The drug Cucaracha against bedbugs - we evaluate the effectiveness and features of application

The drug "Cucaracha" is intended to combat various types of insects that are found in human homes. One treatment is enough for a person to get rid of bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches and other insects. The result can be consolidated by re-processing the living space.

The maximum effect from using the product is manifested when the requirements specified in the instructions are strictly followed. Each drug has its own characteristics, which is associated with the nature of the substance’s effect on harmful insects and parasites. At the same time, one should not forget about personal protective equipment, since “cucaracha” is considered a potent remedy.

Release form and mechanism of action

The chemical insect control agent is produced in Russia in the form of a concentrated liquid. Basically, the liquid is packaged in dark bottles of 50 ml, but there is a release form in large volumes - 1 and 5 liters. As a rule, such volumes are intended for special services. The concentrated liquid is used to prepare the active solution. To cope with bedbugs, it is enough to dilute 2.5 ml of this product in 1 liter of warm water.

The insecticide has a contact-intestinal effect. It contains two components - cypermethrin and malathion. This combination of active ingredients allows you to obtain the maximum effect, characterized by the rapid destruction of bedbugs and other dangerous insects.

Effect of the drug on bedbugs

The product “cucaracha” is characterized by the fact that it negatively affects the vital processes of insects immediately after contact with it. After the bugs have had time to taste the liquid, the components penetrate the digestive tract of the parasites, which leads to their death.

The components of a potent drug have different effects on the life processes of insects.

For example:

  • Cypermethrin 20% negatively affects the digestive system of insects. In addition, cypermethrin blocks the functioning of the central nervous system, after which paralysis and death occur.
  • Malathion 10% , despite its weak concentration, enhances the effectiveness of cypermethrin. Due to this, the insect cannot exist normally after paralysis of the nervous system. The substance can quickly evaporate from treated surfaces, but during this period of time it causes significant damage to the population of insects such as bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, ants, etc. This combination of active ingredients practically does not cause an addictive effect.

Another advantage of the product should be noted: its residual effect lasts for one month. After treating the room, the product should not be washed off in hard-to-reach places where bed bugs like to settle. Thanks to this effect, it is possible to get rid of bedbugs for a long time, and maybe forever.

What kind of remedy is this?

A combined insecticide containing such well-known substances as malathion and cypermethrin.

The first is a proven organophosphorus compound, which in the insect's body turns into a very toxic substance that quickly kills the cockroach.

Malathion blocks the transmission of nerve impulses and enhances the effect of cypermethrin.

The pyrethroid cypermethrin significantly slows down the opening and closing of sodium channels in the nervous system, thereby disabling it. As a result, paralysis of all limbs and death of the insect quickly occurs.

Thus, the cockroach’s body receives a powerful blow from two sides at once, so its chances of survival are very small!

ATTENTION! It has been proven that cypermethrin does not cause resistance in insects at all, so it can be used repeatedly. Cucaracha can enter the pest’s body through the digestive tract (intestinal route) and through contact with the external integument of the body

On their paws, cockroaches carry insecticide to the nest, contributing to the poisoning of a large number of pests. In addition, malathion works as a fungicide, poisoning the respiratory tract of insects

Cucaracha can penetrate the pest’s body through the digestive tract (intestinal route) and through contact with the external integument of the body. On their paws, cockroaches carry insecticide to the nest, contributing to the poisoning of a large number of pests. In addition, malathion works as a fungicide, poisoning the respiratory tract of insects.

Description of the drug Cucaracha against cockroaches in the house

The popularity of the drug Cucaracha is due to its lethal composition. The compound of malathion and cypermethrin turns into a highly toxic substance for all insects. The first component is aimed at blocking nerve impulses, enhancing the effect of cypermethrin.

It, in turn, blocks the functioning of the nervous system, paralyzing the insect. Contact with the solution and its entry into the gastrointestinal tract is guaranteed to lead to death.

The big advantage of using this product is that it acts instantly. The additional effect is reduced to the spread of the insecticide in the nests. Cockroaches carry active substances on their feet, infecting the entire colony. In addition to direct contact with the gastrointestinal tract, entry into the respiratory system is fatal for all insects.

Cucaracha is available in plastic bottles of 50 ml and 1 liter in the form of a concentrate. The finished insecticidal solution has a sharp, specific odor, but after a couple of hours of ventilation it completely disappears.

