insects that have multiplied in huge numbers. In both cases, Combat can come to the rescue - one of the most effective drugs against ants.


"Combat" is a drug produced in South Korea by Henkel. This company also has subsidiaries in the Russian Federation, so the bulk of the products sold in our country are made in Russia.

This is an aerosol or spray belonging to substances of hazard class 3. It is very dangerous for ants, but practically harmless to humans, so it can be safely used in the kitchen.

An aerosol with a capacity of 400 or 500 ml may have a pleasant lemon or mint scent. This makes processing easier and makes it possible to avoid extensive ventilation of the room after processing. There are also traps. They are highly specialized and designed to kill ants specifically.

“Combat” traps are designed to kill ants specifically.

Types of funds

Combat from ants Henkel products are available in two variations: in the form of an aerosol and a Combat trap.


Aerosol Combat is based on permethrin and tetramethrin. The product belongs to the drugs of the third class of danger, and therefore it is completely safe for human health and pets. However, precautions should still be taken: before processing, it is necessary to remove food, hygiene items, as well as bedding, children's clothes and toys.

On a note!

Another advantage of the spray is the presence of a pleasant aroma. Therefore, there will be no discomfort during processing.

The aerosol is sprayed at a distance of 0.2 m, not only in places where ants move. The instructions for use indicate that all hard-to-reach crevices should be treated with an insecticidal solution (a flexible nozzle is included in the kit for this purpose), as well as places where pests may appear. At the end of the process, you should leave the room for at least 2 hours. To completely get rid of ants, you should re-treat after 2 weeks.

Spray Combat is available in 500 ml bottles, the cost of which is about 450 rubles.


Insect traps Combat The Combat ant trap is a structure with an adhesive base. Thanks to this, the product can be attached even to a vertical surface. Traps are installed near ant nests, as well as where pests most often move. The smell of the bait inside the trap attracts the attention of insects. Having entered such a house, the ant will taste the prepared treat, which contains an insecticidal substance (hydramethylnon). The consequence of such a “feast” is the inevitable death of insects.

On a note!

The manufacturer guarantees complete destruction of pests using the Combat trap for 3 months. However, in practice, effective results can be observed after 3-5 weeks.

One package costing about 300-400 rubles contains 4 traps.

Useful tips on how to get rid of ants (video)

  • Combat SuperSpray destroys all crawling insects, including ants. Its modification is the Combat SuperSpray Plus spray. It is produced in a golden can with a capacity of 500 ml.
  • Combat Multispray also acts on flying insects. This is its fundamental difference. In the kitchen, you can use it to get rid of not only ants, but also wasps. It is produced in a red bottle and has a capacity of 400 ml.
  • The company has also developed bait traps against ants. This is Combat SuperAttack, which is a trap disk containing substances that attract ants. Ants are poisoned in traps and then carry the poison to their nests.

The manufacturing company produces two types of “Combat” aerosol and anti-ant traps

Consumer Reviews

  • “I’ve been using the battalion commander for a long time, because I used to see a lot of ants in the kitchen. I have no idea where they come from, but one thing I can say for sure: no other remedy has ever helped me so effectively. I tried everything, even bought the most expensive substances from 2000 rubles. After preventing the premises, ants still appeared in the apartment. Having purchased the Kombat product a couple of years ago, I became convinced that just because a substance is expensive, this does not mean that it is effective and will give one hundred percent results. The battalion commander actively got rid of all the insects in my apartment. I am very glad that I can now rely on this drug at any moment, and I can also confidently recommend it to my friends and acquaintances.”
  • “I want to say that Combat is an ingenious remedy that in a matter of days helped me get rid of all the red insects. A huge flock was running around my dacha, it was impossible to fight them! After purchasing it, I realized that this drug is really effective and so are all its components. I am probably one of the few buyers who trust the word of their friends’ advice, because this drug was recommended to me by an old friend. By the way, there were also ants at her dacha, which she could not get rid of for a long time. And only thanks to the aerosol, she was able to eradicate absolutely all insects. The same situation happened to me. Therefore, I want to say that you need to trust more the advice of your acquaintances, relatives, and friends. And also, be sure to look at what active ingredients are included in the drug, what the expiration date is and the hazard class for the body - this is very important.”
  • “To be honest, I don’t care what to use against ants. It’s just that Combat was the very first remedy that I came across the first time. You can say that I was very lucky - because at that moment I didn’t even know that this substance, namely the traps, was very effective. Now, I often purchase these baits. Usually, three or four packages, placing them in the corners, and in the morning I wake up and see a large accumulation of insects near the traps. I haven’t recommended the drug to anyone yet, but I think if someone asks me how to poison, I will definitely answer.”