The only peculiarity of its action is its inactivity against insect eggs. For a long-term effect, you will have to treat the room after 13-15 days.


The drug "Cucaracha" has mostly exclusively positive reviews from owners and special services. If you strictly follow the instructions for use, you can quickly get rid of bedbugs and other insects.

The advantage of the drug is:

  • In high efficiency.
  • Long-lasting, up to 4 weeks.
  • In an effective combination of components.
  • In the rapid death of insects after surface treatment.
  • At an affordable price for the drug.
  • Ease of use.
  • Available for independent use.

How effective is the insecticide?

Regarding effectiveness, we can say with confidence that the cucaracha brings results. But there is no point in hoping that you treated the premises today and forgot about the bedbugs tomorrow. If there are a lot of bedbugs, then several treatments will be required. If the quantity is small, it is much easier to deal with them, but repeated treatments will also be required.

It should be remembered that the cucaracha destroys adult individuals and is also effective against larvae, but egg laying remains intact. Therefore, you will still have to fight with young individuals. The main thing is not to miss this moment, so that they do not have time to multiply and again turn into a huge colony. And the process of reproduction in these insects occurs very quickly.

Instructions for use

The concentrated liquid is diluted in water and then poured into a spray bottle. All places are treated with the product, especially hard-to-reach places where bedbugs can hide. In any case, you need to carefully study the instructions, since this drug is poisonous.

How to dilute the drug Cucaracha

You need to do this:

  • First of all, you need to find a container in which to prepare the product. If the volume of work is large, then you can take a plastic bucket and slightly heat the water.
  • A mandatory component is protective clothing, gloves and a respirator.
  • The third part of the liquid is poured into the bucket, after which the entire bottle of insecticide is poured into it and stirred with a wooden stick.
  • After this, the remaining volume of water is added to the bucket and mixed thoroughly.
  • The working composition must be used immediately after preparation.
  • You cannot heat the water too much; it should be lukewarm, otherwise the malathion will quickly evaporate.

Need to know! When preparing the amount of solution, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the surfaces being treated. If you have to treat wood, it actively absorbs liquid, which means that the consumption of the drug will increase. To treat a living area of ​​50-60 square meters, you will have to purchase 50 or even more milliliters of concentrate.

What areas require treatment?

Bedbugs prefer to be in hard-to-reach areas where the sun's rays do not penetrate, where there is a lot of dust and where it is warm. Therefore, such areas require very careful treatment. In such places, bedbugs usually lay eggs.

Therefore you will have to process:

  • Back walls of upholstered furniture.
  • Wooden headboards.
  • Bottom surfaces of mattresses.
  • Wooden details of a bedroom set.
  • Backs of cabinets and chests of drawers.
  • The area under the window sills.
  • On the reverse side, decorative elements located on the walls are processed.
  • Gaps in window sills, floors, baseboards, as well as holes near pipes and corners.

Disinfestation stages

Surface treatment consists of several stages:

  • First of all, it is necessary to determine the areas where the parasites are concentrated.
  • Purchase one or more bottles of poison at a retail outlet.
  • Prepare the room.
  • Evacuate all living creatures, carefully pack food.
  • Take personal safety measures.
  • Prepare the current solution.
  • Treat surfaces with a spray bottle.
  • Do not enter the premises for 4 hours.
  • After 4 hours, ventilate the apartment or house well and wash off the toxic substance from surfaces that you come into contact with every day. To do this, you can use a soap solution.
  • Take preventive measures to prevent parasites from appearing again.
  • If necessary, the treatment can be repeated after a week.

Cucaracha: quick cockroach death!

If cockroaches are running around the kitchen, then you are in danger. Insects won't eat you. They can infect some unpleasant disease, pests spoil food and make the general appearance of the home somewhat unpleasant.

There is no need to catch cockroaches with your hands - it is difficult and useless.

It is much more effective to use special products, which are sold in a wide range by relevant stores. One of them is Cucaracha for cockroaches. What are its benefits, how quickly does it kill insects and are there any safety regulations?

Composition and route of exposure

Cucaracha is an emulsion packaged in bottles. The main active ingredients are malathion and cypermethrin. They are very powerful, especially when combined with each other. An insect that comes under their influence loses its life within 30 minutes. The indicator is not absolute, it all depends on the characteristics of cockroaches in a particular region, but the figure is impressive!