Try to keep ants out of your apartment. After all, these harmful insects live in places where things are not cleaned and where there are often unwashed dishes. Always keep your apartment tidy - this is very important. Don't let these insects take over your living space and tidiness.

Installation of traps and the reaction of ants to them:

Active substance

The action of Combat SuperSpray is based on the use of cyphenothrin and imiprotin. The action of Combat Multispray is based on the use of tetramethrin and permethrin. These substances have a nerve-paralytic effect and are classified as intestinal and contact poisons. They get inside insects when they eat or come into contact with chitin.

Combat SuperAttack contains hydramethylnon, which is a pesticide widely used against parasites. This is an intestinal poison that causes disruption of energy metabolism in cells and the functioning of metachondria, as well as disruption of the functioning of all organs and systems. The death of the insect occurs within 5-7 days after contact. This is extremely important for the fight against ants, since the latter hide their nests in the ceilings between floors in such a way that a person has no way to get to them. Accordingly, it is impossible to destroy the source of infection using aerosols. Otherwise, the ants themselves will bring poison into the nests and destroy the queen.

Chamomile is the main component for producing permethrin poison

Features of ant baiting

The fight against ants with the help of “Combat” should be comprehensive. If insects have infested your home, the first step is to reduce the population. Strong artillery - aerosols - is best suited for these purposes. The potent substances from the pyrmethrin group that they contain kill insects quickly and in large quantities within a few hours. But the nests will still remain out of human reach. Consequently, ants will multiply there again, which will subsequently become regulars in the apartment.

To prevent this and destroy ants in their nests, after using aerosols and destroying a significant part of the population, it is necessary to install Combat traps. The poison in them has a prolonged effect, and ants that have been in traps will poison their fellows in the nests. After a week, almost all the ants will be destroyed. This product is recommended to be used on an ongoing basis as a preventive measure.

We also recommend that you read the article on our website, which tells you how to get rid of ants in the kitchen.

The fight against ants with the help of “Combat” must be comprehensive

Precautionary measures

When spraying, be sure to isolate children in another room, or take the whole family for a walk. Even though the product is low-hazard, when treating an apartment it is necessary that no one is in the room, not even pets. You can spray the product without gloves or a mask, but it is still better to hold your breath. Once the prevention has been carried out, it is very important to open all windows so that the living space is ventilated. When setting bait traps, be vigilant to ensure that children do not play with them or put them in their mouths.

Use of drugs

Aerosols are simply sprayed into the house. They are used to treat ant paths, baseboards, areas behind window sills, ventilation ducts, areas behind trash cans and water pipes, and the backs of cabinets.

Before processing, all products are placed in the refrigerator or on the loggia so that no toxic substances come into contact with them. After treatment, you must thoroughly rinse the entire kitchen so that no toxic substances remain.

Traps are discs containing bait. They are attached using Velcro on the back. They can be attached vertically and horizontally - on the floor, pipes, cabinet surfaces. It is best to place traps in the back of cabinets, near the trash can and pipes, close to ventilation. The package contains 4 trap discs. You need to use everything at once - it will be more reliable.

Efficiency of use

The main secret of success is a good location. A trap for resourceful ants can cause mass death, or it can quietly lie unnoticed. Places need to be thought through. To do this, you just need to watch the insects. Where and where they crawl most often.

  • Insects move in colonies and along designated and well-studied paths. A trap placed for ants in the immediate vicinity will not go unnoticed.
  • Skirting boards and joints between walls and floors. In these places there are cracks and small holes that allow insects to hide.
  • Hard-to-reach places behind kitchen furniture. They are rarely cleaned, garbage and dust accumulate there, there is no bright sunlight, and there is something to profit from.
  • Storage rooms and loggias with insulation.
  • Ventilation shafts, pipelines.
  • Window sills.
  • Traps for annoying ants are checked at least 2 times a week. The effectiveness of the bait is judged by the disappearance of the bait.

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