Cucaracha infects cockroaches through the digestive system, as well as by penetrating chitin upon external contact. The insect has virtually no chance of survival. That's not all - the emulsion sticks to the cockroach's legs, the poison ends up in the nest. Its relatives become infected, and mass death of insects occurs.

The effect of the insecticide lasts 30 days, during which time there will be no new cockroaches. There is a minus - the eggs will remain uninfected, so after applying Cucarachi, additional treatment of the room will be required.

Reference. The product in question is universal - it destroys not only cockroaches, but also bedbugs, as well as other pests.

Cucaracha should not be smeared on the surface immediately after opening the bottle - you need to prepare a working solution. To do this, 3 ml of emulsion should be diluted in a liter of water.

Please note that for maximum effectiveness, the water should be cool, not icy.

The room needs to be prepared for processing:

  • pets and plants are removed (we send the children after them);
  • general cleaning is done;
  • food products are put into the refrigerator, the refrigerator is sealed with tape.

After this, the solution is sprayed with a spray bottle in places where insects are most densely concentrated.

Particular attention should be paid to various crevices, the space behind baseboards and the back walls of furniture

It would also be a good idea to treat surfaces adjacent to the sleeping areas of pets (this should be done with great care, since Cucaracha is dangerous for pets)

It would also be a good idea to treat surfaces adjacent to the sleeping areas of pets (this must be done with great care, since Cucaracha is dangerous for pets). Spray the ventilation grilles, especially if you are sure that the insects are coming from neighbors

Spray the ventilation grilles, especially if you are sure that the insects are coming from neighbors.

Important. Regardless of the results, re-treatment should be carried out after 14 days.

The procedure is necessary for the complete extermination of insects that may have survived in secluded corners.

Cucaracha is very poisonous. It can lead to fatal poisoning of pets, and humans can also suffer seriously from exposure to chemicals. For safety you should:

  • use protective gloves and a mask (it is best to cover the entire body with overalls);
  • After treatment, the room should be left for 5 hours, leaving the windows open for ventilation.

Also, for 2-3 hours you need to carefully “listen” to your well-being. If poisoning occurs, the following symptoms will occur:

  • nausea;
  • Strong headache;
  • convulsions;
  • dizziness;
  • lack of coordination.

If signs of intoxication persist for more than 2 hours, then you should definitely consult a doctor - this is vitally important!

My husband tried many remedies for cockroaches, some helped for a while, others turned out to be completely useless. We tried Cucaracha and were stunned - the insects disappeared after about 8 hours. We recommend!

Diana, Moscow

I haven't seen anything better yet. Cucaracha destroyed all the cockroaches in three hours. After 2 weeks they appeared again. The reason is that I refused to treat the room for insect eggs.

Elena, Saratov

A very powerful insecticide - all the pests died within 24 hours. But my dog ​​was poisoned - she vomited and started having convulsions. The symptoms of poisoning went away on their own within a few hours. This once again emphasizes the need to comply with safety regulations.

Mikhail, Lipetsk

Precautionary measures

In the case of self-treatment of premises from bedbugs, it should be remembered that the “cucaracha” product is a potent insecticide of prolonged action, and therefore requires the use of personal protective equipment. If this is not done, then negative reactions of the body may occur, in the form of vomiting, nausea, headache, etc.

To protect yourself from these consequences, you must:

  • First of all, you will have to carefully study the instructions for using this product.
  • If people prone to allergies or expectant mothers live in an apartment or house, then it is better to avoid using this product.
  • Prepare old, thick, unnecessary long-sleeved clothing, plastic glasses, medical gloves and a respirator. It is better to wear shoe covers on your shoes.
  • During work, you need to ensure that the container with the working solution is not too close.
  • Control the spraying process so that drops of the active solution cannot get on human skin.
  • If the solution is not completely used, then its remains cannot be poured into the sewer and, especially, into an open reservoir. You can ask special services workers how to properly dispose of a toxic substance.

On a note! If side effects occur, surface treatment should be stopped immediately. If there is an unpleasant taste in the mouth, dizziness, nausea, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, headaches, and, moreover, if they do not go away after some time after stopping treatment, then it is better to seek help from a doctor.

Preparing the premises for disinfestation

  • Pack clothes, tablecloths, curtains and other textiles into bags (at the end of disinfestation, all clothes should be washed or dry cleaned).
  • Pack all food items, place them in the refrigerator or take them out of the apartment.
  • Remove people and animals from the premises.
  • Wallpaper that is loose from the walls must be torn off, as bedbugs or cockroaches often hide behind them.
  • Move furniture away from the walls and disassemble those that can be disassembled. This is necessary for maximum detection of pest nests.
  • Remove all hanging decorative elements (paintings, posters, tear off baseboards).
  • Be sure to use personal protective equipment: clothing, shoes, rubber gloves, respirator and goggles.
  • Carry out a wet cleaning of the room, as this will enhance the effect of the drug (dust always interferes).

The product "CUCARACHA" is toxic and corresponds to hazard class 3. When processing, use personal protective equipment (see above). In case of contact with exposed skin or other parts of the body, rinse the area with running water. At the first signs of poisoning (nausea, vomiting, dizziness), stop treatment immediately and consult a doctor.


Most reviews are positive, since bedbugs can be eliminated after the first treatment. Many owners believe that Cucaracha has a number of positive qualities, the main thing is not to overheat the solution.

The appearance of bedbugs in a person’s home is a serious problem that needs to be gotten rid of. The sooner this happens, the better. Some owners turn to special services that deal with pest control, while others decide to do it on their own. In any case, you should strictly adhere to the instructions for use, since Cucaracha has a high degree of toxicity. The slightest mistake can lead to poisoning of the body.

You should also be aware that the use of chemical insect control agents is limited in various situations. This is also written in the instructions, although similar information can be obtained from the seller who sells this type of product.

This product has an affordable price, so it is available to citizens of any category.

Cost of the drug

In Moscow, cucaracha for bedbugs costs 200-400 rubles for a small bottle. You need to calculate how many bottles will be needed to treat the apartment. Usually more than 5 bottles are not used. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy a large package of the product, although it turns out cheaper - about 1,500 rubles per 1 liter. But this amount is taken for disinfestation of large premises, institutions, and kindergartens.

If there is unused product left after purchase, you can store it for no more than 2 years. The bottle should be placed away from heating devices and not exposed to sunlight. It is important to ensure that it is tightly closed.

On a note! This product is sold in hardware stores or points selling gardening supplies. But if necessary, it can be easily ordered online. At the same time, the price will be lower, and the drug will be delivered directly to your home.

Prevention of recurrence

Cleaned premises can be re-infested with bloodsuckers. To prevent this you need to follow simple rules:

  • carefully check your luggage after returning home from trips;
  • do not buy furniture at sales or secondhand;
  • if such furniture is purchased, carefully treat it before bringing it into the house;
  • do not bring discarded furniture into the house;
  • weekly check possible hiding places for bedbugs - beds, mattresses, bedside areas;
  • part with parquet and wallpaper, replacing them with interior wall painting, laminate or tiles.

Any premises can be infected, regardless of the income of its owners. Bedbugs enter the premises in various ways - they are brought in on the soles of shoes, with luggage, purchased furniture, or from neighboring premises. It is necessary to find and reliably block these paths.

When purchasing an apartment on the secondary market, you need to pay attention to signs indicating the presence of bedbugs: a sour “wine” smell in the room, traces of excrement on the wallpaper. Purchasing such an apartment will entail additional costs for processing and cleaning the premises.


Cucarachi solution should be sprayed in all places that could become a hiding place for bedbugs. Start processing from the door and move clockwise along the walls of the room.

3-4 hours after treatment, open the windows and ventilate the rooms for at least 4-5 hours. Then you need to thoroughly clean all treated surfaces with a vacuum cleaner; from surfaces with which people will come into contact, wash off the remaining poison with a soda solution (doors, furniture, bedside tables, windows and window sills). You can also use a soap solution.

Preparation of the solution

Only after you have put on protective equipment can you start working with the drug.

Prepare the solution:

  • It is necessary to warm up the water a little, it should be slightly warm, nothing more, otherwise the activity of the substances will decrease.
  • It is necessary to pour the third part of all the water into any container, then add the product and mix well.
  • After this, add the remaining water and mix again.
  • Pour into a container with a spray bottle.

Remember that surfaces such as wood absorb liquid, so they will require 2 times more consumption. Approximate consumption for an area of ​​50 sq.m. 50ml.

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